OUP Catalogue
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- Applied Financial Accounting and Reporting
- Geoff Black
- Applied Macroeconometrics
- Carlo Favero
- Applied Methods of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Health Care
- Edited by Emma McIntosh, Philip Clarke, Emma Frew and Jordan Louviere
- Applied Methods of Cost-effectiveness Analysis in Healthcare
- Alastair Gray, Philip M. Clarke, Jane L. Wolstenholme and Sarah Wordsworth
- Applied Partial Differential Equations
- John Ockendon, Sam Howison, Andrew Lacey and Alexander Movchan
- Applied Welfare Economics
- Chris Jones
- Applying Economics to the Environment
- Clifford S. Russell
- Approximating Integrals via Monte Carlo and Deterministic Methods
- Michael Evans and Timothy Swartz
- AQA Accounting A2 Second Edition
- Jacqueline Halls-Bryan and Claire Merrills
- AQA Accounting AS 2nd Edition
- David Austen and Peter Hailstone
- Arab Human Development Report 2003: Building a Knowledge Society
- United Nations Development Programme (undp),
- Arbitrage Theory in Continuous Time
- Tomas Bjork
- ARCH: Selected Readings
- Edited by Robert Engle
- Architects of the Euro: Intellectuals in the Making of European Monetary Union
- Edited by Kenneth Dyson and Ivo Maes
- Are Skills the Answer?: The Political Economy of Skill Creation in Advanced Industrial Countries
- Colin Crouch, David Finegold and Mari Sako
- Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement
- Edited by Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur
- Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume II: Society, Institutions, and Development
- Edited by Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur
- Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume II: Society, Institutions, and Development
- Edited by Kaushik Basu and Ravi Kanbur
- Aristotle's Economic Thought
- Scott Meikle
- Arms Industry Transformation and Integration: The Choices of East Central Europe
- ,
- Arms Races in International Politics: From the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century
- Edited by Thomas Mahnken, Joseph Maiolo and David Stevenson
- Arms Transfers to the Third World, 1971-85
- Michael Brzoska and Thomas Ohlson
- AS and A Level Economics Through Diagrams: Oxford Revision Guides
- Andrew Gillespie
- As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution
- Chris Freeman and Francisco Louçã
- As Time Goes By: From the Industrial Revolutions to the Information Revolution
- Chris Freeman and Francisco Louçã
- Asia's Next Giant: South Korea and Late Industrialization
- Alice H. Amsden
- Asian Capital Market Development And Integration: Challenges and Opportunities
- Edited by Asian Development Bank (adb), and Korea Capital Market Institute(KCMI),
- Asian Money Markets
- Edited by David C. Cole, Hal S. Scott and Philip A. Wellons
- Asian Population History
- Edited by Ts'ui-jung Liu, James Lee, David Sven Reher, Osamu Saito and Wang Feng
- Assembling Work: Remaking Factory Regimes in Japanese Multinationals in Britain
- Tony Elger and Chris Smith
- Asset Management and Investor Protection: An International Analysis
- Julian Franks, Colin Mayer and Luis Correia da Silva
- Asset Management: A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing
- Andrew Ang
- Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Theory
- Kerry Back
- Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice Theory
- Kerry E. Back
- Asset Pricing in Discrete Time: A Complete Markets Approach
- Ser-Huang Poon
- Asset Pricing under Asymmetric Information: Bubbles, Crashes, Technical Analysis, and Herding
- Markus Brunnermeier
- Associations and Professional Organisations in Financial Services
- Edited by , Richmond Law & Tax
- At the Edge of Camelot: Debating Economics in Turbulent Times
- Donald W. Katzner
- At Work in the Informal Economy of India: A Perspective from the Bottom Up
- Jan Breman
- At Work in the Informal Economy of India: A Perspective from the Bottom Up (OIP)
- Jan Breman
- Athens and the Cyclades: Economic Strategies 540-314 BC
- Brian Rutishauser
- Auctions Law and Practice
- Brian Harvey and Franklin Meisel
- Audit, Accountability and Government
- Fidelma White and Kathryn Hollingsworth
- Auditing & Assurance: Principles & Practice
- Rolien Kunz, Dana Josset, Henriette Scholtz, Vincent Motholo, Graeme O'Reilly, Gerrit Penning and Riaan Rudman
- Auditing and Assurance: Graded Questions and Applications
- Barend Barnard, Cornelie Crous, Monique DuPlessis, Jana Lambrecht, Vincent Motholo, Gerrit Penning, Riaan Rudman, Jacques Siebrits, Olive Stumke, Andre Swart, Alet Terblanche, Lyle Weber and Jolandi Volschenk
- Auditing Fundamentals in a South African Context: Graded Questions
- Edited by Rolien Kunz and Andre Hamel
- Austerity and Recovery in Ireland: Europe's Poster Child and the Great Recession
- Edited by William K. Roche, Philip O'Connell and Andrea Prothero
- Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea
- Mark Blyth
- Austerity: The History of a Dangerous Idea
- Mark Blyth
- Australian Taxation Law 2016
- Robin Woellner, Stephen Barkoczy, Shirley Murphy, Chris Evans and Dale Pinto
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