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Journal of Management World

2021 - 2025

From Academia Publishing Group
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2025, volume 2025, articles 2

To Investigate the Factors Influencing the Dehradun District Retail Investors Choice to Invest in Mutual Funds pp. 1-9 Downloads
Emmanuel Elgin Grabriel and Arvind Mohan
Smart Farming Revolution: AI-Powered Solutions for Sustainable Growth and Profit pp. 10-17 Downloads
Md Azhad Hossain, Jannatul Ferdousmou, Rabeya Khatoon, Sanchita Saha, Mahafuj Hassan, Jahanara Akter and Anupom Debnath

2025, volume 2025, articles 1

Enhancing Employee Engagement in Multinational Companies in Oman: An Exploration of Theoretical Concepts pp. 1-8 Downloads
Hisham Al Ghunaimi and Mohamad Shah Bin Kassim
A Study on the Efficiency of Turkish Deposit Banks for the Period 2012-2022: DEA Model pp. 9-19 Downloads
Nuray Ä°slatince
A Study of Instagram Reels Exploring the Interplay of User Motivations, Attitudes, and Continuance Intentions in Short-Form Video Content pp. 20-30 Downloads
Jeong Sun Lee and Seong Soo Cha
The Impact of the Village Recognition of Prior Learning on Sustainable Development: A Comprehensive Policy Evaluation pp. 31-43 Downloads
Mufarrihul Hazin, Muhammad Turhan Yani, Muhamad Sholeh, Winarto Eka Wahyudi, Nur Wedia Devi Rahmawati and Suyatno Suyatno
Determination of Green Human Resource Management: Analysis of Green Knowledge Sharing Green Competitive Advantage Green Training Green Psychological Climate and Green Innovation pp. 44-53 Downloads
Sayed Syahridhan and Primadi Candra Susanto
Principals’ Learning Leadership: Integrating Spiritual and Moral Values in Educational Settings pp. 54-64 Downloads
Yulius Rustan Effendi, Busra Bumbungan, Desi Mardianti, Baharuddin Baharuddin, Merika Setiawati, M. Faqih and Samsul Rizal
Principals’ Learning Leadership: Integrating Spiritual and Moral Values in Educational Settings pp. 65-76 Downloads
Baginda Parsaulian, Agus Irianto and Hasdi Aimon
Culturally Oriented Intergenerational Learning Programs Between Older Adults and Young Children: A Review Study pp. 77-84 Downloads
Yi-Huang Shih and Shiuan-Yu Tseng
Business Resilience in the Commercial Mypes of Chachapoyas: Capacities and Adaptability in the Face of Crisis (2018-2023) pp. 85-90 Downloads
Carlos Alberto Hinojosa Salazar, Robert Wagner Ocadio, Segundo Ramón Salazar, Milagros Natividad Hinojosa Melendez, Jesus Ermilia Reyna Tuesta and Carlos Andrés Rojas Puerta
Digital Transformation and Market Orientation: Mediating Roles of Organizational Learning and Agility in Organizational Performance pp. 91-103 Downloads
Zhaohui Liu, Chaithanaskorn Phawitpiriyakliti, Pirayut Pattanayanon and Sid Terason
Exploring the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement in Dynamic Work Environments in Era Industry 4.0 pp. 111-118 Downloads
Devi Marlita
Key Factors in the Development of Capital Markets Globally pp. 119-138 Downloads
Daniela Șerban (Cojocaru), Viorel-Costin Banța, Raluca Florentina Crețu, Daniela Țuțui and Andreea Gabriela Tănase
Is Workplace Bullying Responsible for Low Job Performance? A Twofold SEM-ANN Approach pp. 139-158 Downloads
Mohammad Nurul Alam, Imdadullah Hidayat-ur-Rehman, Rosy Dhall, Md. Abu Issa Gazi, Jamshid Ali and Fariza Hashim
Language Classroom Management: Underprivileges of ChatGPT pp. 159-165 Downloads
Ali Hayat
Navigating Sustainability: A Comparative Analysis of SDG Performance in the GCC through the Lens of Social Capital Theory pp. 166-179 Downloads
