Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 23, issue 4, 2022
- Gender and Intersecting Inequalities in Education: Reflections on a Framework for Measurement pp. 509-538
- Elaine Unterhalter, Helen Longlands and Rosie Peppin Vaughan
- Rethinking Child Poverty pp. 539-561
- Sharon Bessell
- Do Men Care? Estimating Men’s Preferences for Spending Time with Their Children pp. 562-592
- Leif Andreassen, Maria Laura Di Tommaso and Anna Maccagnan
- The Triple Day Thesis: Theorising Motherhood as a Capability and a Capability Suppressor Within Martha Nussbaum’s Feminist Philosophical Capability Theory pp. 593-610
- Elaine Tontoh
- Legal Capabilities pp. 611-629
- Ann-Katrin Habbig and Ingrid Robeyns
- Measuring Covid Mortality pp. 630-638
- S. Subramanian
- The Violence of Conservation in Africa: State, Militarization and Alternatives pp. 639-640
- Annette A. LaRocco
Volume 23, issue 3, 2022
- The Value of Freedom: A Review of the Current Developments and Conceptual Issues in the Measurement of Capability pp. 327-353
- Jasper Ubels, Karla Hernandez-Villafuerte and Michael Schlander
- From Productive Work to Capability-Enhancing Work: Implications for Labour Law and Policy pp. 354-372
- Nicolas Bueno
- Capabilities, Innovation and Economic Growth in EU Regions pp. 373-399
- Michele Capriati
- Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Experiences of Social Inclusion Scale pp. 400-424
- Lars Leemann, Tuija Martelin, Seppo Koskinen, Tommi Härkänen and Anna-Maria Isola
- The Moral Foundations of Impact Evaluation pp. 425-454
- Heath Henderson
- A Deliberative Approach to Valuing Capabilities: Assessing and Valuing Changes in the Well-Being of those Close to Patients Receiving Supportive End of Life Care pp. 455-476
- Philip Kinghorn, Alastair Canaway, Cara Bailey, Hareth Al-Janabi and Joanna Coast
- Theorising English as a Linguistic Capability: A Look at the Experiences of Economically Disadvantaged Higher Education Students in Colombia pp. 477-500
- Lee Mackenzie
- War: How Conflict Shaped Us pp. 501-502
- Frances Stewart
- The creative wealth of nations: can the arts advance development? pp. 502-504
- S. R. Osmani
- Sustainability, Capabilities and Human Security pp. 504-506
- Paola Velasco-Herrejón
- Reviving jobs: an agenda for growth pp. 506-507
- Smriti Walia
Volume 23, issue 2, 2022
- On “Consequentialism” and the Capability Approach pp. 161-181
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- Indigenous Communities Defining and Utilising Self-determination as an Individual and Collective Capability pp. 182-205
- Heather Sauyaq Jean Gordon and Ranjan Datta
- Multidimensional Poverty and Natural Disasters in Argentina (1970–2010) pp. 206-227
- Fernando Gonzalez, Maria Emma Santos and Silvia London
- “It Is Too Much for Us”: Direct and Indirect Costs of Disability Amongst Working-Aged People with Disabilities in Dhaka, Bangladesh and Nairobi, Kenya pp. 228-251
- Lena Morgon Banks, Shaffa Hameed, Ola Abu Alghaib, Emily Nyariki, Joyce Olenja, Umma Kulsum, Rafiul Karim and Tom Shakespeare
- On the Nature and Determinants of Poor Households’ Resilience in Fragility Contexts pp. 252-269
- Christophe R. Quétel, Guy Bordin, Alexandre Abreu, Ilektra Lemi and Carlos Sangreman
- “Rooted” Freedom, “Deep Respect”: Living a Life Worthy of Dignity as a Muslim Woman in the Netherlands pp. 270-290
- Fernande W. Pool
- Does Empowering Women in Politics Boost Human Development? An Empirical Analysis, 1960–2018 pp. 291-318
- Norunn Hornset and Indra de Soysa
- Voice, Choice, and Action: The Potential of Young Citizens to Heal Democracy pp. 319-321
- Nico Brando
- Involving Anthroponomy in the Anthropocene: On Decoloniality pp. 321-323
- Harshavardhan Jatkar
- Teaching Quality of Life in Different Domains pp. 323-325
- Lisa Wiebesiek
Volume 23, issue 1, 2022
