Marine Policy
Volume 1 - 64
Current editor(s): Eddie Brown From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 50, issue PB, 2014
- Marine governance of European Seas: Introduction pp. 323-324
- Jesper Raakjær and Jan van Tatenhove
- Implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: A policy perspective on regulatory, institutional and stakeholder impediments to effective implementation pp. 325-330
- Judith van Leeuwen, Jesper Raakjaer, Luc van Hoof, Jan van Tatenhove, Ronán Long and Kristen Ounanian
- ‘The Hare and the Tortoise’: Lessons from Baltic Sea and Mediterranean Sea governance pp. 331-338
- Charlène Jouanneau and Jesper Raakjær
- Sometimes you cannot make it on your own; drivers and scenarios for regional cooperation in implementing the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive pp. 339-346
- Luc van Hoof, Astrid Hendriksen and Helen J. Bloomfield
- How to dance? The tango of stakeholder involvement in marine governance research pp. 347-352
- Marloes Kraan, Astrid Hendriksen, Luc van Hoof, Judith van Leeuwen and Charlène Jouanneau
- Fishing for opinions: Stakeholder views on MSFD implementation in European Seas pp. 353-363
- Astrid Hendriksen, Charlène Jouanneau, Rebecca Koss and Jesper Raakjaer
- Regional cooperation for European seas: Governance models in support of the implementation of the MSFD pp. 364-372
- Jan van Tatenhove, Jesper Raakjaer, Judith van Leeuwen and Luc van Hoof
- Ecosystem-based marine management in European regional seas calls for nested governance structures and coordination—A policy brief pp. 373-381
- Jesper Raakjaer, Judith van Leeuwen, Jan van Tatenhove and Maria Hadjimichael
Volume 50, issue PA, 2014
- Regional marine spatial planning – The data collection and mapping process pp. 1-9
- Rachel Shucksmith, Lorraine Gray, Christina Kelly and Jacqueline F. Tweddle
- The implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Shortcomings and limitations from the Spanish point of view pp. 10-17
- Juan Bellas
- Assessing China׳s legislation on compensation for marine ecological damage: A case study of the Bohai oil spill pp. 18-26
- Dan Liu and Ling Zhu
- Data collection and mapping – Principles, processes and application in marine spatial planning pp. 27-33
- Rachel J. Shucksmith and Christina Kelly
- Sea basin maritime spatial planning: A case study of the Baltic Sea region and Poland pp. 34-45
- Jacek Zaucha
- Impact of increasing market access on a tropical small-scale fishery pp. 46-52
- Kara Stevens, Brian Irwin, Daniel Kramer and Gerald Urquhart
- Developing regional locational guidance for wave and tidal energy in the Shetland Islands pp. 53-66
- Jacqueline F. Tweddle, iLaria Marengo, Lorraine Gray, Christina Kelly and Rachel Shucksmith
- Primary prevention of fishing vessel disasters: Evaluation of a United States Coast Guard policy intervention pp. 67-73
- Devin L. Lucas, Laurel D. Kincl, Viktor E. Bovbjerg, Adam J. Branscum and Jennifer M. Lincoln
- New Zealand׳s fisheries management system: Forced labour an ignored or overlooked dimension? pp. 74-80
- Glenn Simmons and Christina Stringer
- Dealing with Mediterranean bluefin tuna: A study in international environmental management pp. 81-88
- Joseph Paul Heffernan
- Characterization of fisheries management in Yemen: A case study of a developing country׳s management regime pp. 89-95
- Natheer Alabsi and Teruhisa Komatsu
- From measuring outcomes to providing inputs: Governance, management, and local development for more effective marine protected areas pp. 96-110
- Nathan James Bennett and Philip Dearden
- Maritime Labour policy in China: Restructuring under the ILO׳s Maritime Labour Convention 2006 pp. 111-116
- Pengfei Zhang and Minghua Zhao
- The inner workings of collaboration in marine ecosystem-based management: A social network analysis approach pp. 117-125
- Tiffany C. Smythe, Robert Thompson and Carlos Garcia-Quijano
- Cold water coral reef management from an ecosystem service perspective pp. 126-134
- Claire W. Armstrong, Naomi S. Foley, Viktoria Kahui and Anthony Grehan
- Using secondary data to examine economic trends in a subset of sectors in the English marine economy: 2003–2011 pp. 135-141
- Karyn Morrissey
