OUP Catalogue
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- Australian Taxation Law 2017 27th edition
- Robin Woellner, Stephen Barkoczy, Shirley Murphy, Chris Evans and Dale Pinto
- Australian Taxation Study Manual: Questions and Suggested Solutions
- Les Nethercott, Ken Devos and Livia Gonzaga
- Australian Taxation Study Manual: Questions and Suggested Solutions
- Leslie Nethercott, Ken Devos and Grant Richardson
- Authoritarianism and Underdevelopment: Pakistan (1947-58): The Role of Punjab
- Lubna Saif
- Autos and Progress: The Brazilian Search for Modernity
- Joel Wolfe
- Bank Collections and Payment Transactions: A Comparative Legal Analysis
- Benjamin Geva
- Banking on Markets: The Transformation of Bank-State Ties in Europe and Beyond
- Rachel A Epstein
- Banking Regulation and Globalization
- Andreas Busch
- Banking Regulation and Globalization
- Andreas Busch
- Banking Regulators
- Edited by , Richmond Law & Tax
- Banking Strategy, Credit Appraisal, and Lending Decisions: A Risk-Return Framework
- Hrishikes Bhattacharya
- Banking: A Very Short Introduction
- John Goddard and John Wilson
- Bankruptcy to Billions: How the Indian Railways Transformed
- Sudhir Kumar
- Bankruptcy to Billions: How the Indian Railways Transformed
- Sudhir Kumar and Shagun Mehrotra
- Basic Education in Rural Pakistan: A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Government, Private and NGO Schools
- Shahrukh Rafi Khan
- Battling Corruption: Has NREGA Reached India's Rural Poor?
- Shylashri Shankar and Raghav Gaiha
- Bayesian Epistemology
- Luc Bovens and Stephan Hartmann
- Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models
- Luc Bauwens, Michel Lubrano and Jean-Francois Richard
- Bayesian Smoothing and Regression for Longitudinal, Spatial and Event History Data
- Ludwig Fahrmeir and Thomas Kneib
- Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry
- Geoffrey Jones
- Beeronomics: How Beer Explains the World
- Johan Swinnen and Devin Briski
- Before European Hegemony: The World System AD 1250-1350
- Janet L. Abu-Lughod
- Behavioral Economics and Public Health
- Edited by Christina A. Roberto and Ichiro Kawachi
- Behavioural Economics: A Very Short Introduction
- Michelle Baddeley
- Beveridge and Social Security: An International Retrospective
- Edited by John Hills, John Ditch and Howard Glennerster
- Beware the Winner's Curse: Victories that Can Sink You and Your Company
- G. Anandalingam and Henry C. Lucas
- Beyond Continuity: Institutional Change in Advanced Political Economies
- Edited by Wolfgang Streeck and Kathleen Thelen
- Beyond Experiments in Development Economics: Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation
- J. Edward Taylor and Mateusz Filipski
- Beyond GDP: Measuring Welfare and Assessing Sustainability
- Marc Fleurbaey and Didier Blanchet
- Beyond Greed and Fear: Understanding Behavioral Finance and the Psychology of Investing
- Hersh Shefrin
- Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology
- Jim MacNeill, Pieter Winsemius and Taizo Yakushiji
- Beyond Junk Bonds: Expanding High Yield Markets
- Glenn Yago and Susanne Trimbath
- Beyond the Carbon Economy: Energy Law in Transition
- Edited by Don Zillman, Catherine Redgwell, Yinka Omorogbe and Lila K. Barrera-Hernandez
- Beyond the Crisis: The Governance of Europe's Economic, Political and Legal Transformation
- Edited by Mark Dawson, Henrik Enderlein and Christian Joerges
- Beyond the Random Walk: A Guide to Stock Market Anomalies and Low-Risk Investing
- Vijay Singal
- Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, Contradictions, and Complementarities in the European Economy
- Edited by Bob Hancke, Martin Rhodes and Mark Thatcher
- Bhutan: New Pathways to Growth
- Edited by Sabyasachi Mitra and Hoe Yun Jeong
- Big Business: The European Experience in the Twentieth Century
- Youssef Cassis
- Biodiversity Land Use Change and Human Well being: A Study of Aquaculture in the Indian Sundarbans
- Kanchan Chopra, Preeti Kapuria and Pushpam Kumar
- Bioeconomics of Invasive Species: Integrating Ecology, Economics, Policy, and Management
- Edited by Reuben P. Keller, David M. Lodge, Mark A. Lewis and Jason F. Shorgen
- Biography of a Subject: An Evolution of Development Economics
- Gerald M. Meier
- Bioinvasions and Globalization: Ecology, Economics, Management, and Policy
- Edited by Charles Perrings, Harold Mooney and Mark Williamson
- Biomass, Energy, and Environment: A Developing Country Perspective from India
- N. H. Ravindranath and D. O. Hall
- Biomedical and Demographic Determinants of Reproduction
- Edited by Ronald Gray, Henri Leridon and Alfred Spira
- Black Market Britain: 1939-1955
- Mark Roodhouse
- Blackstone's Guide to the Consumer Credit Act 2006
- Richard Mawrey QC and Toby Riley-Smith
- Blackstone's Guide to the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000
- Edited by Michael Blair QC
- Blackstone's Guide to the Pensions Act 2004
- Edited by Martin Jenkins and Martin Poore
- Blame it on the WTO?: A Human Rights Critique

- Sarah Joseph
- Blame it on the WTO?: A Human Rights Critique
- Sarah Joseph
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