OUP Catalogue
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- Poverty and Undernutrition: Theory, Measurement, and Policy
- Peter Svedberg
- Poverty Dynamics: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
- Edited by Tony Addison, David Hulme and Ravi Kanbur
- Poverty in Canada
- Raghubar Sharma
- Poverty Reduction in the Course of African Development
- Edited by Machiko Nissanke and Muna Ndulo
- Poverty, Agrarian Structure, and Political Economy in India: Selected Essays
- Pranab Bardhan
- Poverty, Inequality and Health: An International Perspective
- Edited by David Leon and Gill Walt
- Poverty, Inequality, and Population: Essays in Development and Applied Management
- D. Jayaraj and S. Subramanian
- Poverty, Inequality, and Population: Essays in Development and Applied Measurement
- D. Jayaraj and S. Subramanian
- Poverty, Wealth, and Well-Being: Experiencing Penia in Democratic Athens
- Claire Taylor
- Poverty: A Very Short Introduction
- Philip Jefferson
- Power and Property in Medieval Germany: Economic and Social Change c.900-1300
- Benjamin Arnold
- Power, Policy, and Protest: The Politics of India's Special Economic Zones
- Edited by Rob Jenkins, Loraine Kennedy and Partha Mukhopadhyay
- Powers of Persuasion: The Inside Story of British Advertising 1951-2000
- Winston Fletcher
- Practical Banking and Building Society Law
- Anu Arora
- Prelude to Political Economy: A Study of the Social and Political Foundations of Economics
- Kaushik Basu
- Prelude to Political Economy: A Study of the Social and Political Foundations of Economics
- Kaushik Basu
- Price Rigidity: Causes and Macroeconomic Implications
- Torben M. Andersen
- Prices in Financial Markets
- Michael U. Dothan
- Pricing and Hedging of Derivative Securities
- Lars Nielsen
- Pricing Decisions in the Euro Area: How Firms Set Prices and Why
- Edited by Silvia Fabiani, Claire Loupias, Fernando Martins and Roberto Sabbatini
- Principled Agents?: The Political Economy of Good Government
- Timothy Besley
- Principles in Health Economics and Policy
- Jan Abel Olsen
- Principles of Accounts for CSEC
- David Austen and Jacqueline Halls-Bryan
- Principles of Banking Law
- Ross Cranston
- Principles of Business for CSEC
- Peter Stimpson
- Principles of Corporate Finance Law
- Eilis Ferran
- Principles of Cost Accounting
- Peter Kamala, Jean Struwig, Marina Bornman, Renier Boersman, Minette Vermaak, Melissa McGill, Josette Jordaan-Marais, Jay Matthew, Christo Hurter and Peter Taylor
- Principles of Econometrics: A Modern Approach Using EViews
- Sankar Kumar Bhaumik
- Principles of Economic Growth
- Thorvaldur Gylfason
- Principles of Finance with Excel
- Simon Benninga
- Principles of Finance with Excel
- Simon Benninga
- Principles of Financial Regulation
- John Armour, Dan Awrey, Paul Davies, Luca Enriques, Jeffrey N. Gordon, Colin Mayer and Jennifer Payne
- Principles of Financial Regulation
- John Armour, Dan Awrey, Paul Davies, Luca Enriques, Jeffrey N. Gordon, Colin Mayer and Jennifer Payne
- Principles of International Economic Law
- Matthias Herdegen
- Principles of International Economic Law
- Matthias Herdegen
- Principles of International Investment Law
- Rudolf Dolzer and Christoph Schreuer
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Soumyen Sikdar
- Principles of Macroeconomics, Second Edition
- Soumyen Sikdar
- Principles of Management Accounting: A South African Perspective
- Edited by Roos,, Cairney,, Chivaka,, Fourie,, Haji,, Pienaar,, Stack,, Swartz,, Williams,, Joubert, and Streng,
- Principles of Management Accounting: A South African Perspective
- Edited by Shelly-Anne Roos
- Principles of Management Accounting: The Question Book
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- Principles of Management Accounting: The Question Book
- Nick Wood and Owen Skae
- Principles of Organizational Behaviour
- Robin Fincham and Peter Rhodes
- Principles of Political Economy and Chapters on Socialism
- John Stuart Mill
- Private Banking in Europe: Rise, Retreat, and Resurgence
- Youssef Cassis and Philip L. Cottrell
- Private Equity: Opportunities and Risks
- Edited by H. Kent Baker, Greg Filbeck and Halil Kiymaz
- Private Foundations World Survey
- Edited by Johanna Niegel and Richard Pease
- Private Foundations: Law and Practice
- Paolo Panico
- Private Governance: Creating Order in Economic and Social Life
- Edward Stringham
- Private Labels, Brands and Competition Policy: The Changing Landscape of Retail Competition
- Edited by Ariel Ezrachi and Ulf Bernitz
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