OUP Catalogue
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- Karachi: Megacity of Our Times
- Edited by Hamida Khuhro and Anwer Mooraj
- Karachi: The Land Issue
- Arif Hasan, Noman Ahmed, Mansoor Raza, Saeed Uddin Ahmed, Moizza B. Sarwar and Asiya Sadiq-Polack
- Kazakhstan 2050: Toward a Modern Society for All
- Edited by Aktoty Aitzhanova, Shigeo Katsu, Johannes F. Linn and Vladislav Yezhov
- Keeping Better Company: Corporate Governance Ten Years On
- Jonathan Charkham
- Kenya: Policies for Prosperity
- Edited by Christopher Adam, Paul Collier and Njuguna Ndung'u
- Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies
- Edited by Gita Dharmpal Frick, Monika Kirolskar Steinbach, Rachel Dwyer and Jahnavi Phalkey
- Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries: 1992: Volume XXIII
- Asian Development Bank,
- Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries: 1993: Volume XXIV
- Asian Development Bank,
- Key Indicators of Developing Asian and Pacific Countries: 1999: Volume XXX
- Asian Development Bank,
- Keynes and his Critics: Treasury Responses to the Keynesian Revolution, 1925-1946
- Edited by G. C. Peden
- Keynes on Population
- John Toye
- Keynes's Vision: A New Political Economy
- Athol Fitzgibbons
- Keynes: A Very Short Introduction
- Robert Skidelsky
- Keynesian Reflections: Effective Demand, Money, Finance, and Policies in the Crisis
- Edited by Toshiaki Hirai, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo and Perry Mehrling
- Kleinwort Benson: The History of Two Families in Banking
- Jehanne Wake
- Knights, Raiders, and Targets: The Impact of the Hostile Takeover
- Edited by John C. Coffee, Louis Lowenstein and Susan Rose-Ackerman
- Knowledge and Coordination: A Liberal Interpretation
- Daniel Klein
- Knowledge and Coordination: A Liberal Interpretation
- Daniel Klein
- Knowledge Capitalism: Business, Work, and Learning in the New Economy
- Alan Burton-Jones
- Knowledge Emergence: Social, Technical and Evolutionary Dimensions of Knowledge Creation
- Ikujiro Nonaka and Toshihiro Nishiguchi
- Knowledge of the Land: Land resource information and its use in rural development
- Barry Dalal-Clayton and Dent David
- Korea under Siege, 1876-1945: Capital Formation and Economic Transformation
- Young-Iob Chung
- Labor Economics: Principles in Practice
- Kenneth McLaughlin
- Labor Movement: How Migration Regulates Labor Markets
- Harald Bauder
- Labor Supply and Taxation
- Richard Blundell
- Labour and the Political Economy in Israel
- Michael Shalev
- Labour in Contemporary India
- Praveen Jha
- Labour Law in an Era of Globalization: Transformative Practices and Possibilities
- Edited by Joanne Conaghan, Richard Michael Fischl and Karl Klare
- Labour Law in an Era of Globalization: Transformative Practices and Possibilities
- Edited by Joanne Conaghan, Richard Michael Fischl and Karl Klare
- Labour Market and Retirement Interactions: A new perspective on employment for older workers
- Edited by Jean-Olivier Hairault and Francois Langot
- Labour Market Inequalities: Problems and Policies of Low-Wage Employment in International Perspective
- Edited by Mary Gregory, Wiemer Salverda and Stephen Bazen
- Labour Markets, Poverty, and Development
- Edited by Giorgio Barba Navaretti, Riccardo Faini and Giovanni Zanalda
- Ladakh: Crossroads of High Asia
- Janet Rizvi
- Land Administration
- Peter Dale and John McLaughlin
- Land of the Fee: Hidden Costs and the Decline of the American Middle Class
- Devin Fergus
- Land Reform in Russia, 1906-1917: Peasant Responses to Stolypin's Project of Rural Transformation
- Judith Pallot
- Land Rights: Oxford Amnesty Lectures
- Edited by Timothy Chesters
- Land, Politics and Trade in South Asia
- Edited by Sanjay Subrahmanyam
- Landowners, Capitalists, and Entrepreneurs: Essays for Sir John Habakkuk
- Edited by F. M. L. Thompson
- Landownership in Eastern Germany Before the Great War: A Quantitative Analysis
- Scott M. Eddie
- Language Policy and Political Economy: English in a Global Context
- Edited by Thomas Ricento
- Large Firms and Institutional Change: Industrial Renewal and Economic Restructuring in France
- Bob Hancke
- Last Rights: Liquidating a Company
- Ben S. Branch, Hugh M. Ray and Robin Russell
- Last Stand: Protected Areas and the Defense of Tropical Biodiversity
- Edited by Randall Kramer, Carel van Schaik and Julie Johnson
- Latin America's Multicultural Movements: The Struggle Between Communitarianism, Autonomy, and Human Rights
- Edited by Todd A. Eisenstadt, Michael S. Danielson, Moises Jaime Bailon Corres and Carlos Sorroza Polo
- Law and Economics
- Edited by Satish Jain
- Law and Economics in European Merger Control
- Ulrich Schwalbe and Daniel Zimmer
- Law and Economics with Chinese Characteristics: Institutions for Promoting Development in the Twenty-First Century
- Edited by David Kennedy and Joseph Stiglitz
- Law and Informal Practices: The Post-Communist Experience
- Edited by Denis J. Galligan and Marina Kurkchiyan
- Law and Legal Theory in England and America
- Richard Posner
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