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- 2006: Fluctuations in time intervals of financial data from the view point of the Gini index

- Naoya Sazuka and Jun-ichi Inoue
- 2006: A mechanism to derive multi-power law functions: an application in the econophysics framework

- A. M. Scarfone
- 2006: Characterizing and modeling cyclic behavior in non-stationary time series through multi-resolution analysis

- Dilip P. Ahalpara, Amit Verma, Prasanta K. Panigrahi and Jitendra C. Parikh
- 2006: Volatility Dynamics of Wavelet-Filtered Stock Prices

- I. M. Dremin and A. V. Leonidov
- 2006: A Probability Density Function for Google's stocks

- V. Dorobantu
- 2006: Limit order placement as an utility maximization problem and the origin of power law distribution of limit order prices

- Fabrizio Lillo
- 2006: Forecasting extreme events in collective dynamics: an analytic signal approach to detecting discrete scale invariance

- G. M. Viswanathan
- 2006: Non-Stationary Covariance Matrices And Noise

- Andr\'e C. R. Martins
- 2006: Phase Transitions in Operational Risk

- Kartik Anand and Reimer K\"uhn
- 2006: Kinetic market models with single commodity having price fluctuations

- Arnab Chatterjee and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
- 2006: Stochastic volatility of financial markets as the fluctuating rate of trading: an empirical study

- A. Christian Silva and Victor Yakovenko
- 2006: A Natural Value Unit - Econophysics as Arbiter between Finance and Economics

- Steivan Defilla
- 2006: Frequency analysis of tick quotes on the foreign exchange market and agent-based modeling: A spectral distance approach

- Aki-Hiro Sato
- 2006: Asymmetric Conditional Volatility in International Stock Markets

- Nuno B. Ferreira, Rui Menezes and Diana A. Mendes
- 2006: Chaotic Dynamics in Optimal Monetary Policy

- Orlando Gomes, Vivaldo M. Mendes, Diana A. Mendes and J. Sousa Ramos
- 2006: Option pricing with log-stable L\'{e}vy processes

- Przemys{\l}aw Repetowicz and Peter Richmond
- 2006: General Duality for Perpetual American Options

- Aur\'elien Alfonsi and Benjamin Jourdain
- 2006: A Call-Put Duality for Perpetual American Options

- Aur\'elien Alfonsi and Benjamin Jourdain
- 2006: What is the natural scale for a L\'evy process in modelling term structure of interest rates?

- Jiro Akahori and Takahiro Tsuchiya
- 2006: A filtering approach to tracking volatility from prices observed at random times

- Jak\v{s}a Cvitani\'c, Robert Liptser and Boris Rozovskii
- 2006: Option Pricing without Price Dynamics: A Probabilistic Approach

- Dimitris Bertsimas and Natasha Bushueva
- 2006: One-Factor Term Structure without Forward Rates

- Victor Goodman and Kyounghee Kim
- 2006: Mean Escape Time in a System with Stochastic Volatility

- Giovanni Bonanno, Davide Valenti and Bernardo Spagnolo
- 2006: Artificial market model based on deterministic agents and derivation of limit of GARCH type process

- Aki-Hiro Sato and Hideki Takayasu
- 2006: Networks of companies and branches in Poland

- Anna M. Chmiel, Julian Sienkiewicz, Krzysztof Suchecki and Janusz A. Holyst
- 2006: The continuous time random walk formalism in financial markets

- J. Masoliver, Miquel Montero, Josep Perelló and G. H. Weiss
- 2006: Econophysics of precious stones

- A. Watanabe, N. Uchida and N. Kikuchi
- 2006: Are volatility correlations in financial markets related to Omori processes occurring on all scales?

