Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 16, issue 4, 2015
- Health, Disability and the Capability Approach: An Introduction pp. 473-482
- Jennifer Prah Ruger and Sophie Mitra
- An Analysis of the Intentions of a Chilean Disability Policy Through the Lens of the Capability Approach pp. 483-500
- Alvaro Díaz Ruiz, Natalia Sánchez Durán and Alexis Palá
- Towards a Disability-inclusive Higher Education Policy through the Capabilities Approach pp. 501-517
- Oliver Mutanga and Melanie Walker
- Disability and Poverty in Morocco and Tunisia: A Multidimensional Approach pp. 518-548
- Jean-Francois Trani, Parul Bakhshi, Sarah Myers Tlapek, Dominique Lopez and Fiona Gall
- Corporate Contributions to Developing Health Capabilities pp. 549-566
- Regina Moczadlo, Harald Strotmann and Jürgen Volkert
- India, Health Inequities, and a Fair Healthcare Provision: A Perspective from Health Capability pp. 567-580
- Rhyddhi Chakraborty and Chhanda Chakraborti
- Health Economics and Ethics and the Health Capability Paradigm pp. 581-599
- Jennifer Prah Ruger
- Exploring Different Interpretations of the Capability Approach in a Health Care Context: Where Next? pp. 600-616
- Philip Kinghorn
- Beyond GDP for Beyond 2015 pp. 619-624
- John Tkacik
- For Sustainable SDGs: Righting Through Responsibilities pp. 625-630
- Nandan Nawn
- Post-2015 Development Agenda: Human Agency and the Inoperability of the Sustainable Development Architecture pp. 631-636
- Stanley T. Asah
- Capital in the Twenty-First Century pp. 637-639
- João Silva
- Millennium Development Goals and Community Initiatives in the Asia Pacific pp. 640-641
- Ghasem Torabi
Volume 16, issue 3, 2015
- A Long-Term Perspective on Inequality and Human Development in Latin America pp. 319-323
- Luis Lopez-Calva, Nora Lustig and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez
- Latin American Inequality: Colonial Origins, Commodity Booms or a Missed Twentieth-Century Leveling? pp. 324-341
- Jeffrey G. Williamson
- Human Development as Positive Freedom: Latin America in Historical Perspective pp. 342-373
- Leandro Prados de la Escosura
- Measuring Inequality in Living Standards with Anthropometric Indicators: The Case of Mexico 1850-1986 pp. 374-396
- Moramay L�pez-Alonso and Roberto V�lez-Grajales
- Is the Decline in Inequality in Latin America Here to Stay? pp. 397-419
- Miguel Sz�kely and Pamela Mendoza
- Persistence in the Transmission of Education: Evidence across Three Generations for Chile pp. 420-451
- Pablo Celhay and Sebastian Gallegos
- Exploring the Differential Impact of Public Interventions on Indigenous People: Lessons from Mexico's Conditional Cash Transfer Program pp. 452-467
- Luis Lopez-Calva and Harry Patrinos
- Catch Up: Developing Countries in the World Economy pp. 468-469
- Rolph van der Hoeven
- The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor pp. 469-471
- Eric Joseph Van Holm
- Freedom, Responsibility and Economics of the Person pp. 471-472
- Oscar Garza
Volume 16, issue 2, 2015
- Using Final Ends for the Sake of Better Policy-Making pp. 161-172
- Henry S. Richardson
- Capability Deprivation and Life Satisfaction. Evidence from German Panel Data pp. 173-199
- Nicolai Suppa
- The Composite and Dynamic Risks and Vulnerabilities of Ethiopian Children: The Case of Children in Addis Ababa pp. 200-219
- Daniel Hailu
- The Capability to Hold Property pp. 220-236
- Rutger Claassen
- Inequality Aversion and the Extended Gini in the Light of a Two-person Cake-sharing Problem pp. 237-244
- Luisa Tibiletti and S. Subramanian
- Human Development Index-like Small Area Estimates for Africa Computed from IPUMS-International Integrated Census Microdata pp. 245-271
- I�aki Permanyer, Albert Esteve-Palos, Joan Garcia and Robert Mccaa
- Implementing Fairness in Social Policy pp. 272-286
- Dirk J. Wolfson
- What Factors Change Education Inequality in Nepal? pp. 287-308
- Satis Devkota and Mukti P. Upadhyay
