OUP Catalogue
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- Case Studies for Organizational Communication: Understanding Communication Processes
- Edited by Joann Keyton and Pamela Shockley-Zalabak
- Case Studies in Applied Microeconomics
- Hafiz A. Pasha, Nuzhat Ahmad and Yasmin Jamal
- Case Studies in Contracting and Organization
- Edited by Scott Masten
- Casino Capitalism: How the Financial Crisis Came About and What Needs to be Done Now
- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Casino Capitalism: How the Financial Crisis Came About and What Needs to be Done Now
- Hans-Werner Sinn
- Catch Up: Developing Countries in the World Economy
- Deepak Nayyar
- Catch Up: Developing Countries in the World Economy
- Deepak Nayyar
- Catching Capital: The Ethics of Tax Competition
- Peter Dietsch
- Categories and Contexts: Anthropological and Historical Studies in Critical Demography
- Edited by Simon Szreter, Hania Sholkamy and A. Dharmalingam
- Celebrating Statistics: Papers in honour of Sir David Cox on his 80th birthday
- Edited by A. C. Davison, Yadolah Dodge and N. Wermuth
- Central Asia in World History
- Peter B. Golden
- Central Banks in the Age of the Euro: Europeanization, Convergence, and Power
- Edited by Kenneth Dyson and Martin Marcussen
- Central Banks into the Breach: From Triumph to Crisis and the Road Ahead
- Pierre Siklos
- Central Control and Local Discretion in China: Leadership and Implementation during Post-Mao Decollectivization
- Jae Ho Chung
- Centre and Provinces: China 1978-93: Power as Non-Zero-Sum
- Linda Chelan Li
- Century of the Leisured Masses: Entertainment and the Transformation of Twentieth-Century America
- David George Surdam
- Chains of Finance: How Investment Management is Shaped
- Diane-Laure Arjalies, Philip Grant, Iain Hardie, Donald MacKenzie and Ekaterina Svetlova
- Challenging Health Economics
- Gavin Mooney
- Changing Asian Business Systems: Globalization, Socio-Political Change, and Economic Organization
- Edited by Richard Whitley and Xiaoke Zhang
- Changing Capitalisms?: Internationalization, Institutional Change, and Systems of Economic Organization
- Edited by Glenn Morgan, Richard Whitley and Eli Moen
- Changing Capitalisms?: Internationalization, Institutional Change, and Systems of Economic Organization
- Edited by Glenn Morgan, Richard Whitley and Eli Moen
- Changing Fortunes: Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics in Britain
- Stephen Jenkins
- Changing Governance of Local Economies: Responses of European Local Production Systems
- Colin Crouch, Patrick Le Gales, Carlo Trigilia and Helmut Voelzkow
- Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences
- Edited by Brian Nolan, Wiemer Salverda, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István Tóth and Herman G. van de Werfhorst
- Changing Inequalities and Societal Impacts in Rich Countries: Thirty Countries' Experiences
- Edited by Brian Nolan, Wiemer Salverda, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István Tóth and Herman G. van de Werfhorst
- Changing Inequalities in Rich Countries: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives
- Edited by Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István Tóth and Herman van de Werfhorst
- Changing Inequalities in Rich Countries: Analytical and Comparative Perspectives
- Edited by Wiemer Salverda, Brian Nolan, Daniele Checchi, Ive Marx, Abigail McKnight, István Tóth and Herman van de Werfhorst
- Changing Perceptions, Altered Reality: Pakistan's Economy under Musharraf, 1999-2006
- Javed Burki
- Changing Policy Regimes and Corporate Performance
- Pandit,
- Changing Times: Work and Leisure in Postindustrial Society
- Jonathan Gershuny
- Changing Times: Work and Leisure in Postindustrial Society
- Jonathan Gershuny
- Changing Welfare States
- Anton Hemerijck
- Charitable Giving and Tax Policy: A Historical and Comparative Perspective
- Edited by Gabrielle Fack and Camille Landais
- Charters and Custumals of Shaftesbury Abbey, 1089-1216
- Edited by N. E. Stacy
- Charters and Custumals of the Abbey of Holy Trinity Caen
- Edited by Marjorie Chibnall
- Chasing the American Dream: Understanding What Shapes Our Fortunes
- Mark Robert Rank, with Thomas A. Hirschl and Foster, and with Kirk A.
- Chasing the American Dream: Understanding What Shapes Our Fortunes
- Mark Rank, Thomas Hirschl and Kirk Foster
- Chemistry of the Amazon: Biodiversity, Natural Products, and Environmental Issues
- Edited by Peter Rudolf Seidl, Otto Richard Gottlieb and Maria Auxiliadora Coelho Kaplan
- Chemistry of Variable Charge Soils
- Edited by T. R. Yu
- Child Labour in India: Globalization, Power, and the Politics of International Children's Rights
- Gurchathen S. Sanghera
- Child Poverty in Canada
- Patrizia Albanese
- Children of Austerity: Impact of the Great Recession on Child Poverty in Rich Countries
- Edited by Bea Cantillon, Yekaterina Chzhen, Sudhanshu Handa and Brian Nolan
- China and Cybersecurity: Espionage, Strategy, and Politics in the Digital Domain
- Edited by Jon R. Lindsay, Tai Ming Cheung and Derek S. Reveron
- China and Japan: History, Trends, and Prospects
- Edited by Christopher Howe
- China as an Innovation Nation
- Edited by Yu Zhou, William Lazonick and Yifei Sun
- China Goes Global: The Partial Power
- David Shambaugh
- China Human Development Report 1999: Transition and the State
- Undp,
- China in World History
- Paul Ropp
- China Modernizes: Threat to the West or Model for the Rest?
- Randall Peerenboom
- China Trade and Empire: Jardine, Matheson & Co. and the Origins of British Rule in Hong Kong, 1827-1843
- Edited by Alain Le Pichon
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