Saeed Hameed Aldulaimi, Ibrahim A. Abu-AlSondos, Rola Noun and Marwan M. Abdeldayem
The Impact of Risk-Based Internal Audit Approach on Improving Risk Management Processes: A Field Study in Yemeni Islamic Banks (Aden) pp. 180-190 Downloads
Wala Farid Attaf and Aziz Bensbahou
The Long-Term Effectiveness of Live Streaming Marketing: Analysing Factors Affecting Purchase Intention and Customer Loyalty pp. 191-197 Downloads
Nelvina Christanti Santoso, Luh Putu Mayhuni, Bagastya Christian Santoso and R Tri Priyono Budi Santoso
Enhancing College Students' Employability in Higher Education: Exploring the Issues of Applying Project-Based Learning in Training Courses pp. 198-207 Downloads
Chan Li and Apiradee Jansaeng
Exploring the Need for Differentiated Instruction Frameworks in Enhancing 21st Century Skills in Mathematics Education pp. 216-222 Downloads
Mohd Afifi Bahurudin Setambah, Azli Ariffin, Syaza Hazwani Zaini, Anis Norma Mohamad Jaafar, Habibi Ratu Perwira Negara and Hayato Hanazono
A Review Study on the Influence and Effect of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 223-239 Downloads
Nikhil Vimala Muraleedharan and Vellaiyan Perumal Velmurugan
Work-Life Balance and Organizational Commitment: The Gender Perspective pp. 240-244 Downloads
Caecilia Setya Budi Wahyuni, M. Al Musadieq, Arik Prasetya and Zainul Arifin
SWOT Analysis of the READSI Program in North Luwu: Assessing Effectiveness and Introducing the SIFITRI Strategy pp. 245-254 Downloads
Fitriani Amir, Haedar Akib and Andi Cudai Nur
Dynamics of Science Development in Azerbaijan 2023-2024 (Primary Scientometric Analysis) pp. 255-257 Downloads
Parviz Firudin Oqlu Kazimi
Emotional Intelligence and Learning Motivation on Understanding of Management Subject of STIE APRIN Students Indonesia pp. 258-267 Downloads
Dasmadi Dasmadi and Adi Saputro
The Impact of Digital Modernity on Administrative Performance in Saudi Universities pp. 268-277 Downloads
Sami Hadwan Rashid Al-Anzi and Maher Toukabri
Effect of Visionary Leadership on Team Innovation: Understanding Mediating Roles of Team Cohesion, Team Knowledge Collaboration and Team Bound-ary Management pp. 278-290 Downloads
Wahyu Abdillah Utomo, Heru Kurnianto Tjahjono and Ika Nurul Qamari
Digital Governance Model for Peruvian University Academic Management pp. 291-311 Downloads
Cristian García-Estrella, José Delgado-Bardales and Rosa Contreras-Julián
Small Business, Big Questions: The Legal Landscape of Single-Member Limited Liability Companies Post-Job Creation Law pp. 312-318 Downloads
Rahmi Sahabuddin, Hasbir Paserangi and Marwah Marwah
Research on the Correlation between Certain Metrics for Evaluating Team Effectiveness in an Industrial Enterprise pp. 319-325 Downloads
Siyka Demirova, Svetlana Lesidrenska and Juliana Yorgova
Managing Ukraine’s Potential for Socio-Economic Recovery: Assessment of Challenges and Development Prospects pp. 326-340 Downloads
Olha Mulska, Taras Vasyltsiv, Olha Levytska, Iryna Biletska and Vitalii Boiko
The Election and the Criteria for Ideal Leaders: A Leadership Management Study Based on the Principles of Justice and Wisdom pp. 341-350 Downloads
Muthoifin Muthoifin, Tina Oktatianti, Ishmah Afiyah, Nuha Nuha, Ari Aji Astuti, Andri Nirwana, Edwards Geraldine and Muchammad Taufiq Affandi
Evaluation of the Online Single Submission Service at the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office in Bantaeng Regency, Indonesia pp. 358-362 Downloads
Dian Adyati and Badu Ahmad
