Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 10, issue 3, 2009
- Ways of Discerning Inequality and Inequity pp. 309-313
- Henry Richardson
- Horizontal Inequality: Two Types of Trap pp. 315-340
- Frances Stewart
- Capabilities and Constitutional Law: 'Perception' against Lofty Formalism pp. 341-357
- Martha Nussbaum
- The Challenge of Human Development: Inclusion or Democratic Citizenship? pp. 359-374
- Niraja Gopal Jayal
- Inequality, Interactions, and Human Development pp. 375-396
- Suman Seth
- A Methodology to Analyse the Intersections of Social Inequalities in Health pp. 397-415
- Gita Sen, Aditi Iyer and Chandan Mukherjee
- Inequalities in Childhood Malnutrition in India: Some Evidence on Group Disparities pp. 417-439
- William Joe, Udaya Mishra and Kannan Navaneetham
- Book Reviews pp. 441-447
- Kevin Gallagher, David Clark and Elaine Unterhalter
- Bibliography on the Capability Approach 2008-2009 pp. 449-452
- Solava Ibrahim
Volume 10, issue 2, 2009
- Adaptive Preferences and Procedural Autonomy pp. 169-187
- Serene Khader
- Poverty as Deprivation of Freedom: The Case of Vidigal Shantytown in Rio de Janeiro pp. 189-211
- Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky and Larissa Santos
- The Relational Ontology of Amartya Sen's Capability Approach: Incorporating Social and Individual Causes pp. 213-235
- Matthew Longshore Smith and Carolina Seward
- Multidimensional Poverty and Identification of Poor Households: A Case from Kerala, India pp. 237-257
- Bejoy Thomas, Roldan Muradian, Gerard De Groot and Arie De Ruijter
- Basic Capabilities, Basic Learning Outcomes and Thresholds of Learning pp. 259-277
- Marion Young
- Conditions of Life, Functionings and Capability: Similarities, Differences and Complementary Features pp. 279-298
- Ortrud Leßmann
- Book Reviews pp. 299-306
- Jay Drydyk, Bas De Gaay Fortman, J. Mohan Rao and Severine Deneulin
Volume 10, issue 1, 2009
- Agency Goals, Adaptation and Capability Sets pp. 3-19
- Tania Burchardt
- Adaptation, Poverty and Well-Being: Some Issues and Observations with Special Reference to the Capability Approach and Development Studies pp. 21-42
- David Clark
- Physical Religious Spaces in the Lives of Rajasthani Village Women: Ethnographic Study and Practice of Religion in Development pp. 43-61
- Tamsin Bradley
- Poverty Measurement in the Presence of a 'Group-Affiliation' Externality pp. 63-76
- S. Subramanian
- Risque, Pluriactivite Rurale et Dynamiques de Pauvrete en Milieu Rural Malgache pp. 77-101
- Claire Gondard-Delcroix
- Decentralization, Democracy and Human Rights: A Human Rights-based Analysis of the Impact of Local Democratic Reforms on Development pp. 103-123
- Nancy Thede
- The Development of Capability Indicators pp. 125-152
- Paul Anand, Graham Hunter, Ian Carter, Keith Dowding, Francesco Guala and Martin Van Hees
Volume 9, issue 3, 2008
- Introduction: Landmarks and Direction-posts pp. 325-328
- Henry Richardson
- Amartya Sen and Mahbub ul Haq: A Friendship that Continues beyond Life pp. 329-330
- Khadija Haq
- The Idea of Justice pp. 331-342
- Amartya Sen
- Bending towards Justice pp. 343-355
- Kwame Anthony Appiah
- The Clash Within: Democracy and the Hindu Right pp. 357-375
- Martha Nussbaum
- Capabilities and Two Ethical Theories pp. 377-388
- Hilary Putnam
- Individual Rights versus Economic Growth pp. 389-400
- Wulf Gaertner
- Ecology and the Limits of Justice: Establishing Capability Ceilings in Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach pp. 401-425
- Breena Holland
- Monitoring Inequality among Social Groups: A Methodology Combining Fuzzy Set Theory and Principal Component Analysis pp. 427-452
- Jose Roche
- Denis Goulet and the Project of Development Ethics: Choices in Methodology, Focus and Organization pp. 453-474
- Des Gasper
Volume 9, issue 2, 2008
- Sen, Culture and Expanding Participatory Capabilities in Northern Ireland pp. 165-183
- Susan Hodgett
- What Good is Literacy? Insights and Implications of the Capabilities Approach pp. 185-206
- Brian Maddox
- Quality of Life Markets: Capabilities and Corporate Social Responsibility pp. 207-227
- Carlos Parra
- Applying Sen's Capability Approach to Poverty Alleviation Programs: Two Case Studies pp. 229-246
