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Ars Aequi

2011 - 2020

Current editor(s): Mihaela Rus

From Universul Juridic
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Tanase Tasente ().

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Volume 10, issue 1, 2020

Legal liability in matters of protection the consumer pp. 5-15 Downloads
Gabriel Mihai
The period of the great codifications in the Romano-Germanic law families pp. 16-26 Downloads
Bogdan Cristian Trandafirescu
People's trust in public institutions - The Army pp. 27-45 Downloads
Mihaela Rus and Laurentiu Gavrila
Social aggression and methods to combat it pp. 46-63 Downloads
Mihaela Luminita Sandu and Andra Catalina Tornea
Evaluating the efficiency of public relations programs in the Administration pp. 64-78 Downloads
Mihaela Rus, Tanase Tasente and Anca Alexandra Burca
The principle of territoriality in Romanian criminal law pp. 79-104 Downloads
Ilinca Pocean
Suicidal terrorism pp. 105-117 Downloads
Nicoleta-Laura Tudoran
Interdisciplinary approach to couple crime pp. 118-136 Downloads
Cristina-Eliza Nicolae
Criminological aspects related to the particularities of male crime compared to female crime pp. 137-163 Downloads
Criminological aspects related to the particularities of male crime compared to female Crime
Female suicide terrorism pp. 164-172 Downloads
Nicoleta-Laura Tudoran
Succession reserve and available quota pp. 173-183 Downloads
Denisa Dragomir
Critical analysis of irresponsibility in the sciences criminal pp. 184-200 Downloads
Luciana Girleanu
Criminal investigation into roadside assistants pp. 201-210 Downloads
Vasile Draghici and Ionela Lupu
Interdisciplinary analysis of the right to privacy pp. 211-222 Downloads
Serghiul Mamut
Conflicting rules on the international trade contract in the legal system of the United States and Venezuela pp. 223-227 Downloads
Bogdan Cristian Trandafirescu

Volume 9, issue 1, 2019

Analysis of postgraduate educational requirements to the real needs of the labor market pp. 5-13 Downloads
Mihaela Rus and Tanase Tasente
Protection of the property of the right to a fair trial pp. 14-22 Downloads
Oana Racoviceanu and Adrian Stoica
Theoretical research on local autonomy in Spain pp. 23-29 Downloads
Adelina (Caraivan) Paun and Cristi Iftene
The ethics counselor and the ethical counseling activity within the authorities and public institutions pp. 30-37 Downloads
Adriana Dragan (Ciubotariu) and Cristi Iftene
The modalities of the civil legal act pp. 38-44 Downloads
Laurentiu Gavrila
An overview of the Romanian diaspora, a catalyst for the development of the Romanian economy pp. 45-52 Downloads
Daniela Gheteu
European Institutional Development Funds pp. 53-63 Downloads
Oana Elena Popescu
Human resource development The local public administration pp. 64-73 Downloads
Maria Sburlan and Mari-Isabella Stan
Environmental protection in the Danube Delta biosphere reserve pp. 74-81 Downloads
Mihaela Sulica (Plesea) and Florica Brasoveanu
Increase the administrative capacity of Iasi by introducing and maintaining the ISO 9001 quality management system pp. 82-88 Downloads
Toma Cristina Laura and Isabella Stan
Communication and media in the Romanian political process (1990-2000) pp. 89-95 Downloads
Laura-Maria Vasilache

