Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 4, 2018
- Capability to be Educated—Inspiring and Inclusive Pedagogical Arrangements from Finnish Schools pp. 421-437
- Mari-Anne Okkolin, Teija Koskela, Petra Engelbrecht and Hannu Savolainen
- The Tragedy of the Commons and Population Health: The State’s Intervention in an Individual’s Actions and Choices from a Capability Perspective pp. 438-455
- Efrat Ram-Tiktin
- Measuring Well-being: A Multidimensional Index Integrating Subjective Well-being and Preferences pp. 456-476
- Lin Yang
- How Does Child Disadvantage Change with Age? An Analysis of Australian Children pp. 477-498
- Ankita Mishra, Ranjan Ray and Leonora Risse
- Multidimensional paths to regional poverty: a Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis of Colombian departments pp. 499-520
- Paula Andrea Nieto Alemán, Norat Roig-Tierno, Francisco Mas-Verdú and Jose-Maria Garcia Alvarez-Coque
- Private Wealth Across European Countries: The Role of Income, Inheritance and the Welfare State pp. 521-549
- Pirmin Fessler and Martin Schürz
- Social Gradient in Capabilities pp. 553-558
- Sridhar Venkatapuram
- Intransigent Disadvantage: What Inequality Contributes to Development Gaps pp. 559-563
- Shailaja Fennell
- Health Gap, Wealth Gap—What is the Question? pp. 564-568
- Dinesh Bhugra
- Power, Social Exclusion and the “Good Life”: the Importance of Measuring What Really Counts pp. 569-574
- Giulia Greco
- Social Determinants, Capabilities and Health Inequalities: A Response to Bhugra, Greco, Fennell and Venkatapuram pp. 575-577
- Michael Marmot
Volume 19, issue 3, 2018
- Development, Validity, and Reliability of the Women’s Capabilities Index pp. 271-288
- Giulia Greco, Jolene Skordis and Anne Mills
- Migrating to the City in North West China: Young Rural Women’s Empowerment pp. 289-307
- Vilma Seeberg and Shujuan Luo
- Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups: The Bittersweet Fruits of Collective Apple Cultivation in Highland Ethiopia pp. 308-330
- Sintayehu Hailu Alemu, Luuk Van Kempen and Ruerd Ruben
- Power, Capability and Cultural Subjects: An Inquiry into “Institutional Neglect” in Participatory Planning pp. 331-344
- Tamara Nair
- Examining Collective Action Through the Capability Approach: The Example of Community Currencies pp. 345-364
- Felix Rauschmayer, Christine Polzin, Mirijam Mock and Ines Omann
- Applying the Capability Approach to Enhance the Conceptualization of Well-being in Environmental Assessment pp. 365-397
- Nicholas Philip Simpson
- A MANUSH or HUMANS Characterisation of the Human Development Index pp. 398-415
- Srijit Mishra and Hippu Salk Kristle Nathan
- Human Development in Times of Crisis: Renegotiating Social Justice pp. 416-417
- Annie Austin
- Developing Minds: Psychology, Neoliberalism and Power pp. 417-419
- Lachlan Summers
- Human Development and Global Institutions: Evolution, Impact, Reform pp. 419-420
- Juan Telleria
Volume 19, issue 2, 2018
- Communities and Capabilities pp. 121-125
- Graciela Tonon
- Local Communities and Capability Evolution: The Core of Human Development Processes pp. 126-146
- Mario Biggeri, Andrea Ferrannini and Caterina Arciprete
- The Gendered Space of Capabilities and Functionings: Lessons from Haitian Community-Based Organizations pp. 147-165
- Jennifer Vansteenkiste and Mark Schuller
- The Capability Approach and Evaluation of Community-Driven Development Programs pp. 166-180
- Trang Pham
- Leveraging Communities’ Capabilities to Increase Accountability for Health Rights: The Case of Citizen Voice and Action pp. 181-197
- David Walker
- Intercultural Dialogue in Practice: BlueFire’s Community Integration Activities Viewed Through a Participatory Action Research Capability Lens pp. 198-215
- Veronica Crosbie