- Philipp Weber, Fengzhong Wang, Irena Vodenska-Chitkushev, Shlomo Havlin and H. Eugene Stanley
- 2006: Multiple time scales and the empirical models for stochastic volatility

- G. L. Buchbinder and K. M. Chistilin
- 2006: Noise sensitivity of portfolio selection under various risk measures

- Imre Kondor, Szilard Pafka and Gabor Nagy
- 2006: Trading strategies in the Italian interbank market

- Giulia Iori, Roberto Renò, Giulia De Masi and Guido Caldarelli
- 2006: Topology of Foreign Exchange Markets using Hierarchical Structure Methods

- Michael Naylor, Lawrence Rose and Brendan J. Moyle
- 2006: Market Efficiency in Foreign Exchange Markets

- Gabjin Oh, Seunghwan Kim and Cheoljun Eom
- 2006: The demise of constant price impact functions and single-time step models of speculation

- Damien Challet
- 2006: Minimum Entropy Density Method for the Time Series Analysis

- Jeong Won Lee, Joongwoo Brian Park, Hang-Hyun Jo, Jae-Suk Yang and Hie-Tae Moon
- 2006: On the maximum drawdown during speculative bubbles

- Giulia Rotundo and Mauro Navarra
- 2006: Stock price fluctuations and the mimetic behaviors of traders

- Jun-ichi Maskawa
- 2006: Virtual volatility

- A. Christian Silva and Richard E. Prange
- 2006: Correlation matrix decomposition of WIG20 intraday fluctuations

- R. Rak, S. Drozdz, J. Kwapien and P. Oswiecimka
- 2006: Nonextensive statistical features of the Polish stock market fluctuations

- R. Rak, S. Drozdz and J. Kwapien
- 2006: The unfair consequences of equal opportunities: comparing exchange models of wealth distribution

- G. M. Caon, S. Goncalves and J. R. Iglesias
- 2006: An Extension to Gaussian Semigroup and Some Applications

- Guibao Liu
- 2006: ANOVA for diffusions and It\^{o} processes

- Per Aslak Mykland and Lan Zhang
- 2006: Local asymptotic minimax risk bounds in a locally asymptotically mixture of normal experiments under asymmetric loss

- Debasis Bhattacharya and A. K. Basu
- 2006: The distribution of a linear predictor after model selection: Unconditional finite-sample distributions and asymptotic approximations

- Hannes Leeb
- 2006: Multivariate risks and depth-trimmed regions

- Ignacio Cascos and Ilya Molchanov
- 2006: The CTRW in finance: Direct and inverse problems with some generalizations and extensions

- Jaume Masoliver, Miquel Montero, Josep Perelló and George H. Weiss
- 2006: A note on projections of Gibbs measures from a class arising in economic modeling

- M. Hohnisch and O. Kutoviy
- 2006: Persistence in Random Bond Ising Models of a Socio-Econo Dynamics in High Dimensions

- S. Jain and T. Yamano
- 2006: A fitness model for the Italian Interbank Money Market

- G. De Masi, Giulia Iori and G. Caldarelli
- 2006: Unexpected volatility and intraday serial correlation

- Simone Bianco and Roberto Ren\'o
- 2006: Fear and its implications for stock markets

- Ingve Simonsen, Peter Toke Heden Ahlgren, Mogens H. Jensen, Raul Donangelo and Kim Sneppen
- 2006: Mean Exit Time and Survival Probability within the CTRW Formalism

- Miquel Montero and Jaume Masoliver
- 2006: News and price returns from threshold behaviour and vice-versa: exact solution of a simple agent-based market model

- Damien Challet
- 2006: Modeling inequality and spread in multiple regression

- Rolf Aaberge, Steinar Bjerve and Kjell Doksum
- 2006: Error calculus and path sensitivity in financial models

- Nicolas Bouleau
- 2006: On the value of optimal stopping games

- Erik Ekstr\"om and Stephane Villeneuve
- 2006: On the two-times differentiability of the value functions in the problem of optimal investment in incomplete markets

- Dmitry Kramkov and Mihai S\^{{\i}}rbu
- 2006: The minimal entropy martingale measure for general Barndorff-Nielsen/Shephard models

- Thorsten Rheinl\"ander and Gallus Steiger
- 2006: Towards a Bayesian framework for option pricing

- Henryk Gzyl, Enrique ter Horst and Samuel Malone
- 2006: Detecting long and short memory via spectral methods

- Simone Bianco
- 2006: Role of Noise in a Market Model with Stochastic Volatility

