OUP Catalogue
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- Replicating Dreams: Examining the Grameen Bank and its replication, Kashf Foundation, Pakistan
- Nabiha Syed
- Representing Europeans: A Pragmatic Approach
- Richard Rose
- Representing Europeans: A Pragmatic Approach
- Richard Rose
- Republic of Equals: Predistribution and Property-Owning Democracy
- Alan Thomas
- Republicanism and the French Revolution: An Intellectual History of Jean-Baptiste Say's Political Economy
- Richard Whatmore
- Research for the Developing World: Public Funding from Australia, Canada, and the UK
- Bruce Currie-Alder
- Reshaping Retirement Security: Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis
- Edited by Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell and Mark J. Warshawsky
- Reshaping Tomorrow: Is South Asia Ready for the Big Leap?
- Edited by Ejaz Ghani
- Resisting Marginalization: Unemployment Experience and Social Policy in the European Union
- Edited by Duncan Gallie
- Resource Abundance and Economic Development
- Edited by R. M. Auty
- Resource Abundance and Economic Development
- Edited by R. M. Auty
- Resources and Population: Natural, Institutional, and Demographic Dimensions of Development
- Edited by Bernardo Colombo, Paul Demeny and Max F. Perutz
- Resources, Deprivation, and Poverty
- Brian Nolan and Christopher Whelan
- Resources, Firms, and Strategies: A Reader in the Resource-Based Perspective
- Edited by Nicolai Foss
- Responsive Regulation: Transcending the Deregulation Debate
- Ian Ayres and John Braithwaite
- Restoring Public Debt Sustainability: The Role of Independent Fiscal Institutions
- Edited by George Kopits
- Restoring Trust in Organizations and Leaders: Enduring Challenges and Emerging Answers
- Edited by Roderick M. Kramer and Todd L. Pittinsky
- Restructuring Networks in Post-Socialism: Legacies, Linkages and Localities
- Edited by Gernot Grabher and David Stark
- Restructuring Retirement Risks
- Edited by David Blitzstein, Olivia Mitchell and Stephen P. Utkus
- Restructuring the Employment Relationship
- Duncan Gallie, Michael White, Yuan Cheng and Mark Tomlinson
- Retaking Rationality: How Cost Benefit Analysis Can Better Protect the Environment and Our Health
- Richard Revesz and Michael Livermore
- Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman Trade: Political Economy of Eastern Mediterranean Exchange Relations
- Rajan Gurukkal
- Rethinking Economic Development, Growth, and Institutions
- Jaime Ros
- Rethinking Management Information Systems: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
- Edited by Wendy Currie and Bob Galliers
- Rethinking Public Accounting: Policy and Practice of Accrual Accounting in Government
- Das,
- Rethinking the Keynesian Revolution: Keynes, Hayek, and the Wicksell Connection
- Tyler Beck Goodspeed
- Retirement System Risk Management: Implications of the New Regulatory Order
- Edited by Olivia Mitchell, Raimond Maurer and J. Michael Orszag
- Revolution from Above, Rebellion from Below: The Agrarian Transvaal at the Turn of the Century
- Jeremy Krikler
- Reward and Punishment in Social Dilemmas
- Edited by Paul A.M. Van Lange, Bettina Rockenbach and Toshio Yamagishi
- Rich People's Movements: Grassroots Campaigns to Untax the One Percent
- Isaac Martin
- Rich People's Movements: Grassroots Campaigns to Untax the One Percent
- Isaac Martin
- Richard Cantillon: Entrepreneur and Economist
- Antoin E. Murphy
- Rights, Deprivation, and Disparity: Essays in Concepts and Measurement
- Subramanian,
- Risk and Hyperconnectivity: Media and Memories of Neoliberalism
- Andrew Hoskins and John Tulloch
- Risk and Hyperconnectivity: Media and Memories of Neoliberalism
- Andrew Hoskins and John Tulloch
- Risk and Liquidity
- Hyun Song Shin
- Risk in Social Science
- Edited by Peter Taylor-Gooby and Jens O. Zinn
- Risk Management in Turbulent Times
- Gilles Beneplanc and Jean Rochet
- Risk, Regulation, and Investor Protection: The Case of Investment Management
- Julian Franks and Colin Mayer
- Risk: A Very Short Introduction
- Baruch Fischhoff and John Kadvany
- Risks and Wrongs
- Jules L. Coleman
- Risks, Costs, and Lives Saved: Getting Better Results from Regulation
- Edited by Robert Hahn
- Riskwork: Essays on the Organizational Life of Risk Management
- Edited by Michael Power
- Romances of Free Trade: British Literature, Laissez-Faire, and the Global Nineteenth Century
- Ayse Celikkol
- Rome's Economic Revolution
- Philip Kay
- Rome's Economic Revolution
- Philip Kay
- Rome's Imperial Economy: Twelve Essays
- W. V. Harris
- Rulers, Townsmen and Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of British Expansion 1770-1870
- C.A. Bayly
- Rules for a Flat World: Why Humans Invented Law and How to Reinvent It for a Complex Global Economy
- Gillian Hadfield
- Ruling Ideas: How Global Neoliberalism Goes Local
- Cornel Ban
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