Marine Policy
Volume 1 - 64
Current editor(s): Eddie Brown From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 6, 1993
- UNCED and the oceans agenda: The process forward pp. 491-500
- Lee A. Kimbal
- UNCED and marine mammals pp. 501-514
- Patricia Birnie
- EC participation in protection of the marine environment: Legal and institutional aspects pp. 515-518
- Joan E. Donoghue
- UNCED and the oceans pp. 519-533
- William T. Burke
- Convention for the conservation of Antarctic marine living resources pp. 534-536
- Robert J. Hofman
- Agenda 21 and prevention of sea-based marine pollution: A spurious relationship? pp. 537-556
- André Nollkaemper
- Chapter 17 of agenda 21: Implementing data and information aspects pp. 557-560
- Thomas L. Laughlin
- Land-based pollution and integrated coastal management pp. 561-572
- Arthur Lyon Dahl
Volume 17, issue 5, 1993
- Managing the marine environment: The shetland conference pp. 332-333
- Hance Smith
- Ocean fisheries management: recent international developments pp. 334-339
- Ragnar Arnason
- Individual transferable quotas: the New Zealand experience pp. 340-342
- Ian Clark
- Sea fisheries management: the EC position pp. 343-346
- L. D. M. Mackenzie
- Sea fisheries management: the UK position pp. 347-349
- Godfrey Robson
- Sea fisheries management: the Shetland position pp. 350-351
- John Goodlad
- Sea fisheries management: workshop presentation pp. 352-353
- Lord Mackay of Ardbrecknish
- Current controls for abandonment and disposal of offshore installations at sea pp. 354-362
- J. Side, M. Baine and K. Hayes
- Port and shipping management: the role of IMO pp. 363-366
- O. H. J. Dijxhoorn
- Port state control v flag state control: UK government position pp. 367-370
- Douglas Bell
- Management and control of shipping around Shetland pp. 371-379
- George Sutherland
- The harbour authority approach to the environment: role of the European Harbour Masters Association pp. 380-386
- Eberhard Noelke
- Port and shipping management practice: role of the oil industry and charterers pp. 387-390
- Steve Holliday
- Port and shipping management: workshop presentation pp. 391-393
- C. J. Parker
- Control of pollution of the sea pp. 394-398
- A. D. McIntyre
- Government, industry and public management of the seas in the 21st century pp. 399-403
- Rick Steiner
- The Citizens' Advisory Council as a means of mitigating environmental impacts of terminal and tanker operations pp. 404-411
- Patty Ginsburg, Scott Sterling and Sheila Gotteherer
- The Alaskan experience of environmental management: Need history be a path to the future? pp. 412-417
- Dan Lawn
- Problems of pollution and litter in the seas around the Scottish Isles: the Shetland perspective pp. 418-421
- M. R. Hall
- Water pollution control: the case for local control and accountability pp. 422-425
- David W. Mackay
- Control of pollution of the sea: workshop presentation pp. 426-429
- George M. Dunnet
- European cooperation to combat marine oil pollution pp. 430-433
- Preben S. Stamp
- Environmental impacts of the Braer oil spill and development of a strategy for the monitoring of change and recovery pp. 434-440
- William Ritchie
- Environmental impacts on wildlife, land, food and soil pp. 449-452
- David Okill
- Marine--terrestrial interface: the public health dimension pp. 453-456
- Derek Cox
- Assessing human exposures to environmental pollution arising from the Braer incident pp. 457-467
- Paul Leinster
- Economic and social impacts pp. 469-472
- James Moncrieff and Charles H. Simpson
- Intergovernmental oil pollution liability and compensation: theory and practice pp. 473-478
- James F. Wall
- After effects and the way forward: community impact assessment pp. 479-482
- Alastair Cooper and Ian Kinniburgh
- The Braer incident: workshop presentation pp. 483-485
- F. G. Larminie
Volume 17, issue 4, 1993
- Institutional management of an international mixed good: The IWC and socially optimal whale harvests pp. 235-250
- Yoshihiro Kuronuma and Clement Tisdell
- The common fisheries policy: Economic aspects pp. 251-255
- Adam Gwiazda
- Distributional aspects of multispecies management: The Barents sea large marine ecosystem pp. 256-271
- Per Ove Eikeland