- G. Bonanno, D. Valenti and B. Spagnolo
- 2006: Cascades of Dynamical Transitions in an Adaptive Population

- H. M. Yang, Y. S. Ting and K. Y. Michael Wong
- 2006: Nonstationary Increments, Scaling Distributions, and Variable Diffusion Processes in Financial Markets

- Kevin E. Bassler, Joseph L. McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- 2006: Integrating economic and psychological insights in binary choice models with social interactions

- Katarzyna Ostasiewicz, Michal H. Tyc, Piotr Goliczewski, Piotr Magnuszewski, Andrzej Radosz and Jan Sendzimir
- 2006: Credit contagion and credit risk

- J. P. L. Hatchett and R. Kuehn
- 2006: Fairness State with Plastic Preferences

- Elena Ramirez Barrios and Juan G. Diaz Ochoa
- 2006: Entropy of the Nordic electricity market: anomalous scaling, spikes, and mean-reversion

- Josep Perelló, Miquel Montero, Luigi Palatella, Ingve Simonsen and Jaume Masoliver
- 2006: Random matrix ensembles of time-lagged correlation matrices: Derivation of eigenvalue spectra and analysis of financial time-series

- Christoly Biely and Stefan Thurner
- 2006: Detecting the traders' strategies in Minority-Majority games and real stock-prices

- V. Alfi, A. De Martino, L. Pietronero and A. Tedeschi
- 2006: Economic sector identification in a set of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange: a comparative analysis

- C. Coronnello, M. Tumminello, F. Lillo, S. Micciche` and Rosario Mantegna
- 2006: A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firms Growth Rates: II. Mathematical Treatment

- S. V. Buldyrev, Fabio Pammolli, Massimo Riccaboni, K. Yamasaki, D. Fu, K. Matia and H. E. Stanley
- 2006: A Generalized Preferential Attachment Model for Business Firms Growth Rates: I. Empirical Evidence

- Fabio Pammolli, Dongfeng Fu, S. V. Buldyrev, Massimo Riccaboni, Kaushik Matia, Kazuko Yamasaki and H. E. Stanley
- 2006: Dynamics of the Warsaw Stock Exchange index as analysed by the nonhomogeneous fractional relaxation equation

- Marzena Kozlowska and Ryszard Kutner
- 2006: Mechanical vs. informational components of price impact

- J. Farmer and Neda Zamani
- 2006: Stochastic model for market stocks with strong resistance

- Javier Villarroel
- 2006: Evaluation of Tranche in Securitization and Long-range Ising Model

- K. Kitsukawa, S. Mori and M. Hisakado
- 2006: On utility-based super-replication prices of contingent claims with unbounded payoffs

- Frank Oertel and Mark Owen
- 2006: The Exact Value for European Options on a Stock Paying a Discrete Dividend

- João Amaro de Matos, Rui Dil\~ao and Bruno Ferreira
- 2006: Evaluating Pricing Strategy Using e-Commerce Data: Evidence and Estimation Challenges

- Anindya Ghose and Arun Sundararajan
- 2006: An analysis of Cross-correlations in South African Market data

- Diane Wilcox and Tim Gebbie
- 2006: Detrending Moving Average variance: a derivation of the scaling law

- Sergio Arianos and Anna Carbone
- 2006: Automatic Trading Agent. RMT based Portfolio Theory and Portfolio Selection

- Malgorzata Snarska and Jakub Krzych
- 2006: Self-Consistent Asset Pricing Models

- Yannick Malevergne and D. Sornette
- 2006: Coupled continuous time random walks in finance

- Mark M. Meerschaert and Enrico Scalas
- 2006: Waiting times between orders and trades in double-auction markets

- Enrico Scalas, Taisei Kaizoji, Michael Kirchler, Juergen Huber and Alessandra Tedeschi
- 2006: On the volatility of volatility

- Stephen D. H. Hsu and Brian M. Murray
- 2006: The art of fitting financial time series with Levy stable distributions

- Enrico Scalas and Kyungsik Kim
- 2006: Growth and Allocation of Resources in Economics: The Agent-Based Approach

