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- 2017: Urn model for products' shares in international trade

- Matthieu Barbier and D. -S. Lee
- 2017: Demographic Modeling Via 3-dimensional Markov Chains

- Juan Jose Viquez, Alexander Campos, Jorge Loria, Luis Alfredo Mendoza and Jorge Aurelio Viquez
- 2017: Resource Abundance and Life Expectancy

- Bahram Sanginabadi
- 2017: A dynamic network model with persistent links and node-specific latent variables, with an application to the interbank market

- Piero Mazzarisi, Paolo Barucca, Fabrizio Lillo and Daniele Tantari
- 2017: A simple mathematical model for unemployment: a case study in Portugal with optimal control

- Anibal Galindro and Delfim F. M. Torres
- 2017: Foreign Portfolio Investment and Economy: The Network Perspective

- Muhammad Mohsin Hakeem and Ken-ichi Suzuki
- 2017: How Short Sales Circumvent the Capital Gains Tax System

- Russell Stanley Q. Geronimo
- 2017: Why Long-Term Debt Instruments Cannot Be Deposit Substitutes

- Russell Stanley Q. Geronimo
- 2017: De Facto Control: Applying Game Theory to the Law on Corporate Nationality

- Russell Stanley Q. Geronimo
- 2017: No arbitrage and lead-lag relationships

- Takaki Hayashi and Yuta Koike
- 2017: Accelerators in macroeconomics: Comparison of discrete and continuous approaches

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: An Artificial Neural Network-based Stock Trading System Using Technical Analysis and Big Data Framework

- O. B. Sezer, M. Ozbayoglu and E. Dogdu
- 2017: Economic interpretation of fractional derivatives

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: Logistic map with memory from economic model

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: Concept of dynamic memory in economics

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: Dynamic intersectoral models with power-law memory

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: Maximizing the Collective Learning Effects in Regional Economic Development

- Jian Gao
- 2017: Closed-form Solutions for the Lucas-Uzawa model: Unique or Multiple

- Rehana Naz
- 2017: Pricing double barrier options on homogeneous diffusions: a Neumann series of Bessel functions representation

- Igor V. Kravchenko, Vladislav V. Kravchenko, Sergii M. Torba and Jos\'e Carlos Dias
- 2017: Efficient European and American option pricing under a jump-diffusion process

- Marcellino Gaudenzi, Alice Spangaro and Patrizia Stucchi
- 2017: On Long Memory Origins and Forecast Horizons

- J. Eduardo Vera-Vald\'es
- 2017: Gibbs sampler with jump diffusion model: application in European call option and annuity

- Kein Joe Lau, Yong Kheng Goh and An-Chow Lai
- 2017: Trading Strategies with Position Limits

- Valerii Salov
- 2017: Transformation Models in High-Dimensions

- Sven Klaassen, Jannis Kueck and Martin Spindler
- 2017: First-Order Asymptotics of Path-Dependent Derivatives in Multiscale Stochastic Volatility Environment

- Yuri F. Saporito
- 2017: Another Look at the Ho-Lee Bond Option Pricing Model

- Young Shin Kim, Stoyan Stoyanov, Svetlozar Rachev and Frank Fabozzi
- 2017: Back-of-the-envelope swaptions in a very parsimonious multicurve interest rate model

- Roberto Baviera
- 2017: The Saga of KPR: Theoretical and Experimental developments

- Kiran Sharma, Anamika, Anindya S. Chakrabarti, Anirban Chakraborti and Sujoy Chakravarty
- 2017: The relationship between trading volumes, number of transactions, and stock volatility in GARCH models

- Tetsuya Takaishi and Ting Ting Chen
- 2017: The evaluation of geometric Asian power options under time changed mixed fractional Brownian motion

- Foad Shokrollahi
- 2017: The Mathematics of Market Timing

- Guy Metcalfe
- 2017: Stock market as temporal network

- Longfeng Zhao, Gang-Jin Wang, Mingang Wang, Weiqi Bao, Wei Li and H. Eugene Stanley
- 2017: Optimal Stochastic Decensoring and Applications to Calibration of Market Models

- Anastasis Kratsios
- 2017: Inverse Reinforcement Learning for Marketing

- Igor Halperin
- 2017: The Calculus of Democratization and Development

- Jacob Ferguson
- 2017: Enhancing Binomial and Trinomial Equity Option Pricing Models

- Yong Shin Kim, Stoyan Stoyanov, Svetlozar Rachev and Frank Fabozzi
- 2017: Compound Hawkes Processes in Limit Order Books

- Anatoliy Swishchuk, Bruno Remillard, Robert Elliott and Jonathan Chavez-Casillas
- 2017: Mixed Models as an Alternative to Farima

- Jos\'e Igor Morlanes
- 2017: On Metropolis Growth

- Syed Amaar Ahmad
- 2017: Online Red Packets: A Large-scale Empirical Study of Gift Giving on WeChat

- Yuan Yuan, Tracy Liu, Chenhao Tan and Jie Tang
- 2017: Remarks on Bayesian Control Charts

- Amir Ahmadi-Javid and Mohsen Ebadi
- 2017: Variance and Volatility Swaps and Futures Pricing for Stochastic Volatility Models

- Anatoliy Swishchuk and Zijia Wang
- 2017: Linear and nonlinear market correlations: characterizing financial crises and portfolio optimization

- Alexander Haluszczynski, Ingo Laut, Heike Modest and Christoph R\"ath
- 2017: Risk Apportionment: The Dual Story

- Louis Eeckhoudt, Roger Laeven and Harris Schlesinger
- 2017: On the Singular Control of Exchange Rates

- Giorgio Ferrari and Tiziano Vargiolu
- 2017: Multi-currency reserving for coherent risk measures

- Saul Jacka, Seb Armstrong and Abdel Berkaoui
- 2017: Inferring agent objectives at different scales of a complex adaptive system

- Dieter Hendricks, Adam Cobb, Richard Everett, Jonathan Downing and Stephen J. Roberts
- 2017: A particle model for the herding phenomena induced by dynamic market signals

- Hyeong-Ohk Bae, Seung-yeon Cho, Sang-hyeok Lee and Seok-Bae Yun
- 2017: The balance of growth and risk in population dynamics

- Thomas Gueudr\'e and David Martin
- 2017: Temporal Attention augmented Bilinear Network for Financial Time-Series Data Analysis

- Dat Thanh Tran, Alexandros Iosifidis, Juho Kanniainen and Moncef Gabbouj
- 2017: An Inverse Problem Study: Credit Risk Ratings as a Determinant of Corporate Governance and Capital Structure in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Chinese Listed Companies

- ManYing Kang and Marcel Ausloos
- 2017: Dynamic optimization of a portfolio

- Oleg Malafeyev and Achal Awasthi
- 2017: Retirement Wealth under Fixed Limits: The Optimal Strategy for Exponential Utility

- Lena Schutte
- 2017: Empirical comparison of three models for determining market clearing prices in Turkish day-ahead electricity market

- G\"okhan Ceyhan, Nermin Elif Kurt, H. Bahadir Sahin and K\"ur\c{s}ad Derinkuyu
- 2017: Distributions of Historic Market Data - Stock Returns

- Zhiyuan Liu, M. Dashti Moghaddam and R. A. Serota
- 2017: Modal Regression using Kernel Density Estimation: a Review

- Yen-Chi Chen
- 2017: The tipping point: a mathematical model for the profit-driven abandonment of restaurant tipping

- Sara M. Clifton, Eileen Herbers, Jack Chen and Daniel M. Abrams
- 2017: Preliminary steps toward a universal economic dynamics for monetary and fiscal policy

- Yaneer Bar-Yam, Jean Langlois-Meurinne, Mari Kawakatsu and Rodolfo Garcia
- 2017: A High Frequency Trade Execution Model for Supervised Learning

- Matthew F Dixon
- 2017: Forecasting day-ahead electricity prices in Europe: the importance of considering market integration

- Jesus Lago, Fjo De Ridder, Peter Vrancx and Bart De Schutter
- 2017: An Alternative Estimation Method of a Time-Varying Parameter Model

- Mikio Ito, Akihiko Noda and Tatsuma Wada
- 2017: Unfolding the innovation system for the development of countries: co-evolution of Science, Technology and Production

- Emanuele Pugliese, Giulio Cimini, Aurelio Patelli, Andrea Zaccaria, Luciano Pietronero and Andrea Gabrielli
- 2017: Gini estimation under infinite variance

- Andrea Fontanari, Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Pasquale Cirillo
- 2017: Open Source Fundamental Industry Classification

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Optimal Portfolio under Fractional Stochastic Environment

- Jean-Pierre Fouque and Ruimeng Hu
- 2017: Existence, uniqueness and stability of optimal portfolios of eligible assets

- Michel Baes, Pablo Koch-Medina and Cosimo Munari
- 2017: On the tail behavior of a class of multivariate conditionally heteroskedastic processes

- Rasmus Pedersen and Olivier Wintenberger
- 2017: Exponential Structure of Income Inequality: Evidence from 67 Countries

- Yong Tao, Xiangjun Wu, Tao Zhou, Weibo Yan, Yanyuxiang Huang, Han Yu, Benedict Mondal and Victor Yakovenko
- 2017: Convex functions on dual Orlicz spaces

- Freddy Delbaen and Keita Owari
- 2017: An explicit formula for optimal portfolios in complete Wiener driven markets: a functional It\^o calculus approach

- Kristoffer Lindensj\"o
- 2017: Deterministic Criteria for the Absence and Existence of Arbitrage in Multi-Dimensional Diffusion Markets

- David Criens
- 2017: On the Optimal Management of Public Debt: a Singular Stochastic Control Problem

- Giorgio Ferrari
- 2017: Volatility Forecasts Using Nonlinear Leverage Effects

- Kenichiro McAlinn, Asahi Ushio and Teruo Nakatsuma
- 2017: On an Optimal Extraction Problem with Regime Switching

- Giorgio Ferrari and Shuzhen Yang
- 2017: Risk Quantification in Stochastic Simulation under Input Uncertainty

- Helin Zhu, Tianyi Liu and Enlu Zhou
- 2017: Measuring the frequency dynamics of financial connectedness and systemic risk

- Jozef Baruník and Tomas Krehlik
- 2017: Homogenization and Clustering as a Non-Statistical Methodology to Assess Multi-Parametrical Chain Problems

- Johannes Freiesleben and Nicolas Gu\'erin
- 2017: A hybrid tree/finite-difference approach for Heston-Hull-White type models

- M. Briani, L. Caramellino and A. Zanette
- 2017: Community detection in temporal multilayer networks, with an application to correlation networks

- Marya Bazzi, Mason A. Porter, Stacy Williams, Mark McDonald, Daniel J. Fenn and Sam D. Howison
- 2017: The Query Complexity of Correlated Equilibria

- Sergiu Hart and Noam Nisan
- 2017: Approximate Revenue Maximization with Multiple Items

- Sergiu Hart and Noam Nisan
- 2017: Forecasting of a Hierarchical Functional Time Series on Example of Macromodel for Day and Night Air Pollution in Silesia Region: A Critical Overview

- Daniel Kosiorowski, Dominik Mielczarek and Jerzy. P. Rydlewski
- 2017: Benford's law first significant digit and distribution distances for testing the reliability of financial reports in developing countries

- Jing Shi, Marcel Ausloos and Tingting Zhu
- 2017: Hint of a Universal Law for the Financial Gains of Competitive Sport Teams. The case of Tour de France cycle race

- Marcel Ausloos
- 2017: Fluctuation identities with continuous monitoring and their application to price barrier options

- Carolyn E. Phelan, Daniele Marazzina, Gianluca Fusai and Guido Germano
- 2017: Factor endowment -- commodity output relationships in a three-factor, two-good general equilibrium trade model

- Yoshiaki Nakada
- 2017: Using nonlinear stochastic and deterministic (chaotic tools) to test the EMH of two Electricity Markets the case of Italy and Greece

- George P Papaioannou, Christos Dikaiakos, Anargyros Dramountanis, Dionysios S Georgiadis and Panagiotis G Papaioannou
- 2017: Identification of and correction for publication bias

- Isaiah Andrews and Maximilian Kasy
- 2017: Conditional cores and conditional convex hulls of random sets

- Emmanuel Lepinette and Ilya Molchanov
- 2017: Optimal Risk Allocation in Reinsurance Networks

- Nicole B\"auerle and Alexander Glauner
- 2017: Comment on Suzuki's rebuttal of Batra and Casas

- Yoshiaki Nakada
- 2017: Constructive Identification of Heterogeneous Elasticities in the Cobb-Douglas Production Function

- Tong Li and Yuya Sasaki
- 2017: Valuing Exchange Options Under an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Covariance Model

- Olivares Pablo and Villamor Enrique
- 2017: Option pricing for Informed Traders

- Stoyan V. Stoyanov, Yong Shin Kim, Svetlozar T. Rachev and Frank Fabozzi
- 2017: The Research on the Stagnant Development of Shantou Special Economic Zone Under Reform and Opening-Up Policy

- Bowen Cai
- 2017: Impact of Cross-Listing Chinese Stock Returns. A and N Shares Rate of Return Comparison

- Kamilla Sabitova
- 2017: Valuation of equity warrants for uncertain financial market

- Foad Shokrollahi
- 2017: Asymmetric return rates and wealth distribution influenced by the introduction of technical analysis into a behavioral agent based model

- F. M. Stefan and A. P. F. Atman
- 2017: Price Optimisation for New Business

- Maissa Tamraz and Yaming Yang
- 2017: Statistical properties of market collective responses

- Shanshan Wang, Sebastian Neus\"u{\ss} and Thomas Guhr
- 2017: Asymptotic Analysis for Spectral Risk Measures Parameterized by Confidence Level

- Takashi Kato
- 2017: Influence of jump-at-default in IR and FX on Quanto CDS prices

- Andrey Itkin, V. Shcherbakov and A. Veygman
- 2017: Robust Synthetic Control

- Muhammad Jehangir Amjad, Devavrat Shah and Dennis Shen
- 2017: Strict Local Martingales and Optimal Investment in a Black-Scholes Model with a Bubble

- Martin Herdegen and Sebastian Herrmann
- 2017: Multi-objective risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming problems

- \c{C}a\u{g}{\i}n Ararat, \"Ozlem \c{C}avu\c{s} and Ali \.Irfan Mahmuto\u{g}ullar{\i}
- 2017: Rich or poor: Who should pay higher tax rates?

- Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
- 2017: Identifying the community structure of the international food-trade multi network

- Sofia Torreggiani, Giuseppe Mangioni, Michael J. Puma and Giorgio Fagiolo
- 2017: Bank Panics and Fire Sales, Insolvency and Illiquidity

- T. R. Hurd
- 2017: Black was right: Price is within a factor 2 of Value

- J. P. Bouchaud, S. Ciliberti, Y. Lemp\'eri\`ere, A. Majewski, P. Seager and K. Sin Ronia
- 2017: Closed-form Solutions of Relativistic Black-Scholes Equations

- Yanlin Qu and Randall R. Rojas
- 2017: Financial Time Series Prediction Using Deep Learning

- Ariel Navon and Yosi Keller
- 2017: Testing for observation-dependent regime switching in mixture autoregressive models

- Mika Meitz and Pentti Saikkonen
- 2017: Long-range Auto-correlations in Limit Order Book Markets: Inter- and Cross-event Analysis

- Martin Magris, Jiyeong Kim, Esa Rasanen and Juho Kanniainen
- 2017: Measuring Price Discovery between Nearby and Deferred Contracts in Storable and Non-Storable Commodity Futures Markets

- Zhepeng Hu, Mindy Mallory, Teresa Serra and Philip Garcia
- 2017: Optimal Purchasing Policy For Mean-Reverting Items in a Finite Horizon

- Alon Dourban and Liron Yedidsion
- 2017: The Calibration of Stochastic-Local Volatility Models - An Inverse Problem Perspective

- Yuri F. Saporito, Xu Yang and Jorge P. Zubelli
- 2017: Less-Expensive Valuation of Long Term Annuities Linked to Mortality, Cash and Equity

- Kevin Fergusson and Eckhard Platen
- 2017: Optimal Brownian Stopping between radially symmetric marginals in general dimensions

- Nassif Ghoussoub, Young-Heon Kim and Tongseok Lim
- 2017: Mean Field Limit of a Behavioral Financial Market Model

- Torsten Trimborn, Martin Frank and Stephan Martin
- 2017: Optimal investment-consumption and life insurance selection problem under inflation. A BSDE approach

- Calisto Guambe and Rodwell Kufakunesu
- 2017: Cash Accumulation Strategy based on Optimal Replication of Random Claims with Ordinary Integrals

- Renko Siebols
- 2017: A Numerical Scheme for A Singular control problem: Investment-Consumption Under Proportional Transaction Costs

- Arash Fahim and Wan-Yu Tsai
- 2017: On Game-Theoretic Risk Management (Part Three) - Modeling and Applications

- Stefan Rass
- 2017: Equity in Startups

- Herv\'e Lebret
- 2017: Startups and Stanford University

- Herv\'e Lebret
- 2017: Pricing of commodity derivatives on processes with memory

- Fred Espen Benth, Asma Khedher and Mich\`ele Vanmaele
- 2017: Correlations and Clustering in Wholesale Electricity Markets

- Tianyu Cui, Francesco Caravelli and Cozmin Ududec
- 2017: Tensor Representation in High-Frequency Financial Data for Price Change Prediction

- Dat Thanh Tran, Martin Magris, Juho Kanniainen, Moncef Gabbouj and Alexandros Iosifidis
- 2017: Principal Components and Regularized Estimation of Factor Models

- Jushan Bai and Serena Ng
- 2017: qBitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Quantum Cash System

- Kazuki Ikeda
- 2017: The speed of sequential asymptotic learning

- Wade Hann-Caruthers, Vadim V. Martynov and Omer Tamuz
- 2017: Singular Fourier-Pad\'e Series Expansion of European Option Prices

- Tat Lung Chan
- 2017: Complex Correlation Approach for High Frequency Financial Data

- Mateusz Wilinski, Yuichi Ikeda and Hideaki Aoyama
- 2017: Evolutionary dynamics of the cryptocurrency market

- Abeer ElBahrawy, Laura Alessandretti, Anne Kandler, Romualdo Pastor-Satorras and Andrea Baronchelli
- 2017: Stability of zero-growth economics analysed with a Minskyan model

- Adam B. Barrett
- 2017: Quantifying China's Regional Economic Complexity

- Jian Gao and Tao Zhou
- 2017: Model Spaces for Risk Measures

- Felix-Benedikt Liebrich and Gregor Svindland
- 2017: Solvency II, or How to Sweep the Downside Risk Under the Carpet

- Stefan Weber
- 2017: A closed-form representation of mean-variance hedging for additive processes via Malliavin calculus

- Takuji Arai and Yuto Imai
- 2017: Optimal liquidation in a Level-I limit order book for large tick stocks

- Antoine Jacquier and Hao Liu
- 2017: Random matrix approach to estimation of high-dimensional factor models

- Joongyeub Yeo and George Papanicolaou
- 2017: Pricing Perpetual Put Options by the Black-Scholes Equation with a Nonlinear Volatility Function

- Maria Grossinho, Yaser Kord Faghan and Daniel Sevcovic
- 2017: Canonical Supermartingale Couplings

- Marcel Nutz and Florian Stebegg
- 2017: The dividend problem with a finite horizon

- Tiziano De Angelis and Erik Ekstr\"om
- 2017: Non-Gaussian analytic option pricing: a closed formula for the L\'evy-stable model

- Jean-Philippe Aguilar, Cyril Coste and Jan Korbel
- 2017: Sparse Bayesian time-varying covariance estimation in many dimensions

- Gregor Kastner
- 2017: Dimension Reduction in Statistical Estimation of Partially Observed Multiscale Processes

- Andrew Papanicolaou and Konstantinos Spiliopoulos
- 2017: A Mean Field Game of Optimal Stopping

- Marcel Nutz
- 2017: Optimal Liquidation under Stochastic Liquidity

- Dirk Becherer, Todor Bilarev and Peter Frentrup
- 2017: General dynamic term structures under default risk

- Claudio Fontana and Thorsten Schmidt
- 2017: Black-Scholes in a CEV random environment

- Antoine Jacquier and Patrick Roome
- 2017: Russian-Doll Risk Models

- Zura Kakushadze
- 2017: Third-Order Short-Time Expansions for Close-to-the-Money Option Prices under the CGMY Model

- Jos\'e E. Figueroa-L\'opez, Ruoting Gong and Christian Houdr\'e
- 2017: Customer Selection Model with Grouping and Hierarchical Ranking Analysis

- Bowen Cai
- 2017: Dis-embedded Openness: Inequalities in European Economic Integration at the Sectoral Level

- Balazs Vedres and Carl Nordlund
- 2017: A continuous selection for optimal portfolios under convex risk measures does not always exist

- Michel Baes and Cosimo Munari
- 2017: On some further properties and application of Weibull-R family of distributions

- Indranil Ghosh and Saralees Nadarajah
- 2017: Network models of financial systemic risk: A review

- Fabio Caccioli, Paolo Barucca and Teruyoshi Kobayashi
- 2017: Macroeconomics and FinTech: Uncovering Latent Macroeconomic Effects on Peer-to-Peer Lending

- Jessica Foo, Lek-Heng Lim and Ken Sze-Wai Wong
- 2017: The implied volatility of Forward-Start options: ATM short-time level, skew and curvature

- Elisa Alos, Antoine Jacquier and Jorge Leon
- 2017: Statistical validation of financial time series via visibility graph

- Matteo Serafino, Andrea Gabrielli, Guido Caldarelli and Giulio Cimini
- 2017: Research on ruin probability of risk model based on AR(1) series

- Wenhao Li, Bolong Wang, Tianxiang Shen, Ronghua Zhu and Dehui Wang
- 2017: Dual control Monte Carlo method for tight bounds of value function under Heston stochastic volatility model

- Jingtang Ma, Wenyuan Li and Harry Zheng
- 2017: Quantum attacks on Bitcoin, and how to protect against them

- Divesh Aggarwal, Gavin K. Brennen, Troy Lee, Miklos Santha and Marco Tomamichel
- 2017: From Ecology to Finance (and Back?): Recent Advancements in the Analysis of Bipartite Networks

- Mika J. Straka, Guido Caldarelli, Tiziano Squartini and Fabio Saracco
- 2017: Calibrated Projection in MATLAB: Users' Manual

- Hiroaki Kaido, Francesca Molinari, Jörg Stoye and Matthew Thirkettle
- 2017: Reference Class Forecasting for Hong Kong's Major Roadworks Projects

- Bent Flyvbjerg, Chi-keung Hon and Wing Huen Fok
- 2017: Asymptotic Distribution and Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Ratios of Quantile Functions

- Fabian Dunker, Stephan Klasen and Tatyana Krivobokova
- 2017: Calibration of Machine Learning Classifiers for Probability of Default Modelling

- Pedro G. Fonseca and Hugo D. Lopes
- 2017: A Topological Approach to Scaling in Financial Data

- Jean de Carufel, Martin Brooks, Michael Stieber and Paul Britton
- 2017: Propensity score matching for multiple treatment levels: A CODA-based contribution

- Hajime Seya and Takahiro Yoshida
- 2017: Electricity Market Theory Based on Continuous Time Commodity Model

- Haoyong Chen and Lijia Han
- 2017: A regularity structure for rough volatility

- Christian Bayer, Peter K. Friz, Paul Gassiat, Joerg Martin and Benjamin Stemper
- 2017: Profitability of simple stationary technical trading rules with high-frequency data of Chinese Index Futures

- Jing-Chao Chen, Yu Zhou and Xi Wang
- 2017: Frequency Based Index Estimating the Subclusters' Connection Strength

- Lukas Pastorek
- 2017: Minimax Linear Estimation at a Boundary Point

- Wayne Gao
- 2017: Revenue-based Attribution Modeling for Online Advertising

- Kaifeng Zhao, Seyed Hanif Mahboobi and Saeed Bagheri
- 2017: Navigating dark liquidity (How Fisher catches Poisson in the Dark)

- Ilija Zovko
- 2017: Disruptive firms

- Mario Coccia
- 2017: Efficient hedging in Bates model using high-order compact finite differences

- Bertram D\"uring and Alexander Pitkin
- 2017: Robust Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Sparse Vector Error Correction Model

- Ziping Zhao and Daniel P. Palomar
- 2017: Mean Field Game Approach to Production and Exploration of Exhaustible Commodities

- Michael Ludkovski and Xuwei Yang
- 2017: A General Framework for Portfolio Theory. Part II: drawdown risk measures

- Stanislaus Maier-Paape and Qiji Jim Zhu
- 2017: A General Framework for Portfolio Theory. Part I: theory and various models

- Stanislaus Maier-Paape and Qiji Jim Zhu
- 2017: Computational Analysis of the structural properties of Economic and Financial Networks

- Frank Emmert-Streib, Aliyu Musa, Kestutis Baltakys, Juho Kanniainen, Shailesh Tripathi, Olli Yli-Harja, Herbert Jodlbauer and Matthias Dehmer
- 2017: Utility maximization problem under transaction costs: optimal dual processes and stability

- Lingqi Gu, Yiqing Lin and Junjian Yang
- 2017: Market impact with multi-timescale liquidity

- Michael Benzaquen and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: Measuring the gradualist approach to internationalization

- M\'onica Clavel, Jes\'us Arteaga-Ortiz, Rub\'en Fern\'andez-Ortiz and Pablo Dorta-Gonz\'alez
- 2017: A buffer Hawkes process for limit order books

- Ingemar Kaj and Mine Caglar
- 2017: A Strategic Investment Framework for Biotechnology Markets via Dynamic Asset Allocation and Class Diversification

- Abhishek Mohan and Agnibho Roy
- 2017: Behavioral Finance Option Pricing Formulas Consistent with Rational Dynamic Asset Pricing

- Svetlozar Rachev, Stoyan Stoyanov and Frank Fabozzi
- 2017: Short Maturity Forward Start Asian Options in Local Volatility Models

- Dan Pirjol, Jing Wang and Lingjiong Zhu
- 2017: A Unified Approach on the Local Power of Panel Unit Root Tests

- Zhongwen Liang
- 2017: An Optimized Microeconomic Modeling System for Analyzing Industrial Externalities in Non-OECD Countries

- Agnibho Roy and Abhishek Mohan
- 2017: Sparse Portfolio Selection via the sorted $\ell_{1}$-Norm

- Philipp J. Kremer, Sangkyun Lee, Malgorzata Bogdan and Sandra Paterlini
- 2017: A Note on Gale, Kuhn, and Tucker's Reductions of Zero-Sum Games

- Shuige Liu
- 2017: Intervention On Default Contagion Under Partial Information

- Yang Xu
- 2017: The Chebyshev method for the implied volatility

- Kathrin Glau, Paul Herold, Dilip B. Madan and Christian P\"otz
- 2017: On Kelly Betting: Some Limitations

- Chung-Han Hsieh and B. Ross Barmish
- 2017: Kelly Betting Can Be Too Conservative

- Chung-Han Hsieh, B. Ross Barmish and John A. Gubner
- 2017: On Drawdown-Modulated Feedback Control in Stock Trading

- Chung-Han Hsieh and B. Ross Barmish
- 2017: Transform Analysis for Hawkes Processes with Applications in Dark Pool Trading

- Xuefeng Gao, Xiang Zhou and Lingjiong Zhu
- 2017: Keep It Real: Tail Probabilities of Compound Heavy-Tailed Distributions

- Igor Halperin
- 2017: A series representation for the Black-Scholes formula

- Jean-Philippe Aguilar
- 2017: Valuation of Employee Stock Options (ESOs) by means of Mean-Variance Hedging

- Kamil Kladivko and Mihail Zervos
- 2017: Managing Volatility Risk: An Application of Karhunen-Lo\`eve Decomposition and Filtered Historical Simulation

- Jinglun Yao, Sabine Laurent and Brice B\'enaben
- 2017: A Note on the Multi-Agent Contracts in Continuous Time

- Qi Luo and Romesh Saigal
- 2017: Obstacle problems for nonlocal operators

- Donatella Danielli, Arshak Petrosyan and Camelia A. Pop
- 2017: Estimation of Graphical Models using the $L_{1,2}$ Norm

- Khai X. Chiong and Hyungsik Moon
- 2017: Stock Trading via Feedback Control: Stochastic Model Predictive or Genetic?

- Mogens Graf Plessen and Alberto Bemporad
- 2017: Bias Reduction in Instrumental Variable Estimation through First-Stage Shrinkage

- Jann Spiess
- 2017: Unbiased Shrinkage Estimation

- Jann Spiess
- 2017: Instantaneous order impact and high-frequency strategy optimization in limit order books

- Federico Gonzalez and Mark Schervish
- 2017: An Optimal Execution Problem with S-shaped Market Impact Functions

- Takashi Kato
- 2017: Hierarchical organization of H. Eugene Stanley scientific collaboration community in weighted network representation

- Stanislaw Drozdz, Andrzej Kulig, Jaroslaw Kwapien, Artur Niewiarowski and Marek Stanuszek
- 2017: Robust and Consistent Estimation of Generators in Credit Risk

- Greig Smith and Goncalo dos Reis
- 2017: Pricing insurance drawdown-type contracts with underlying L\'evy assets

- Zbigniew Palmowski and Joanna Tumilewicz
- 2017: Robust Optimal Investment in Discrete Time for Unbounded Utility Function

- Laurence Carassus and Romain Blanchard
- 2017: The Local Fractional Bootstrap

- Mikkel Bennedsen, Ulrich Hounyo, Asger Lunde and Mikko S. Pakkanen
- 2017: Do co-jumps impact correlations in currency markets?

- Jozef Baruník and Lukas Vacha
- 2017: Fighting Uncertainty with Uncertainty: A Baby Step

- Ravi Kashyap
- 2017: Systemic Risk Management in Financial Networks with Credit Default Swaps

- Matt V. Leduc, Sebastian Poledna and Stefan Thurner
- 2017: Some Results on Skorokhod Embedding and Robust Hedging with Local Time

- Julien Claisse, Gaoyue Guo and Pierre Henry-Labordere
- 2017: Financial Models with Defaultable Num\'eraires

- Travis Fisher, Sergio Pulido and Johannes Ruf
- 2017: The Limits of Leverage

- Paolo Guasoni and Eberhard Mayerhofer
- 2017: Product-Mix Auctions and Tropical Geometry

- Ngoc Mai Tran and Josephine Yu
- 2017: The ABC of Simulation Estimation with Auxiliary Statistics

- Jean-Jacques Forneron and Serena Ng
- 2017: Do Classics Exist in Megaproject Management?