- Crisis in the oil industry: Certificates of Financial Responsibility and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 pp. 272-293
- Jason A. Garick
- Timor Gap treaty: The continuing controversy pp. 294-302
- Keith Suter
- Transition to a new South Africa: Marine law issues to be resolved? pp. 303-308
- D. J. Devine
- Towards a European office for marine science and technology pp. 309-321
- Jan H. Stel
- Review of fisheries in OECD member countries: OECD, Paris, 1993, 347pp + 170 tables pp. 322-322
- Rowena Lawson
- A study of international fisheries research: World Bank, UNDP, CEC and FAO World Bank Policy and Research Series 19, World Bank, Washington, 1992 pp. 322-324
- Rowena Lawson
- Current issues in maritime economics: edited by K.W. Gwilliam Kluwer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands, 1993, $108.50, £66, DFL170 pp. 325-325
- Richard Goss
Volume 17, issue 3, 1993
- St Pierre-Miquelon arbitration: Canada-France maritime delimitation award pp. 155-170
- Geoffrey Marston
- Marine conservation: A new policy area pp. 171-185
- Adam Cole-King
- Large marine ecosystems,: A new focus for marine resources management pp. 186-198
- Lewis M. Alexander
- Japanese-Russian fishery joint ventures and operations,: Opportunities and problems pp. 199-212
- Tsuneo Akaha
- Fisheries management on the Patagonian shelf,: A decade after the 1982 Falklands/ Malvinas conflict pp. 213-229
- Gustavo A. Bisbal
Volume 17, issue 2, 1993
- A national ocean policy,: An elusive quest pp. 75-80
- Jean-Pierre Lévy
- 'Neither necessary nor prudent at this stage': The regime of seabed mining and its impact on the universality of the UN convention on the law of the sea pp. 81-107
- E. D. Brown
- Community-based fishery management,: Towards the restoration of traditional practices in the South Pacific pp. 108-117
- David J. Doulman
- Coastal zone planning law: Role of law in management of the coastal zone in England and Wales pp. 118-129
- John Gibson
- North Sea pollution,: Vessel-source pollution, environmental management and the establishment of EEZs pp. 130-135
- T. IJIstra
- World Bank fisheries report pp. 136-137
- Seamus McElroy
- Sea-bed energy and minerals: The international legal regime: Vol 1. The Continental Shelf by E.D. Brown Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1992, liv + 484pp, US$186, £105 pp. 141-145
- Barbara Kwiatkowska
- The economics of coastal management: A Manual of Benefit Assessment Techniques by E.C. Penning-Rowsell et al Belhaven Press, London and Florida, 1992, £99 pp. 145-146
- P. O. Goss
- China's practice in the law of the sea: by Jeanette Greenfield Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992, xv + 321pp pp. 146-147
- Hyun-Soo Kim
- International maritime conventions: edited by Ignacio Arroyo Kluwer, Deventer and Boston, 1991, Dfl 455, US$237 pp. 146-146
- E. D. Brown
- Canadian ocean law and policy: edited by David VanderZwaag Butterworths, Toronto and Vancouver, 1992, xxxiv and 546 pp, £73 pp. 147-148
- Ademuni-Odeke
- North Sea atlas for Netherlands policy and management: ICONA Stadsvitgeverij, Amsterdam, 1992, 96 maps pp. 148-149
- Gerald Blake
Volume 17, issue 1, 1993
- Editorial pp. 3-3
- E. D. Brown
- Prospects for universality of the UN convention on the law of the sea pp. 4-10
- Igor K. Kolossovskiy
- Ocean affairs and the law of the sea in Africa,,: Towards the 21st century pp. 11-43
- Barbara Kwiatkowska
- Fisheries issues in maritime boundary delimitation pp. 44-57
- R. R. Churchill
- Total quality management in liner shipping pp. 58-63
- Ernst G. Frankel
- Fishery management by individual quotas: theory and practice pp. 64-65
- R. I. C. C. Francis, D. J. Gilbert and J. H. Annala
- International organisations and the law of the sea vol 5 1989 and vol 6 1990: Edited by A.H.A Soons and B. Kwiat-kowska Graham and Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff, London, Dordrecht, Boston, 1991 and 1992, Dfl395 per vol pp. 67-67
- E. D. Brown
- Marine management in disputed areas the case of the Barents Sea: Robin Churchill and Geir Ulfstein Ocean management and policy series, Routledge, London and New York, 1992 pp. 67-67
- E. D. Brown
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