- Perceived impacts of climate change, coastal development and policy on oyster harvesting in the Southeastern United States pp. 142-150
- Ginger Deason, Erin Seekamp and Carla Barbieri
- Revealing marine cultural ecosystem services in the Black Sea pp. 151-161
- Ruth Fletcher, Corinne Baulcomb, Clare Hall and Salman Hussain
- Realization of high seas enforcement by non-flag states in WCPFC: A signal for enhanced cooperative enforcement in fisheries management pp. 162-170
- Chung-Ling Chen
- Oil spill response in the Arctic: Norwegian experiences and future perspectives pp. 171-177
- Maaike Knol and Peter Arbo
- Rapid prioritization of marine ecosystem services and ecosystem indicators pp. 178-189
- Sandra R. Werner, James P.G. Spurgeon, Gary H. Isaksen, Joseph P. Smith, Nina K. Springer, David A. Gettleson, N׳Guessan, Lucie and Jennifer M. Dupont
- Driving forces of the long-enduring institutional mechanism of Padu system in Negombo Lagoon, Sri Lanka pp. 190-196
- Shimpei Iwasaki
- Is certification a viable option for small producer fish farmers in the global south? Insights from Vietnam pp. 197-206
- Melissa Marschke and Ann Wilkings
- The effect of discards and survival rate on the Maximum Sustainable Yield estimation based on landings or catches maximisation: Application to the nephrops fishery in the Bay of Biscay pp. 207-214
- Jordi Guillen, Claire Macher, Mathieu Merzéréaud, Spyros Fifas and Olivier Guyader
- The development of ships׳ routeing measures in the Bering Strait: Lessons learned from the North Atlantic right whale to protect local whale populations pp. 215-226
- Ainsley S. Allen
- China׳s marine economy and regional development pp. 227-237
- Xu-Zhao Jiang, Tie-Ying Liu and Chi-Wei Su
- Measuring the multiregional economic contribution of an Alaska fishing fleet with linkages to international markets pp. 238-248
- Edward C. Waters, Chang K. Seung, Marcus L. Hartley and Michael G. Dalton
- Addressing environmental considerations for Marine Stewardship Council certification: A case study using lobsters pp. 249-260
- Lynda M. Bellchambers, Bruce F. Phillips, Mónica Pérez-Ramírez, Enrique Lozano-Álvarez, Kim Ley-Cooper and Armando Vega-Velazquez
- Deciphering contextual influences on local leadership in community-based fisheries management pp. 261-269
- Abigail M. Sutton and Murray Rudd
- An analysis of the structural changes in the offshore demersal hake (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) trawl fishery in South Africa pp. 270-279
- Rachel Cooper, Anthony Leiman and Astrid Jarre
- Productivity growth and product choice in catch share fisheries: The case of Alaska pollock pp. 280-289
- Marcelo Torres and Ronald G. Felthoven
- The changing role of NGOs in Mexican small-scale fisheries: From environmental conservation to multi-scale governance pp. 290-299
- Maria J. Espinosa-Romero, Laura F. Rodriguez, Amy Hudson Weaver, Cristina Villanueva-Aznar and Jorge Torre
- Co-management in Europe: Insights from the gooseneck barnacle fishery in Asturias, Spain pp. 300-308
- Antonella Rivera, Stefan Gelcich, Lucia García-Florez, Jorge Luis Alcázar and José Luis Acuña
- An assessment of sector separation on the Gulf of Mexico recreational red snapper fishery pp. 309-317
- J. Doerpinghaus, K. Hentrich, M. Troup, A. Stavrinaky and S. Anderson
- Trophy fishing for species threatened with extinction: A way forward building on a history of conservation pp. 318-322
- D.S. Shiffman, A.J. Gallagher, J. Wester, C.C. Macdonald, A.D. Thaler, S.J. Cooke and N. Hammerschlag
Volume 49, issue C, 2014
- EU–Mauritania fisheries partnership in need of more transparency pp. 1-11
- Ad Corten
- Tragedy of the few? A political ecology perspective of the right to the sea: The Cyprus marine aquaculture sector pp. 12-19
- Maria Hadjimichael, Adriana Bruggeman and Manfred A. Lange
- MPA regulations should incorporate adaptive management—The case of Gilbert Bay Labrador Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) pp. 20-28
- Corey J. Morris and John M. Green
- Marine protected areas in a welfare-based perspective pp. 29-36
- Siv Reithe, Claire W. Armstrong and Ola Flaaten
- The maintenance costs of marine natural capital: A case study from the initial assessment of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in France pp. 37-47