An Overview of the Job Market for Repatriated International Migrant Workers in Vietnam pp. 363-371 Downloads
Dao Tuan Anh and Nguyen Duc Huu
Investigation of the Effect of Parents' Moral Maturity on Child Raising Styles pp. 372-384 Downloads
Evaluating the Predictive Validity of Employee Engagement: A Meta-Analytic Comparison with Job Attitudes in Forecasting Employee Performance pp. 385-394 Downloads
Arti Awasthi, Farhina Sardar Khan, Murad Ali, Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Anupam Kumar and Mohd. Shahabuddin Rayeen
The Relationships between Cultural Intelligence and Innovative Work Behaviour: The Impact of Knowledge Sharing pp. 401-409 Downloads
Xin-Liufang Xin-Liufang, Abang Azlan Mohamad and May-Chiun Lo
Equity in Education Management: Bridging the Gap and Policy Disparities for Non-ASN Teachers pp. 422-427 Downloads
Budiman Budiman, Hamzah Halim, Irwansyah Irwansyah and Iin Karita Sakharina
Framing the Nation: Landscape Photography and Cultural Identity in the Young Companion pp. 428-444 Downloads
Gang Xu, Pat Kotchapakdee and Pitipong Pimpiset
Islamic Education Management in Promoting Multiculturalism, Democracy and Harmony pp. 445-456 Downloads
Muthoifin Muthoifin, Mariam Elbanna, Aboubacar Barry, Ishmah Afiyah, Andri Nirwana, Bernardlauwers Bernardlauwers and Rezaul Islam
Exploring Innovative Work Behavior to Bridge the Fragmented Knowledge pp. 457-466 Downloads
Hernani D. Manalo, Ma. Riza T. Manalo and Jireh P. Bibangco Ei
Technology Acceptance and Service Experience of Elderly Users with AI Translation Tools pp. 467-472 Downloads
Zhang Zhengkun, Guo Chuhao, Shenhui Shenhui, Wen Junhao, Wang Jia and Liang Wenrui
The Function of AI in Relation to Social Responsibility and Innovation: A Study of Women-Owned Small and Medium Enterprises in Vietnam pp. 473-482 Downloads
Thi Huong Dinh, Thi Bich Loan Nguyen, Tran Van Trang and Hong Nhung Nguyen
The Role of Infrastructure, Technology, and Financial Resources in Enhancing the Organizational Capacity of the Inspectorate in Central Mamuju Regency pp. 483-487 Downloads
Sri Megawati Am Nur and Nurdin Nara
Enhancing Educational Administration Based on Taoist Thought of Higher Vocational Colleges in Hebei Province pp. 488-499 Downloads
Yuyu Zhang, Thada Siththada and Xiaoting Wang
Transformational Leadership: Strategies for Creating Green Environments in Indonesian Schools pp. 500-511 Downloads
Romadhon Romadhon and Yulius Rustan Effendi
The Role of BNPL application in Boosting Consumer Purchasing Power During Economic Downturns: An Analytical Review and Strategic Implications pp. 512-515 Downloads
Abdul Qadir Jaelani and Mahir Pradana
Innovation Performance in High-Tech Enterprises: The Interplay of Innovation Policy, Entrepreneurship, and Digital Transformation pp. 516-523 Downloads
Yong Tan, Chaithanaskorn Phawitpiriyakliti, Pirayut Pattanayanon and Sid Terason
Assessing the Cocoa Farmer Empowerment Program through the Lens of Stufflebeam's Evaluation Framework: A Farmer-Centric Approach pp. 524-528 Downloads
Regina Sapta Samudera and Deddy T Tikson
Sharia Financial Inclusion in Moderating the Relationship between Socio-Economic Factors and Personal Financial Management to the Pre-Retirement-Phase pp. 529-534 Downloads
Hastin Tri Utami, Fathul Aminudin Aziz, Doddy Afandi Firdaus and Ariadin Nurfi
Local Community Behavior Model in Participatory-Based Sustainable Tourism Development pp. 535-545 Downloads
Alfi Muflikhah Lestari, Moh Khusaini, Qomariyatus Sholihah and Gatot Ciptadi