- Enrico Scalas, Mauro Gallegati, Eric Guerci, David Mas and Alessandra Tedeschi
- 2006: Mixtures of compound Poisson processes as models of tick-by-tick financial data

- Enrico Scalas
- 2006: Comparison of gain-loss asymmetry behavior for stocks and indexes

- Magdalena A. Zaluska-Kotur, Krzysztof Karpio and Arkadiusz Orlowski
- 2006: Hitting Time Distributions in Financial Markets

- Davide Valenti, Bernardo Spagnolo and Giovanni Bonanno
- 2006: On Capital Dependent Dynamics of Knowledge

- Marek Szydlowski and Adam Krawiec
- 2006: The average behaviour of financial market by 2 scale homogenisation

- R. Wojnar
- 2006: On Value at Risk for foreign exchange rates - the copula approach

- Piotr Jaworski
- 2006: Reflections on Modern Macroeconomics: Can We Travel Along a Safer Road?

- Edoardo Gaffeo, Michele Catalano, Fabio Clementi, Domenico Delli Gatti, Mauro Gallegati and Alberto Russo
- 2006: Analysis of price diffusion in financial markets using PUCK model

- Takayuki Mizuno, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
- 2006: Characterization of foreign exchange market using the threshold-dealer-model

- Kenta Yamada, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
- 2006: Anomalous fluctuations in Minority Games and related multi-agent models of financial markets

- Tobias Galla, Giancarlo Mosetti and Yi-Cheng Zhang
- 2006: Modeling long-range memory trading activity by stochastic differential equations

- V. Gontis and B. Kaulakys
- 2006: Risk Minimization through Portfolio Replication

- Stefano Ciliberti and Marc Mezard
- 2006: Market reaction to temporary liquidity crises and the permanent market impact

- Adam Ponzi, Fabrizio Lillo and Rosario Mantegna
- 2006: Violation of market efficiency in transition economies

- Boris Podobnik, Ivo Grosse, Davor Horvatic, Plamen Ch Ivanov, Timotej Jagric and H. E. Stanley
- 2006: Multifractal Properties of the Ukraine Stock Market

- A. Ganchuk, V. Derbentsev and V. Soloviev
- 2006: Extracting the exponential behaviors in the market data

- Kota Watanabe, Hideki Takayasu and Misako Takayasu
- 2006: Multifractal Model of Asset Returns versus real stock market dynamics

- P. Oswiecimka, J. Kwapien, S. Drozdz, A. Z. Gorski and R. Rak
- 2006: Synchronization Model for Stock Market Asymmetry

- Raul Donangelo, Mogens H. Jensen, Ingve Simonsen and Kim Sneppen
- 2006: Statistical mechanics of combinatorial auctions

- Tobias Galla, Michele Leone, Matteo Marsili, Mauro Sellitto, Martin Weigt and Riccardo Zecchina
- 2006: Critical dynamics and global persistence exponent on Taiwan financial market

- I-Chun Chen, Hsen-Che Tseng, Ping-Cheng Li and Hung-Jung Chen
- 2006: Stylized facts from a threshold-based heterogeneous agent model

- Rod Cross, M. Grinfeld, H. Lamba and T. Seaman
- 2006: Response of Firm Agent Network to Exogenous Shock

- Yuichi Ikeda, Hideaki Aoyama, Hiroshi Iyetomi, Yoshi Fujiwara, Wataru Souma and Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Asset Price Dynamics in a Financial Market with Heterogeneous Trading Strategies and Time Delays

- Giuseppe Garofalo and Alessandro Sansone
- 2006: Market memory and fat tail consequences in option pricing on the expOU stochastic volatility model

- Josep Perelló
- 2006: Ideal-gas like market models with savings: quenched and annealed cases

- Arnab Chatterjee and Bikas K Chakrabarti
- 2006: Risk measures with non-Gaussian fluctuations

- G. Bormetti, E. Cisana, G. Montagna and O. Nicrosini
- 2006: Econophysics of interest rates and the role of monetary policy