- When Collectivity Makes a Difference: Theoretical and Empirical Insights from Urban and Rural Communities in Colombia pp. 216-231
- Alejandra Boni, Gynna F. Millán Franco and María Alejandra Millán Franco
- Expanding Capabilities in Integrated Service Areas (ISAs) As Communities of Care: A Study of Dutch Older Adults’ Narratives on the Life They Have Reason to Value pp. 232-248
- Erik Jansen, Roos Pijpers and George de Kam
- Community Service Learning: Pedagogy at the Interface of Poverty, Inequality and Privilege pp. 249-265
- Ntimi Mtawa and Merridy Wilson-Strydom
- Global Justice and Development pp. 266-267
- Lisa Fuller
- The Asian “Poverty Miracle”: Impressive Accomplishments or Incomplete Achievements? pp. 268-269
- Joshua Greenstein
- Universities and Global Human Development: Theoretical and Empirical Insights for Social Change pp. 269-270
- Aurora Lopez-Fogues
Volume 19, issue 1, 2018
- Message from the Editor pp. 1-1
- Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti
- Working with and for Animals: Getting the Theoretical Framework Right pp. 2-18
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Working With and For Animals—A Response to Nussbaum pp. 19-23
- Breena Holland
- Turning Capabilities into Functionings: Practical Reason as an Activation Factor pp. 24-37
- Annie Austin
- Inequality, Advantage and the Capability Approach pp. 38-52
- Tania Burchardt and Rod Hick
- Political Agency and Capabilities Formation Through Participatory Action Research pp. 53-69
- Melanie Walker
- Moving Towards a Capability for Meaningful Labor pp. 70-88
- Timothy Weidel
- The Demanding Task of Limiting Demandingness pp. 91-96
- Lori Keleher
- Why People Do What Others Do: And Why That Is Sometimes Good and Sometimes Bad pp. 97-102
- Rebecca Gutwald
- The Canniness of Ought pp. 103-111
- David A. Clark and Gay Meeks
- The Civil Side of Economy: On the Extraordinariness of Ordinary Human Beings pp. 112-117
- Dalila De Rosa
- Reply pp. 118-120
- Judith Lichtenberg
Volume 18, issue 4, 2017
- Citizenship, Migration and Opportunity pp. 429-441
- Ravi Kanbur
- Income Dynamics, Assets and Poverty Traps in South Africa pp. 442-463
- Marisa von Fintel
- On the Determinants of Changes in Wage Inequality in Urban Bolivia pp. 464-496
- Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza and Fernando Rios-Avila
- A Capabilities Approach to the Adjudication of the Right to a Basic Education in South Africa pp. 497-516
- Shanelle van der Berg
- Should Aspirations be a Matter of Policy Concern? pp. 517-530
- Svenja Flechtner
- Should Rich Nations Help the Poor? pp. 531-532
- Anirudh Krishna
- Transforming Teacher Quality in the Global South: Using Capabilities and Causality to Re-examine Teacher Performance pp. 532-534
- Merridy Wilson-Strydom
Volume 18, issue 3, 2017
- Human Capabilities and Animal Lives: Conflict, Wonder, Law: A Symposium pp. 317-321
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Cultural Killing and Human–Animal Capability Conflict pp. 322-336
- Amy Linch and Breena Holland
- The Reasonableness of Wonder pp. 337-355
- Jeremy David Bendik-Keymer
- Scientific Whaling? The Scientific Research Exception and the Future of the International Whaling Commission pp. 356-369
- Rachel Nussbaum Wichert and Martha C. Nussbaum
- Capabilities, Human Flourishing and the Health Gap pp. 370-383
- Michael Marmot
- Disrupting Structural Inequalities of Higher Education Opportunity: “Grit”, Resilience and Capabilities at a South African University pp. 384-398
- Merridy Wilson-Strydom
- Access to Household Resources and Human Development: Evidence from Survey Data for Tanzania pp. 399-423
- Amarakoon Bandara, Rajeev Dehejia and Shaheen Lavie-Rouse
- Anger and Forgiveness: Resentment, Generosity, Justice pp. 424-425
- Steven Schoonover
- A Philosophical Examination of Social Justice and Child Poverty pp. 425-427
- Caterina Arciprete and Mario Biggeri