- Bent Flyvbjerg and J. Rodney Turner
- 2017: A 700-seat no-loss composition for the 2019 European Parliament

- G. R. Grimmett, F. Pukelsheim, V. Ram\'irez Gonz\'alez, W. S{\l}omczy\'nski and K. \.Zyczkowski
- 2017: Explaining the Mechanism of Growth in the Past Two Million Years Vol. I

- Ron W. Nielsen
- 2017: A Structural Model for Fluctuations in Financial Markets

- Kartik Anand, Jonathan Khedair and Reimer Kuehn
- 2017: Forecasting with Dynamic Panel Data Models

- Laura Liu, Hyungsik Moon and Frank Schorfheide
- 2017: Equilibrium distributions and discrete Schur-constant models

- Anna Casta\~ner and M Merc\`e Claramunt
- 2017: Wealth distribution in presence of debts. A Fokker--Planck description

- Marco Torregrossa and Giuseppe Toscani
- 2017: Quasi-random Monte Carlo application in CGE systematic sensitivity analysis

- Theodoros Chatzivasileiadis
- 2017: Kinetic models for goods exchange in a multi-agent market

- Carlo Brugna and Giuseppe Toscani
- 2017: A Bimodal Network Approach to Model Topic Dynamics

- Luigi Di Caro, Marco Guerzoni, Massimiliano Nuccio and Giovanni Siragusa
- 2017: Some No-Arbitrage Rules For Converging Asset Prices under Short-Sales Constraints

- Delia Coculescu and Monique Jeanblanc
- 2017: Discrete Choice and Rational Inattention: a General Equivalence Result

- Mogens Fosgerau, Emerson Melo, André de Palma and Matthew Shum
- 2017: Inference on Estimators defined by Mathematical Programming

- Yu-Wei Hsieh, Xiaoxia Shi and Matthew Shum
- 2017: Pricing derivatives in Hermite markets

- Stoyan V. Stoyanov, Svetlozar T. Rachev, Stefan Mittnik and Frank Fabozzi
- 2017: Bounds On Treatment Effects On Transitions

- Johan Vikstr\"om, Geert Ridder and Martin Weidner
- 2017: A sentiment-based model for the BitCoin: theory, estimation and option pricing

- Alessandra Cretarola, Gianna Fig\`a-Talamanca and Marco Patacca
- 2017: Testing the causality of Hawkes processes with time reversal

- Marcus Cordi, Damien Challet and Ioane Muni Toke
- 2017: The Aggregation Property and its Applications to Realised Higher Moments

- Carol Alexander and Johannes Rauch
- 2017: The inefficiency of Bitcoin revisited: a dynamic approach

- Aurelio Fernandez Bariviera
- 2017: Ownership Cost Calculations for Distributed Energy Resources Using Uncertainty and Risk Analyses

- S. Ali Pourmousavi, Mahdi Behrangrad, Ali Jahanbani Ardakani and M. Hashem Nehrir
- 2017: Decomposition of the Inequality of Income Distribution by Income Types - Application for Romania

- Tudorel Andrei, Bogdan Oancea, Peter Richmond, Gurjeet Dhesi and Claudiu Herteliu
- 2017: Arbitrage and Geometry

- Daniel Q. Naiman and Edward R. Scheinerman
- 2017: Dead Alphas as Risk Factors

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Kinetic theory and Brazilian income distribution

- Igor D. S. Siciliani and Marcelo H. R. Tragtenberg
- 2017: Modeling of the Labour Force Redistribution in Investment Projects with Account of their Delay

- I. D. Kolesin, O. A. Malafeyev, I. V. Zaitseva, A. N. Ermakova and D. V. Shlaev
- 2017: Optimal Liquidation Problems in a Randomly-Terminated Horizon

- Qing-Qing Yang, Wai-Ki Ching, Jia-Wen Gu and Tak Kwong Wong
- 2017: A new approach to the modeling of financial volumes

- Guglielmo D'Amico and Filippo Petroni
- 2017: Explicit Solution for Constrained Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Control with Multiplicative Noise

- Weipin Wu, Jianjun Gao, Duan Li and Yun Shi
- 2017: Semi-Static Variance-Optimal Hedging in Stochastic Volatility Models with Fourier Representation

- Paolo Di Tella, Martin Haubold and Martin Keller-Ressel
- 2017: Semi-Static and Sparse Variance-Optimal Hedging

- Paolo Di Tella, Martin Haubold and Martin Keller-Ressel
- 2017: Relatedness, Knowledge Diffusion, and the Evolution of Bilateral Trade

- Bogang Jun, Aamena Alshamsi, Jian Gao and Cesar Hidalgo
- 2017: Economic Complexity: "Buttarla in caciara" vs a constructive approach

- Luciano Pietronero, Matthieu Cristelli, Andrea Gabrielli, Dario Mazzilli, Emanuele Pugliese, Andrea Tacchella and Andrea Zaccaria
- 2017: Random matrix approach for primal-dual portfolio optimization problems

- Daichi Tada, Hisashi Yamamoto and Takashi Shinzato
- 2017: Risk-Aware Multi-Armed Bandit Problem with Application to Portfolio Selection

- Xiaoguang Huo and Feng Fu
- 2017: Welfare effects of information and rationality in portfolio decisions under parameter uncertainty

- Michele Longo and Alessandra Mainini
- 2017: Multivariate Density Modeling for Retirement Finance

- Christopher J. Rook
- 2017: Random walks and market efficiency in Chinese and Indian equity markets

- Oleg Malafeyev, Achal Awasthi and Kaustubh S. Kambekar
- 2017: Support Spinor Machine

- Kabin Kanjamapornkul, Richard Pin\v{c}\'ak, Sanphet Chunithpaisan and Erik Barto\v{s}
- 2017: A Modified Levy Jump-Diffusion Model Based on Market Sentiment Memory for Online Jump Prediction

- Zheqing Zhu, Jian-guo Liu and Lei Li
- 2017: Predictive Modeling: An Optimized and Dynamic Solution Framework for Systematic Value Investing

- R. J. Sak
- 2017: On portfolios generated by optimal transport

- Ting-Kam Leonard Wong
- 2017: Winning Investment Strategies Based on Financial Crisis Indicators

- Antoine Kornprobst
- 2017: Data science for assessing possible tax income manipulation: The case of Italy

- Marcel Ausloos, Roy Cerqueti and Tariq A. Mir
- 2017: The microstructure of high frequency markets

- Rene Carmona and Kevin Webster
- 2017: Time-Varying Extreme Value Dependence with Application to Leading European Stock Markets

- Daniela Castro Camilo, Miguel de Carvalho and Jennifer Wadsworth
- 2017: Risk-Minimizing Hedging of Counterparty Risk

- Lijun Bo, Agostino Capponi and Claudia Ceci
- 2017: An Option Pricing Model with Memory

- Flavia Sancier and Salah Mohammed
- 2017: A Partial Solution to Continuous Blotto

- Kostyantyn Mazur
- 2017: On coherency and other properties of MAXVAR

- Jie Sun and Qiang Yao
- 2017: How well do experience curves predict technological progress? A method for making distributional forecasts

- François Lafond, Aimee Gotway Bailey, Jan David Bakker, Dylan Rebois, Rubina Zadourian, Patrick McSharry and J. Farmer
- 2017: Wisdom of the institutional crowd

- Kevin Primicerio, Damien Challet and Stanislao Gualdi
- 2017: The amazing power of dimensional analysis: Quantifying market impact

- Mathias Pohl, Alexander Ristig, Walter Schachermayer and Ludovic Tangpi
- 2017: Fatou Property, representations, and extensions of law-invariant risk measures on general Orlicz spaces

- Niushan Gao, Denny H. Leung, Cosimo Munari and Foivos Xanthos
- 2017: A Markovian Model of the Evolving World Input-Output Network

- Vahid Moosavi and Giulio Isacchini
- 2017: BSDEs with default jump

- Roxana Dumitrescu, Marie-Claire Quenez and Agn\`es Sulem
- 2017: Mean Field Game of Controls and An Application To Trade Crowding

- Pierre Cardaliaguet and Charles-Albert Lehalle
- 2017: Constrained Optimal Transport

- Ibrahim Ekren and H. Mete Soner
- 2017: A superhedging approach to stochastic integration

- Rafa{\l} M. {\L}ochowski, Nicolas Perkowski and David J. Pr\"omel
- 2017: Financial Market Dynamics: Superdiffusive or not?

- Sandhya Devi
- 2017: Enhanced capital-asset pricing model for the reconstruction of bipartite financial networks

- Tiziano Squartini, Assaf Almog, Guido Caldarelli, Iman Lelyveld, Diego Garlaschelli and Giulio Cimini
- 2017: Monte Carlo Confidence Sets for Identified Sets

- Xiaohong Chen, Timothy Christensen and Elie Tamer
- 2017: Market Integration in the Prewar Japanese Rice Markets

- Mikio Ito, Kiyotaka Maeda and Akihiko Noda
- 2017: Financial equilibrium with asymmetric information and random horizon

- Umut \c{C}etin
- 2017: On random convex analysis

- Tiexin Guo, Erxin Zhang, Mingzhi Wu, Bixuan Yang, George Yuan and Xiaolin Zeng
- 2017: Duality formulas for robust pricing and hedging in discrete time

- Patrick Cheridito, Michael Kupper and Ludovic Tangpi
- 2017: Quadratic-exponential growth BSDEs with Jumps and their Malliavin's Differentiability

- Masaaki Fujii and Akihiko Takahashi
- 2017: The organization of the interbank network and how ECB unconventional measures affected the e-MID overnight market

- Paolo Barucca and Fabrizio Lillo
- 2017: Optimal Rebalancing Frequencies for Multidimensional Portfolios

- Ibrahim Ekren, Ren Liu and Johannes Muhle-Karbe
- 2017: Weakly chained matrices, policy iteration, and impulse control

- Parsiad Azimzadeh and Peter A. Forsyth
- 2017: Nonparametric estimates of pricing functionals

- Carlo Marinelli and Stefano d'Addona
- 2017: An Empirical Approach to Financial Crisis Indicators Based on Random Matrices

- Antoine Kornprobst and Raphael Douady
- 2017: A unified approach to time consistency of dynamic risk measures and dynamic performance measures in discrete time

- Tomasz R. Bielecki, Igor Cialenco and Marcin Pitera
- 2017: Quantile Hedging in a Semi-Static Market with Model Uncertainty

- Erhan Bayraktar and Gu Wang
- 2017: Set-valued shortfall and divergence risk measures

- \c{C}a\u{g}{\i}n Ararat, Andreas H. Hamel and Birgit Rudloff
- 2017: The Futures Premium and Rice Market Efficiency in Prewar Japan

- Mikio Ito, Kiyotaka Maeda and Akihiko Noda
- 2017: On the Hawkes Process with Different Exciting Functions

- Behzad Mehrdad and Lingjiong Zhu
- 2017: Rebalancing with Linear and Quadratic Costs

- Ren Liu, Johannes Muhle-Karbe and Marko H. Weber
- 2017: A hybrid approach for the implementation of the Heston model

- Maya Briani, Lucia Caramellino and Antonino Zanette
- 2017: GDP growth rates as confined L\'evy flights

- Sandro Claudio Lera and Didier Sornette
- 2017: Econophysics of Business Cycles: Aggregate Economic Fluctuations, Mean Risks and Mean Square Risks

- Victor Olkhov
- 2017: Extending Yagil exchange ratio determination model to the case of stochastic dividends

- Alessandra Mainini and Enrico Moretto
- 2017: Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall for the major digital currencies

- Stavros Stavroyiannis
- 2017: Spontaneous Segregation of Agents Across Double Auction Markets

- Aleksandra Alori\'c, Peter Sollich and Peter McBurney
- 2017: Minimax theorems for American options in incomplete markets without time-consistency

- Denis Belomestny and Volker Kraetschmer
- 2017: The stabilizing effect of volatility in financial markets

- Davide Valenti, Giorgio Fazio and Bernardo Spagnolo
- 2017: American options in an imperfect market with default

- Roxana Dumitrescu, Marie-Claire Quenez and Agn\`es Sulem
- 2017: Changing the Direction of the Economic and Demographic Research

- Ron W. Nielsen
- 2017: Measurement of Common Risk Factors: A Panel Quantile Regression Model for Returns

- Frantisek Cech and Jozef Baruník
- 2017: Default Contagion with Domino Effect, A First Passage Time Approach

- Jiro Akahori and Hai Ha Pham
- 2017: An equilibrium-conserving taxation scheme for income from capital

- Jacques Tempere
- 2017: A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 2017: Dynamic trading under integer constraints

- Stefan Gerhold and Paul Kr\"uhner
- 2017: Trends and Risk Premia: Update and Additional Plots

- Tung-Lam Dao, Daniel Hoehener, Yves Lemp\'eri\`ere, Trung-Tu Nguyen, Philip Seager and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: Feedback effect between Volatility of capital flows and financial stability: evidence from Democratic Republic of Congo

- Christian Pinshi
- 2017: Semiparametric GARCH via Bayesian model averaging

- Wilson Ye Chen and Richard H. Gerlach
- 2017: Haircutting Non-cash Collateral

- Wujiang Lou
- 2017: Active Preference Learning for Personalized Portfolio Construction

- Kevin Tee, Michael McCourt, Ruben Martinez-Cantin, Ian Dewancker and Frank Liu
- 2017: The Keynesian Model in the General Theory: A Tutorial

- Raul Rojas
- 2017: Optimal firm's policy under lead time-and price-dependent demand: interest of customers rejection policy

- Abduh Sayid, Yannick Frein and Ramzi Hammami
- 2017: Dynamic Conditional Correlation between Electricity and Stock markets during the Financial Crisis in Greece

- Panagiotis G. Papaioannou, George P. Papaioannou, Kostas Siettos, Akylas Stratigakos and Christos Dikaiakos
- 2017: Behind the price: on the role of agent's reflexivity in financial market microstructure

- Paolo Barucca and Fabrizio Lillo
- 2017: Systematic Noise: Micro-movements in Equity Options Markets

- Adam Wu
- 2017: Volatility and Economic Growth in the Twentieth Century

- Mercedes Campi and Marco Due\~nas
- 2017: Unemployment: Study of Causes and Possible Solutions

- Thomas Pedro Eggarter
- 2017: Dynamic correlations at different time-scales with Empirical Mode Decomposition

- Noemi Nava, T. Di Matteo and Tomaso Aste
- 2017: Fake News in Social Networks

- Christoph Aymanns, Jakob Foerster and Co-Pierre Georg
- 2017: Economic Design of Memory-Type Control Charts: The Fallacy of the Formula Proposed by Lorenzen and Vance (1986)

- Amir Ahmadi-Javid and Mohsen Ebadi
- 2017: Portfolio Optimization with Entropic Value-at-Risk

- Amir Ahmadi-Javid and Malihe Fallah-Tafti
- 2017: Quantum Barro--Gordon Game in Monetary Economics

- Ali Hussein Samadi, Afshin Montakhab, Hussein Marzban and Sakine Owjimehr
- 2017: How many paths to simulate correlated Brownian motions?