The Influence of Customer Perceived Value, Satisfaction, and Trust on Loyalty among E-Shoppers in Palestine’s E-Commerce Platforms pp. 546-557 Downloads
Mohammad Ibrahim Aqabneh
The Legal System for Political Parties in Jordan in Light of Law No. 7 of 2022 pp. 558-566 Downloads
Mohammad. J. Althnaibat, Samira Mahmoud Al-Jahmani, Faisal Saleh Al Abbadi, Fadel Mansour Aljuneidi and Mohammad Salem Abu Sitta Alshahin
Continuous Professional Teacher Development Model in Yunnan Provincial Universities pp. 567-572 Downloads
Yi Zhang and Thada Siththada
The Impact of E-Logistics Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, Trust Building, and Customer loyalty Among E-Shoppers in Palestine pp. 581-590 Downloads
Mohammad Ibrahim Aqabneh
The Role of Social Factors in Building Social Resilience of Former Drug Users in Surakarta City, Central Java pp. 591-600 Downloads
Henriyadi Wasono Putro, Agus Sholahuddin and Catur Wahyudi
Implementation of Spatial Planning Policies pp. 601-608 Downloads
Aprimeno Sabdey, Soesilo Zauhar, Suryadi Suryadi and Endah Setyowati
Insights from Adult Learning Theory: Enhancing Academicians' Mental Health and Well-being in a Research-Driven World pp. 609-617 Downloads
Monu Singh, Neha Kardam, Sahnaj Rahmatulla, Narghis Habiba Laskar and Abhigyan Bhattacharjee
Creative Accounting and Investor Value: A Comparative Study of Income Smoothing of Listed Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria and South Africa pp. 618-625 Downloads
Mary Eberechukwu Ozondu, Okoi Etim Iwara, Stella Ehis Okeke, Geoffrey Ndubuisi Udefi, Azubuike Clifford Romaine, Faith Ukamaka Chinweuba, Peter Chukwuka Ohabuenyi, Uju Francisca Onah and Onyekachi David Chukwunwike
Improvement of Green Behavior and Green Training on Company Sustainability Mediated by Employee Engagement pp. 626-634 Downloads
Jatmiko Murdiono, Hamidah Hamidah and Rd. Tuty Sariwulan
Construction Portfolio in Emerging Markets: Indonesia pp. 635-646 Downloads
Adler Haymans Manurung, Gerry Juan Carlos Manurung, Idel Eprianto, Wirawan Widjanarko and Ch. Indra W. P. Hatibie
The Financial Performance and Credit Risk Management of Islamic Banks pp. 647-653 Downloads
Omar Raja Alamro
Critical Success Factors in Building the Immersed Tunnel and Making it a Dynamic Factor for Maritime Trade and an International Development Route pp. 654-674 Downloads
Jamal Abdu Alsalam Karem and Mohamed Alwan Malpis AL_ali
Developing Sustainable Leadership Practices in Saudi Arabian Universities: A Comparative Study between Public and National Universities pp. 675-687 Downloads
Safar Bakheet Almudara
Service Station Management Factors to Affect Success According to Path Analysis: A Case Study of the Fuel Oil Business pp. 688-695 Downloads
Akkarat Poolkrajang
Innovative Project Management Practices for Enhanced Business Performance: Case Insights pp. 696-703 Downloads
AleÅ¡ Trunk and AljoÅ¡a GaÄ Nik
Analysis of Legal Protection Reconstruction for Debtors in Auction Execution of Mortgage Matters Based on Justice pp. 704-710 Downloads
Taufik Pandan Winoto, Shandi Izhandri, Wahyu Adi Wibowo, Anis Mashdurohatun and Muhammad Azam
Addressing Legal Gap in Creditor Safeguards for Mortgage-Backed Loans pp. 711-717 Downloads
Yuni Andaryanti, Endang Yuniarti, Wahyu Ririn Erawati, Anis Mashdurohatun and Henning Glaser
A Queueing Theory Approach to Analyze the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospitals System Capabilities: A Lesson for Future Pandemic Preparedness pp. 718-727 Downloads