- The Regional Roots of Russia’s Political Regime pp. 427-428
- Ghasem Torabi
Volume 18, issue 2, 2017
- Social Innovation and the Capability Approach—Introduction to the Special Issue pp. 141-147
- Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Christopher Houghton Budd and Rafael Ziegler
- Tackling Marginalisation through Social Innovation? Examining the EU Social Innovation Policy Agenda from a Capabilities Perspective pp. 148-162
- Nadia von Jacobi, Daniel Edmiston and Rafael Ziegler
- Social Innovation and Human Development—How the Capabilities Approach and Social Innovation Theory Mutually Support Each Other pp. 163-180
- Jürgen Howaldt and Michael Schwarz
- Exploring the Role of the Capability Approach in Social Innovation pp. 181-196
- Meera Tiwari
- How to Build Collective Capabilities: The 3C-Model for Grassroots-Led Development pp. 197-222
- Solava Ibrahim
- Understanding Indigenous Innovation in Rural West Africa: Challenges to Diffusion of Innovations Theory and Current Social Innovation Practice pp. 223-238
- Joel R. Matthews
- Promoting Social Innovation Through Action Research: Evidence from an Empirical Study in the Fisheries Sector of Ukerewe District in Tanzania pp. 239-257
- Almas Fortunatus Mazigo
- Grassroots Social Innovation for Human Development: An Analysis of Alternative Food Networks in the City of Valencia (Spain) pp. 258-274
- Victoria Pellicer-Sifres, Sergio Belda-Miquel, Aurora López-Fogués and Alejandra Boni Aristizábal
- Information Technology, Innovation and Human Development: Hospital Information Systems in an Indian State pp. 275-292
- Sundeep Sahay and Geoff Walsham
- Creating (Economic) Space for Social Innovation pp. 293-298
- Rafael Ziegler, György Molnár, Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti and Nadia von Jacobi
- Enabling Ecosystems for Social Enterprises and Social Innovation: A Capability Approach Perspective pp. 299-306
- Mario Biggeri, Enrico Testi and Marco Bellucci
- Social Innovation in Latin America pp. 307-312
- Dmitri Domanski, Jürgen Howaldt and Antonius Schröder
- Food Security in South Africa: Human Rights and Entitlement Perspectives pp. 313-314
- Inga T. Winkler
- The Good Life: Aspiration, Dignity, and the Anthropology of Wellbeing pp. 314-316
- Séverine Deneulin
Volume 18, issue 1, 2017
- Corrigendum pp. i-i
- The Editors
- Democracy, Philosophy, and the Selection of Capabilities pp. 1-16
- Morten Fibieger Byskov
- Quantifying the Progress of Economic and Social Justice: Charting Changes in Equality of Opportunity in the USA, 1960–2000 pp. 17-45
- Gordon Anderson and Teng Wah Leo
- Capabilitarian Sufficiency: Capabilities and Social Justice pp. 46-59
- Lasse Nielsen and David V. Axelsen
- Introducing Joint Capabilities: Findings from a Study of Development in Honduras’ Garifuna Ancestral Villages pp. 60-74
- Kia M.Q. Hall
- The Coercive Side of Collective Capabilities: Evidence from the Bolivian pp. 75-88
- Rachel Godfrey-Wood and Graciela Mamani-Vargas
- The Capability Threshold: Re-examining the Definition of the Middle Class in an Unequal Developing Country pp. 89-106
- Ronelle Burger, Camren McAravey and Servaas van der Berg
- Validating an Agency-based Tool for Measuring Women’s Empowerment in a Complex Public Health Trial in Rural Nepal pp. 107-135
- Lu Gram, Joanna Morrison, Neha Sharma, Bhim Shrestha, Dharma Manandhar, Anthony Costello, Naomi Saville and Jolene Skordis
- New Approaches Towards the ‘Good Life’: Applications and Transformations of the Capability Approach pp. 136-137
- Karie Cross
- After Access: Inclusion, Development, and a More Mobile Internet pp. 137-139
- Marco Haenssgen
- Human Development and Capacity Building: Asia Pacific Trends, Challenges and Prospects for the Future pp. 139-140
- Kattie Lussier
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