- Antoine Jacquier and Louis Jeannerod
- 2017: An indifference approach to the cost of capital constraints: KVA and beyond

- Damiano Brigo, Marco Francischello and Andrea Pallavicini
- 2017: Pricing compound and extendible options under mixed fractional Brownian motion with jumps

- Foad Shokrollahi
- 2017: Generalizations of Szpilrajn's Theorem in economic and game theories

- Athanasios Andrikopoulos
- 2017: Comparing distributions by multiple testing across quantiles or CDF values

- Matt Goldman and David Kaplan
- 2017: Some stylized facts of the Bitcoin market

- Aurelio Fernandez Bariviera, Mar\'ia Jos\'e Basgall, Waldo Hasperu\'e and Marcelo Naiouf
- 2017: Dynamics of Investor Spanning Trees Around Dot-Com Bubble

- Sindhuja Ranganathan, Mikko Kivel\"a and Juho Kanniainen
- 2017: Optimum thresholding using mean and conditional mean square error

- Jos\'e E. Figueroa-L\'opez and Cecilia Mancini
- 2017: Optimal placement of a small order in a diffusive limit order book

- Jos\'e E. Figueroa-L\'opez, Hyoeun Lee and Raghu Pasupathy
- 2017: Valuation of a Bermudan DB underpin hybrid pension benefit

- Xiaobai Zhu, Mary Hardy and David Saunders
- 2017: 729 new measures of economic complexity (Addendum to Improving the Economic Complexity Index)

- Saleh Albeaik, Mary Kaltenberg, Mansour Alsaleh and Cesar Hidalgo
- 2017: On the overestimation of the largest eigenvalue of a covariance matrix

- Soufiane Hayou
- 2017: Conditional-Mean Hedging Under Transaction Costs in Gaussian Models

- Tommi Sottinen and Lauri Viitasaari
- 2017: Decoding Stock Market with Quant Alphas

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Order Flows and Limit Order Book Resiliency on the Meso-Scale

- Kyle Bechler and Michael Ludkovski
- 2017: Exact probability distribution function for the volatility of cumulative production

- Rubina Zadourian and Andreas Kl\"umper
- 2017: Cardinality constrained portfolio selection via factor models

- Juan Francisco Monge
- 2017: Nonlinear price impact from linear models

- Felix Patzelt and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: The phase space structure of the oligopoly dynamical system by means of Darboux integrability

- Adam Krawiec, Tomasz Stachowiak and Marek Szydlowski
- 2017: Financial option insurance

- Qi-Wen Wang and Jian-Jun Shu
- 2017: Volatility Spillovers and Heavy Tails: A Large t-Vector AutoRegressive Approach

- Luca Barbaglia, Christophe Croux and Ines Wilms
- 2017: Machine learning in sentiment reconstruction of the simulated stock market

- Mikhail Goykhman and Ali Teimouri
- 2017: A Two Factor Forward Curve Model with Stochastic Volatility for Commodity Prices

- Mark Higgins
- 2017: Vector-Valued Multivariate Conditional Value-at-Risk

- Merve Merakli and Simge Kucukyavuz
- 2017: A Mean Field Competition

- Marcel Nutz and Yuchong Zhang
- 2017: Why we like the ECI+ algorithm

- Andrea Gabrielli, Matthieu Cristelli, Dario Mazzilli, Andrea Tacchella, Andrea Zaccaria and Luciano Pietronero
- 2017: Lorenz curves interpretations of the Bruss-Duerinckx theorem for resource dependent branching processes

- Alexandre Jacquemain
- 2017: Stock-flow consistent macroeconomic model with nonuniform distributional constraint

- Aur\'elien Hazan
- 2017: The "Size Premium" in Equity Markets: Where is the Risk?

- Stefano Ciliberti, Emmanuel S\'eri\'e, Guillaume Simon, Yves Lemp\'eri\`ere and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: Modeling the price of Bitcoin with geometric fractional Brownian motion: a Monte Carlo approach

- Mariusz Tarnopolski
- 2017: Universal scaling and nonlinearity of aggregate price impact in financial markets

- Felix Patzelt and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: Noisy independent component analysis of auto-correlated components

- Jakob Knollm\"uller and Torsten A. En{\ss}lin
- 2017: A fractional reaction-diffusion description of supply and demand

- Michael Benzaquen and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: A Joint Quantile and Expected Shortfall Regression Framework

- Timo Dimitriadis and Sebastian Bayer
- 2017: Discounting with Imperfect Collateral

- Wujiang Lou
- 2017: Trading Lightly: Cross-Impact and Optimal Portfolio Execution

- Iacopo Mastromatteo, Michael Benzaquen, Zoltan Eisler and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: Super Generalized Central Limit Theorem: Limit distributions for sums of non-identical random variables with power-laws

- Masaru Shintani and Ken Umeno
- 2017: An Optimal Execution Problem in the Volume-Dependent Almgren-Chriss Model

- Takashi Kato
- 2017: Long and Short Memory in Economics: Fractional-Order Difference and Differentiation

- Vasily E. Tarasov and Valentina V. Tarasova
- 2017: How fast does the clock of Finance run? - A time-definition enforcing scale invariance and quantifying overnights

- Michele Caraglio, Fulvio Baldovin and Attilio L. Stella
- 2017: Cross-impact and no-dynamic-arbitrage

- Michael Schneider and Fabrizio Lillo
- 2017: Subdiffusive fractional Brownian motion regime for pricing currency options under transaction costs

- Foad Shokrollahi
- 2017: A diagnostic criterion for approximate factor structure

- Patrick Gagliardini, Elisa Ossola and Olivier Scaillet
- 2017: Can Agent-Based Models Probe Market Microstructure?

- Donovan Platt and Tim Gebbie
- 2017: Barrier Option Pricing under the 2-Hypergeometric Stochastic Volatility Model

- R\'uben Sousa, Ana Bela Cruzeiro and Manuel Guerra
- 2017: Asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood estimator for the growth rate for a jump-type CIR process based on continuous time observations

- Matyas Barczy, Mohamed Ben Alaya, Ahmed Kebaier and Gyula Pap
- 2017: A diffusion approximation for limit order book models

- Ulrich Horst and D\"orte Kreher
- 2017: Generalized Optimal Liquidation Problems Across Multiple Trading Venues

- Qing-Qing Yang, Wai-Ki Ching, Jia-Wen Gu and Tak Kuen Siu
- 2017: Tukey's transformational ladder for portfolio management

- Philip Ernst, James Thompson and Yinsen Miao
- 2017: Unbiased estimation of risk

- Marcin Pitera and Thorsten Schmidt
- 2017: Portfolio Selection: The Power of Equal Weight

- Philip Ernst, James Thompson and Yinsen Miao
- 2017: Portfolio optimization under dynamic risk constraints: continuous vs. discrete time trading

- Imke Redeker and Ralf Wunderlich
- 2017: The role of consumer networks in firms' multi-characteristics competition and market-share inequality

- Antonios Garas and Athanasios Lapatinas
- 2017: Emergence of Cooperative Long-term Market Loyalty in Double Auction Markets

- Aleksandra Aloric, Peter Sollich, Peter McBurney and Tobias Galla
- 2017: Hydroassets Portfolio Management for Intraday Electricity Trading from a Discrete Time Stochastic Optimization Perspective

- Simone Farinelli and Luisa Tibiletti
- 2017: American Options with Asymmetric Information and Reflected BSDE

- Neda Esmaeeli and Peter Imkeller
- 2017: Sorting in Networks: Adversity and Structure

- Andreas Bjerre-Nielsen
- 2017: Competition and Efficiency of Coalitions in Cournot Games with Uncertainty

- Baosen Zhang, Ramesh Johari and Ram Rajagopal
- 2017: Asymptotic behaviour of the fractional Heston model

- Hamza Guennoun, Antoine Jacquier, Patrick Roome and Fangwei Shi
- 2017: An inverse optimal stopping problem for diffusion processes

- Thomas Kruse and Philipp Strack
- 2017: Hedging in a market with jumps - an FBSDE approach

- Evelina Shamarova and Rui S\'a Pereira
- 2017: Relationship between Remittances and Macroeconomic Variables in Times of Political and Social Upheaval: Evidence from Tunisia's Arab Spring

- Jamal Bouoiyour, Refk Selmi and Amal Miftah
- 2017: New Market Creation via Innovation: A Study on Tata Nano

- Swati Singh and Manoj Joshi
- 2017: Spurious memory in non-equilibrium stochastic models of imitative behavior

- Vygintas Gontis and Aleksejus Kononovicius
- 2017: Explicit expressions for European option pricing under a generalized skew normal distribution

- Mahdi Doostparast
- 2017: Identification of Treatment Effects under Conditional Partial Independence

- Matthew Masten and Alexandre Poirier
- 2017: A hydrodynamic model for cooperating solidary countries

- Roberto De Luca, Marco Di Mauro, Angelo Falzarano and Adele Naddeo
- 2017: On Biased Correlation Estimation

- Thomas Sch\"urmann and Ingo Hoffmann
- 2017: Mutation Clusters from Cancer Exome

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Ether: Bitcoin's competitor or ally?

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 2017: Stock Prediction: a method based on extraction of news features and recurrent neural networks

- Zeya Zhang, Weizheng Chen and Hongfei Yan
- 2017: Agent Inspired Trading Using Recurrent Reinforcement Learning and LSTM Neural Networks

- David W. Lu
- 2017: Optimal Trade Execution Under Endogenous Pressure to Liquidate: Theory and Numerical Solutions

- Pavol Brunovsk\'y, Ale\v{s} \v{C}ern\'y and J\'an Komadel
- 2017: Lagrange regularisation approach to compare nested data sets and determine objectively financial bubbles' inceptions

- Guilherme Demos and Didier Sornette
- 2017: Geopolitical Model of Investment Project Implementation

- Oleg Malafeyev, Konstantin Farvazov and Olga Zenovich
- 2017: Impact of the Global Crisis on SME Internal vs. External Financing in China

- ShiXue He and Marcel Ausloos
- 2017: American Options with Discontinuous Two-Level Caps

- Jerome Detemple and Yerkin Kitapbayev
- 2017: Contagious disruptions and complexity traps in economic development

- Charles D. Brummitt, Kenan Huremović, Paolo Pin, Matthew H. Bonds and Fernando Vega-Redondo
- 2017: Improving the Economic Complexity Index

- Saleh Albeaik, Mary Kaltenberg, Mansour Alsaleh and Cesar Hidalgo
- 2017: Correlations and Flow of Information between The New York Times and Stock Markets

- Andr\'es Garc\'ia-Medina, Leonidas Sandoval Junior, Efra\'in Urrutia Ba\~nuelos and A. M. Mart\'inez-Arg\"uello
- 2017: Network analysis of Japanese global business using quasi-exhaustive micro-data for Japanese overseas subsidiaries

- Jean-Pascal Bassino, Pablo Jensen and Matteo Morini
- 2017: Sequence Classification of the Limit Order Book using Recurrent Neural Networks

- Matthew F Dixon
- 2017: Impact and Recovery Process of Mini Flash Crashes: An Empirical Study

- Tobias Braun, Jonas A. Fiegen, Daniel C. Wagner, Sebastian M. Krause and Thomas Guhr
- 2017: Wax and wane of the cross-sectional momentum and contrarian effects: Evidence from the Chinese stock markets

- H. -L. Shi and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 2017: Power-law tails in the distribution of order imbalance

- T. Zhang, G. -F. Gu, H. -C. Xu, X. Xiong, W. Chen and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 2017: Plunges in the Bombay stock exchange: Characteristics and indicators

- Kinjal Banerjee, Chandradew Sharma and N. Bittu
- 2017: Second order stochastic differential models for financial markets

- Nguyen Tien Zung
- 2017: Dynamic Semiparametric Models for Expected Shortfall (and Value-at-Risk)

- Andrew Patton, Johanna F. Ziegel and Rui Chen
- 2017: Pricing formulae for derivatives in insurance using the Malliavin calculus

- Caroline Hillairet, Ying Jiao and Anthony R\'eveillac
- 2017: Automatic Backward Differentiation for American Monte-Carlo Algorithms (Conditional Expectation)

- Christian Fries
- 2017: Forecasting the U.S. Real House Price Index

- Vasilios Plakandaras, Rangan Gupta, Periklis Gogas and Theophilos Papadimitriou
- 2017: Transitions between superstatistical regimes: validity, breakdown and applications

- Petr Jizba, Jan Korbel, Hynek Lavi\v{c}ka, Martin Prok\v{s}, V\'aclav Svoboda and Christian Beck
- 2017: Machine learning application in online lending risk prediction

- Xiaojiao Yu
- 2017: Good signals gone bad: dynamic signalling with switching efforts

- Sander Heinsalu
- 2017: A short introduction to quasi-Monte Carlo option pricing

- Gunther Leobacher
- 2017: Asymptotics for Greeks under the constant elasticity of variance model

- Oleg L. Kritski and Vladimir F. Zalmezh
- 2017: How do fishery policies affect Hawaii's longline fishing industry? Calibrating a positive mathematical programming model

- Jonathan R. Sweeney, Richard E. Howitt, Hing Ling Chan, Minling Pan and PingSun Leung
- 2017: Bayesian Realized-GARCH Models for Financial Tail Risk Forecasting Incorporating Two-sided Weibull Distribution

- Chao Wang, Qian Chen and Richard Gerlach
- 2017: Portfolio Risk Assessment using Copula Models

- Mikhail Semenov and Daulet Smagulov
- 2017: Banking risk as an epidemiological model: an optimal control approach

- Olena Kostylenko, Helena Sofia Rodrigues and Delfim F. M. Torres
- 2017: The partial damage loss cover ratemaking of the automobile insurance using generalized linear models

- William Guevara-Alarc\'on, Luz Mery Gonz\'alez and Armando Antonio Zarruk
- 2017: The Wealth of Nations: Complexity Science for an Interdisciplinary Approach in Economics

- Klaus Jaffe
- 2017: Residual Value Forecasting Using Asymmetric Cost Functions

- Korbinian Dress, Stefan Lessmann and Hans-Jörg von Mettenheim
- 2017: Consistency of extended Nelson-Siegel curve families with the Ho-Lee and Hull and White short rate models

- Patricia Kisbye and Karem Meier
- 2017: Coherent diversification in corporate technological portfolios

- Emanuele Pugliese, Lorenzo Napolitano, Andrea Zaccaria and Luciano Pietronero
- 2017: Model for Constructing an Options Portfolio with a Certain Payoff Function

- Margarita E. Fatyanova and Mikhail E. Semenov
- 2017: Option Pricing and Hedging for Discrete Time Autoregressive Hidden Markov Model

- Massimo Caccia and Bruno R\'emillard
- 2017: Option Pricing with Delayed Information

- Tomoyuki Ichiba and Seyyed Mostafa Mousavi
- 2017: You are in a drawdown. When should you start worrying?