- Harold Levrel, Céline Jacob, Denis Bailly, Mahe Charles, Olivier Guyader, Schéhérazade Aoubid, Adeline Bas, Alexia Cujus, Marjolaine Frésard, Sophie Girard, Julien Hay, Yann Laurans, Jérôme Paillet, José A. Pérez Agúndez and Rémi Mongruel
- How sustainable is sustainable marine spatial planning? Part II – The Portuguese experience pp. 48-58
- Catarina Frazão Santos, Tiago Domingos, Maria Adelaide Ferreira, Michael Orbach and Francisco Andrade
- How sustainable is sustainable marine spatial planning? Part I—Linking the concepts pp. 59-65
- Catarina Frazão Santos, Tiago Domingos, Maria Adelaide Ferreira, Michael Orbach and Francisco Andrade
- Seabed mining: International Seabed Authority environmental management plan for the Clarion–Clipperton Zone. A partnership approach pp. 66-72
- Michael Lodge, David Johnson, Gwenaëlle Le Gurun, Markus Wengler, Phil Weaver and Vikki Gunn
- Conflicting goals in fisheries management—A study of the Norwegian cod fisheries pp. 73-80
- Eirik Eriksen Heen, Knut Heen and PingSun Leung
- Charting pragmatic courses for global ocean governance pp. 85-86
- Klaus Töpfer, Laurence Tubiana, Sebastian Unger and Julien Rochette
- A Sustainable Development Goal for the Ocean and Coasts: Global ocean challenges benefit from regional initiatives supporting globally coordinated solutions pp. 87-89
- Martin Visbeck, Ulrike Kronfeld-Goharani, Barbara Neumann, Wilfried Rickels, Jörn Schmidt, Erik van Doorn, Nele Matz-Lück and Alexander Proelss
- Sustaining marine life beyond boundaries: Options for an implementing agreement for marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea pp. 90-97
- Elisabeth Druel and Kristina M. Gjerde
- The sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity in ABNJ: What can be achieved using existing international agreements? pp. 98-108
- Jeff A. Ardron, Rosemary Rayfuse, Kristina Gjerde and Robin Warner
- The regional approach to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction pp. 109-117
- Julien Rochette, Sebastian Unger, Dorothée Herr, David Johnson, Takehiro Nakamura, Tim Packeiser, Alexander Proelss, Martin Visbeck, Andrew Wright and Daniel Cebrian
- Identifying new pathways for ocean governance: The role of legal principles in areas beyond national jurisdiction pp. 118-126
- Katherine Houghton
- Better integration of sectoral planning and management approaches for the interlinked ecology of the open oceans pp. 127-136
- Natalie C. Ban, Sara M. Maxwell, Daniel C. Dunn, Alistair J. Hobday, Nicholas J. Bax, Jeff Ardron, Kristina M. Gjerde, Edward T. Game, Rodolphe Devillers, David M. Kaplan, Piers K. Dunstan, Patrick N. Halpin and Robert L. Pressey
- The Convention on Biological Diversity's Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas: Origins, development, and current status pp. 137-145
- Daniel C. Dunn, Jeff Ardron, Nicholas Bax, Patricio Bernal, Jesse Cleary, Ian Cresswell, Ben Donnelly, Piers Dunstan, Kristina Gjerde, David Johnson, Kristin Kaschner, Ben Lascelles, Jake Rice, Henning von Nordheim, Louisa Wood and Patrick N. Halpin
- A systematic approach towards the identification and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems pp. 146-154
- Jeff A. Ardron, Malcolm R. Clark, Andrew J. Penney, Thomas F. Hourigan, Ashley A. Rowden, Piers K. Dunstan, Les Watling, Timothy M. Shank, Di M. Tracey, Mathew R. Dunn and Steven J. Parker
- The impact of OSPAR on protected area management beyond national jurisdiction: Effective regional cooperation or a network of paper parks? pp. 155-166
- Nele Matz-Lück and Johannes Fuchs
- Can existing institutions protect biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction? Experiences from two on-going processes pp. 167-175
- David Freestone, David Johnson, Jeff Ardron, Kate Killerlain Morrison and Sebastian Unger
- Fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the utilization of marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction: Bridging the gaps between science and policy pp. 176-185
- Arianna Broggiato, Sophie Arnaud-Haond, Claudio Chiarolla and Thomas Greiber
- Cooperation and compliance control in areas beyond national jurisdiction pp. 186-194
- Dorota Englender, Jenny Kirschey, Aleke Stöfen and Andreas Zink
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