- The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality pp. 309-311
- David Canning
- Transitions to Sustainable Development: New Directions in the Study of Long Term Transformative Change pp. 311-312
- Raquel Freitas
- Countering Naxalism with Development: Challenges of Social Justice and State Security pp. 313-314
- Neha Kumra
- The Capability Approach: Development Practice and Public Policy in the Asia-Pacific Region pp. 314-316
- Farid Ahmad Farzam Rahimi
- Foreign Direct Investment and Human Development: The Law and Economics of International Investment Agreements pp. 316-317
- Ghasem Torabi
Volume 16, issue 1, 2015
- Philosophy and Economics in the Capabilities Approach: An Essential Dialogue pp. 1-14
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Psychosocial Barriers as Impediments to the Expansion of Functionings and Capabilities: The Case of Mexico pp. 15-32
- Susan Pick and Anna-Emilia Hietanen
- Explicating the Capability Approach through the Voices of the Poor: A Case Study of Waste-picking Women in Kerala pp. 33-46
- Ann George
- Assessing the Impact of Social Mobilization: Nijera Kori and the Construction of Collective Capabilities in Rural Bangladesh pp. 47-68
- Naila Kabeer and Munshi Sulaiman
- Multidimensional Deprivation in China, India and Vietnam: A Comparative Study on Micro Data pp. 69-93
- Ranjan Ray and Kompal Sinha
- A Decomposition of the Sen Index of Poverty Using the Analysis of Gini pp. 94-105
- Paolo Liberati
- Measuring Inequality of Opportunity with Latent Variables pp. 106-121
- Florian Wendelspiess Ch�vez Ju�rez
- Structural and Institutional Determinants of Poverty in Sub-Saharan African Countries pp. 122-141
- Olusegun Akanbi
- The Practical and the Theoretical: Comparing Displacement by Development and Ethics of Global Development pp. 142-153
- Christine M. Koggel
- Adaptive Preferences and Women's Empowerment pp. 154-156
- Stacy J. Kosko
- Economic Complexity and Human Development: How Economic Diversification and Social Networks Affect Human Agency and Welfare pp. 156-157
- Ilse Oosterlaken
- Trade in Health: Economics, Ethics and Public Policy pp. 157-159
- Chang Yee Kwan
- Blackstone's Statutes on Public Law and Human Rights 2013-2014 pp. 159-160
- Ghasem Torabi
Volume 15, issue 4, 2014
- Against Happiness: A Critical Appraisal of the Use of Measures of Happiness for Evaluating Progress in Development pp. 293-307
- Frances Stewart
- China's Janus-faced Approach to Su Zhi Education: A Capability Perspective pp. 308-319
- Li Wang
- Self-determination as a Collective Capability: The Case of Indigenous Peoples pp. 320-334
- Michael Murphy
- Understanding Social Exclusion from a Longitudinal Perspective: A Capability-Based Approach pp. 335-354
- Agnese Peruzzi
- A Capability Approach to Intergenerational Justice? Examining the Potential of Amartya Sen's Ethics with Regard to Intergenerational Issues pp. 355-368
- Rebecca Gutwald, Ortrud Leßmann, Torsten Masson and Felix Rauschmayer
- A Robust Multi-dimensional Poverty Profile for Uganda pp. 369-390
- Sebastian Levine, James Muwonge and Yele Batana
- The "State" of Persons with Disabilities in India pp. 391-412
- Nidhiya Menon, Susan L. Parish and Roderick A. Rose
- Growth, Private Markets and the State: Lessons from India pp. 414-417
- A. K. Shiva Kumar
- Development Process: A Manual or a Collection of Anecdotes? pp. 418-423
- T. Srinivasan
- Economic Growth and Social Progress: Lessons from India pp. 424-428
- Adolfo Figueroa
- Living Standards, Inequality and Development: Some Issues with Reference to Comparisons between India and Bangladesh pp. 429-436
- Azizur Rahman Khan
- Democratic Freedoms, Capabilities and Public Provision: A Defence and Some Possible Extensions pp. 437-447
- David A. Clark and Shailaja Fennell
- The Role of Basic Education, Higher Education and Capability Lists pp. 448-451
- Oliver Mutanga
Volume 15, issue 2-3, 2014