- An Epistemological Break: Redefining Participatory Research in Capabilitarian Scholarship pp. 1-7
- Melanie Walker, Alejandra Boni, Carmen Martinez-Vargas and Melis Cin
- A Capabilitarian Participatory Paradigm: Methods, Methodologies and Cosmological Issues and Possibilities pp. 8-29
- Carmen Martinez-Vargas, Melanie Walker, F. Melis Cin and Alejandra Boni
- Reclaiming Indigenous Economic Development Through Participatory Action Research pp. 30-49
- Astrid V. Pérez Piñán, Hadley Friedland, Judith Sayers and Matt Murphy
- “They Take Away What We Are”: Contributions of a Participatory Process with Photovoice to the Capabilities for Epistemic Liberation of Young People pp. 50-72
- Monique Leivas Vargas, Marta Maicas-Pérez, Carmen Monge Hernández and Álvaro Fernández-Baldor
- Epistemic Justice as a Political Capability of Radicalised Youth in Europe: A Case of Knowledge Production with Local Researchers pp. 73-94
- Ayhan Kaya and Ayşenur Benevento
- Building University Capabilities to Respond to Climate Change Through Participatory Action Research: Towards a Comparative Analytical Framework pp. 95-115
- Charlotte Nussey, Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Rosiana Lagi, Janaína Mazutti and Jackline Nyerere
- Building Capabilities of Youth Through Participatory Oral History Project: The South Hebron Hills, a Palestinian Case Study pp. 116-135
- Mahmoud Soliman, Laura Sulin and Ecem Karlıdağ-Dennis
- Marginalised Youth Activism: Peer-Engaged Research and Epistemic Justice pp. 136-156
- Stacy J. Kosko, Aimee Dastin, Maddy Merrill and Roma Sheth
- Basic Income: A History pp. 157-158
- Hartley Dean
- Participatory Research, Capabilities and Epistemic Justice: A Transformative Agenda for Higher Education pp. 158-160
- Stacy J. Kosko
Volume 22, issue 4, 2021
- Capability and Oppression pp. 527-550
- Jay Drydyk
- Understanding a “Development Miracle”: Poverty Reduction and Human Development in Malaysia Since the 1970s pp. 551-576
- M Asadullah, Norma Mansor and Antonio Savoia
- Indigenous Peoples and Rights to Land and Water in 2019: How do Countries that Have Ratified the ILO-convention 169 Comply? pp. 577-596
- Live Danbolt Drange
- Martha Nussbaum’s Capability Approach and the Relevance of Universality in the Af-Pak Region pp. 597-614
- Anupam Pandey
- Global Trends in Education Inequality: 1950–2010 pp. 615-646
- Iñaki Permanyer and Diederik Boertien
- The Freedom-based Critique of Well-Being’s Exclusive Moral Claim pp. 647-662
- Joshua Isaac Fox
- Capability Approach to Valued Pedagogical Practices in Tanzania: An Alternative to Learner-Centred Pedagogy? pp. 663-681
- Nozomi Sakata
- An Individual-based Index of Multidimensional Poverty for Low- and Middle-Income Countries pp. 682-705
- Francesco Burchi, José Espinoza-Delgado, Claudio Montenegro and Nicole Rippin
- Editorial: A “Decade for Action” on SDG Localisation pp. 706-712
- Mario Biggeri
- Local Governments and SDG Localisation: Reshaping Multilevel Governance from the Bottom up pp. 713-724
- Edgardo Bilsky, Anna Calvete Moreno and Ainara Fernández Tortosa
- Voluntary Local Reviews as Drivers for SDG Localisation and Sustainable Human Development pp. 725-736
- Shipra Narang Suri, Martino Miraglia and Andrea Ferrannini
- The Role of Transformative Innovation for SDGs Localisation. Insights from the South-African “Living Catchments Project” pp. 737-747
- Alejandra Boni, Diana Velasco and Mahlodi Tau
- How to Achieve the “Leave No One Behind” Pledge of the SDGs in Newham and Tower Hamlets, East London pp. 748-758
- Meera Tiwari
- Dimensions of Poverty: Measurement, Epistemic Injustices, Activism pp. 759-760
- Paul Shaffer
- Realising the Demographic Dividend: Policies to Achieve Inclusive Growth in India pp. 760-762
- Flavio Comim
- Changing Trends in China’s Inequality: Evidence, Analysis, and Prospects pp. 763-764