- Adam Rej, Philip Seager and Jean-Philippe Bouchaud
- 2017: Nonlinear Parabolic Equations arising in Mathematical Finance

- Daniel Sevcovic
- 2017: The Bitcoin price formation: Beyond the fundamental sources

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 2017: Multi-state models for evaluating conversion options in life insurance

- Guglielmo D'Amico, Montserrat Guillen, Raimondo Manca and Filippo Petroni
- 2017: Bonus--malus systems with different claim types and varying deductibles

- Olena Ragulina
- 2017: Asymptotics for the Euler-Discretized Hull-White Stochastic Volatility Model

- Dan Pirjol and Lingjiong Zhu
- 2017: General Price Bounds for Guaranteed Annuity Options

- Raj Kumari Bahl and Sotirios Sabanis
- 2017: Checking account activity and credit default risk of enterprises: An application of statistical learning methods

- Jinglun Yao, Maxime Levy-Chapira and Mamikon Margaryan
- 2017: Analytical and numerical results for American style of perpetual put options through transformation into nonlinear stationary Black-Scholes equations

- Maria Grossinho, Yaser Faghan Kord and Daniel Sevcovic
- 2017: Foreign exchange market modelling and an on-line portfolio selection algorithm

- Panpan Ren and Jiang-Lun Wu
- 2017: Regret-based Selection for Sparse Dynamic Portfolios

- David Puelz, P. Richard Hahn and Carlos Carvalho
- 2017: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for the Financial Portfolio Management Problem

- Zhengyao Jiang, Dixing Xu and Jinjun Liang
- 2017: Bilateral multifactor CES general equilibrium with state-replicating Armington elasticities

- Jiyoung Kim, Satoshi Nakano and Kazuhiko Nishimura
- 2017: Hedging in fractional Black-Scholes model with transaction costs

- Foad Shokrollahi and Tommi Sottinen
- 2017: The Action Principle in Market Mechanics

- J. T. Manhire
- 2017: Leontief Meets Shannon - Measuring the Complexity of the Economic System

- Dave Zachariah and Paul Cockshott
- 2017: Disentangling Price, Risk and Model Risk: V&R measures

- Marco Frittelli and Marco Maggis
- 2017: *K-means and Cluster Models for Cancer Signatures

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Hawkes process model with a time-dependent background rate and its application to high-frequency financial data

- Takahiro Omi, Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara
- 2017: Contagion in financial systems: A Bayesian network approach

- Carsten Chong and Claudia Kl\"uppelberg
- 2017: Trading strategies for stock pairs regarding to the cross-impact cost

- Shanshan Wang
- 2017: Economic Accelerator with Memory: Discrete Time Approach

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: Optimal Trade Execution with Instantaneous Price Impact and Stochastic Resilience

- Paulwin Graewe and Ulrich Horst
- 2017: Optimal portfolio selection under vanishing fixed transaction costs

- S\"oren Christensen, Albrecht Irle and Andreas Ludwig
- 2017: On Origins of Bubbles

- Zura Kakushadze
- 2017: Fast, Accurate, Straightforward Extreme Quantiles of Compound Loss Distributions

- J. D. Opdyke
- 2017: The Long Bond, Long Forward Measure and Long-Term Factorization in Heath-Jarrow-Morton Models

- Likuan Qin and Vadim Linetsky
- 2017: Long-Term Factorization of Affine Pricing Kernels

- Likuan Qin and Vadim Linetsky
- 2017: Microscopic Understanding of Cross-Responses between Stocks: a Two-Component Price Impact Model

- Shanshan Wang and Thomas Guhr
- 2017: On American VIX options under the generalized 3/2 and 1/2 models

- Jerome Detemple and Yerkin Kitapbayev
- 2017: Distribution-Constrained Optimal Stopping

- Erhan Bayraktar and Christopher W. Miller
- 2017: On the overlaps between eigenvectors of correlated random matrices

- Jo\"el Bun, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Potters
- 2017: Efficient Bayesian Inference for Multivariate Factor Stochastic Volatility Models

- Gregor Kastner, Sylvia Fr\"uhwirth-Schnatter and Hedibert Freitas Lopes
- 2017: Game options in an imperfect market with default

- Roxana Dumitrescu, Marie-Claire Quenez and Agn\`es Sulem
- 2017: Stochastic control for a class of nonlinear kernels and applications

- Dylan Possama\"i, Xiaolu Tan and Chao Zhou
- 2017: Coupling Importance Sampling and Multilevel Monte Carlo using Sample Average Approximation

- Ahmed Kebaier and J\'er\^ome Lelong
- 2017: Utility Maximisation for Exponential Levy Models with option and information processes

- Lioudmila Vostrikova
- 2017: Insurance makes wealth grow faster

- Ole Peters and Alexander Adamou
- 2017: The Theory of a Heliospheric Economy

- Thomas Tarler
- 2017: Assessment of 48 Stock markets using adaptive multifractal approach

- Paulo Ferreira, Andreia Dion\'isio and S. M. S. Movahed
- 2017: The asymptotic smile of a multiscaling stochastic volatility model

- Francesco Caravenna and Jacopo Corbetta
- 2017: Implicit transaction costs and the fundamental theorems of asset pricing

- Erindi Allaj
- 2017: Hedging in L\'evy Models and the Time Step Equivalent of Jumps

- Ale\v{s} \v{C}ern\'y, Stephan Denkl and Jan Kallsen
- 2017: On the Structure of General Mean-Variance Hedging Strategies

- Ale\v{s} \v{C}ern\'y and Jan Kallsen
- 2017: Risk Constrained Trading Strategies for Stochastic Generation with a Single-Price Balancing Market

- Jethro Browell
- 2017: An Investigation into Laboucheres Betting System to Improve Odds of Favorable Outcomes to Generate a Positive Externality Empirically

- Jake Billings and Sebastian Del Barco
- 2017: Extreme portfolio loss correlations in credit risk

- Andreas M\"uhlbacher and Thomas Guhr
- 2017: Dynamical selection of Nash equilibria using Experience Weighted Attraction Learning: emergence of heterogeneous mixed equilibria

- Robin Nicole and Peter Sollich
- 2017: Asymptotics for the Discrete-Time Average of the Geometric Brownian Motion and Asian Options

- Dan Pirjol and Lingjiong Zhu
- 2017: Risk Model Based on General Compound Hawkes Process

- Anatoliy Swishchuk
- 2017: Intergenerational mobility measures in a bivariate normal model

- Yonatan Berman
- 2017: A Possibilistic and Probabilistic Approach to Precautionary Saving

- Irina Georgescu, Adolfo Cristobal-Campoamor and Ana Maria Lucia Casademunt
- 2017: General Compound Hawkes Processes in Limit Order Books

- Anatoliy Swishchuk
- 2017: Virtual Relationships: Short- and Long-run Evidence from BitCoin and Altcoin Markets

- Pavel Ciaian, Miroslava Rajcaniova and d'Artis Kancs
- 2017: Stop-loss and Leverage in optimal Statistical Arbitrage with an application to Energy market

- Roberto Baviera and Tommaso Santagostino Baldi
- 2017: Market Efficiency and Growth Optimal Portfolio

- Eckhard Platen and Renata Rendek
- 2017: Deep Learning in (and of) Agent-Based Models: A Prospectus

- Sander van der Hoog
- 2017: Symbolic dynamics techniques for complex systems: Application to share price dynamics

- Dan Xu and Christian Beck
- 2017: Food Productivity Trends from Hybrid Corn: Statistical Analysis of Patents and Field-test data

- Mariam Barry, Giorgio Triulzi and Christopher L. Magee
- 2017: Quantifying the Benefits of Infrastructure Sharing

- Matthew Andrews, Milan Bradonjic and Iraj Saniee
- 2017: Modeling credit default swap premiums with stochastic recovery rate

- Zahra Sokoot, Navideh Modarresi and Farzaneh Niknejad
- 2017: Transfer entropy between communities in complex networks

- Jan Korbel, Xiongfei Jiang and Bo Zheng
- 2017: Ancillarity-Sufficiency Interweaving Strategy (ASIS) for Boosting MCMC Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models

- Gregor Kastner and Sylvia Fr\"uhwirth-Schnatter
- 2017: Effect of Intellectual Property Policy on the Speed of Technological Advancement

- Ivan D. Breslavsky
- 2017: Beating the Omega Clock: An Optimal Stopping Problem with Random Time-horizon under Spectrally Negative L\'evy Models

- Neofytos Rodosthenous and Hongzhong Zhang
- 2017: Portfolio optimization for a large investor controlling market sentiment under partial information

- S\"uhan Altay, Katia Colaneri and Zehra Eksi
- 2017: Economics of limiting cumulative CO2 emissions

- Ashwin K Seshadri
- 2017: Analysis of order book flows using a nonparametric estimation of the branching ratio matrix

- Massil Achab, Emmanuel Bacry, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Muzy and Marcello Rambaldi
- 2017: A Deep Causal Inference Approach to Measuring the Effects of Forming Group Loans in Online Non-profit Microfinance Platform

- Thai T. Pham and Yuanyuan Shen
- 2017: Adaptive Robust Control Under Model Uncertainty

- Tomasz R. Bielecki, Tao Chen, Igor Cialenco, Areski Cousin and Monique Jeanblanc
- 2017: Testing Ambiguity and Machina Preferences Within a Quantum-theoretic Framework for Decision-making

- Diederik Aerts, Suzette Geriente, Catarina Moreira and Sandro Sozzo
- 2017: Informing Additive Manufacturing technology adoption: total cost and the impact of capacity utilisation

- Martin Baumers, Luca Beltrametti, Angelo Gasparre and Richard Hague
- 2017: A predictive pan-European economic and production dispatch model for the energy transition in the electricity sector

- Laurent Pagnier and Philippe Jacquod
- 2017: Pricing Asian options for NIG and VG Levy markets

- Belkacem Berdjane
- 2017: Exploring the determinants of Bitcoin's price: an application of Bayesian Structural Time Series

- Obryan Poyser
- 2017: Moral hazard in welfare economics: on the advantage of Planner's advices to manage employees' actions

- Thibaut Mastrolia
- 2017: Heston Stochastic Vol-of-Vol Model for Joint Calibration of VIX and S&P 500 Options

- Jean-Pierre Fouque and Yuri F. Saporito
- 2017: Fluctuation analysis of electric power loads in Europe: Correlation multifractality vs. Distribution function multifractality

- Hynek Lavicka and Jiri Kracik
- 2017: Clearing algorithms and network centrality

- Christoph Siebenbrunner
- 2017: Fast calibration of the Libor Market Model with Stochastic Volatility and Displaced Diffusion

- Laurent Devineau, Pierre-Edouard Arrouy, Paul Bonnefoy and Alexandre Boumezoued
- 2017: Application of Differential Equations in Projecting Growth Trajectories

- Ron W. Nielsen
- 2017: The q-dependent detrended cross-correlation analysis of stock market

- Longfeng Zhao, Wei Li, Andrea Fenu, Boris Podobnik, Yougui Wang and H. Eugene Stanley
- 2017: Implied Stopping Rules for American Basket Options from Markovian Projection

- Christian Bayer, Juho H\"app\"ol\"a and Ra\'ul Tempone
- 2017: High-Frequency Jump Analysis of the Bitcoin Market

- Olivier Scaillet, Adrien Treccani and Christopher Trevisan
- 2017: Extremal Behavior of Long-Term Investors with Power Utility

- Nicole B\"auerle and Stefanie Grether
- 2017: Mini-symposium on automatic differentiation and its applications in the financial industry

- S\'ebastien Geeraert, Charles-Albert Lehalle, Barak Pearlmutter, Olivier Pironneau and Adil Reghai
- 2017: Incremental computation of block triangular matrix exponentials with application to option pricing

- Daniel Kressner, Robert Luce and Francesco Statti
- 2017: The Shapley Value of Digraph Games

- Krishna Khatri
- 2017: Chebyshev Reduced Basis Function applied to Option Valuation

- Javier de Frutos and Victor Gaton
- 2017: Empirical analysis of daily cash flow time series and its implications for forecasting

- Francisco Salas-Molina, Juan A. Rodr\'iguez-Aguilar, Joan Serr\`a, Montserrat Guillen and Francisco J. Martin
- 2017: Closedness of convex sets in Orlicz spaces with applications to dual representation of risk measures

- Niushan Gao, Denny H. Leung and Foivos Xanthos
- 2017: Bounds for VIX Futures given S&P 500 Smiles

- Julien Guyon, Romain Menegaux and Marcel Nutz
- 2017: Short-Time Expansions for Call Options on Leveraged ETFs Under Exponential L\'evy models With Local Volatility

- Jos\'e E. Figueroa-L\'opez, Ruoting Gong and Matthew Lorig
- 2017: The effect of heterogeneity on flocking behavior and systemic risk

- Fei Fang, Yiwei Sun and Konstantinos Spiliopoulos
- 2017: Statistical inference for the doubly stochastic self-exciting process

- Simon Clinet and Yoann Potiron
- 2017: Incentivizing Resilience in Financial Networks

- Matt V. Leduc and Stefan Thurner
- 2017: Endogenous Formation of Limit Order Books: Dynamics Between Trades

- Roman Gayduk and Sergey Nadtochiy
- 2017: Super-hedging American Options with Semi-static Trading Strategies under Model Uncertainty

- Erhan Bayraktar and Zhou Zhou
- 2017: Big is Fragile: An Attempt at Theorizing Scale

- Atif Ansar, Bent Flyvbjerg, Alexander Budzier and Daniel Lunn
- 2017: Improved Fr\'echet$-$Hoeffding bounds on $d$-copulas and applications in model-free finance

- Thibaut Lux and Antonis Papapantoleon
- 2017: Backtesting Lambda Value at Risk

- Jacopo Corbetta and Ilaria Peri
- 2017: Funding, repo and credit inclusive valuation as modified option pricing

- Damiano Brigo, Cristin Buescu and Marek Rutkowski
- 2017: Ruin under stochastic dependence between premium and claim arrivals

- Matija Vidmar
- 2017: Nash equilibria for non zero-sum ergodic stochastic differential games

- Samuel N. Cohen and Victor Fedyashov
- 2017: Pricing and Referrals in Diffusion on Networks

- Matt V. Leduc, Matthew Jackson and Ramesh Johari
- 2017: Optimal investment with intermediate consumption under no unbounded profit with bounded risk

- Huy N. Chau, Andrea Cosso, Claudio Fontana and Oleksii Mostovyi
- 2017: The strong predictable representation property in initially enlarged filtrations under the density hypothesis

- Claudio Fontana
- 2017: Analysis of cyclical behavior in time series of stock market returns

- Djordje Stratimirovic, Darko Sarvan, Vladimir Miljkovic and Suzana Blesic
- 2017: Bayesian optimisation for fast approximate inference in state-space models with intractable likelihoods

- Johan Dahlin, Mattias Villani and Thomas B. Sch\"on
- 2017: Randomized versions of Mazur lemma and Krein-Smulian theorem

- Jose Miguel Zapata
- 2017: Smooth solutions to portfolio liquidation problems under price-sensitive market impact

- Paulwin Graewe, Ulrich Horst and Eric S\'er\'e
- 2017: Parameter estimation for stable distributions with application to commodity futures log returns

- Michael Kateregga, Sure Mataramvura and David Taylor
- 2017: Decomposition of Time Series Data to Check Consistency between Fund Style and Actual Fund Composition of Mutual Funds

- Jaydip Sen and Tamal Datta Chaudhuri
- 2017: An Investigation of the Structural Characteristics of the Indian IT Sector and the Capital Goods Sector: An Application of the R Programming in Time Series Decomposition and Forecasting

- Jaydip Sen and Tamal Datta Chaudhuri
- 2017: Non-Local Macroeconomic Transactions and Credits-Loans Surface-Like Waves

- Victor Olkhov
- 2017: Identification of Credit Risk Based on Cluster Analysis of Account Behaviours

- Maha Bakoben, Tony Bellotti and Niall Adams
- 2017: Stock Trading Using PE ratio: A Dynamic Bayesian Network Modeling on Behavioral Finance and Fundamental Investment

- Haizhen Wang, Ratthachat Chatpatanasiri and Pairote Sattayatham
- 2017: Econophysics of Macro-Finance: Local Multi-fluid Models and Surface-like Waves of Financial Variables