Balveer Saini, Dharamender Singh and Kailash Chand Sharma
Research on Consumer Buying Behavior When Watching Livestreams on Digital Technology Platforms in Vietnam pp. 728-744 Downloads
Nguyen Que Lam and Nguyen The Kien
Decolonial Praxis in Higher Education pp. 745-752 Downloads
Ru-Jer Wang, Wen-Wei Chiang, Yi-Huang Shih, Min-Sheng Ku, Jason Cong Lin, Unik Ambar Wati and Masaki Takamiya
Legalized Injustice in Indonesia: Violation of the Defendant's Right to be Heard Last at Trial pp. 753-758 Downloads
Erwin Susilo, Dharma Setiawan Negara, Abiandri Fikri Akbar, Khairul Umam Syamsuyar, Muhammad Rafi and Lufsiana Lufsiana
Role of Psychological Capital in Moderating the Influence of Employee Engagement and Creativity on the Performance of Nursing Staff at Class a Regional Hospitals in East Kalimantan Province, Indonesia pp. 759-765 Downloads
Jaya Mualimin, Joko Setyadi, Saida Zainurossalamia, Johanes Kuleh and Abdul Aziz
Optimizing Medical Goods Transportation Through Advanced Logistics Networks pp. 766-770 Downloads
Olexandr Budniuk, Dmytro Havrychenko, Serhii Shcherbakov, Ð nzhela Olkhovska and Hanna Mazurenko
Procurement Risk Management to Improve Supply Chain Performance pp. 771-780 Downloads
Siti Maemunah and Randy Ramdhany
Addressing Pasung Practices in Indonesia: Strategies for Humane Rehabilitation of Individuals with Mental Illness pp. 781-787 Downloads
Adi Fahrudin, Husmiati Yusuf, Meiti Subhardini, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani, Wanda Kiyah George Albert, Suradi Suradi and Fahmi Ilman Fahrudin
The International Media Image of the China-Europe Railway Express: A Corpus-Based Analysis pp. 788-795 Downloads
Wenlong Song, Bowen Hu and Yang Liu
Social Service Applications in Overcoming Poverty: Application of the Social Welfare Information System Next Generation (SIKS-NG) in Indonesia pp. 796-803 Downloads
Nurbiah Tahir, Nur Khaerah, Rusliadi Rusliadi, Rizki Yusliana Bakti, Widia Astuti and Andi Muhammad Zachary Vhilbar
The Social and Humanitarian Imperatives for Ensuring Sustainable Development in The Context of National Security pp. 804-809 Downloads
Vladislav Emanov, Kostiantyn Sporyshev, Yurii Stoliar, Leonid Berezynskyi and Volodymyr Trobiuk
Enhancing Brand Equity and Customers Purchase Intention at Tourism Companies in Ho Chi Minh City: The Role of ESG pp. 810-821 Downloads
Nhan Truong Thanh Dang and Ha Van Dung
The Influence of Financial Planning on Family Economic Welfare among Young Families pp. 822-829 Downloads
Novi Yanti, Eki Candra, Irien Violinda Anggriani, Nurse Fatimah Mz and Yessy Septrimadona
Examining the Effect of Social Media Communication on COVID-19 Vaccination Intentions: The Mediating Role of Interpersonal Communication and Risk Perception pp. 830-838 Downloads
Shekhar Singh, Sandeep Arya, Tanmay Pant, Tamanna Agarwal and Sandeep Srivastava
Sustainable Tourism Management: Policy for Planning Wetland Park Social Media Marketing Strategies pp. 847-855 Downloads
Yimeng Wu, Mohd Kher Bin Hussein, Mohd. Yazid Mohd. Yunos and Qianda Zhuang
Evaluating the Impact of Energy Mix and Digital Economy on Ecological Footprint in GCC: Fresh Insight from Panel ARDL Approach pp. 856-866 Downloads
Issa Ahmed AL Balushi and Nora Yusma Binti Mohamed Yusoff
A Study on Impact of HRM Practices on Effectiveness of Team Building with Special Reference to Insurance Industry in India by Using Structural Equation Model pp. 867-877 Downloads
P. Bakya, H. Bama and G. Karthik
