Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 7, issue 3, 2006
- Introduction: Diverse Voices and Conversations pp. 291-298
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- Capabilities, Functionings and Refined Functionings pp. 299-310
- Marc Fleurbaey
- Capability Sets as the Basis of a New Measure of Human Development pp. 311-321
- Wulf Gaertner and Yongsheng Xu
- Human Development: Beyond the Human Development Index pp. 323-358
- Gustav Ranis, Frances Stewart and Emma Samman
- European Union Poverty Assessment: A Capability Perspective pp. 359-383
- Juergen Volkert
- Education and Democratic Citizenship: Capabilities and Quality Education pp. 385-395
- Martha Nussbaum
- From Individual to Collective Capabilities: The Capability Approach as a Conceptual Framework for Self-help pp. 397-416
- Solava Ibrahim
Volume 7, issue 2, 2006
- Guest Editor's Introduction pp. 145-159
- Stephan Klasen
- The Uses and Misuses of the Gender-related Development Index and Gender Empowerment Measure: A Review of the Literature pp. 161-181
- Dana Schuler
- Measuring Care: Gender, Empowerment, and the Care Economy pp. 183-199
- Nancy Folbre
- Re-thinking the “Feminization of Poverty” in Relation to Aggregate Gender Indices pp. 201-220
- Sylvia Chant
- What is missing in measures of Women's Empowerment? pp. 221-241
- Hanny Cueva Beteta
- UNDP's Gender-related Measures: Some Conceptual Problems and Possible Solutions pp. 243-274
- Stephan Klasen
- Towards a Fresh Start in Measuring Gender Equality: A Contribution to the Debate pp. 275-283
- A. Geske Dijkstra
Volume 7, issue 1, 2006
- Central Asia and Central Africa: Transnational Wars and Ethnic Conflicts pp. 5-22
- Barnett Rubin
- Little Room to Maneuver: The Challenges to Humanitarian Action in the New Global Security Environment pp. 23-41
- Abby Stoddard and Adele Harmer
- Human Development and Electoral Systems pp. 43-57
- Marjorie Gassner, Darwin Ugarte Ontiveros and Vincenzo Verardi
- Children Conceptualizing their Capabilities: Results of a Survey Conducted during the First Children's World Congress on Child Labour pp. 59-83
- Mario Biggeri, Renato Libanora, Stefano Mariani and Leonardo Menchini
- Using Spatial Statistics to Analyze Intra-urban Inequalities and Public Intervention in Sao Paulo, Brazil pp. 85-109
- Monica Haddad and Zorica Nedovic-Budic
- The Limits on Pro-poor Agricultural Trade in Guatemala: Land, Labour and Political Power pp. 111-135
- Roman Krznaric
Volume 6, issue 3, 2005
- Measuring Human Poverty: A Generalized Index and an Application Using Basic Dimensions of Life and Some Anthropometric Indicators pp. 275-299
- Satya Chakravarty and Amita Majumder
- Multidimensional Poverty Measurement with Economic Well-being, Capability, and Social Inclusion: A Case from Kathmandu, Nepal pp. 301-328
- Udaya Wagle
- Sustainable Human Development for European Countries pp. 329-351
- Valeria Costantini and Salvatore Monni
- Women's Interlaced Freedoms: A Framework Linking Microcredit Participation and Health pp. 353-374
- Katherine Mohindra and Slim Haddad
- Social Statistics for Human Development Reports and Millennium Development Goal Reports: Challenges and Constraints pp. 375-397
- K. Seeta Prabhu
- Peer and Partner Review: A Practical Approach to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals pp. 399-420
- Sanjay Reddy and Antoine Heuty
Volume 6, issue 2, 2005
- Special Editor's Introduction pp. 145-150
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- Human Rights and Capabilities pp. 151-166
- Amartya Sen
- Women's Bodies: Violence, Security, Capabilities pp. 167-183
- Martha Nussbaum
- Groups and Capabilities pp. 185-204
- Frances Stewart
- Poverty and Human Rights: Building on the Capability Approach pp. 205-219
- Siddiqur Rahman Osmani
- Securing Humanity: Situating 'Human Security' as Concept and Discourse pp. 221-245
- Des Gasper
- When is Development More Democratic? pp. 247-267
- Jay Drydyk
Volume 6, issue 1, 2005
- Measuring the Distribution of Human Development: methodology and an application to Mexico pp. 5-25
- James Foster, Luis Lopez-Calva and Miguel Szekely
- Measurement of Human Development: an alternative approach pp. 31-44
- Shoutir Kishore Chatterjee
- Abusing Cultural Freedom: coercion in the name of God pp. 55-76
- Emanuel de Kadt
- Promoting Human Freedoms under Conditions of Inequalities: a procedural framework pp. 75-95
- Severine Deneulin
- The Capability Approach: a theoretical survey pp. 93-117
- Ingrid Robeyns
- Why the Capability Approach? pp. 115-135
- Sabina Alkire
Volume 5, issue 3, 2004
- Freedom, Reason, and More: Feminist economics and human development pp. 309-333
- Julie Nelson
- Globalization and Securing Rights for Women Informal Workers in Asia pp. 335-354
- Jeemol Unni
- On the Arbitrariness and Robustness of Multi-Dimensional Poverty Rankings pp. 355-375
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- The First United Nations Millennium Development Goal: A cause for celebration? pp. 377-397
- Thomas Pogge
- Poverty Reduction and Human Development in Africa pp. 399-415
- Ben Arimah
- A Model of Consumption and Environmental Degradation: Making the case for sustainable consumer behaviour pp. 417-432
- Bahram Adrangi, K. Kathy Dhanda and Ronald Paul Hill
Volume 5, issue 2, 2004
- Thinking 'Small' and the Understanding of Poverty: Maymana and Mofizul's story pp. 161-176
- David Hulme
- The Face of Chronic Poverty in Uganda from the Poor's Perspective: constraints and opportunities pp. 177-194
- Charles Lwanga-Ntale and Kimberley McClean
- Chronic Poverty in Rural India: issues and findings from panel data pp. 195-209
- Shashanka Bhide and Aasha Kapur Mehta
- Escaping Poverty and Becoming Poor in 20 Kenyan Villages pp. 211-226
- Anirudh Krishna, Patti Kristjanson, Maren Radeny and Wilson Nindo
- Destitution in Wollo (Ethiopia): chronic poverty as a crisis of household and community livelihoods pp. 227-247
- Kay Sharp and Stephen Devereux
- Poverty among Tribals in South West Madhya Pradesh: has anything changed over time? pp. 249-263
- Amita Shah and D. C. Sah
- Combining Longitudinal Household and Community Surveys for Evaluation of Social Transfers: infrastructure rehabilitation projects in rural Georgia pp. 265-277
- Michael Lokshin and Ruslan Yemtsov
- Are Chronically Poor People being Left Out of Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals? A quantitative analysis of older people, disabled people and orphans pp. 279-297
- Edoardo Masset and Howard White
Volume 5, issue 1, 2004
- Democratisation with Inclusion: political reforms and people's empowerment at the grassroots pp. 5-29
- James Manor
- The Challenges Facing Landlocked Developing Countries pp. 31-68
- Michael Faye, John McArthur, Jeffrey Sachs and Thomas Snow
- Global Development Goals: the United Nations experience pp. 69-95
- Richard Jolly
- Mexico and the Millennium Development Goals at the Subnational Level pp. 97-120
- Ricardo Fuentes and Andres Montes
- Philippines' Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals: geographical and political correlates of subnational outcomes pp. 121-149
- Solita Monsod, Toby Monsod and Geoffrey Ducanes
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