- Daniel Cajueiro and Benjamin Tabak
- 2006: Long-range dependence in Interest Rates and Monetary Policy

- Daniel Cajueiro and Benjamin Tabak
- 2006: Non-Parametric Extraction of Implied Asset Price Distributions

- Jerome V. Healy, Maurice Dixon, Brian J. Read and Fang Fang Cai
- 2006: Geometry of Financial Markets -- Towards Information Theory Model of Markets

- Edward Piotrowski and Jan Sladkowski
- 2006: The uniqueness of the profits distribution function in the middle scale region

- Atushi Ishikawa
- 2006: Lead-lag cross-sectional structure and detection of correlated-anticorrelated regime shifts: Application to the volatilities of inflation and economic growth rates

- Wei-Xing Zhou and Didier Sornette
- 2006: Evidence of Increment of Efficiency of the Mexican Stock Market Through the Analysis of its Variations

- H. F. Coronel-Brizio, A. R. Hernandez-Montoya, R. Huerta-Quintanilla and M. Rodriguez-Achach
- 2006: Long-term memory in the Irish market (ISEQ): evidence from wavelet analysis

- Adel Sharkasi, Heather J. Ruskin and Martin Crane
- 2006: How Do Output Growth Rate Distributions Look Like? Some Time-Series Evidence on OECD Countries

- Giorgio Fagiolo, Mauro Napoletano and Andrea Roventini
- 2006: Bayesian Analysis of the Conditional Correlation Between Stock Index Returns with Multivariate SV Models

- Anna Pajor
- 2006: The matrix rate of return

- Anna Zambrzycka and Edward Piotrowski
- 2006: Non-extensive Behavior of a Stock Market Index at Microscopic Time Scales

- A. A. G. Cortines and R. Riera
- 2006: Kelly Criterion revisited: optimal bets

- Edward Piotrowski and Malgorzata Schroeder
- 2006: Analysis of a Japan government intervention on the domestic agriculture market

- Nikolay K. Vitanov, Kenshi Sakai, Ivan P. Jordanov, Shunsuke Managi and Katsuhiko Demura
- 2006: Dynamical change of Pareto index in Japanese land prices

- Atushi Ishikawa
- 2006: Trend arbitrage, bid-ask spread and market dynamics

- Nikolai Zaitsev
- 2006: A Non-Gaussian Approach to Risk Measures

- G. Bormetti, E. Cisana, G. Montagna and O. Nicrosini
- 2006: Generic features of the wealth distribution in ideal-gas-like markets

- P. K. Mohanty
- 2006: Long-term Memory and Volatility Clustering in Daily and High-frequency Price Changes

- GabJin Oh, Cheol-Jun Um and Seunghwann Kim
- 2006: Measuring sectoral diversification in an asymptotic multi-factor framework

- Dirk Tasche
- 2006: Mean-variance Hedging in the Discontinuous Case

- Jianming Xia
- 2006: Computing strategies for achieving acceptability

- Soumik Pal
- 2006: Time Consistent Dynamic Risk Processes, Cadlag Modification

- Jocelyne Bion-Nadal
- 2006: Error estimates for binomial approximations of game options

- Yuri Kifer
- 2006: Variance-optimal hedging for processes with stationary independent increments

- Friedrich Hubalek, Jan Kallsen and Leszek Krawczyk
- 2006: Analysis of Stochstic Evolution

- Francesco Vallone
- 2006: On the integrated behaviour of non-stationary volatility in stock markets

- Andreia Dionisio, Rui Menezes and Diana A. Mendes
- 2006: Of Songs and Men: a Model for Multiple Choice with Herding

- Christian Borghesi and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2006: Analysis of aggregated tick returns: evidence for anomalous diffusion

- Philipp Weber
- 2006: Liquidity and the multiscaling properties of the volume traded on the stock market

- Zoltan Eisler and Janos Kertesz
- 2006: Long-range memory model of trading activity and volatility

- V. Gontis and B. Kaulakys
- 2006: The Apparent Madness of Crowds: Irrational collective behavior emerging from interactions among rational agents