Impact of the Role of the State on Digital Transformation Activities of Enterprises: Insights from Vietnam pp. 878-887 Downloads
Dinh Van Cuong and Le Trung Hieu
Surviving the Storm: Marketing Strategies for Hotels in Crisis-Stricken Countries pp. 888-901 Downloads
Laurent Yacoub and Ribale Maylaa
Unfolding the Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Sustenance: Evidence from Women Entrepreneurs in India pp. 902-921 Downloads
Sarlin Venotha Antonymuthu, Alex Kulathaisamy, Martina Franciska Xavier and Satyanarayana Parayitam
The Effect of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on Purchasing Power, Unemployment, and Income in Indonesia: Reviewed from the Perception of Indonesian pp. 922-939 Downloads
Waspodo Tjipto Subroto, Albrian Fiky Prakoso, Eka Hendy Andriansyah, Ardhita Eko Ginanjar and Zain Fuadi Muhammad Roziqifath
The Mediating Role of Information Technology between Digital Marketing and Firm Performance in Jordanian Small and Medium Enterprises pp. 940-950 Downloads
Hammadallah Al-Husban
The Influence of Social Media Influencers on Online Purchase Intention of Beauty Products in Malaysia: Moderating Role of Consumer Skepticism pp. 951-965 Downloads
Ahmed Aish and Nor Azila Mohd Noor
The Role of Perceived Scarcity and Anxiety on Panic Buying Behaviour Among Consumers in the United Arab Emirates pp. 966-978 Downloads
Atwah Mohammed Walid Nimer and Nor Azila Mohd Noor
How Do Competence and Workload Affect the Performance of Educators During the Pandemic in Indonesia? pp. 979-988 Downloads
Ismandra Ismandra, Vera Finindia Indah, Fitria Septia, Supriadi Supriadi, Rulli Ramadhayani and Rusliadi Rusliadi
Labor Migration and Its Causes for Governance: Modeling the Intensity of Threat Impact through a Proposed Methodological Approach: The Example of Ukraine, Within the Periods Before and During COVID-19 and Military Operations pp. 989-994 Downloads
Andriy Shtangret, Halyna Pushak, Volodymyr Bazyliuk, Bohdanna Kosovych and Myroslav Yaremyk
Time Management Model in the System of Ensuring Personnel Security for Sustainable Development Planning pp. 995-1000 Downloads
Serhii Shevchenko, Roksolana Vynnychuk, Mariya Bardadym, Rostyslav Darmits, Myroslava Fesh and Olha Chepets
Unveiling the Determinants of Green Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Study in the Tunisian Context pp. 1001-1012 Downloads
Houda Nouicer Tira, Imen Fessi, Tamer M. Abdelghani and Abu Elnasr E. Sobaih
The Role of Foreign Shareholders in Online Financial Reporting: A Comparative Study of Malaysia and China pp. 1013-1025 Downloads
Ali Saleh Alarussi and Sam Sarpong
Impact of Environmental Concern, Government Role, and Attitude on Green Patronage Behaviour: Does Green Patronage Intention Matter? pp. 1026-1037 Downloads
Wang Zhuoxian, Nor Azila Mohd Noor and Ahmad Martadha Mohamed
Discussion on the Improvement of Outsourcing Management of Cleaning Services in University Canteens under the Background of Logistics Socialization pp. 1038-1043 Downloads
Sun Jingcheng and Cui Xinyue
Analytic Hierarchy Process Optimization of Strategic Resource Management for Sustainable Development: Enhancing International Economic and Commercial Relations through Circular Economy Factors in Open Socio-Economic Systems pp. 1044-1049 Downloads
Andriy Bosak, Lesia Sai, Olena Heidarova, Olha Chernova, Andriy Mykoliuk and Olga Poplavska
Development of Art Education Management Model in the Digital Era of Private Universities in Henan Province pp. 1050-1062 Downloads
XinXu XinXu and Thada Siththada
Page updated 2025-02-01