Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2025
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 26, issue 1, 2025
- Halfway There, Long Way to Go: The Role of People’s Agency in the Final Years of the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 1-8

- M. Niaz Asadullah, Ann Elizabeth Mitchell, Giulia Greco, Sophie Mitra, Mario Biggeri, Sridhar Venkatapuram, Alejandra Boni and Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti
- Tracking SDG Achievements in the Age of Polycrisis pp. 9-32

- Theresa Beltramo, Giacomo de Giorgi and Ibrahima Sarr
- Human Development, Productivity, and Economic Growth pp. 33-58

- Luis Varona and Jorge R. Gonzales
- First Rule: Keep Pedalling. Co-Theorising with Food-Delivery Workers How to Make Digital Platforms Capability-Enhancing pp. 59-86

- Pietro Ghirlanda
- A Capability Indicator for Family Farms in the Global North – Concept and Test from Switzerland pp. 87-107

- Stefan Mann and Manika Rödiger
- “It's not that we Feel Incompetent, We Simply Lack the Institutional Solutions” Applying a Collective Capabilities Perspective to Voluntary Organisations in the Homelessness Field pp. 108-128

- Harm Deleu, Sylvie Van Dam and Mieke Schrooten
- Capability Approach Lens to Public-space Sexual Harassment of Women: Evidence from India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan pp. 129-153

- Günseli Berik, Haimanti Bhattacharya, Tejinder Pal Singh, Aashima Sinha, Jacqueline Strenio, Sharin Shajahan Naomi, Sameen Zafar and Sharon Talboys
- Southern Theories: Contemporary and Future Challenges pp. 154-155

- Hind Elhinnawy
- Revitalising Indian Agriculture and Boosting Farmer Incomes pp. 155-157

- Eliaza Mkuna
- Reparative Futures and Transformative Learning Spaces pp. 157-159

- Su-Ming Khoo
Volume 25, issue 4, 2024
- Capability to Aspire and Transformative Institutions: An Introduction pp. 509-517

- Jean-Michel Bonvin and Bénédicte Zimmermann
- The Capability to Aspire: An Agentive Model pp. 518-536

- Bénédicte Zimmermann
- Accounting for the Obstructive Activity of Experience: Aspiring, Projecting and Agency Development in a Context of Adversity pp. 537-555

- Evelyne Baillergeau
- Putting Appadurai's “Capacity to Aspire” and Sen's Capability Approach into Dialogue pp. 556-574

- Ortrud Leßmann
- Transforming Social Policies and Institutions in a Capability Perspective: Agency, Voice and the Capability to Aspire pp. 575-594

- Jean-Michel Bonvin and Francesco Laruffa
- A Reparative Lens for Exploring Youth Aspirations in South African Universities pp. 595-615

- Melanie Walker
- Transformative Institutions and Capabilities to Aspire in the Context of Radical Uncertainty: Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic pp. 616-635

- Lavinia Bifulco
- Nurturing the Capabilities to Aspire, Voice and Realise Aspirations: A Theoretical Analysis of the Transformative Potential of the National Health Service in England pp. 636-657

- Caroline Sarojini Hart
- Aspiration and Capability to Aspire: How Do French Institutions Affect Socio-Occupational Groups? pp. 658-680

- Camille Stephanus and Josiane Vero
- The Capability to Aspire and Realise Aspirations After Exiting Long-lasting Undocumentedness pp. 681-703

- Liala Consoli
Volume 25, issue 3, 2024
- How is the Capability Approach Applied to Assess Well-being Impacts? A Systematic Review pp. 367-399

- Livia Bartolomei, Genowefa Blundo-Canto and Pasquale De Muro
- Future-oriented Codesign Workshops as a Method of Empowering Citizens in Urban Infrastructure Development: A Capabilitarian Analysis pp. 400-425

- Chiara Gasperoni, Camille-Charlotte Gilbert-Lapointe, Lya Porto, Franck Scherrer and Rafael Ziegler
- Relational Empowerment and Ethnic Minority Women in Vietnam: How Do Household and Community Relations Matter? pp. 426-453

- Joan DeJaeghere, Hue Le, Phuong Luong, Nga Thi Hang Ngo, Thanh Thi Vu, Nancy Pellowski Wiger and Jongwook Lee
- The Capabilities Divide: ICT Adoption and Use among Bedouin in Israel pp. 454-472