- Victor Olkhov
- 2017: Trends in Banking 2017 and onwards

- Peter Mitic
- 2017: Dynamic Index Tracking and Risk Exposure Control Using Derivatives

- Tim Leung and Brian Ward
- 2017: The Impact of Digital Financial Services on Firm's Performance: a Literature Review

- Tariq Abbasi and Hans Weigand
- 2017: Standardised Reputation Measurement

- Peter Mitic
- 2017: Growth-Optimal Portfolio Selection under CVaR Constraints

- Guy Uziel and Ran El-Yaniv
- 2017: The geometry of multi-marginal Skorokhod Embedding

- Mathias Beiglboeck, Alexander Cox and Martin Huesmann
- 2017: Financial Time Series Forecasting: Semantic Analysis Of Economic News

- Kateryna Kononova and Anton Dek
- 2017: Optimal Dividends in the Dual Risk Model under a Stochastic Interest Rate

- Zailei Cheng
- 2017: Sensitivity analysis of the utility maximization problem with respect to model perturbations

- Oleksii Mostovyi and Mihai S\^irbu
- 2017: Using Macroeconomic Forecasts to Improve Mean Reverting Trading Strategies

- Yash Sharma
- 2017: On the Black's equation for the risk tolerance function

- Sigrid K\"allblad and Thaleia Zariphopoulou
- 2017: Wealth dynamics in a sentiment-driven market

- Mikhail Goykhman
- 2017: CDS Rate Construction Methods by Machine Learning Techniques

- Raymond Brummelhuis and Zhongmin Luo
- 2017: Conduct Risk - distribution models with very thin Tails

- Peter Mitic
- 2017: Bayesian Inference of the Multi-Period Optimal Portfolio for an Exponential Utility

- David Bauder, Taras Bodnar, Nestor Parolya and Wolfgang Schmid
- 2017: Analytic techniques for option pricing under a hyperexponential L\'{e}vy model

- Daniel Hackmann
- 2017: A Novel Approach to Quantification of Model Risk for Practitioners

- Zuzana Krajcovicova, Pedro Pablo Perez-Velasco and Carlos Vazquez
- 2017: Calibration and Filtering of Exponential L\'evy Option Pricing Models

- Stavros J. Sioutis
- 2017: Murphy Diagrams: Forecast Evaluation of Expected Shortfall

- Johanna F. Ziegel, Fabian Kr\"uger, Alexander Jordan and Fernando Fasciati
- 2017: Investing for the Long Run

- Dietmar Leisen and Eckhard Platen
- 2017: A note on the impact of management fees on the pricing of variable annuity guarantees

- Jin Sun, Pavel V. Shevchenko and Man Chung Fung
- 2017: Optimal stopping and a non-zero-sum Dynkin game in discrete time with risk measures induced by BSDEs

- Miryana Grigorova and Marie-Claire Quenez
- 2017: Hybrid PDE solver for data-driven problems and modern branching

- Francisco Bernal, Gon\c{c}alo dos Reis and Greig Smith
- 2017: Polynomial processes in stochastic portfolio theory

- Christa Cuchiero
- 2017: Maximum Entropy Principle underlying the dynamics of automobile sales

- A. Hernando, D. Villuendas, M. Sulc, R. Hernando, R. Seoane and A. Plastino
- 2017: Machine Learning Techniques for Mortality Modeling

- Philippe Deprez, Pavel V. Shevchenko and Mario V. W\"uthrich
- 2017: An equation for a time-dependent profit rate

- Rafael D. Sorkin
- 2017: The Indirect Effects of FDI on Trade: A Network Perspective

- Paolo Sgrignoli, Rodolfo Metulini, Zhen Zhu and Massimo Riccaboni
- 2017: A fundamental theorem of asset pricing for continuous time large financial markets in a two filtration setting

- Christa Cuchiero, Irene Klein and Josef Teichmann
- 2017: An Alternative Estimation of Market Volatility based on Fuzzy Transform

- Luigi Troiano, Elena Mejuto Villa and Pravesh Kriplani
- 2017: A Novel Approach to Forecasting Financial Volatility with Gaussian Process Envelopes

- Syed Ali Asad Rizvi, Stephen J. Roberts, Michael A. Osborne and Favour Nyikosa
- 2017: Towards the Exact Simulation Using Hyperbolic Brownian Motion

- Yuuki Ida and Yuri Imamura
- 2017: Particle systems with singular interaction through hitting times: application in systemic risk modeling

- Sergey Nadtochiy and Mykhaylo Shkolnikov
- 2017: Are target date funds dinosaurs? Failure to adapt can lead to extinction

- Peter A. Forsyth, Yuying Li and Kenneth R. Vetzal
- 2017: A note on the Nelson Cao inequality constraints in the GJR-GARCH model: Is there a leverage effect?

- Stavros Stavroyiannis
- 2017: Social dynamics of financial networks

- Teruyoshi Kobayashi and Taro Takaguchi
- 2017: Uncovering Offshore Financial Centers: Conduits and Sinks in the Global Corporate Ownership Network

- Javier Garcia-Bernardo, Jan Fichtner, Eelke M. Heemskerk and Frank W. Takes
- 2017: Moment generating functions and Normalized implied volatilities: unification and extension via Fukasawa's pricing formula

- Stefano De Marco and Claude Martini
- 2017: A generalized public goods game with coupling of individual ability and project benefit

- Li-Xin Zhong, Wen-Juan Xu, Yun-Xin He, Chen-Yang Zhong, Rong-Da Chen, Tian Qiu, Yong-Dong Shi and Fei Ren
- 2017: Corporate Security Prices in Structural Credit Risk Models with Incomplete Information: Extended Version

- Ruediger Frey, Lars Roesler and Dan Lu
- 2017: A Primer on Portfolio Choice with Small Transaction Costs

- Johannes Muhle-Karbe, Max Reppen and H. Mete Soner
- 2017: Minimum spanning tree filtering of correlations for varying time scales and size of fluctuations

- Jaroslaw Kwapien, Pawel Oswiecimka, Marcin Forczek and Stanislaw Drozdz
- 2017: The complex dynamics of products and its asymptotic properties

- Orazio Angelini, Matthieu Cristelli, Andrea Zaccaria and Luciano Pietronero
- 2017: A time of ruin constrained optimal dividend problem for spectrally one-sided L\'evy processes

- Camilo Hernandez, Mauricio Junca and Harold Moreno-Franco
- 2017: Inferring monopartite projections of bipartite networks: an entropy-based approach

- Fabio Saracco, Mika J. Straka, Riccardo Di Clemente, Andrea Gabrielli, Guido Caldarelli and Tiziano Squartini
- 2017: Utility Indifference Pricing of Insurance Catastrophe Derivatives

- Andreas Eichler, Gunther Leobacher and Michaela Sz\"olgyenyi
- 2017: A note on optimal expected utility of dividend payments with proportional reinsurance

- Xiaoqing Liang and Zbigniew Palmowski
- 2017: Exponentially concave functions and a new information geometry

- Soumik Pal and Ting-Kam Leonard Wong
- 2017: Optimal market making

- Olivier Gu\'eant
- 2017: Using real-time cluster configurations of streaming asynchronous features as online state descriptors in financial markets

- Dieter Hendricks
- 2017: A Mathematical Model of Foreign Capital Inflow

- Gopal K. Basak, Pranab Das and Allena Rohit
- 2017: Financial Services, Economic Growth and Well-Being: A Four-Pronged Study

- Ravi Kashyap
- 2017: On minimising a portfolio's shortfall probability

- Anatolii A. Puhalskii and Michael Jay Stutzer
- 2017: Constrained Quadratic Risk Minimization via Forward and Backward Stochastic Differential Equations

- Yusong Li and Harry Zheng
- 2017: High-frequency limit of Nash equilibria in a market impact game with transient price impact

- Alexander Schied, Elias Strehle and Tao Zhang
- 2017: Liquidity Effects of Trading Frequency

- Roman Gayduk and Sergey Nadtochiy
- 2017: Law on the Market? Abnormal Stock Returns and Supreme Court Decision-Making

- Daniel Martin Katz, Michael Bommarito, Tyler Soellinger and James Ming Chen
- 2017: Valuation of capital protection options

- Xiaolin Luo and Pavel V. Shevchenko
- 2017: Hybrid scheme for Brownian semistationary processes

- Mikkel Bennedsen, Asger Lunde and Mikko S. Pakkanen
- 2017: Reflected BSDEs when the obstacle is not right-continuous and optimal stopping

- Miryana Grigorova, Peter Imkeller, Elias Offen, Youssef Ouknine and Marie-Claire Quenez
- 2017: Nonparametric Stochastic Discount Factor Decomposition

- Timothy Christensen
- 2017: Multilevel Monte Carlo For Exponential L\'{e}vy Models

- Mike Giles and Yuan Xia
- 2017: Shapes of implied volatility with positive mass at zero

- Stefano De Marco, Caroline Hillairet and Antoine Jacquier
- 2017: A market impact game under transient price impact

- Alexander Schied and Tao Zhang
- 2017: Optimizing expected utility of dividend payments for a Cram\'er-Lundberg risk proces

- Zbigniew Palmowski and Sebastian Baran
- 2017: Theoretical Sensitivity Analysis for Quantitative Operational Risk Management

- Takashi Kato
- 2017: Linear and nonlinear correlations in order aggressiveness of Chinese stocks

- Peng Yue, Hai-Chuan Xu, Wei Chen, Xiong Xiong and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 2017: The effect of the behavior of an average consumer on the public debt dynamics

- Roberto De Luca, Marco Di Mauro, Angelo Falzarano and Adele Naddeo
- 2017: An\'alisis de cointegraci\'on con una aplicaci\'on al mercado de deuda en Estados Unidos, Canad\'a y M\'exico

- Emiliano Diaz
- 2017: Classifications of Innovations Survey and Future Directions

- Mario Coccia
- 2017: A Quantum-like Model of Selection Behavior

- Masanari Asano, Irina Basieva, Andrei Khrennikov, Masanori Ohya and Yoshiharu Tanaka
- 2017: Propensity to spending of an average consumer over a brief period

- Roberto De Luca, Marco Di Mauro, Angelo Falzarano and Adele Naddeo
- 2017: Stochastic modelling of non-stationary financial assets

- Joana Estevens, Paulo Rocha, Joao Boto and Pedro Lind
- 2017: A Time Series Analysis-Based Forecasting Framework for the Indian Healthcare Sector

- Jaydip Sen and Tamal Datta Chaudhuri
- 2017: Stratonovich representation of semimartingale rank processes

- Robert Fernholz
- 2017: Multi-Period Trading via Convex Optimization

- Stephen Boyd, Enzo Busseti, Steven Diamond, Ronald N. Kahn, Kwangmoo Koh, Peter Nystrup and Jan Speth
- 2017: Dynamical Analysis of Stock Market Instability by Cross-correlation Matrix

- Tetsuya Takaishi
- 2017: Optimal client recommendation for market makers in illiquid financial products

- Dieter Hendricks and Stephen J. Roberts
- 2017: Optimal excess-of-loss reinsurance and investment problem for an insurer with default risk under a stochastic volatility model

- Nian Yao and Zhiming Yang
- 2017: Value-at-Risk Diversification of $\alpha$-stable Risks: The Tail-Dependence Puzzle

- Umberto Cherubini and Paolo Neri
- 2017: The effect of heterogeneity on financial contagion due to overlapping portfolios

- Opeoluwa Banwo, Fabio Caccioli, Paul Harrald and Francesca Medda
- 2017: A level-1 Limit Order book with time dependent arrival rates

- Jonathan A. Ch\'avez-Casillas, Robert J. Elliott, Bruno R\'emillard and Anatoliy V. Swishchuk
- 2017: On mean-variance hedging under partial observations and terminal wealth constraints

- Vitalii Makogin, Alexander Melnikov and Yuliya Mishura
- 2017: Scaling evidence of the homothetic nature of cities

- R\'emi Lemoy and Geoffrey Caruso
- 2017: Simple wealth distribution model causing inequality-induced crisis without external shocks

- Henri Benisty
- 2017: Fast Quantization of Stochastic Volatility Models

- Ralph Rudd, Thomas McWalter, Joerg Kienitz and Eckhard Platen
- 2017: Structural price model for electricity coupled markets

- Clemence Alasseur and Olivier Feron
- 2017: Anomalous Scaling of Stochastic Processes and the Moses Effect

- Lijian Chen, Kevin E. Bassler, Joseph L. McCauley and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- 2017: A generalized Bayesian framework for the analysis of subscription based businesses

- Rahul Madhavan and Ankit Baraskar
- 2017: Quantifying instabilities in Financial Markets

- Bruna Amin Gon\c{c}alves, Laura Carpi, Osvaldo A. Rosso, Martin G. Ravetti and A. P. F Atman
- 2017: The case of 'Less is more': Modelling risk-preference with Expected Downside Risk

- Mihály Ormos and Dusan Timotity
- 2017: Measurement of Economic Growth, Development and Under Development: New Model and Application

- Mario Coccia
- 2017: Model Uncertainty, Recalibration, and the Emergence of Delta-Vega Hedging

- Sebastian Herrmann and Johannes Muhle-Karbe
- 2017: Simplifying credit scoring rules using LVQ+PSO

- Laura Cristina Lanzarini, Augusto Villa Monte, Aurelio Fernandez Bariviera and Patricia Jimbo Santana
- 2017: Crude oil market and geopolitical events: an analysis based on information-theory-based quantifiers

- Aurelio Fernandez Bariviera, Luciano Zunino and Osvaldo A. Rosso
- 2017: An empirical behavioural order-driven model with price limit rules

- Gao-Feng Gu, Xiong Xiong, Hai-Chuan Xu, Wei Zhang, Yong-Jie Zhang, Wei Chen and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 2017: Estimating the Counterparty Risk Exposure by using the Brownian Motion Local Time

- Michele Bonollo, Luca Di Persio, Luca Mammi and Immacolata Oliva
- 2017: On Feature Reduction using Deep Learning for Trend Prediction in Finance

- Luigi Troiano, Elena Mejuto and Pravesh Kriplani
- 2017: Good Deal Hedging and Valuation under Combined Uncertainty about Drift and Volatility

- Dirk Becherer and Klebert Kentia
- 2017: Market Crashes as Critical Phenomena? Explanation, Idealization, and Universality in Econophysics

- Jennifer Jhun, Patricia Palacios and James Owen Weatherall
- 2017: On absence of steady state in the Bouchaud-M\'ezard network model

- Zhiyuan Liu and R. A. Serota
- 2017: A systemic shock model for too big to fail financial institutions

- Sabrina Mulinacci
- 2017: The micro-foundations of an open economy money demand: An application to the Central and Eastern European countries

- Claudiu Albulescu, Dominique P\'epin and Stephen Miller
- 2017: Parameter uncertainty for integrated risk capital calculations based on normally distributed subrisks

- Andreas Fr\"ohlich and Annegret Weng
- 2017: Replica Analysis for Portfolio Optimization with Single-Factor Model

- Takashi Shinzato
- 2017: ICT and Employment in India: A Sectoral Level Analysis

- Dr. Pawan Kumar
- 2017: The Wandering of Corn

- Valerii Salov
- 2017: Two-Stage Stochastic International Portfolio Optimisation under Regular-Vine-Copula-Based Scenarios

- Nonthachote Chatsanga and Andrew J. Parkes
- 2017: How Wave - Wavelet Trading Wins and "Beats" the Market