- John Schischka, Paul Dalziel and Caroline Saunders
- A Safety Net without Holes: An Argument for a Comprehensive Income Security System for South Africa pp. 247-263
- Adam Whitworth and Michael Noble
- Intensifying Infant Mortality Inequality in India and a Reversal by Policy Intervention pp. 265-281
- D. Narayana
- Institution Building in Haiti: An Assessment of the Interim Cooperation Framework 2004-2006 pp. 283-303
- Cecilia Ann Winters
Volume 9, issue 1, 2008
- The Property Rights Challenges of Improving Access to Water for Agriculture: Lessons from the Sahel pp. 5-22
- Lorenzo Cotula
- Exit the State: Decentralization and the Need for Local Social, Political, and Economic Considerations in Water Resource Allocation in Madagascar and Kenya pp. 23-45
- Richard Marcus and Joseph Onjala
- Water Reallocation: Drivers, Challenges, Threats, and Solutions for the Poor pp. 47-64
- Ruth Meinzen-Dick and Claudia Ringler
- Measuring Gender (In)Equality: The OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base pp. 65-86
- Johannes Jütting, Christian Morrisson, Jeff Dayton-Johnson and Denis Drechsler
- On the Measurement of Gender Equality and Gender-related Development Levels pp. 87-108
- Inaki Permanyer
- Millennium Development Goals: Measuring Progress towards their Achievement pp. 109-129
- Satya Chakravarty and Amita Majumder
- Counting Heads or Counting Televisions: Can Asset-based Measures of Welfare Assist Policy-makers in Russia? pp. 131-147
- Martin Wall and Deborah Johnston
Volume 8, issue 3, 2007
- Introduction: Challenges and Debates pp. 327-335
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- Liberty of Conscience: The Attack on Equal Respect pp. 337-357
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Toward Freedom from Domestic Violence: The Neglected Obvious pp. 359-388
- Bina Agarwal and Pradeep Panda
- The Social Background of Capabilities for Freedoms pp. 389-414
- Henry S. Richardson
- Capabilities and Satisfaction with Life pp. 415-430
- Erik Schokkaert
- Deliberative Participation in Local Development pp. 431-455
- David A. Crocker
- No Democracy without Justice: Political Freedom in Amartya Sen's Capability Approach pp. 457-480
- Sharath Srinivasan
- Bibliography on the Capability Approach, 2006-2007 pp. 481-486
- Ingrid Robeyns
Volume 8, issue 2, 2007
- Guest Editors' Introduction pp. 179-184
- Tom De Herdt and Severine Deneulin
- Responsibility for Each Other's Freedom: Agency as the Source of Collective Capability pp. 185-201
- Jerome Ballet, Jean-Luc Dubois and FranCois-Regis Mahieu
- A Relational Account of Nussbaum's List of Capabilities pp. 203-221
- Pinar Uyan-Semerci
- Understanding Agency in Collective Action pp. 223-244
- Frances Cleaver
- Unequal Access to Scientific Knowledge pp. 245-258
- Charles Tilly
- Confronting Power through Policy: On the Creation and Spread of Liberating Knowledge pp. 259-282
- Marianne Hill
- Adapting the Capability Approach to Explain the Effects of Participatory Development Programs: Case Studies from India and Morocco pp. 283-302
- Sony Pellissery and Sylvia I. Bergh
- The Political Complexity of Pro-poor Policy Processes in the Mandara Mountains, Cameroon pp. 303-323
- Tom De Herdt and Severin Abega
Volume 8, issue 1, 2007
- 'Human Development': The Power of the Idea pp. 5-22
- Desmond McNeill
- Governance for Development: Understanding the Concept/Reality Linkages pp. 23-38
- Alpha Diedhiou
- Going Beyond Functionings to Capabilities: An Econometric Model to Explain and Estimate Capabilities pp. 39-63
- Jaya Krishnakumar
- La Contribution du Modele Europeen de Ville Durable au Developpement: Une Approche par les Capacites pp. 65-87
- Jacques Poirot
- Is Targeting the Poor a Penalty on the Food Insecure? Poverty and Food Insecurity in India pp. 89-107
- M. H. Suryanarayana and Dimitri Silva
- Capability, Sustainability, and Collective Action: An Examination of a River Water Dispute pp. 109-132
- P B Anand
- Amartya Sen, the World Bank, and the Redress of Urban Poverty: A Brazilian Case Study pp. 133-152
- Alexandre Apsan Frediani
- Capacites et Gestion de l'Incertitude: Essai sur les Strategies des Maraichers de Kinshasa, Republique Democratique du Congo pp. 153-173
- Benoit Lallau
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