- Avi Marciano, Amit M. Schejter and Rivka Neriya-Ben Shahar
- The Construction of a Human Development Index at the Household Level and the Measurement of Human Development Disparities in Punjab (Pakistan) pp. 473-498

- Tanveer Ahmed Naveed and David Gordon
- How Economic Sanctions Affect Human Development: Evidence and Policy Implications pp. 499-504

- Francisco Rodríguez
- The right to higher education: a political theory pp. 505-506

- Jandhyala B G Tilak
- Implementing Inequality: The Invisible Labour of International Development pp. 506-508

- Saleh Ahmed
Volume 25, issue 2, 2024
- Message from the Editor pp. 205-205

- Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
- How Institutional Economics May Support the Analysis of Individual and Collective Capabilities pp. 206-231

- Irene van Staveren
- Measuring Housing Inequality with the Value of Freedom in the Capability Approach: Proposal and Demonstration pp. 232-256

- Boram Kimhur
- Operationalising the Capability Approach for Healthy Child Growth via a Participatory Method: An Illustrative Case in Haor Areas of Bangladesh pp. 257-280

- Barnali Chakraborty, Shrinivas Darak and Haisma Hinke
- Women and Invisible Boundaries: A Case of Slippage in Sanitation in Two Gram Panchayats, Shravasti, UP, India pp. 281-304

- Kopal Khare and Lavanya Suresh
- The Triple Day Thesis Versus Neoclassical Models of Labour Supply: Alternative Perspectives and Policies pp. 305-326

- Tracey Freiberg, Deon Frederick Gibson and Elaine Agyemang Tontoh
- Measuring the Development Progress of Least Developed Countries: In the Context of World Development pp. 327-357

- Henry H. Bi
- Artificial Intelligence, Human Development and Impact pp. 358-361

- Paul Anand
- Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South pp. 362-363

- César Osorio Sánchez
- Hijacked: how neoliberalism turned the work ethic against workers and how workers can take it back pp. 363-365

- Rafael Ziegler
Volume 25, issue 1, 2024
- Repair in Education Spaces pp. 1-20

- Melanie Walker
- Measurement Is Not Everything, But It Does Make a Difference pp. 21-41

- S. Subramanian
- Amartya Sen, Karl Polanyi, and Universal Basic Income pp. 42-60

- Oleksandr Svitych
- Affiliation as Solidarity: Perspective of Vulnerable Groups pp. 61-86

- Ana Petek, Ana Gavran Miloš and Nebojša Zelič
- Labour Law, Employees’ Capability for Voice, and Wellbeing: A Framework for Evaluation pp. 87-109

- Cherise Regier
- Realising Capabilities for Street Young People in Harare, Zimbabwe: A New Approach to Social Protection pp. 110-130

- Witness Chikoko, Lorraine van Blerk, Janine Hunter and Wayne Shand
- The Capability Approach, Pedagogic Rights and Course Design: Developing Autonomy and Reflection through Student-Led, Individually Created Courses pp. 131-150

- Rowan Murray
- Using Alienation to Understand the Link Between Work and Capabilities pp. 151-169

- Simantini Mukhopadhyay
- A Minimal Capabilities-Based Account of Loss and Damage pp. 170-193

- Laura García-Portela
- Response to the 2023 Human Security Policy Forum pp. 194-203

- Brendan M. Howe
Volume 24, issue 4, 2023
- Message from the Editor pp. 429-429

- Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti
- Economic Policies for Human Development: A Neglected Domain pp. 430-438

- Deepak Nayyar
- Economic and Social Policies for Human Development pp. 439-467

- Deepak Nayyar and Rajeev Malhotra
- Inequality and Capabilities in an Era of Rising Instability pp. 468-493

- Giovanni Andrea Cornia
- Macroeconomic Policies for a Sustainable World pp. 494-516

- Frances Stewart
- Why is Macroeconomics Neglected in Equity and Inclusion Strategies for Sustainable Development? An Exploration of Four Systemic Barriers pp. 517-538

- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Kate Donald
- Fossil Fuel Industry Phase-Out and Just Transition: Designing Policies to Protect Workers’ Living Standards pp. 539-568

- Robert Pollin
- Rethinking Development in Latin America pp. 569-591

- José Antonio Ocampo and Daniel Titelman
- A Development Economist in the United Nations: Reasons for Hope pp. 592-593

- Michael Askwith
- A Common Good Approach to Development pp. 594-595

- Dirk Philipsen
- Radical Housing: Designing Multi-Generational and Co-Living Housing for All pp. 596-597