- Lanh Tran
- 2017: Non-Analytic Solution to the Fokker-Planck Equation of Fractional Brownian Motion via Laplace Transforms

- Visant Ahuja
- 2017: Agent-Based Model Calibration using Machine Learning Surrogates

- Francesco Lamperti, Andrea Roventini and Amir Sani
- 2017: Biased Risk Parity with Fractal Model of Risk

- Sergey Kamenshchikov and Ilia Drozdov
- 2017: Topological Data Analysis of Financial Time Series: Landscapes of Crashes

- Marian Gidea and Yuri Katz
- 2017: Performance of information criteria used for model selection of Hawkes process models of financial data

- J. M. Chen, A. G. Hawkes, Enrico Scalas and M. Trinh
- 2017: Multichannel Contagion vs Stabilisation in Multiple Interconnected Financial Markets

- Antoaneta Serguieva
- 2017: Parameter uncertainty and reserve risk under Solvency II

- Andreas Fr\"ohlich and Annegret Weng
- 2017: Understanding the Non-Convergence of Agricultural Futures via Stochastic Storage Costs and Timing Options

- Kevin Guo and Tim Leung
- 2017: Approximate pricing of European and Barrier claims in a local-stochastic volatility setting

- Weston Barger and Matthew Lorig
- 2017: Covariance of random stock prices in the Stochastic Dividend Discount Model

- Arianna Agosto, Alessandra Mainini and Enrico Moretto
- 2017: Stochastic Tail Exponent For Asymmetric Power Laws

- Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- 2017: Bayesian Posteriors For Arbitrarily Rare Events

- Drew Fudenberg, Kevin He and Lorens Imhof
- 2017: Hedging under generalized good-deal bounds and model uncertainty

- Dirk Becherer and Klebert Kentia
- 2017: An ergodic BSDE approach to forward entropic risk measures: representation and large-maturity behavior

- Wing Fung Chong, Ying Hu, Gechun Liang and Thaleia Zariphopoulou
- 2017: Swaption Prices in HJM model. Nonparametric fit

- V. M. Belyaev
- 2017: Skorohod's representation theorem and optimal strategies for markets with frictions

- Huy N. Chau and Mikl\'os R\'asonyi
- 2017: Robust pricing--hedging duality for American options in discrete time financial markets

- Anna Aksamit, Shuoqing Deng, Jan Ob\l\'oj and Xiaolu Tan
- 2017: Optimal Execution of Limit and Market Orders with Trade Director, Speed Limiter, and Fill Uncertainty

- Brian Bulthuis, Julio Concha, Tim Leung and Brian Ward
- 2017: Risk contagion under regular variation and asymptotic tail independence

- Bikramjit Das and Vicky Fasen
- 2017: Statistical mechanics of complex economies

- Marco Bardoscia, Giacomo Livan and Matteo Marsili
- 2017: Scenario generation for single-period portfolio selection problems with tail risk measures: coping with high dimensions and integer variables

- Jamie Fairbrother, Amanda Turner and Stein Wallace
- 2017: Analysis of Markovian Competitive Situations using Nonatomic Games

- Jian Yang
- 2017: Game-theoretic Modeling of Players' Ambiguities on External Factors

- Jian Yang
- 2017: Risk management under Omega measure

- Michael R. Metel, Traian A. Pirvu and Julian Wong
- 2017: An Insurance-Led Response to Climate Change

- Anthony J. Webster and Richard H. Clarke
- 2017: Optimal Sup-norm Rates and Uniform Inference on Nonlinear Functionals of Nonparametric IV Regression

- Xiaohong Chen and Timothy M. Christensen
- 2017: Actuarial Applications and Estimation of Extended~CreditRisk$^+$

- Jonas Hirz, Uwe Schmock and Pavel V. Shevchenko
- 2017: Optimal Asset Liquidation with Multiplicative Transient Price Impact

- Dirk Becherer, Todor Bilarev and Peter Frentrup
- 2017: The Convexity of the Free Boundary for the American put option

- Hsuan-Ku Liu
- 2017: On dynamic spectral risk measures, a limit theorem and optimal portfolio allocation

- Dilip Madan, Martijn Pistorius and Mitja Stadje
- 2017: An Economic analogy to Electrodynamics

- Sanjay Dasari and Anindya Kumar Biswas
- 2017: Machine Learning for Better Models for Predicting Bond Prices

- Swetava Ganguli and Jared Dunnmon
- 2017: Urban Data Streams and Machine Learning: A Case of Swiss Real Estate Market

- Vahid Moosavi
- 2017: Quadratic approximation of slow factor of volatility in a Multi-factor Stochastic volatility Model

- Gifty Malhotra, R. Srivastava and H. C. Taneja
- 2017: Harry Potter and the Goblin Bank of Gringotts

- Zachary Feinstein
- 2017: Rational Choice and Artificial Intelligence

- Tshilidzi Marwala
- 2017: FIEMS: Fast Italian Energy Market Simulator

- Matteo Gardini and Marco Diana
- 2017: Smallest order closed sublattices and option spanning

- Niushan Gao and Denny H. Leung
- 2017: Non-parametric and semi-parametric asset pricing

- Peter Erdos, Mihály Ormos and David Zibriczky
- 2017: Analysis of Realized Volatility for Nikkei Stock Average on the Tokyo Stock Exchange

- Tetsuya Takaishi and Toshiaki Watanabe
- 2017: A Numerical Method for Pricing Discrete Double Barrier Option by Legendre Multiwavelet

- Amirhossein Sobhani and Mariyan Milev
- 2017: Microstructure under the Microscope: Tools to Survive and Thrive in The Age of (Too Much) Information

- Ravi Kashyap
- 2017: Ex-post core, fine core and rational expectations equilibrium allocations

- Anuj Bhowmik and Jiling Cao
- 2017: Emergence of world-stock-market network

- M. Saeedian, T. Jamali, M. Z. Kamali, H. Bayani, T. Yasseri and G. R. Jafari
- 2017: Towards a probability-free theory of continuous martingales

- Vladimir Vovk and Glenn Shafer
- 2017: A Dynamic Programming Principle for Distribution-Constrained Optimal Stopping

- Sigrid K\"allblad
- 2017: Cohort effects in mortality modelling: a Bayesian state-space approach

- Man Chung Fung, Gareth W. Peters and Pavel V. Shevchenko
- 2017: An Agent-based Model of Contagion in Financial Networks

- Leonardo dos Santos Pinheiro and Flavio Codeco COelho
- 2017: New approaches in agent-based modeling of complex financial systems

- T. T. Chen, B. Zheng, Y. Li and X. F. Jiang
- 2017: A New Class of Discrete-time Stochastic Volatility Model with Correlated Errors

- Sujay Mukhoti and Pritam Ranjan
- 2017: Pricing VIX Derivatives With Free Stochastic Volatility Model

- Wei Lin, Shenghong Li and Shane Chern
- 2017: Humans of Simulated New York (HOSNY): an exploratory comprehensive model of city life

- Francis Tseng, Fei Liu and Bernardo Furtado
- 2017: Perfect hedging in rough Heston models

- Omar El Euch and Mathieu Rosenbaum
- 2017: Systemic Risk, Maximum Entropy and Interbank Contagion

- M. Andrecut
- 2017: Diffusive and arrested-like dynamics in currency exchange markets

- Joaquim Clara-Rahola, Antonio M. Puertas, Miguel Angel Sanchez-Granero, Juan E. Trinidad-Segovia and F. Javier de las Nieves
- 2017: Networks as Proxies: a relational approach towards economic complexity in the Roman period

- Johannes Preiser-Kapeller
- 2017: Pythagorean theorem of Sharpe ratio

- Takashi Shinzato
- 2017: Model Selection for Explosive Models

- Yubo Tao and Jun Yu
- 2017: Optimality of Excess-Loss Reinsurance under a Mean-Variance Criterion

- Danping Li, Dongchen Li and Virginia R. Young
- 2017: Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers in Retrospective and Perspective

- Alexander Lipton
- 2017: Collective Learning in China's Regional Economic Development

- Jian Gao, Bogang Jun, Alex "Sandy" Pentland, Tao Zhou and Cesar Hidalgo
- 2017: Swarm behavior of traders with different subjective predictions in the Market

- Hiroshi Toyoizumi
- 2017: Pricing of Mexican Interest Rate Swaps in Presence of Multiple Collateral Currencies

- Jorge Inigo
- 2017: A note on conditional covariance matrices for elliptical distributions

- Piotr Jaworski and Marcin Pitera
- 2017: Existence and Uniqueness for the Multivariate Discrete Terminal Wealth Relative

- Andreas Hermes and Stanislaus Maier-Paape
- 2017: Are Trump and Bitcoin Good Partners?

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 2017: Reverse stress testing interbank networks

- Daniel Grigat and Fabio Caccioli
- 2017: An applied spatial agent-based model of administrative boundaries using SEAL

- Bernardo Furtado and Isaque Daniel Eberhardt Rocha
- 2017: Decision structure of risky choice

- Lamb Wubin and Naixin Ren
- 2017: The Price of Political Uncertainty: Evidence from the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election and the U.S. Stock Markets

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 2017: Stratified regression-based variance reduction approach for weak approximation schemes

- Denis Belomestny, Stefan H\"afner and Mikhail Urusov
- 2017: "Chaos" in energy and commodity markets: a controversial matter

- Loretta Mastroeni and Pierluigi Vellucci
- 2017: Systemic Risk and Interbank Lending

- Li-Hsien Sun
- 2017: Robust Markowitz mean-variance portfolio selection under ambiguous covariance matrix *

- Amine Ismail and Huy\^en Pham
- 2017: Option pricing with Legendre polynomials

- Julien Hok and Tat Lung Chan
- 2017: Serendipity and strategy in rapid innovation

- T. M. A. Fink, M. Reeves, R. Palma and R. S. Farr
- 2017: On optimal investment with processes of long or negative memory

- Huy N. Chau and Miklos Rasonyi
- 2017: Information uncertainty related to marked random times and optimal investment

- Ying Jiao and Idris Kharroubi
- 2017: The Problem of Calibrating an Agent-Based Model of High-Frequency Trading

- Donovan Platt and Tim Gebbie
- 2017: High-Roller Impact: A Large Generalized Game Model of Parimutuel Wagering

- Erhan Bayraktar and Alexander Munk
- 2017: Linear quadratic optimal control of conditional McKean-Vlasov equation with random coefficients and applications *

- Huy\^en Pham
- 2017: Evidence of Self-Organization in Time Series of Capital Markets

- Leopoldo S\'anchez-Cant\'u, Carlos Arturo Soto-Campos and Andriy Kryvko
- 2017: Getting rich quick with the Axiom of Choice

- Vladimir Vovk
- 2017: Parisian ruin for a refracted L\'evy process

- Mohamed Amine Lkabous, Irmina Czarna and Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Renaud
- 2017: Solving Society's Big Ills, A Small Step

- Ravi Kashyap
- 2017: The behavior of dealers and clients on the European corporate bond market: the case of Multi-Dealer-to-Client platforms

- Jean-David Fermanian, Olivier Gu\'eant and Jiang Pu
- 2017: Sticky processes, local and true martingales

- Mikl\'os R\'asonyi and Hasanjan Sayit
- 2017: Correction to Black-Scholes formula due to fractional stochastic volatility

- Josselin Garnier and Knut Solna
- 2017: Maximizing expected utility in the Arbitrage Pricing Model

- Miklos Rasonyi
- 2017: Multivariate Shortfall Risk Allocation and Systemic Risk

- Yannick Armenti, Stephane Crepey, Samuel Drapeau and Antonis Papapantoleon
- 2017: Singular recursive utility

- Kristina R. Dahl and Bernt {\O}ksendal
- 2017: A Markov model of a limit order book: thresholds, recurrence, and trading strategies

- Frank Kelly and Elena Yudovina
- 2017: Pareto Efficient Nash Implementation Via Approval Voting

- Yakov Babichenko and Leonard J. Schulman
- 2017: Variance reduced multilevel path simulation: going beyond the complexity $\varepsilon^{-2}$

- Denis Belomestny and Tigran Nagapetyan
- 2017: On Trading American Put Options with Interactive Volatility

- Sigurd Assing and Yufan Zhao
- 2017: On Zero-sum Optimal Stopping Games

- Erhan Bayraktar and Zhou Zhou
- 2017: The Stochastic Solution to a Cauchy Problem for Degenerate Parabolic Equations

- Xiaoshan Chen, Yu-Jui Huang, Qingshuo Song and Chao Zhu
- 2017: Implied Filtering Densities on Volatility's Hidden State

- Carlos Fuertes and Andrew Papanicolaou
- 2017: Optimal Investment and Pricing in the Presence of Defaults

- Tetsuya Ishikawa and Scott Robertson
- 2017: Interbank Credit and the Money Manufacturing Process. A Systemic Perspective on Financial Stability

- Yuri Biondi and Feng Zhou
- 2017: Economic inequality and mobility for stochastic models with multiplicative noise

- Maria Letizia Bertotti, Amit K Chattopadhyay and Giovanni Modanese
- 2017: A Unified Approach for Drawdown (Drawup) of Time-Homogeneous Markov Processes

- David Landriault, Bin Li and Hongzhong Zhang
- 2017: Time series momentum and contrarian effects in the Chinese stock market

- Huai-Long Shi and Wei-Xing Zhou
- 2017: Robust Hedging of Options on a Leveraged Exchange Traded Fund

- Alexander M. G. Cox and Sam M. Kinsley
- 2017: Structural Change in (Economic) Time Series

- Christian Kleiber
- 2017: Evidence for criticality in financial data

- G. Ruiz L\'opez and A. Fern\'andez de Marcos
- 2017: Relation between regional uncertainty spillovers in the global banking system

- Sachapon Tungsong, Fabio Caccioli and Tomaso Aste
- 2017: Network-based Anomaly Detection for Insider Trading

- Adarsh Kulkarni, Priya Mani and Carlotta Domeniconi
- 2017: Temporal and Spatial Turnpike-Type Results Under Forward Time-Monotone Performance Criteria

- Tianran Geng and Thaleia Zariphopoulou
- 2017: Estimation for the Prediction of Point Processes with Many Covariates

- Alessio Sancetta
- 2017: Uncertain Volatility Models with Stochastic Bounds

- Jean-Pierre Fouque and Ning Ning
- 2017: PyCaMa: Python for cash management

- Francisco Salas-Molina, Juan A. Rodr\'iguez-Aguilar and Pablo D\'iaz-Garc\'ia
- 2017: Estimating VaR in credit risk: Aggregate vs single loss distribution

- M. Assadsolimani and D. Chetalova
- 2017: Regularities and Irregularities in Order Flow Data

- Martin Theissen, Sebastian M. Krause and Thomas Guhr
- 2017: Labor Contract Law -An Economic View

- Yaofeng Fu, Ruokun Huang and Yiran Sheng
- 2017: Short Maturity Asian Options for the CEV Model

- Dan Pirjol and Lingjiong Zhu
- 2017: A Theory of Market Efficiency

- Anup Rao
- 2017: $L_2$Boosting for Economic Applications

- Ye Luo and Martin Spindler
- 2017: Invariance properties in the dynamic gaussian copula model *

- St\'ephane Cr\'epey and Shiqi Song
- 2017: Rough volatility: evidence from option prices

- Giulia Livieri, Saad Mouti, Andrea Pallavicini and Mathieu Rosenbaum
- 2017: Econophysics of Macroeconomics: "Action-at-a-Distance" and Waves