- Sitabhra Sinha
- 2006: Validation of internal rating systems and PD estimates

- Dirk Tasche
- 2006: Aging in Financial Market

- Simone Bianco and Paolo Grigolini
- 2006: Linear vs. Nonlinear Diffusion and Martingale Option Pricing

- J. L. McCauley, G. H. Gunaratne and K. E. Bassler
- 2006: Complexity characteristics of currency networks

- A. Z. Gorski, S. Drozdz, J. Kwapien and P. Oswiecimka
- 2006: On the Feasibility of Portfolio Optimization under Expected Shortfall

- Stefano Ciliberti, Imre Kondor and Marc Mezard
- 2006: Econophysics of Stock and Foreign Currency Exchange Markets

- Marcel Ausloos
- 2006: How fair is an equitable distribution?

- Elena Ramirez Barrios, J. G. Diaz Ochoa and Johannes J. Schneider
- 2006: Level Crossing Analysis of the Stock Markets

- G. R. Jafari, M. S. Movahed, S. M. Fazeli, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar and S. F. Masoudi
- 2006: Scale-free avalanche dynamics in the stock market

- M. Bartolozzi, D. B. Leinweber and A. W. Thomas
- 2006: Characteristic time scales of tick quotes on foreign currency markets: an empirical study and agent-based model

- Aki-Hiro Sato
- 2006: On collective non-gaussian dependence patterns in high frequency financial data

- Andrei Leonidov, Vladimir Trainin and Alexander Zaitsev
- 2006: An Algorithmic Approach to Non-self-financing Hedging in a Discrete-Time Incomplete Market

- N. Josephy, L. Kimball, A. Nagaev, M. Pasniewski and V. Steblovskaya
- 2006: Generalizations of Ho-Lee's binomial interest rate model I: from one- to multi-factor

- Jiro Akahori, Hiroki Aoki and Yoshihiko Nagata
- 2006: On the gap between an empirical distribution and an exponential distribution of waiting times for price changes in a financial market

- Naoya Sazuka
- 2006: The Power (Law) of Indian Markets: Analysing NSE and BSE trading statistics

- Sitabhra Sinha and Raj Pan
- 2006: An Outlook on Correlations in Stock Prices

- Anirban Chakraborti
- 2006: Microeconomic co-evolution model for financial technical analysis signals

- G. Rotundo and Marcel Ausloos
- 2006: Optimal approximations of power-laws with exponentials

- Thierry Bochud and Damien Challet
- 2006: Asymmetric matrices in an analysis of financial correlations

- J. Kwapien, S. Drozdz, A. Z. Gorski and P. Oswiecimka
- 2006: Models of wealth distributions: a perspective

- Abhijit Kar Gupta
- 2006: Scaling theory of temporal correlations and size dependent fluctuations in the traded value of stocks

- Zoltan Eisler and Janos Kertesz
- 2006: Size matters: some stylized facts of the stock market revisited

- Zoltan Eisler and Janos Kertesz
- 2006: Detailed simulation results for some wealth distribution models in Econophysics

- K. Bhattacharya, G. Mukherjee and S. S. Manna
- 2006: Modelling Derivatives Pricing Mechanisms with Their Generating Functions

- Shige Peng
- 2006: On Stable Pareto Laws in a Hierarchical Model of Economy

- Alexander M. Chebotarev
- 2006: Hybrid dynamics for currency modeling

- Ted Theodosopoulos and Alex Trifunovic
- 2006: Imbalance attractors for a strategic model of market microstructure

- Ted Theodosopoulos and Ming Yuen
- 2006: CAPM, rewards, and empirical asset pricing with coherent risk

- Alexander S. Cherny and Dilip B. Madan
- 2006: Pricing and hedging in incomplete markets with coherent risk

- Alexander S. Cherny and Dilip B. Madan
- 2006: Coherent measurement of factor risks

- Alexander S. Cherny and Dilip B. Madan
- 2006: Equilibrium with coherent risk

- Alexander S. Cherny
- 2006: Pricing with coherent risk

- Alexander S. Cherny
- 2006: Optimal long term investment model with memory

- Akihiko Inoue and Yumiharu Nakano
- 2006: The Shannon information of filtrations and the additional logarithmic utility of insiders

