Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 14, issue 4, 2013
- Bibliography on the Capability Approach (2013) pp. iii-viii
- Graciela Tonon
- Technology and Human Development pp. 467-482
- Gustav Ranis and Xiaoxue Zhao
- Employing the Capability Approach in Conceptualizing Sustainable Development pp. 483-502
- Lieske Voget-Kleschin
- The Complexities of Adaptive Preferences in Post-compulsory Education: Insights from the Fable of The Fox and the Grapes pp. 503-519
- Michael Watts
- Human Capital Accumulation in Pakistan in the Light of Debt, Military Expenditure and Politics pp. 520-558
- S. Mansoob Murshed and Muhammad Saleh
- Aspirations and Human Development Interventions pp. 559-580
- Ina Conradie and Ingrid Robeyns
- Chronic Poverty in Rural Ethiopia through the Lens of Life-histories pp. 581-602
- Laura Camfield and Keetie Roelen
- Health justice: An Argument from the Capabilities Approach pp. 603-605
- Mary Jane Alexander
- What Makes Poor Countries Poor? Institutional Determinants of Development pp. 605-607
- Nadia von Jacobi
- On Rawls, Development and Global Justice: The Freedom of Peoples pp. 607-609
- Julian Culp
Volume 14, issue 3, 2013
- Group Identity, Productivity and Well-being Policy Implications for Promoting Development pp. 323-340
- Kaushik Basu
- Rethinking Human Development in the Middle East and North Africa: The Missing Dimensions pp. 341-370
- Djavad Salehi-Isfahani
- The Millennium Development Goals Beyond 2015: Old Frameworks and New Constructs pp. 371-392
- Deepak Nayyar
- Kohonen Self-organizing Maps as a Tool for Assessing Progress toward the UN Millennium Development Goals pp. 393-419
- Joel Ian Deichmann, Dominique Haughton, Charles Malgwi and Olumayokun Soremekun
- Toilet Monuments: An Investigation of Innovation for Human Development pp. 420-440
- Rafael Ziegler, Benson H. K. Karanja and Christian Dietsche
- Census 2011 and Child Sex Ratios in Tamil Nadu: A Comment pp. 441-451
- Sharada Srinivasan and Arjun Bedi
- The Human Right to Health pp. 452-454
- Daniel Beck
- Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death and Hope in a Mumbai Slum pp. 454-456
- Elizabeth Radin
- Poverty, Income and Social Protection: International Policy Perspectives pp. 456-458
- Marianne S. Ulriksen
- Justice and the Capabilities Approach pp. 458-460
- Iris Van Domselaar
Volume 14, issue 2, 2013
- Exploring Latina/Latino Migrants' Adaptation to the Economic Crisis in the US Heartland: A Capability Approach pp. 195-213
- Paola León-Ross, Gale Summerfield and Mary Arends-Kuenning
- The Prospects and Challenges of Reforming the World Bank's Approach to Gender and Education: Exploring the Value of the Capability Policy Model in The Gambia pp. 214-240
- Caroline Manion and Francine Menashy
- Does Corporate Social Responsibility Contribute to Human Development in Developing Countries? Evidence from Nigeria pp. 241-265
- Kevin Lompo and Jean-Francois Trani
- A Discourse Ethics Defense of Nussbaum's Capabilities Theory pp. 266-284
- Chad Kleist
- Public Health Spending, Governance and Child Health Outcomes: Revisiting the Links pp. 285-311
- Bingjie Hu and Ronald Mendoza
- Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking about the Nature of Poverty pp. 312-314
- Jeffrey Swindle
- Gender and Green Governance: The Political Economy of Women's Presence within and beyond Community Forestry pp. 314-316
- Kalpana Sharma
- Culture, Development and Social Theory: Towards an Integrated Social Development pp. 316-318
- Christiaan M. De Beukelaer
Volume 14, issue 1, 2013
- The Capability Approach and Sustainability pp. 1-5
- Felix Rauschmayer and Ortrud Leßmann
- The Ends and Means of Sustainability pp. 6-20
- Amartya Sen
- Nussbaum's Capability Approach and Future Generations pp. 21-39
- Krushil Watene
- Sustainable Development: Does the Capability Approach have Anything to Offer? Outlining a Legitimate Freedom Approach pp. 40-57
- Andrew Crabtree
- Putting Sustainability into Sustainable Human Development pp. 58-76
- Wouter Peeters, Jo Dirix and Sigrid Sterckx
- Sustainable Human Development and the Capability Approach: Integrating Environment, Responsibility and Collective Agency pp. 77-94
- Jérôme Pelenc, Minkieba Kevin Lompo, Jerome Ballet and Jean-Luc Dubois
- Re-conceptualizing Sustainable Development on the Basis of the Capability Approach: A Model and Its Difficulties pp. 95-114
- Ortrud Leßmann and Felix Rauschmayer
- A Sustainability-Fitting Interpretation of the Capability Approach: Integrating the Natural Dimension by Employing Feedback Loops pp. 115-133
- Emily Schultz, Marius Christen, Lieske Voget-Kleschin and Paul Burger
- Studying Well-being and its Environmental Impacts: A Case Study of Minimum Income Receivers in Finland pp. 134-154
- Tuuli Hirvilammi, Senja Laakso, Michael Lettenmeier and Satu Lähteenoja
- Nussbaum on the Capabilities Approach pp. 156-160
- Frances Stewart
