Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 17, issue 4, 2016
- Investing in Early Childhood Development: Essential Interventions, Family Contexts, and Broader Policies pp. 465-476
- Quentin Wodon
- Realizing Capabilities in Ethiopia: Maximizing Early Childhood Investment for Impact and Equity pp. 477-493
- Amy Jo Dowd, Ivelina Borisova, Ali Amente and Alene Yenew
- Does Attending an Enhanced-quality Preschool have an Effect on the Emergent Literacy, Emergent Math, Social Skills and Knowledge of Health, Hygiene, Nutrition and Safety of Young Children? Evidence from a Quasi-experiment with Two Control Groups in Bangladesh pp. 494-515
- Silvia Diazgranados, Ivelina Borisova and Taposhi Sarker
- Household Income Trajectories, PROGRESA-Oportunidades, and Child Well-being at Pre-school Age in Rural Mexico pp. 516-539
- Laura Josefina Valadez-Martinez
- Social Policy and the Dynamics of Early Childhood Poverty in Turkey pp. 540-557
- Meltem Dayioglu and Sirma Demir Şeker
- Can Regulations Make It More Difficult to Serve the Poor? The Case of Childcare Services in Istanbul, Turkey pp. 558-582
- Meltem Aran, Ana Maria Munoz Boudet and Nazli Aktakke
- Maximizing Child Development: Three Principles for Policy-makers pp. 583-589
- Susan Caceres, Jeffrey Tanner and Sian Williams
- Early Childhood Development in the Context of the Family: The Case of Child Marriage pp. 590-598
- Quentin Wodon
- Measurement of Early Childhood Development and Learning under the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 599-605
- Amber Gove and Maureen M. Black
- Growth, Employment, Inequality and the Environment: Unity of Knowledge in Economics (Volumes 1 and 2) pp. 606-607
- Geoff Goodwin
- The Moral Challenge of Dangerous Climate Change: Values, Poverty, and Policy pp. 607-609
- Andrew Crabtree
- Aspirations, Education and Social Justice: Applying Sen and Bourdieu pp. 609-611
- Tobias Gandrup
- Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change: Goals, Issues and Trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa pp. 611-612
- Benedicta Ideho Omokaro
- Democracy, Gender and Social Policy in Russia: A Wayward Society pp. 612-613
- Ghasem Torabi
Volume 17, issue 3, 2016
- Introduction: Aspiration and the Capabilities List pp. 301-308
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Aspirations and the Development Treadmill pp. 309-323
- Debraj Ray
- How Do Aspirations Matter? pp. 324-341
- Caroline Sarojini Hart
- Capabilities and Skills pp. 342-359
- James Heckman and Chase O. Corbin
- Transformation Without Paternalism pp. 360-376
- John Davis and Thomas R. Wells
- The Science and Politics of Infrastructure Research: Asserting Power, Place, and Agency in Infrastructure Knowledge pp. 377-396
- Candice Gartner
- Capabilitarianism pp. 397-414
- Ingrid Robeyns
- Inequality Decomposition and Human Development pp. 415-425
- Ricardo Martinez
- Putting Inequality in Context pp. 429-433
- Erik Schokkaert
- The Costs of Inequality and the Affordability of Solutions pp. 434-439
- Stephanie Seguino
- The Space of Inequalities pp. 440-446
- Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti
- Multidimensional Horizontal and Global Inequality pp. 447-452
- Scott Wisor
- Inequality and Public Action pp. 453-459
- Polly Vizard
- Inequality and the Trade-off between Efficiency and Equity pp. 460-464
- Erik Thorbecke
Volume 17, issue 2, 2016
- A Capabilities List for Equitable Transitions to University: A Top-down and Bottom-up Approach pp. 145-160
- Merridy Wilson-Strydom
- Teachers’ Professional Capabilities and the Pursuit of Quality in Sub-Saharan African Education Systems: Demonstrating and Debating a Method of Capability Selection and Analysis pp. 161-177
- Alison Buckler
- Food Deserts, Capabilities, and the Rectification of Democratic Failure pp. 178-190
- Andrew F. Smith
- I Know What to Expect: The Impact of Prior Experience on Legal Empowerment pp. 191-205
- Robert Porter
- Education, Social Justice and School Diversity: Insights from the Capability Approach pp. 206-224
- Rosie Peppin Vaughan
- Practical Reason in Hard Times: The Effects of Economic Crisis on the Kinds of Lives People in the UK Have Reason to Value pp. 225-244
- Annie Austin
- The Curious Case of Using the Capability Approach in Australian Indigenous Policy pp. 245-259
- Elise Klein
- A Capabilities-based Gender Equality Policy for Higher Education: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations pp. 260-277
- Sonja Loots and Melanie Walker
- Abusive Tax Avoidance and Responsibilities of Tax Professionals pp. 278-294
- Hamish Russell and Gillian Brock
- The Capability Approach: From Theory to Practice pp. 295-296
- Paul Mark Mitchell
- Happiness and Economic Growth: Lessons from Developing Countries pp. 296-298
- Cirenia Chávez Villegas
- Depoliticising Migration: Global Governance and International Migration Narratives pp. 298-299
- Julie Schiltz
Volume 17, issue 1, 2016
- Introduction to Nussbaum Lecture Symposium pp. 1-4
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- A Brief History of Liberty—And Its Lessons pp. 5-21
- Philip Pettit
- Some Reflections on Capability and Republican Freedom pp. 22-34
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- Between Income and Material Deprivation in the UK: In Search of Conversion Factors pp. 35-54
- Rod Hick
- Measured as Poor versus Feeling Poor: Comparing Money-metric and Subjective Poverty Rates in South Africa pp. 55-73
- Dorrit Posel and Michael Rogan
- Counterfactual Decomposition of Pro-Poorness Using Influence Functions pp. 74-92
- B. Essama-Nssah and Peter J. Lambert
- Motivations and Effectiveness of Women's Groups for Tomato Production in Soni, Tanzania pp. 93-109
- R. Manzanera-Ruiz and Carmen Lizarraga
- Should Parents Work Away from or Close to Home? The Effect of Parental Absence on Children's Time Use in Vietnam pp. 110-124
- Cuong Nguyen and Linh Vu
- Beyond Autonomy Fetishism: Affiliation with Autonomy in Women's Empowerment pp. 125-139
- Serene Khader
- Vanishing into Things: Knowledge in Chinese Tradition pp. 140-141
- Albert Sanghoon Park
- Technology and Human Development pp. 141-143
- William J. Frey
- Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America pp. 143-144
- Roger Merino
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