- Stefan Ankirchner, Steffen Dereich and Peter Imkeller
- 2006: Pricing Exotic Options in a Path Integral Approach

- G. Bormetti, G. Montagna, N. Moreni and O. Nicrosini
- 2006: An interacting-agent model of financial markets from the viewpoint of nonextensive statistical mechanics

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Dynamic instability in a phenomenological model of correlated assets

- Giacomo Raffaelli and Matteo Marsili
- 2006: Profit Maximization, Industry Structure, and Competition: A critique of neoclassical theory

- Steve Keen and Russell K. Standish
- 2006: A Delayed Black and Scholes Formula II

- Mercedes Arriojas, Yaozhong Hu, Salah-Eldin Mohammed and Gyula Pap
- 2006: A Delayed Black and Scholes Formula I

- Mercedes Arriojas, Yaozhong Hu, Salah-Eldin Mohammed and Gyula Pap
- 2006: Localizing Volatilities

- Marc Atlan
- 2006: Getting real with real options

- M. R Grasselli
- 2006: Explicit solutions for a nonlinear model of financial derivatives

- Ljudmila A. Bordag and Alina Z. Chmakova
- 2006: Power Laws and Gaussians for Stock Market Fluctuations

- Caglar Tuncay and Dietrich Stauffer
- 2006: Multi-asset minority games

- Ginestra Bianconi, Andrea De Martino, Fernando F. Ferreira and Matteo Marsili
- 2006: Statistical properties of daily ensemble variables in the Chinese stock markets

- Gao-Feng Gu and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 2006: Statistical properties of absolute log-returns and a stochastic model of stock markets with heterogeneous agents

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Power laws and market crashes

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Market Mill Dependence Pattern in the Stock Market: Distribution Geometry, Moments and Gaussization

- Andrei Leonidov, Vladimir Trainin, Alexander Zaitsev and Sergey Zaitsev
- 2006: Why do Hurst exponents of traded value increase as the logarithm of company size?

- Zoltan Eisler and Janos Kertesz
- 2006: Living in an Irrational Society: Wealth Distribution with Correlations between Risk and Expected Profits

- M. A. Fuentes, M. N. Kuperman and J. R. Iglesias
- 2006: The Power-law Tail Exponent of Income Distributions

- Fabio Clementi, T. Di Matteo and Mauro Gallegati
- 2006: Stock mechanics: unification with economy

- Caglar Tuncay
- 2006: The Process of price formation and the skewness of asset returns

- Stefan Reimann
- 2006: Re-examination of the size distribution of firms

- Taisei Kaizoji, Hiroshi Iyetomi and Yuichi Ikeda
- 2006: A Precursor of Market Crashes

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Pareto's Law of Income Distribution: Evidence for Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States

- Fabio Clementi and Mauro Gallegati
- 2006: State Dependent Utility

- Jaime A. Londo\~no
- 2006: Constructive no-arbitrage criterion under transaction costs in the case of finite discrete time

- Dmitry B. Rokhlin
- 2006: On decomposing risk in a financial-intermediate market and reserving

- Saul Jacka and Abdel Berkaoui
- 2006: Effects of Tobin Taxes in Minority Game markets

- Ginestra Bianconi, Tobias Galla and Matteo Marsili
- 2006: Inflation and deflation in stock markets

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Power law for the calm-time interval of price changes

- Taisei Kaizoji and Michiyo Kaizoji
- 2006: Power law for ensembles of stock prices

- Taisei Kaizoji and Michiyo Kaizoji
- 2006: A mechanism leading bubbles to crashes: the case of Japan's land markets

- Taisei Kaizoji and Michiyo Kaizoji
- 2006: Scaling behavior in land markets

- Taisei Kaizoji
- 2006: Scaling Law for the Distribution of Fluctuations of Share Volume

- Taisei Kaizoji and Masahide Nuki
- 2006: A microscopic model of triangular arbitrage

- Y. Aiba and N. Hatano
- 2006: The Exponent Expansion: An Effective Approximation of Transition Probabilities of Diffusion Processes and Pricing Kernels of Financial Derivatives

