Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 4, issue 3, 2003
- Editor's Introduction pp. 323-324
- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
- Conflict and the Millennium Development Goals pp. 325-351
- Frances Stewart
- How to Monitor Poverty for the Millennium Development Goals pp. 353-378
- Angus Deaton
- Comparative Perspectives on Child Poverty: A review of poverty measures pp. 379-396
- Howard White, Jennifer Leavy and Andrew Masters
- Mind the Gap! Widening Child Mortality Disparities pp. 397-418
- Alberto Minujin and Enrique Delamonica
- Measuring Women's Empowerment: An assessment of the Gender-related Development Index and the Gender Empowerment Measure pp. 419-435
- Jacques Charmes and Saskia Wieringa
- Articulating Uneven Regional Development: Artificial intelligence as a tool in development planning pp. 437-456
- Sashi Sivramkrishna and Ramakrushna Panigrahi
Volume 4, issue 2, 2003
- New Threats to Human Security in the Era of Globalization pp. 167-179
- Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
- Human Security and Global Health pp. 181-190
- Lincoln Chen and Vasant Narasimhan
- The Evolving Infectious Disease Threat: Implications for national and global security pp. 191-207
- David Heymann
- International Financial Volatility pp. 209-225
- Stephany Griffith-Jones and Jenny Kimmis
- Global Mobility, Inequality and Security pp. 227-245
- Robert Bach
- Trafficking in Persons: An issue of human security pp. 247-263
- Michele Anne Clark
- Working Women And Security: Self Employed Women's Association's response to crisis pp. 265-287
- Tony Vaux and Francie Lund
- From the Environment and Human Security to Sustainable Security and Development pp. 289-313
- Sanjeev Khagram, William Clark and Dana Firas Raad
Volume 4, issue 1, 2003
- Civil Society and Accountability pp. 5-27
- Mary Kaldor
- Freedom of Expression, Accountability and Development in the Arab Region pp. 29-46
- Naomi Sakr
- The Health and Poverty of Nations: From theory to practice pp. 47-71
- David Bloom and David Canning
- Decentralization and Human Development in Argentina pp. 73-101
- Nader Habibi, Cindy Huang, Diego Miranda, Victoria Murillo, Gustav Ranis, Mainak Sarkar and Frances Stewart
- Poverty Reduction in Chile: Has economic growth been enough? pp. 103-123
- Mauricio Olavarria-Gambi
- Social Security: Learning from global experience to reach the poor pp. 125-150
- Dharam Ghai
- Book Review pp. 151-155
- Paul Streeten
Volume 3, issue 2, 2002
- Reviving the 1990s Trend toward Transnational Justice: Innovations and Institutions pp. 167-190
- Richard Falk
- Education and Poverty pp. 191-207
- Jandhyala Tilak
- Held to Account: Experiences of Social Accountability in Latin America pp. 209-230
- Enrique Peruzzotti and Catalina Smulovitz
- Expanding Voice and Accountability through the Budgetary Process pp. 231-250
- Siddiq Osmani
- Local Ownership and Donor Performance Monitoring: New Aid Relationships in Tanzania? pp. 251-261
- Gerry Helleiner
- Statisticians of the World Unite: The Human Development Challenge Awaits pp. 263-272
- Richard Jolly
- The Extent of and Explanations for International Disparities in Human Security pp. 273-300
- Frikkie Booysen
- An Adjusted Human Development Index: Robust Country Rankings with Respect to the Choice of Fixed Maximum and Minimum Indicator Values pp. 301-311
- Ramakrushna Panigrahi and Sashi Sivramkrishna
Volume 3, issue 1, 2002
- Reflections on Social and Antisocial Capital pp. 7-22
- Paul Streeten
- A Conceptual Primer on the Currents and Trends in Inequality pp. 23-56
- Stefano Pettinato
- Mobility, Opportunity and Vulnerability: The Dynamics of Poverty and Inequality in a Global Economy pp. 57-94
- Carol Graham
- Measuring the Technology Achievement of Nations and the Capacity to Participate in the Network Age pp. 95-122
- Meghnad Desai, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Claes Johansson and Fransisco Sagasti
- Reconnecting Agricultural Technology to Human Development pp. 123-152
- Michael Lipton, Saurabh Sinha and Rachel Blackman
Volume 2, issue 2, 2001
- The Ethical Assessment of Technological Change: An overview of the issues pp. 167-189
- Christian Barry
- Out of the Labs and Into the Developing World: Using appropriate technologies to promote truly global Internet diffusion pp. 191-237
- Geoffrey Kirkman
- Harnessing Biotechnology for the Poor: Challenges ahead for capacity, safety and public investment pp. 239-263
- Joel Cohen
- Diasporas and Technology Transfer pp. 265-286
- Devesh Kapur
- Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development: Historical lessons and emerging issues pp. 287-309
- Ha-Joon Chang
- Costa Rica's Development Strategy based on Human Capital and Technology: How it got there, the impact of Intel, and lessons for other countries pp. 311-324
- Andres Rodriguez-Clare
Volume 2, issue 1, 2001
- The Global Compact and the Human Economy pp. 7-17
- Tariq Banuri and Erika Spanger-Siegfried
- Business and Human Rights in the Year 2000 pp. 19-26
- Scott Greathead, Kiku Loomis and Wendy Rhein
- Markets, Politics and Globalization: Can the global economy be civilized? pp. 27-46
- Gerald Helleiner
- Global Economic Justice: Human rights for debtor nations pp. 47-51
- Ann Pettifor
- Instruments to Shape Globalization pp. 53-58
- Leif Pagrotsky
- Eradicating Systemic Poverty: Brief for a global resources dividend pp. 59-77
- Thomas Pogge
- The TRIPS Agreement: How much room for maneuver? pp. 79-107
- Carlos Correa
- The Implications of TRIPS: Ethics, health and human rights pp. 109-114
- Simon Walker
- Education for Technology Readiness: Prospects for Developing Countries pp. 115-151
- Jong-Wha Lee
- Review of Eliminating World Poverty: Making globalization work for the poor. DFID White Paper on International Development, 2000 pp. 153-155
- Gita Sen
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