Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
2000 - 2024
Current editor(s): Kathryn Rosenblum From Taylor & Francis Journals Bibliographic data for series maintained by Chris Longhurst (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 21, issue 4, 2020
- When a River Becomes a Person pp. 307-319
- Matthias Kramm
- From Streets to Developing Aspirations: How Does Collective Agency for Education Change Marginalised Migrant Youths’ Lives? pp. 320-338
- Faith Mkwananzi and F. Melis Cin
- Parental Disability and Children's Educational Outcomes: Evidence from Tanzania pp. 339-354
- Joseph B. Ajefu and Jacqueline Moodley
- Implementing a Group-Specific Multidimensional Poverty Measure: The Case of Persons with Disabilities in Peru pp. 355-388
- Jhonatan Clausen and Nicolas Barrantes
- Meaningful Labour, Employee Ownership, and Workplace Democracy: A Comment on Weidel (2018) pp. 389-397
- Lucas McGranahan
- Where India Goes: Abandoned Toilets, Stunted Development and the Costs of Caste pp. 398-399
- Simantini Mukhopadhyay
- Education and Disability in the Global South: New Perspectives from Africa and Asia pp. 399-401
- Shailaja Fennell
Volume 21, issue 3, 2020
- The Development of Unity pp. 211-222
- Leif Wenar
- Comments on Leif Wenar's Nussbaum Lecture, “The Development of Unity” pp. 223-229
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Extending the Intersection Approach pp. 230-248
- Sususmu Cato
- Children’s Abilities, Freedom, and the Process of Capability-Formation pp. 249-262
- Nico Brando
- Conceptualising Capabilities and Dimensions of Advantage as Needs pp. 263-276
- Benjamin Fardell
- Introduction: Capabilities and Covid-19 pp. 277-279
- Mario Biggeri
- Human Capabilities and Pandemics pp. 280-286
- Sridhar Venkatapuram
- Light at the End of the Tunnel: The Capability Approach in the Aftermath of Covid 19 pp. 287-292
- Rhys Manley
- COVID-19 as a Capability Crisis: Using the Capability Framework to Understand Policy Challenges pp. 293-299
- Paul Anand, Bob Ferrer, Qin Gao, Ricardo Nogales and Ellaine Unterhalter
- Advancing Human Development: Theory and Practice pp. 300-301
- Richard Jolly
- Social Policy and the Capability Approach pp. 301-303
- Richard Brunner
- Resurgent Asia: Diversity in Development pp. 303-305
- Rolph van der Hoeven
Volume 21, issue 2, 2020
- Collectivist Capabilitarianism pp. 105-120
- Claudio D’Amato
- Imagining Development: The Chilean Dictatorship and the Case for Political Freedom as a Factor in the Human Development Index pp. 121-136
- Natalia Niedmann Álvarez
- Can Women’s Self-help Groups Contribute to Sustainable Development? Evidence of Capability Changes from Northern India pp. 137-160
- Paul Anand, Swati Saxena, Rolando Gonzales Martínez and Hai-Anh Dang
- Ghana’s Planting for Food and Jobs Programme: A Look at the Role of Capability in Farmers’ Participation pp. 161-182
- Isaac G. K. Ansah, Munkaila Lambongang and Samuel A. Donkoh
- Investigating the Mobility Capabilities and Functionings in Accessing Schools Through Walking: A Quantitative Assessment of Public and Private Schools in São Paulo (Brazil) pp. 183-204
- Mateus Humberto, Bruna Pizzol, Filipe Moura, Mariana Giannotti and Marcos Paulo de Lucca-Silveira
- Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics pp. 205-207
- Stephen L. Esquith
- Capabilities in a Just Society: A Theory of Navigational Agency pp. 207-208
- Imants Latkovskis
- Foundations of Real World Economics: What Every Economics Student Needs to Know pp. 209-210
- Rhys Manley
Volume 21, issue 1, 2020
- What is a Capability-enhancing Social Policy? Individual Autonomy, Democratic Citizenship and the Insufficiency of the Employment-focused Paradigm pp. 1-16
- Francesco Laruffa
- Reconceptualizing Educational Capabilities: A Relational Capability Theory for Redressing Inequalities pp. 17-35
- Joan G. Dejaeghere
- Dignity in Transgender Lives: A Capabilities Approach pp. 36-48
- Ryan Reed
- Transforming Vulnerability into Power: Exploring Empowerment among Women with Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in the Context of Migration in Belgium pp. 49-62
- Afi Agboli, Mylene Botbol, Sarah O’Neill, Fabienne Richard and Isabelle Aujoulat
- Technology and Human Capabilities in UK Makerspaces pp. 63-83
- Cian O’Donovan and Adrian Smith
- Capabilities and Universalism – An Empirical Examination: The Case of the Ultra-Orthodox Community pp. 84-98
- Nechumi Malovicki Yaffe
- Development: The Re-Balancing of Economic Powers pp. 99-101
- David A. Clark
- Higher Education, Youth and Migration in Contexts of Disadvantage: Understanding Aspirations and Capabilities pp. 101-103
- Ecem Karlıdağ-Dennis
Volume 20, issue 4, 2019
- Introduction—Data, Knowledge, Politics and Localizing the SDGs pp. 375-385