- Luca Capriotti
- 2006: Unifying the BGM and SABR Models: A short Ride in Hyperbolic Geometry

- Pierre Henry-Labordere
- 2006: An elementary model of price dynamics in a financial market: Distribution, Multiscaling & Entropy

- Stefan Reimann
- 2006: Stock mechanics: theory of conservation of total energy and predictions of coming short-term fluctuations of Dow Jones Industrials Average (DJIA)

- Caglar Tuncay
- 2006: Roughness and Finite Size Effect in the NYSE Stock-Price Fluctuations

- V. Alfi, F. Coccetti, A. Petri and L. Pietronero
- 2006: Delta Hedged Option Valuation with Underlying Non-Gaussian Returns

- L. Moriconi
- 2006: Market efficiency and the long-memory of supply and demand: Is price impact variable and permanent or fixed and temporary?

- J. Farmer, Austin Gerig, Fabrizio Lillo and Szabolcs Mike
- 2006: Phase coexistence in a forecasting game

- Philippe Curty and Matteo Marsili
- 2006: Hedging LIBOR Derivatives in a Field Theory Model of Interest Rates

- Belal E. Baaquie, Cui Liang and Mitch C. Warachka
- 2006: Econophysical Dynamics of Market-Based Electric Power Distribution Systems

- Nicolas Ho and David P. Chassin
- 2006: Martingale selection problem and asset pricing in finite discrete time

- Dmitry B. Rokhlin
- 2006: A theory of stochastic integration for bond markets

- Marzia De Donno and M. Pratelli
- 2006: Atlas models of equity markets

- Adrian D. Banner, Robert Fernholz and Ioannis Karatzas
- 2006: Maturity randomization for stochastic control problems

- Bruno Bouchard, Nicole El Karoui and Nizar Touzi
- 2006: Optimal consumption in discrete-time financial models with industrial investment opportunities and nonlinear returns

- Bruno Bouchard and Huy\^en Pham
- 2006: Markov Processes, Hurst Exponents, and Nonlinear Diffusion Equations with application to finance

- Kevin E. Bassler, Gemunu H. Gunaratne and Joseph L. McCauley
- 2006: A nonextensive approach to the dynamics of financial observables

- Silvio M. Duarte Queiros, Luis G. Moyano, Jeferson de Souza and Constantino Tsallis
- 2006: Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Wealth Condensation

- Dieter Braun
- 2006: A study of the personal income distribution in Australia

- Anand Banerjee, Victor Yakovenko and T. Di Matteo
- 2006: Statistical Properties of the Returns of Stock Prices of International Markets

- GabJin Oh, Cheol-Jun Um and Seunghwan Kim
- 2006: Market Mill Dependence Pattern in the Stock Market: Asymmetry Structure, Nonlinear Correlations and Predictability

- Andrei Leonidov, Vladimir Trainin, Alexander Zaitsev and Sergey Zaitsev
- 2006: Hidden Forces and Fluctuations from Moving Averages: A Test Study

- V. Alfi, F. Coccetti, M. Marotta, L. Pietronero and M. Takayasu
- 2006: Non Poisson intermittent events in price formation

- Antonella Greco, Luca Sorriso-Valvo and Vincenzo Carbone
- 2006: Optimal Investment Horizons for Stocks and Markets

- A. Johansen, I. Simonsen and M. H. Jensen
- 2006: Financial Markets and Persistence

- S. Jain and P. Buckley
- 2006: Conditional Probability as a Measure of Volatility Clustering in Financial Time Series

- Kan Chen, C. Jayaprakash and Baosheng Yuan
- 2006: Capital Requirement for Achieving Acceptability

- Soumik Pal
- 2006: Convexity preserving jump-diffusion models for option pricing

- Erik Ekstr\"om and Johan Tysk
- 2006: Analysis of delay correlation matrices

- K. B. K. Mayya and R. E. Amritkar
- 2006: An Adaptive Method for Valuing an Option on Assets with Uncertainty in Volatility

- Sergei Fedotov and Stephanos Panayides
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