- Ravin Ponniah
Volume 24, issue 3, 2023
- The Quality of Work (QoW): Towards a Capability Theory pp. 309-335

- Thomas C. Stephens
- Becoming a Teacher: The Liminal Identities and Political Agency of Refugee Teachers pp. 336-358

- Zehra Keser Ozmantar, Melis Cin and Faith Mkwananzi
- Capabilities, Rights, and Responsibilities: Insights from Catholic Social Teaching pp. 359-374

- Marc V. Rugani
- The Incidence and Age Distribution of Death: Mortality by Caste, Gender, and Sector of Origin in India in the Mid-2010s pp. 375-400

- S. Subramanian
- Strategies for Researching Programs’ Impact on Capability: A Scoping Review pp. 401-423

- Wouter J. Rijke, Jan Meerman, Bart Bloemen, Sridhar Venkatapuram, Jac Van der Klink and Gert Jan Van der Wilt
- Measuring poverty around the world pp. 424-426

- Maria Emma Santos
- Who Matters at the World Bank? Bureaucrats, Policy Change, and Public Sector Governance pp. 426-428

- Marie Phaneuf
Volume 24, issue 2, 2023
- Welfare Poverty Measurement pp. 147-162

- Antonio Villar
- Participatory Wellbeing Frameworks and the Secret to Impact pp. 163-193

- Kate Sollis
- Democratic Dead Spots: Local Elections and Human Development in Brazil pp. 194-215

- Natasha Borges Sugiyama, Michael Touchton and Brian Wampler
- Knowledge, Knowers, and Capabilities: Can the Capabilities Approach Help Decolonise the Curriculum? pp. 216-233

- Daniel Talbot
- Marginality and Citizenship Education in Secondary Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). A Vision from the Capability Approach pp. 234-252

- Camila Rasse and María Paola Sevilla
- Human Security in the Anthropocene: A New Base for Action pp. 253-262

- Mario Biggeri and Heriberto Tapia
- Solidarity and Human Insecurity: Interpreting and Extending the HDRO’s 2022 Special Report on Human Security pp. 263-273

- Des Gasper and Oscar A. Gómez
- “Freedom from Want”: A Critical Reflection in the Face of the Anthropocene pp. 274-283

- Kehinde Balogun, Kariuki Weru and Xiaomeng Shen
- Humane Security: Solidarity in Policy and Practice pp. 284-293

- Su-ming Khoo
- Universalism in Healthcare for Human Security: Policy Considerations pp. 294-304

- Tobias Schillings, Diego Sánchez-Ancochea and Rehana Mohammed
- Citadels of Pride: Sexual Assault, Accountability, and Reconciliation pp. 305-306

- Lori Keleher
- Migration, Development and Social Change in the Himalayas: An Ethnographic Village Study pp. 307-308

- Kerilyn Schewel
Volume 24, issue 1, 2023
- Leaving no Country Behind: A Fuzzy Approach for Human Development pp. 1-23

- F. García-Pardo, Salvador Pérez-Moreno and Elena Barcena-Martin
- Is There a Grand Convergence in Child Undernutrition Reduction? Evidence from 183 Countries pp. 24-48

- Shalem Balla, Shivani Gharge, Srinivas Goli and Srilakshmi Vedantam
- Epistemological Breaks for Social Work Training and Practice: Participatory Research Through Photovoice in Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods pp. 49-69

- Teresa Amezcua-Aguilar and Mª Ángeles Espadas-Alcázar
- Women as Pioneers: Examining Their Role in Decision Making on Toilet Construction in India pp. 70-97

- Upasak Das, Jinyi Kuang, Sania Ashraf, Alex Shpenev and Cristina Bicchieri
- “We Look Ahead Where his Thoughts Never Reach”: Pakistani Mothers’ Agency to Expand Educational Opportunities for Their Daughters and the Theorisation of Negative Capability pp. 98-117

- Aliya Khalid and Pauline Rose
- An Ex-ante Evaluation of Collective Capability Development: A Case Study of an Emergent Indigenous NGO in Southern Chile pp. 118-140

- Paulo Valdivia-Quidel
- Work, Love, and Learning in Utopia: Equality Reimagined pp. 141-143

- Athena Aktipis and Diego Guevara Beltran
- Handbook of Communication and Development pp. 143-145

- Kayonaaz Kalyanwala
- Inclusive Financial Development pp. 145-146

- Georges Quist
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