- Victor Olkhov
- 2017: One-Switch Discount Functions

- Nina Anchugina
- 2017: The Installation Costs of a Satellite and Space Shuttle Launch Complex as a Public Expenditure Project

- Dogus Ozuyar, Sevilay Gumus Ozuyar, Oguzhan Karadeniz and Ozge Varol
- 2017: Business Dynamics in KPI Space. Some thoughts on how business analytics can benefit from using principles of classical physics

- Alex Ushveridze
- 2017: Demonetization and Its Impact on Employment in India

- Pawan Kumar
- 2017: Perfect hedging under endogenous permanent market impacts

- Masaaki Fukasawa and Mitja Stadje
- 2017: Hyperbolic Discounting of the Far-Distant Future

- Nina Anchugina, Matthew Ryan and Arkadii Slinko
- 2017: Market Depth and Risk Return Analysis of Dhaka Stock Exchange: An Empirical Test of Market Efficiency

- Md. Mahmudul Alam, Kazi Ashraful Alam and Md. Gazi Salah Uddin
- 2017: Estimating Average Treatment Effects: Supplementary Analyses and Remaining Challenges

- Susan Athey, Guido Imbens, Thai Pham and Stefan Wager
- 2017: Monetary value measures in a category of probability spaces

- Takanori Adachi and Yoshihiro Ryu
- 2017: Estimation of a noisy subordinated Brownian Motion via two-scales power variations

- Jose E. Figueroa-Lopez and K. Lee
- 2017: Invariance times

- St\'ephane Cr\'epey and Shiqi Song
- 2017: Emergence of Distributed Coordination in the Kolkata Paise Restaurant Problem with Finite Information

- Diptesh Ghosh and Anindya S. Chakrabarti
- 2017: Record statistics of a strongly correlated time series: random walks and L\'evy flights

- Claude Godreche, Satya N. Majumdar and Gregory Schehr
- 2017: A confidence-based model for asset and derivative prices in the BitCoin market

- Alessandra Cretarola and Gianna Fig\`a-Talamanca
- 2017: The valuation of European option with transaction costs by mixed fractional Merton model

- Foad Shokrollahi
- 2017: Zipf's law for share price and company fundamentals

- Taisei Kaizoji and Michiko Miyano
- 2017: Extremal Quantile Regression: An Overview

- Victor Chernozhukov, Iv\'an Fern\'andez-Val and Tetsuya Kaji
- 2017: probitfe and logitfe: Bias corrections for probit and logit models with two-way fixed effects

- Mario Cruz-Gonzalez, Ivan Fernandez-Val and Martin Weidner
- 2017: Volatility Smile as Relativistic Effect

- Zura Kakushadze
- 2017: Fractal approach towards power-law coherency to measure cross-correlations between time series

- Ladislav Krištoufek
- 2017: Elicitability and backtesting: Perspectives for banking regulation

- Natalia Nolde and Johanna F. Ziegel
- 2017: Smoothing the payoff for efficient computation of Basket option prices

- Christian Bayer, Markus Siebenmorgen and Raul Tempone
- 2017: Continuous tenor extension of affine LIBOR models with multiple curves and applications to XVA

- Antonis Papapantoleon and Robert Wardenga
- 2017: On the properties of the Lambda value at risk: robustness, elicitability and consistency

- Matteo Burzoni, Ilaria Peri and Chiara Maria Ruffo
- 2017: Affine multiple yield curve models

- Christa Cuchiero, Claudio Fontana and Alessandro Gnoatto
- 2017: Pathways towards instability in financial networks

- Marco Bardoscia, Stefano Battiston, Fabio Caccioli and Guido Caldarelli
- 2017: On the existence of shadow prices for optimal investment with random endowment

- Lingqi Gu, Yiqing Lin and Junjian Yang
- 2017: Limit-order book resiliency after effective market orders: Spread, depth and intensity

- Hai-Chuan Xu, Wei Chen, Xiong Xiong, Wei Zhang, Wei-Xing Zhou and H Eugene Stanley
- 2017: Equilibrium pricing under relative performance concerns

- Jana Bielagk, Arnaud Lionnet and Goncalo Dos Reis
- 2017: Detecting intraday financial market states using temporal clustering

- Dieter Hendricks, Tim Gebbie and Diane Wilcox
- 2017: Central Clearing Valuation Adjustment

- Yannick Armenti and St\'ephane Cr\'epey
- 2017: Incomplete stochastic equilibria for dynamic monetary utility

- Constantinos Kardaras, Hao Xing and Gordan \v{Z}itkovi\'c
- 2017: Sharper asset ranking from total drawdown durations

- Damien Challet
- 2017: Dynamic Interaction Between Asset Prices and Bank Behavior: A Systemic Risk Perspective

- Aki-Hiro Sato, Paolo Tasca and Takashi Isogai
- 2017: Sensitivity analysis for expected utility maximization in incomplete Brownian market models

- Julio Backhoff Veraguas and Francisco Silva
- 2017: Measuring Systemic Risk: Robust Ranking Techniques Approach

- Amirhossein Sadoghi
- 2017: Extreme-Strike Asymptotics for General Gaussian Stochastic Volatility Models

- Archil Gulisashvili, Frederi Viens and Xin Zhang
- 2017: Optimal Digital Product Maintenance with a Continuous Revenue Stream

- James Fan and Christopher Griffin
- 2017: Market Efficiency and Government Interventions in Prewar Japanese Rice Futures Markets

- Mikio Ito, Kiyotaka Maeda and Akihiko Noda
- 2017: Modeling non-stationarities in high-frequency financial time series

- Linda Ponta, Mailan Trinh, Marco Raberto, Enrico Scalas and Silvano Cincotti
- 2017: Fractional delta hedging strategy for pricing currency options with transaction costs

- Foad Shokrollahi
- 2017: Understanding food inflation in India: A Machine Learning approach

- Akash Malhotra and Mayank Maloo
- 2017: Computing stable numerical solutions for multidimensional American option pricing problems: a semi-discretization approach

- Rafael Company, Vera Egorova, Lucas J\'odar and Fazlollah Soleymani
- 2017: Computing the aggregate loss distribution based on numerical inversion of the compound empirical characteristic function of frequency and severity

- Viktor Witkovsky, Gejza Wimmer and Tomas Duby
- 2017: A stability result on optimal Skorokhod embedding

- Gaoyue Guo
- 2017: Supply based on demand dynamical model

- Asaf Levi, Juan Sabuco and Miguel A. F. Sanjuan
- 2017: Premium valuation for a multiple state model containing manifold premium-paid states

- Joanna D\k{e}bicka and Beata Zmy\'slona
- 2017: Day of the Week Effect in biotechnology stocks: An Application of the GARCH processes

- Swarnankur Chatterjee
- 2017: Time Series Copulas for Heteroskedastic Data

- Rub\'en Loaiza-Maya, Michael Smith and Worapree Maneesoonthorn
- 2017: Monotone Martingale Transport Plans and Skorohod Embedding

- Mathias Beiglboeck, Pierre Henry-Labordere and Nizar Touzi
- 2017: Econophysics Macroeconomic Model

- Victor Olkhov
- 2017: Topology data analysis of critical transitions in financial networks

- Marian Gidea
- 2017: Asymptotic efficiency of the proportional compensation scheme for a large number of producers

- Dmitry B. Rokhlin and Anatoly Usov
- 2017: The Value of Timing Risk

- Jiro Akahori, Flavia Barsotti and Yuri Imamura
- 2017: The Internet as Quantitative Social Science Platform: Insights from a Trillion Observations

- Klaus Ackermann, Simon Angus and Paul Raschky
- 2017: An Optimal Combination of Proportional and Stop-Loss Reinsurance Contracts From Insurer's and Reinsurer's Viewpoints

- Amir Payandeh and Ali Panahi-Bazaz
- 2017: An Optimal Multi-layer Reinsurance Policy under Conditional Tail Expectation

- Amir Payandeh and Ali Panahi Bazaz
- 2017: Dynamic Prize Linked Savings: Maximizing Savings and Managing Risk

- Oisin Connolly
- 2017: Mean-Reverting Portfolio Design with Budget Constraint

- Ziping Zhao and Daniel P. Palomar
- 2017: A geometric approach to the transfer problem for a finite number of traders

- Tomohiro Uchiyama
- 2017: Interpolating between matching and hedonic pricing models

- Brendan Pass
- 2017: On VIX Futures in the rough Bergomi model

- Antoine Jacquier, Claude Martini and Aitor Muguruza
- 2017: Worst-Case Expected Shortfall with Univariate and Bivariate Marginals

- Anulekha Dhara, Bikramjit Das and Karthik Natarajan
- 2017: A Spatial Interpolation Framework for Efficient Valuation of Large Portfolios of Variable Annuities

- Seyed Amir Hejazi, Kenneth R. Jackson and Guojun Gan
- 2017: The structural constraints of income inequality in Latin America

- Dominik Hartmann, Cristian Jara-Figueroa, Miguel Guevara, Alex Simoes and C\'esar A. Hidalgo
- 2017: Robust Portfolio Optimisation with Specified Competitors

- Gon\c{c}alo Sim\~oes, Mark McDonald, Stacy Williams, Daniel Fenn and Raphael Hauser
- 2017: Modeling stochastic skew of FX options using SLV models with stochastic spot/vol correlation and correlated jumps

- Andrey Itkin
- 2017: Phase-type Approximation of the Gerber-Shiu Function

- Kazutoshi Yamazaki
- 2017: Recursive Marginal Quantization of Higher-Order Schemes

- Thomas McWalter, R. Rudd, J. Kienitz and Eckhard Platen
- 2017: Property Safety Stock Policy for Correlated Commodities Based on Probability Inequality

- Takashi Shinzato
- 2017: Political elections and uncertainty -Are BRICS markets equally exposed to Trump's agenda?

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
- 2017: Functional Analytic (Ir-)Regularity Properties of SABR-type Processes

- Leif Doering, Blanka Horvath and Josef Teichmann
- 2017: Analytic properties of American option prices under a modified Black-Scholes equation with spatial fractional derivatives

- Wenting Chen, Kai Du and Xinzi Qiu
- 2017: Predicting Economic Recessions Using Machine Learning Algorithms

- Rickard Nyman and Paul Ormerod
- 2017: Rational Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Observed Betting Patterns on a Biased Coin

- Victor Haghani and Richard Dewey
- 2017: Burst and inter-burst duration statistics as empirical test of long-range memory in the financial markets

- V. Gontis and A. Kononovicius
- 2017: Brownian trading excursions and avalanches

- Friedrich Hubalek, Paul Kr\"uhner and Thorsten Rheinl\"ander
- 2017: Pricing European Options by Stable Fourier-Cosine Series Expansions

- Chunfa Wang
- 2017: Optimal Mean-Reverting Spread Trading: Nonlinear Integral Equation Approach

- Tim Leung and Yerkin Kitapbayev
- 2017: Net Stable Funding Ratio: Impact on Funding Value Adjustment

- Medya Siadat and Ola Hammarlid
- 2017: Measuring the temperature and diversity of the U.S. regulatory ecosystem

- Michael Bommarito and Daniel Martin Katz
- 2017: Fractional Dynamics of Natural Growth and Memory Effect in Economics

- Valentina V. Tarasova and Vasily E. Tarasov
- 2017: Analytic solution to variance optimization with no short-selling

- Imre Kondor, G\'abor Papp and Fabio Caccioli
- 2017: Co-movements in financial fluctuations are anchored to economic fundamentals: A mesoscopic mapping

- Kiran Sharma, Balagopal Gopalakrishnan, Anindya S. Chakrabarti and Anirban Chakraborti
- 2017: Price Dynamics Via Expectations, and the Role of Money Therein

- Gesine A. Steudle, Saini Yang and Carlo C. Jaeger
- 2017: Role of Intensive and Extensive Variables in a Soup of Firms in Economy to Address Long Run Prices and Aggregate Data

- Ali Hosseiny and Mauro Gallegati
- 2017: Multifactor CES General Equilibrium: Models and Applications

- Jiyoung Kim, Satoshi Nakano and Kazuhiko Nishimura
- 2017: Existence of a calibrated regime switching local volatility model and new fake Brownian motions

- Benjamin Jourdain and Alexandre Zhou
- 2017: Mean field games of timing and models for bank runs

- Rene Carmona, Francois Delarue and Daniel Lacker
- 2017: A constraint-based framework to study rationality, competition and cooperation in fisheries

- Christian Mullon and Charles Mullon
- 2017: Factor Models for Cancer Signatures

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Concurrent Credit Portfolio Losses

- Joachim Sicking, Thomas Guhr and Rudi Sch\"afer
- 2017: A survey of time consistency of dynamic risk measures and dynamic performance measures in discrete time: LM-measure perspective

- Tomasz R. Bielecki, Igor Cialenco and Marcin Pitera
- 2017: Cyclical properties of supply-side and demand-side shocks in oil-based commodity markets

- Tomas Krehlik and Jozef Baruník
- 2017: Statistical Risk Models

- Zura Kakushadze and Willie Yu
- 2017: Option Pricing in Markets with Unknown Stochastic Dynamics

- Hanno Gottschalk, Elpida Nizami and Marius Schubert
- 2017: Valuation of Variable Annuities with Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit under Stochastic Interest Rate

- Pavel V. Shevchenko and Xiaolin Luo
- 2017: Volume of the steady-state space of financial flows in a monetary stock-flow-consistent model

- Aur\'elien Hazan
- 2017: Optimal Control of Conditional Value-at-Risk in Continuous Time

- Christopher W. Miller and Insoon Yang
- 2017: Dynamic programming approach to principal-agent problems

- Jak\v{s}a Cvitani\'c, Dylan Possama\"i and Nizar Touzi
- 2017: Correlated Poisson processes and self-decomposable laws

- Nicola Cufaro Petroni and Piergiacomo Sabino
- 2017: Inference in Linear Regression Models with Many Covariates and Heteroskedasticity

- Matias Cattaneo, Michael Jansson and Whitney Newey
- 2017: Linking Economic Complexity, Institutions and Income Inequality

- Dominik Hartmann, M. R. Guevara, C. Jara-Figueroa, M. Aristaran and Cesar Hidalgo
- 2017: An equilibrium model for spot and forward prices of commodities

- Michail Anthropelos, Michael Kupper and Antonis Papapantoleon
- 2017: VWAP Execution as an Optimal Strategy

- Takashi Kato
- 2017: On the optimal exercise boundaries of swing put options

- Tiziano De Angelis and Yerkin Kitapbayev
- 2017: Optimal Boundary Surface for Irreversible Investment with Stochastic Costs

- Tiziano De Angelis, Salvatore Federico and Giorgio Ferrari
- 2017: A heuristic pricing and hedging framework for multi-currency fixed income desks

- Eduard Gim\'enez, Alberto Elices and Giovanna Villani
- 2017: Sensitivity analysis in a market with memory

- David R. Banos, Giulia Di Nunno and Frank Proske
- 2017: On the Market Viability under Proportional Transaction Costs

- Erhan Bayraktar and Xiang Yu
- 2017: Stationary Markov Perfect Equilibria in Discounted Stochastic Games

- Wei He and Yeneng Sun
- 2017: Stock price direction prediction by directly using prices data: an empirical study on the KOSPI and HSI

- Yanshan Wang
- 2017: Deriving Derivatives

- Andrei N. Soklakov
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