- On Fertile Functionings: A Response to Martha Nussbaum pp. 161-165
- Jonathan Wolff and Avner de-Shalit
- Linking Capabilities to Social Justice: Moving towards a Framework for Making Public Policy pp. 166-171
- Shailaja Fennell
- Creating Capabilities, Lists and Thresholds: Whose Voices, Intuitions and Value Judgements Count? pp. 172-184
- David Alexander Clark
- Educating Capabilities pp. 185-188
- Elaine Unterhalter
Volume 13, issue 4, 2012
- Public Economics after The Idea of Justice pp. 521-536
- Anthony Atkinson
- The Health Impact Fund: Enhancing Justice and Efficiency in Global Health pp. 537-559
- Thomas Pogge
- Human Development and Sustainability pp. 561-579
- Eric Neumayer
- Capabilities, Contributive Injustice and Unequal Divisions of Labour pp. 580-596
- Andrew Sayer
- Did Population Well-being Improve During Porfirian Mexico? A Regional Analysis using a Quasi-Human Development Index pp. 597-620
- Raymundo Campos-Vazquez and Roberto V�lez-Grajales
- Exceptional People: How Migration Shaped our World and Will Define our Future pp. 621-622
- Ronald Skeldon
- Religion and Poverty: Pan-African Perspectives pp. 623-624
- Moses Kibe Kihiko
- Women in the Middle East and North Africa: Agents of Change pp. 625-626
- Keerty Nakray
Volume 13, issue 3, 2012
- Introduction pp. 331-334
- Melanie Walker
- Trade-off, Comparative Evaluation and Global Obligation: Reflections on the Poverty, Gender and Education Millennium Development Goals pp. 335-351
- Elaine Unterhalter
- Public Debate and Dialogue from a Capabilities Approach: Can it Foster Gender Justice in Education? pp. 353-371
- Joan DeJaeghere
- The Missing Dimensions of Children's Well-being and Well-becoming in Education Systems: Capabilities and Philosophy for Children pp. 373-395
- Mario Biggeri and Marina Santi
- Rethinking Antiracist Education in the Light of the Capability Approach pp. 397-413
- Fr�d�rique Brossard Børhaug
- Educational Attainment and School-to-work Conversion of Roma in Romania: Adapting to Feasible Means or Ends? pp. 415-450
- Stacy J. Kosko
- Rethinking the Quality of Universities: How Can Human Development Thinking Contribute? pp. 451-470
- Alejandra Boni and Des Gasper
- Teaching for Human Well-being: Curricular Implications for the Capability Approach pp. 471-493
- Diane Wood and Luisa S. Deprez
- Capabilities, Values and Education Policy pp. 495-512
- Rosie Peppin Vaughan and Melanie Walker
- Closing the Capabilities Gap: Renegotiating Social Justice for the Young pp. 513-515
- Caroline Sarojini Hart
- Pobreza y Solidaridad Social en la Argentina: Aportes desde el Enfoque de las Capacidades Humanas [Poverty and Social Solidarity in Argentina: Contributions from the Human Capability Approach] pp. 515-517
- Maria Emma Santos
- Human Rights in Our Own Backyard: Injustice and Resistance in the United States pp. 517-519
- Alireza Rezaei
Volume 13, issue 2, 2012
- Success and Failure in Human Development, 1970--2007 pp. 167-195
- Gustav Ranis and Frances Stewart
- The Global Crisis and Human Development: A Study on Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS Region pp. 197-225
- Balázs Horváth, Andrey Ivanov and Mihail Peleah
- Building a Multidimensional Wellbeing Index for Rural Populations in Northeastern Namibia pp. 227-246
- Jean-Gaël E. Collomb, Janaki R. Alavalapati and Tim Fik
- A Newer Human Development Index pp. 247-268
- Carmen Herrero, Ricardo Mart�nez and Antonio Villar
- Urban Livelihoods under a Changing Climate*: Perspectives on Urban Agriculture and Planning in Lusaka, Zambia pp. 269-293
- Danny Simatele, Tony Binns and Munacinga Simatele
- Auditing Capability and Active Living in the Built Environment pp. 295-315
- Ferdinand Lewis
- Children and the Capability Approach pp. 317-319
- Caroline Sarojini Hart
- Sustainable Development: Capabilities, Needs and Well-Being pp. 319-321
- Andrew Crabtree
- Global Poverty, Ethics and Human Rights: The Role of Multilateral Organisations pp. 321-324
- Margot Salomon
- Improving Global Health Patterns of Potential Human Progress, Volume 3 pp. 324-326
- Dennis Soltys
Volume 13, issue 1, 2012
- On Macroeconomics and Human Development: An Unexplored Domain pp. 1-5
- Deepak Nayyar
- Macroeconomics and Human Development pp. 7-30
- Deepak Nayyar
- Macroeconomic Fluctuations, Inequality, and Human Development pp. 31-58
- Joseph Stiglitz
- Macroeconomics, Human Development, and Distribution pp. 59-81
- Stephanie Seguino
- The Impact of Global Economic Crises on the Poor: Comparing the 1980s and 2000s pp. 83-105
- Frances Stewart
- Economic Growth, Equity and Human Development in Latin America pp. 107-133
- Jose Antonio Ocampo and Juliana Vallejo
- Financial Globalization and Human Development pp. 135-151
- Ajit Singh
- Book Reviews pp. 153-163
- Rolph Van Der Hoeven, Duncan Matthews, Lalit Khandare, Mattia Baglieri and Jaqui Goldin
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