OUP Catalogue
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- Trade In Services: Global Regulation and the Impact on Key Service Sectors
- Philip Raworth
- Trade Liberalization and India's Informal Economy
- Edited by Barbara Harris-White and Anushree Sinha
- Trade Policy and Corporate Business Decisions
- Edited by Tamir Agmon and Christine R. Hekman
- Trade Policy and Economic Welfare
- Warner Corden
- Trade Policy, Industrial Performance, and Private Sector Development in India
- Asian Development Bank,
- Trade Policy, Industrialization, and Development: New Perspectives
- Edited by Gerald K. Helleiner
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Commentary on the TRIPS Agreement
- Carlos Correa
- Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights: A Commentary on the TRIPS Agreement
- Carlos Correa
- Trade Shows in the Globalizing Knowledge Economy
- Harald Bathelt, Francesca Golfetto and Diego Rinallo
- Trade, Commerce, and the State in the Roman World
- Edited by Andrew Wilson and Alan Bowman
- Trade, Growth, and Inequality
- Christopher Bliss
- Trade, Ideology and Urbanization: South India 300 BC to AD 1300
- R. Champakalakshmi
- Trading and Exchanges: Market Microstructure for Practitioners
- Larry Harris
- Trading with the Enemy: The Making of US Export Control Policy toward the People's Republic of China
- Hugo Meijer
- Transatlantic Economic Disputes: The EU, the US, and the WTO
- Edited by Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann and Mark A. Pollack
- Transatlantic Regulatory Cooperation: Legal Problems and Political Prospects
- Edited by George A. Bermann, Matthias Herdegen and Peter L. Lindseth
- Transformation and Development: The Political Economy of Transition in India and China
- Edited by Amiya Kumar Bagchi and Anthony P. D'Costa
- Transformations of the Welfare State: Small States, Big Lessons
- Herbert Obinger, Peter Starke, Julia Moser, Claudia Bogedan, Edith Gindulis and Stephan Leibfried
- Transforming Management in Central and Eastern Europe
- Roderick Martin
- Transforming Russia and China: Revolutionary Struggle in the Twentieth Century
- William G. Rosenberg and Marilyn B. Young
- Transforming the Rural Economy in Asia: The Unfinished Revolution
- Mark Rosegrant and Peter Hazell
- Transition and Challenge: China's Population at the Beginning of the 21st Century
- Edited by Zhongwei Zhao and Fei Guo
- Transition and Institutions: The Experience of Gradual and Late Reformers
- Edited by Giovanni Cornia and Vladimir Popov
- Transition Banking: Financial Development of Central and Eastern Europe
- Ronald W. Anderson and Chantal Kegels
- Transitions from Education to Work in Europe: The Integration of Youth into EU Labour Markets
- Edited by Walter Muller and Markus Gangl
- Transmission of Financial Crises and Contagion: A Latent Factor Approach
- Mardi Dungey, Renee Fry-McKibbin, Brenda Gonzalez-Hermosillo and Vance Martin
- Transnational Cooperation: An Issue-Based Approach
- Clint Peinhardt and Todd Sandler
- Transport: An Economics and Management Perspective
- David Hensher and Ann Brewer
- Transportation Safety in an Age of Deregulation
- Edited by Leon N. Moses and Ian Savage
- Triangular Landscapes: Environment, Society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman Rule
- Katherine Blouin
- Trust is the Coin of the Realm: Lessons from the Money Men in Afghanistan
- Edwina A. Thompson
- Trust is the Coin of the Realm: Lessons from the Money Men in Afghanistan
- Edwina Thompson
- Trust: Self-Interest and the Common Good
- Marek Kohn
- Truth in Lending: Theory, History, and a Way Forward
- Thomas A. Durkin and Gregory Elliehausen
- Turbulence in the American Workplace
- Peter Doeringer
- Turn of the Tortoise: The Challenge and Promise of India's Future
- T N Ninan
- Turnaround Challenge: Business and the City of the Future
- Michael Blowfield and Leo Johnson
- Twentieth Century America: A Brief History
- Thomas C. Reeves
- Twentieth-Century South Africa
- William Beinart
- Twenty-First Century India: Population, Economy, Human Development, and the Environment
- Tim Dyson, Robert Cassen and Leela Visaria
- Two Billion Cars: Driving Toward Sustainability
- Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon
- Two Billion Cars: Driving Toward Sustainability
- Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon
- Two Nations Indivisible: Mexico, the United States, and the Road Ahead
- Shannon K. O'Neil
- Two Nations Indivisible: Mexico, the United States, and the Road Ahead
- Shannon O'Neil
- Udai Pareek's Understanding organizational Behaviour, 3e
- Udai Pareek
- Uganda's Economic Reforms: Insider Accounts
- Edited by Florence Kuteesa, Emmanuel Tumusiime-Mutebile, Alan Whitworth and Tim Williamson
- UK Energy Policy and the End of Market Fundamentalism
- Edited by Ian Rutledge and Philip Wright
- Uncaging the Tiger: Financing Elementary Education in India
- Santosh Mehrotra, Panchmukhi,, Ranjana Srivastava and Ravi Srivastava
- Understanding Canton: Rethinking Popular Culture in the Republican Period
- Virgil Ho
- Understanding Capitalism: Competition, Command, and Change
- Samuel Bowles, Richard Edwards and Frank Roosevelt
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