- Angelina Fisher and Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
- SDG Localisation and Decentralised Development Aid: Exploring Opposing Discourses and Practices in Valencia's Aid Sector pp. 386-402
- Sergio Belda-Miquel, Alejandra Boni and Carola Calabuig
- Country Reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals—The Politics of Performance Review at the Global-National Nexus pp. 403-417
- Magdalena Bexell and Kristina Jönsson
- Moving From Outsider to Insider Status Through Metrics: The Inclusion of “Neglected Tropical Diseases” Into the Sustainable Development Goals pp. 418-435
- Samantha Vanderslott
- The View from the Farm: Gendered Contradictions of the Measurement Imperative in Global Goals pp. 436-450
- Astrid Pérez Piñán and Elizabeth Vibert
- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Indigenous Peoples: Another Missed Opportunity? pp. 451-467
- Mandy Li-Ming Yap and Krushil Watene
- Operationalizing Sustainable Development Goals in Vulnerable Coastal Areas of Ecuador and Pakistan: Marginalizing Human Development? pp. 468-485
- Johannes M. Waldmüller, Hameed Jamali and Nelson Nogales
- John Rawls: Reticent Socialist pp. 486-488
- S. B. Schoonover
- How China Escaped the Poverty Trap pp. 488-490
- M Asadullah and Antonio Savoia
- Health and Well-Being in India: A Quantitative Analysis of Inequality in Outcomes and Opportunities pp. 490-491
- Simantini Mukhopadhyay
Volume 20, issue 3, 2019
- What, if Anything, is Wrong with Extreme Wealth? pp. 251-266
- Ingrid Robeyns
- The Functioning of Having a Sense of Place: Cities and Immigrants pp. 267-279
- Avner de Shalit
- Social Insurance, Human Development and Social Cohesion pp. 280-296
- Santiago Levy
- Education and Agency Freedom in Du Bois and Sen pp. 297-310
- Niall Ó Murchú
- Factors Affecting School Dropout and Completion in Mexico: Does Agency Matter? pp. 311-328
- Dulce Carolina Mendoza Cazarez
- Work-Nonwork Spillover of Wage Justice through Work Capabilities in Low and Middle Income Workers pp. 329-344
- Sarah Ellorenco, Mendiola Teng-Calleja, Donald Jay Bertulfo, Jose Antonio Clemente and Ma. Ligaya Menguito
- Keeping the Flock Together pp. 347-350
- Erik Schokkaert
- On Ingrid Robeyns’, Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice—Framework vs Theories: a Dialogue with Martha Nussbaum pp. 351-356
- Pepi Patrón
- Well-being and the Capability Approach: Reflections on Robeyns pp. 357-361
- Henry S. Richardson
- Two Tales of the Capability Approach pp. 362-367
- Julian Culp
- Reply to my Critics pp. 368-374
- Ingrid Robeyns
Volume 20, issue 2, 2019
- Introduction to the Special Issue in Celebration of Amartya Sen's 85th Birthday pp. 119-123
- Kaushik Basu, Ravi Kanbur and Ingrid Robeyns
- Preface: Amartya Sen and the HDCA pp. 124-126
- Martha C. Nussbaum
- Forms of Hypothetical Justification pp. 127-133
- T. M. Scanlon
- The Resurgence of Singular Identities: Possible Explanations pp. 134-144
- Mary Kaldor
- On “Affluent Philosophy” and Future Generations: Amartya Sen and Tim Mulgan’s “Broken World” pp. 145-161
- Mozaffar Qizilbash
- Rationality, Behavioural Economics and Amartya Sen pp. 162-180
- S. R. Osmani
- The Uses and Abuses of Inequality pp. 181-196
- Jayati Ghosh
- Randomized Control Trials and Qualitative Evaluations of a Multifaceted Programme for Women in Extreme Poverty: Empirical Findings and Methodological Reflections pp. 197-217
- Naila Kabeer
- Defending the Need for a Foundational Epistemic Capability in Education pp. 218-232
- Melanie Walker
- Human Development and Universalism: From Ideas to Policies pp. 233-250
- Selim Jahan
Volume 20, issue 1, 2019
- Conceptualisation and Measurement of Women's Empowerment Revisited pp. 1-25
- S. Sharaunga, M. Mudhara and A. Bogale
- Development of a Tool to Measure Women’s Agency in India pp. 26-53
- Robin Richardson, Norbert Schmitz, Sam Harper and Arijit Nandi
- Reasoned Choice or Performative Care? Women’s Transformative Peacebuilding Identities in Manipur, India pp. 54-68
- Karie Cross Riddle
- Well-being, Political Decentralisation and Governance Quality in Europe pp. 69-93
- Andrés Rodríguez-Pose and Vassilis Tselios
- Inequality, Social Comparisons and Income Aspirations: Evidence from a Highly Unequal Country pp. 94-111
- Dorrit Posel and Michael Rogan
- Collective Choice and Social Welfare—Expanded Edition pp. 112-113
- Ashley Piggins
- The Creation of the Human Development Approach pp. 113-115
- Madleina Daehnhardt
- Human Rights Trade-Offs in Times of Economic Growth. The Long-Term Capability Impacts of Extractive-Led Development pp. 115-117
- Johannes M. Waldmüller
- Youth, Gender and the Capabilities Approach to Development: Rethinking Opportunities and Agency from a Human Development Perspective pp. 117-118
- Faith Mkwananzi
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