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Marine Policy

Volume 1 - 64

Current editor(s): Eddie Brown

From Elsevier
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Volume 28, issue 6, 2004

Fishing vessel profitability and local economic link obligations--the case of Norwegian trawlers pp. 451-457 Downloads
Ola Flaaten and Knut Heen
Participatory research supporting community-based fishery management pp. 459-468 Downloads
Melanie Wiber, Fikret Berkes, Anthony Charles and John Kearney
The potential value of improved ocean observation systems in the Gulf of Mexico pp. 469-489 Downloads
Mark J. Kaiser and Allan G. Pulsipher
Environmental policies and marine engines--effects on the development and adoption of innovations pp. 491-502 Downloads
Heli Hyvättinen and Mikael Hildén
On crafting a fisheries co-management arrangement in the estuary of Patos Lagoon (Brazil): opportunities and challenges faced through implementation pp. 503-522 Downloads
Daniela C. Kalikoski and Satterfield, Theresa (Terre)
Management of the commons for biodiversity: lessons from the North Pacific pp. 523-539 Downloads
Jerry McBeath
Rethinking the principle of abstention: the North Pacific and beyond pp. 541-552 Downloads
Yasuko Tsuru
Competitive policies for commercial sea ports in the EU pp. 553-556 Downloads
Carlos Perez-Labajos and Beatriz Blanco

Volume 28, issue 5, 2004

Scientific uncertainty and the International Whaling Commission: an alternative perspective on the use of science in policy making pp. 361-374 Downloads
Michael Heazle
Toward market orientation: the role of auctioning individual seasonal quotas (ISQ) pp. 375-382 Downloads
Torbjørn Trondsen
Implications of the tuna management regime for domestic industry development in the Pacific Island States pp. 383-392 Downloads
Vina Ram-Bidesi and Martin Tsamenyi
Assessing climate change impacts on coastal infrastructure in the Eastern Caribbean pp. 393-409 Downloads
Clement Lewsey, Gonzalo Cid and Edward Kruse
Use of private access rights in fisheries: effective management through public transferability? pp. 411-418 Downloads
Matt Bradshaw and Oliver Tully
From common property to co-management: lessons from Brazil's first maritime extractive reserve pp. 419-428 Downloads
Patricia Pinto da Silva
Planning and management of a proposed managed realignment project: Bothkennar, Forth Estuary, Scotland pp. 429-435 Downloads
Stephen Midgley and Derek J. McGlashan
Decentralization of fisheries management in Indonesia pp. 437-450 Downloads
Arif Satria and Yoshiaki Matsuda

Volume 28, issue 4, 2004

Panamanian maritime sector management pp. 283-295 Downloads
Francisco J. Montero Llácer
Rethinking fisheries policy in the Pacific pp. 297-309 Downloads
Michael Pretes and Elizabeth Petersen
Modeling entry, stay, and exit decisions of the longline fishers in Hawaii pp. 311-324 Downloads
Naresh C. Pradhan and PingSun Leung
The role of organisational characteristics of ship owning firms in the use of third party ship management pp. 325-333 Downloads
K. Mitroussi
Participatory socioeconomic analysis: drawing on fishermen's knowledge for marine protected area planning in California pp. 335-349 Downloads
Astrid Scholz, Kate Bonzon, Rod Fujita, Natasha Benjamin, Nicole Woodling, Peter Black and Charles Steinback
Establishment of the Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism pp. 351-359 Downloads
Milton O. Haughton, Robin Mahon, Patrick McConney, G. André Kong and Anthony Mills

Volume 28, issue 3, 2004

Murky waters for government policy: the case of a 17th century British warship and 10 tonnes of gold coins pp. 189-198 Downloads
Sarah Dromgoole
Trends in world and extended-length cruising (1985-2002) pp. 199-211 Downloads
Bruce E. Marti
Co-management proposals and their efficiency implications in fisheries management: the case of the Grand Sole fleet pp. 213-219 Downloads
Marcos Domínguez-Torreiro, Ana B. Freijeiro-Álvarez and Carlos Iglesias-Malvido
Implementing high seas biodiversity conservation: global geopolitical considerations pp. 221-226 Downloads
Stuart Kaye
How does the European seafood industry stand after the revolution of salmon farming: An economic analysis of fish prices pp. 227-233 Downloads
Patrice Guillotreau
One fin, two fins, red fins, bluefins: some problems of nomenclature and taxonomy affecting legal instruments governing tuna and other highly migratory species pp. 235-247 Downloads
Andrew Serdy
Constructs of sustainability in coastal management pp. 249-255 Downloads
Anthony Gallagher, David Johnson, Gillian Glegg and Colin Trier
Cooperative research, co-management and the social dimension of fisheries science and management pp. 257-258 Downloads
Ilene M. Kaplan and Bonnie J. McCay
Why farm salmon outcompete fishery salmon pp. 259-270 Downloads
Josh Eagle, Rosamond Naylor and Whitney Smith
The padu system of community-based fisheries management: change and local institutional innovation in south India pp. 271-281 Downloads
Kenton Lobe and Fikret Berkes

Volume 28, issue 2, 2004

A binary choice severance selection model for the removal of offshore structures in the Gulf of Mexico pp. 97-115 Downloads
Mark J. Kaiser and Allan G. Pulsipher
Precaution, ICES and the common fisheries policy: a study of regime interplay pp. 117-126 Downloads
Olav Schram Stokke and Clare Coffey
A vicious circle? The dynamics of rule-making in Norwegian fisheries pp. 127-135 Downloads
Svein Jentoft and Knut H. Mikalsen
Institutions in fisheries: what they are, what they do, and how they change pp. 137-149 Downloads
Svein Jentoft
Fisheries co-management--an institutional innovation? Lessons from South East Asia and Southern Africa pp. 151-160 Downloads
Jesper Raakjær Nielsen, Poul Degnbol, K.Kuperan Viswanathan, Mahfuzuddin Ahmed, Mafaniso Hara and Nik Mustapha Raja Abdullah
Directions for productivity measurement in fisheries pp. 161-169 Downloads
Ronald G. Felthoven and Catherine Morrison Paul
(Not so) "Smart regulation"? Canadian shellfish aquaculture policy and the evolution of instrument choice for industrial development pp. 171-184 Downloads
Michael Howlett and Jeremy Rayner
New factors in ocean governance. From economic to security-based boundaries pp. 185-188 Downloads
Juan Luis Suárez de Vivero and Juan Carlos Rodríguez Mateos

Volume 28, issue 1, 2004

Introduction pp. 3-5 Downloads
Mark J. Valencia
Summary of the Bali dialogue pp. 7-12 Downloads
Mark J. Valencia
A Republic of Korea perspective pp. 13-18 Downloads
Duk-Ki Kim
The Russian approach to ROE pp. 19-23 Downloads
Alexander Skaridov
A Chinese perspective on 'Operational Modalities' pp. 25-27 Downloads
Cheng Xizhong
Military ships and planes operating in the exclusive economic zone of another country pp. 29-39 Downloads
Jon M. Van Dyke
Initiatives to enhance maritime security at sea pp. 41-66 Downloads
J. Ashley Roach
Intelligence collection operations and EEZs: the implications of new technology pp. 67-82 Downloads
Desmond Ball
Options for resolving disagreements pp. 83-87 Downloads
Hasjim Djalal
Conclusions, regime building and the way forward pp. 89-96 Downloads
Mark J. Valencia
Page updated 2024-12-28