- Yei-Whei Lin
Volume 22, issue 3, 2021
- Using Multidimensional Poverty Measures in Impact Evaluation: Emergency Housing and the “Declustering” of Disadvantage pp. 379-402
- Ann Mitchell and Jimena Macció
- Rural Youth’s Capacity to Aspire: What Role for Local Government Actions? pp. 403-422
- Laura López-Muñoz and Bert Ingelaere
- Talking Back to the Research: Indigenous Wellbeing and Resilience Narratives from Urban Australia pp. 423-445
- Sophie Hickey
- Beyond Utilitarian Economics: A Capability Approach to Energy Poverty and Social Suffering pp. 446-467
- Ellen Fungisai Chipango
- How Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach Values the Environment: Extrinsically But as an End? pp. 468-485
- Jessica van Jaarsveld
- Defining and Measuring Informality in India pp. 486-505
- Bhaskar Jyoti Neog and Bimal Kishore Sahoo
- Footprints of a Winning Idea: Three Decades of the Human Development Paradigm (1990–2019) pp. 506-516
- Devin K. Joshi
- Accelerating Women’s Empowerment Through Legal Empowerment and Social Accountability Strategies pp. 517-526
- Raffaella Pizzamiglio and Pamela Kovacs
Volume 22, issue 2, 2021
- Energy Justice and the Capability Approach—Introduction to the Special Issue pp. 185-196
- Anders Melin, Rosie Day and Kirsten E. H. Jenkins
- Compensation for Energy Infrastructures: Can a Capability Approach be More Equitable? pp. 197-217
- Fausto Corvino, Giuseppe Pellegrini-Masini, Alberto Pirni and Stefano Maran
- Energy and the Good Life: Capabilities as the Foundation of the Right to Access Energy Services pp. 218-248
- Giovanni Frigo, Manuel Baumann and Rafaela Hillerbrand
- A Missing Link? Capabilities, the Ethics of Care and the Relational Context of Energy Justice pp. 249-269
- Christopher Groves, Fiona Shirani, Nick Pidgeon, Catherine Cherry, Gareth Thomas, Erin Roberts and Karen Henwood
- Energy Poverty as a Restriction of Multiple Capabilities: A Systemic Approach for Belgium pp. 270-291
- Françoise Bartiaux, Rosie Day and Willy Lahaye
- Operationalising Capability Thinking in the Assessment of Energy Poverty Relief Policies: Moving from Compensation-based to Empowerment-focused Policy Strategies pp. 292-315
- Joohee Lee, Hana Kim and John Byrne
- Who Benefits and How? A Capabilities Perspective on Solar Micro-grids in India pp. 316-335
- Sushil Rajagopalan
- Using the Capability Approach as a normative perspective on energy justice: Insights from two case studies on digitalisation in the energy sector pp. 336-359
- Rafaela Hillerbrand, Christine Milchram and Jens Schippl
- Transition to Renewable Energy and Indigenous People in Northern Australia: Enhancing or Inhibiting Capabilities? pp. 360-378
- J. Hunt, B. Riley, L. O’Neill and G. Maynard
Volume 22, issue 1, 2021
- Coping with Covid-19 from the Capability Perspective: A View from a Developing Country pp. 1-26
- S. R. Osmani
- Decoding India's Low Covid-19 Case Fatality Rate pp. 27-51
- Minu Philip, Debraj Ray and S. Subramanian
- CapMod: A Simulated Society to Evaluate Empirical Estimators of Capabilities pp. 52-79
- Florian Chávez-Juárez and Jaya Krishnakumar
- Connecting Capabilities Across the Species Divide: Friendship and Dignity in Difference pp. 80-86
- Breena Holland
- Can There Be Friendship Between Human Beings and Wild Animals? pp. 87-107
- Rachel Nussbaum Wichert and Martha C. Nussbaum
- Friendship in Captivity? Plato’s Lysis as a Guide to Interspecies Justice pp. 108-130
- Amy Linch
- Animal Capabilities and Freedom in the City pp. 131-153
- Nicolas Delon
- The Other Species Capability & the Power of Wonder pp. 154-179
- Jeremy Bendik-Keymer
- Sociological Theory and the Capability Approach pp. 180-182
- Bénédicte Zimmermann
- Measuring the Unmeasurable in Education pp. 182-184
- Nafisa Waziri
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