OUP Catalogue
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- Law, Economics, and Morality
- Eyal Zamir and Barak Medina
- Law, Psychology, and Morality: The Role of Loss Aversion
- Eyal Zamir
- Leadership: Classical, Contemporary, and Critical Approaches
- Edited by Keith Grint
- Leading Issues in Economic Development
- Gearld Meier and James Rauch
- Leading Russia: Putin in Perspective: Essays in Honour of Archie Brown
- Alex Pravda
- Learning to be Capitalists: Entrepreneurs in Vietnam's Transition Economy
- Annette Miae Kim
- Lectures on Economic and Financial Sector Reforms in India
- Reddy,
- Lectures on Economic and Financial Sector Reforms in India
- Y. V. Reddy
- Legal Aspects of Carbon Trading: Kyoto, Copenhagen, and beyond
- Edited by David Freestone and Charlotte Streck
- Legal Aspects of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms: Making Kyoto Work
- Edited by David Freestone and Charlotte Streck
- Legal Foundations of International Monetary Stability
- Rosa Maria Lastra
- Legality and Legitimacy in Global Affairs
- Edited by Richard Falk, Mark Juergensmeyer and Vesselin Popovski
- Legislating International Organization: The US Congress, the IMF, and the World Bank
- Kathryn Lavelle
- Lessons from Pension Reform in the Americas
- Edited by Stephen J. Kay and Tapen Sinha
- Letterbook of Greg & Cunningham, 1756-57: Merchants of New York and Belfast
- Edited by Thomas M. Truxes
- Letters of Credit and Bank Guarantees under International Trade Law
- Matti S. Kurkela
- Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development
- Edited by Laszlo Bruszt and Gerald A. McDermott
- Leveling the Playing Field: Transnational Regulatory Integration and Development
- Edited by Laszlo Bruszt and Gerald A. McDermott
- Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists and Arguments for the Welfare State
- Edited by Roger Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman, Tamotsu Nishizawa and Dieter Plehwe
- Liberalism, Justice, and Markets: A Critique of Liberal Equality
- Colin M. Macleod
- Liberalization and Development
- Deepak Nayyar
- Liberalization and Development: Collected Essays
- Edited by Deepak Nayyar
- Liberalizing Capital Flows: India's Experiences and Policy Issues
- Renu Kohli
- Liberalizing Capital Flows: India's Experiences and Policy Issues
- Renu Kohli
- Liberalizing Foodgrains: Experiences, Impacts and Lessons from South Asia
- Edited by Anand Ganesh-Kumar, Devesh Roy and Ashok Gulati
- Lie Groups: An Introduction Through Linear Groups
- Wulf Rossmann
- Life After Privatization
- Raj Chari
- Life Histories and Psychobiography: Explorations in Theory and Method
- William McKinley Runyan
- Life on the Line in Contemporary Manufacturing: The Workplace Experience of Lean Production and the `Japanese' Model
- Rick Delbridge
- Likelihood-Based Inference in Cointegrated Vector Autoregressive Models
- Soren Johansen
- Limits to Globalization: The Disruptive Geographies of Capitalist Development
- Eric Sheppard
- Linking EU and National Governance
- Edited by Beate Kohler-Koch
- Linking the Formal and Informal Economy: Concepts and Policies
- Edited by Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Ravi Kanbur and Elinor Ostrom
- Liquidity and Crises
- Edited by Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jan Krahnen and Marcel Tyrell
- Liquidity and Crises
- Edited by Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Jan Krahnen and Marcel Tyrell
- Liquidity Lost: The Governance of the Global Financial Crisis
- Paul Langley
- Liquidity Lost: The Governance of the Global Financial Crisis
- Paul Langley
- Living in the Eighties
- Edited by Gil Troy and Vincent J. Cannato
- Living Rivers, Dying Rivers
- Edited by Ramaswamy R. Iyer
- Living Standards in the Past: New Perspectives on Well-Being in Asia and Europe
- Edited by Robert Allen, Tommy Bengtsson and Martin Dribe
- Living Within Limits: Ecology, Economics, and Population Taboos
- Garrett Hardin
- Living without Silver: The Monetary History of Early Medieval North India
- John S. Deyell
- LNG Markets in Transition: The Great Reconfiguration
- Edited by Anne-Sophie Corbeau and David Ledesma
- Local Business Voice: The History of Chambers of Commerce in Britain, Ireland, and Revolutionary America, 1760-2011
- Robert Bennett
- Local Government Development in Post-war Japan
- Edited by Michio Muramatsu, Farrukh Iqbal and Ikuo Kume
- Local Players in Global Games: The Strategic Constitution of a Multinational Corporation
- Peer Hull Kristensen and Jonathan Zeitlin
- Local Production Systems in Europe: Rise or Demise?
- Colin Crouch, Patrick Le Gales, Carlo Trigilia and Helmut Voelzkow
- Locke on Money: Volume I
- Edited by Patrick Hyde Kelly
- Locke on Money: Volume II
- Edited by Patrick Hyde Kelly
- Logic on the Track of Social Change
- David Braybrooke, Bryson Brown and Peter K. Schotch
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