- The Power of Numbers: A Critical Review of Millennium Development Goal Targets for Human Development and Human Rights pp. 105-117
- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Alicia Ely Yamin and Joshua Greenstein
- Global Goals as a Policy Tool: Intended and Unintended Consequences pp. 118-131
- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
- National or International Poverty Lines or Both? Setting Goals for Income Poverty after 2015 pp. 132-146
- Joshua Greenstein, Ugo Gentilini and Andy Sumner
- The MDG Hunger Target and the Competing Frameworks of Food Security pp. 147-160
- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and Amy Orr
- Full Employment Target: What Lessons for a Post-2015 Development Agenda? pp. 161-175
- Rolph Van Der Hoeven
- Measuring Education for the Millennium Development Goals: Reflections on Targets, Indicators, and a Post-2015 Framework pp. 176-187
- Elaine Unterhalter
- No Empowerment without Rights, No Rights without Politics: Gender-equality, MDGs and the post-2015 Development Agenda pp. 188-202
- Gita Sen and Avanti Mukherjee
- The Questionable Power of the Millennium Development Goal to Reduce Child Mortality pp. 203-217
- Elisa D�az-Mart�nez and Elizabeth D Gibbons
- Why Global Goals and Indicators Matter: The Experience of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in the Millennium Development Goals pp. 218-231
- Alicia Ely Yamin and Vanessa M. Boulanger
- Millennium Development Goal 6: AIDS and the International Health Agenda pp. 232-246
- Nicoli Nattrass
- Muddying the Water? Assessing Target-based Approaches in Development Cooperation for Water and Sanitation pp. 247-260
- Malcolm Langford and Inga Winkler
- The City is Missing in the Millennium Development Goals pp. 261-274
- Michael Cohen
- Analysis of Millennium Development Goal 8: A Global Partnership for Development pp. 275-287
- Aldo Caliari
- Human Development and Capabilities: Re-imagining the University of the Twenty-first Century pp. 288-289
- Cristina Devecchi
- Capacidades de Desarrollo y Sociedad Civil en la Villas de la Ciudad (Development Capabilities and Civil Society in the Slums of the City of Buenos Aires) pp. 289-290
- S�verine Deneulin
- Gross Domestic Problem: The Politics Behind the World's Most Powerful Number pp. 290-291
- Christiaan De Beukelaer
- Professional Education, Capabilities and the Public Good: The Role of Universities in Promoting Human Development pp. 291-292
- Alejandra Boni
Volume 15, issue 1, 2014
- Approaching Development Projects from a Human Development and Capability Perspective pp. 1-12
- Alexandre Apsan Frediani, Alejandra Boni and Des Gasper
- Are technological projects reducing social inequalities and improving people's well-being? A capability approach analysis of renewable energy-based electrification projects in Cajamarca, Peru pp. 13-27
- �lvaro Fern�ndez-Baldor, Alejandra Boni, Pau Lillo and Andr�s Hueso
- Rethinking Development Management Methodology: Towards a "Process Freedoms Approach" pp. 28-46
- Gabriel Ferrero Y de Loma-Osorio and Carlos Salvador Zepeda
- Valuing Time: Time Use Survey, the Capability Approach, and Gender Analysis pp. 47-59
- Julian Walker, Nana Berekashvili and Nino Lomidze
- Opportunity Gap Analysis: Procedures and Methods for Applying the Capability Approach in Development Initiatives pp. 60-78
- Mario Biggeri and Andrea Ferrannini
- Development Projects from the Inside Out: Project Logic, Organizational Practices and Human Autonomy pp. 79-98
- Mirtha R. Mu�iz Castillo
- Horizontal Inequalities and Post-conflict Development pp. 99-100
- Eleanor O'Gorman
- Inequality and Power: The Economics of Class pp. 100-101
- Adolfo Figueroa
- Reforming Justice: A Journey to Fairness in Asia pp. 101-102
- Thom Brooks
- Technologies of Choice? ICTs, Development and the Capabilities Approach pp. 102-103
- Ilse Oosterlaken
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