Volume 8, issue 1, 2018

Cauzalitatea endogena a crimei ca act individual, cu referire speciala la factorii biologici pp. 5-26 Downloads
Madalin Gabriel Pirvulescu and Andreea Nicoleta Pirvulescu
Aspecte de teorie si practica judiciara privind trasaturile esentiale ale institutiei instigarii in Codul Penal contemporan pp. 27-41 Downloads
Andreea Nicoleta Pirvulescu
Personalitatea accentuata ca si determinant al comportamentului infractional pp. 42-56 Downloads
Virginia Birzan (Penaru)
Profilul psihologic al martorului minor pp. 57-60 Downloads
Andrada Nanu
Administratia publica in Dacia inainte si dupa cucerirea romana pp. 61-65 Downloads
Anamaria Vladoi
Legea pentru organizarea Politiei generale a statului din anul 1929 pp. 66-69 Downloads
Marina-Ioana Popa and Alina Botezatu
Statutul juridic al politistului roman pp. 70-72 Downloads
Anamaria-Chivuta Bertescu and Alexandra-Sandica Tufanoiu
Casatoria in Roma Antica pp. 73-77 Downloads
Marielena Gosu
Aspecte comparative intre „Adoptie†si „Adrogare†in Roma Antica pp. 78-80 Downloads
Alexandra-Nicoleta Ifrim
Caracterizare generala a izvoarelor dreptului roman pp. 81-84 Downloads
Andrei-Daniel Naca
Aparitia si evolutia institutiei raspunderii penale a persoanei juridice pp. 85-94 Downloads
Corina-Raluca Onesim
Controverse privind raspunderea penala a persoanelor juridice pp. 95-114 Downloads
Corina-Raluca Onesim

Volume 7, issue 1, 2017

Studiu comparativ intre proprietatea rezolubila si proprietatea anulabila pp. 5-12 Downloads
Miruna Valeria Besteliu
Actiunea in justitie privind conflictele de munca si solutionarea lor pp. 13-27 Downloads
Alexandru Ionut Bordei
Exproprierea. Etapele procedurii exproprierii pp. 28-33 Downloads
Cerasela Elena Gheorghe
Dolul in reglementarea noului Cod civil pp. 34-40 Downloads
Vlad Stancescu
Asemanarile si deosebirile dintre coproprietate si proprietatea in devalmasie pp. 41-46 Downloads
Cadir Nurghiul
Simulatia - exceptia de la principiul opozabilitatii contractului pp. 47-53 Downloads
George Pelehra
Rezolutiunea conventionala pp. 54-60 Downloads
Caracoti Costel
Analiza comparativa intre nedemnitatea de drept si nedemnitatea judiciara pp. 61-71 Downloads
Moise Niculae
Forma si procedura notariala in materia contractului de donatie pp. 72-79 Downloads
Murphy Anthony

Volume 6, issue 1, 2016

Hope the new behaviors pp. 7-9 Downloads
Ileana Anastase
Mediation procedural pp. 10-13 Downloads
Lamaita Antochi
Mediation as a profession in its own right pp. 14-16 Downloads
Cristina Boroiu Dragomir
Rules of conduct in mediation is worded certain principles pp. 17-19 Downloads
Carmen Maria Bucur
Mediation victim-aggressor, alternative dispute resolution community pp. 20-24 Downloads
Elena Burlan
Defending state security by means of criminal law pp. 25-42 Downloads
Dumitru Adrian Butoianu
Conflict mediation - a solution for overcoming communication barriers pp. 43-46 Downloads
Ioana Ciobanu
Economy based on entrepreneurship pp. 47-55 Downloads
Daniel Daneci Patrau
The financial crisis. Opportunity to increase the efficiency of human resources pp. 56-64 Downloads
Daniel Daneci Patrau and Ileana Anastase
Mediation and conflict in education pp. 65-67 Downloads
Adriana Dima and Anghelina Dudan
Plight of Syrian refugees exploited by human traffickers pp. 68-77 Downloads
Ionela Enache
Restoring social relations pp. 78-80 Downloads
Cornel Grigorut
The importance of mediation in cases of international child abduction pp. 81-83 Downloads
Lucretia Ionita
Mediation as an alternative dispute resolution pp. 84-87 Downloads
Mariana Jatca
Roles and responsibilities in risk management pp. 88-94 Downloads
Anca Andreea Manea
Conducting tax audits by inspectors defraud pp. 95-98 Downloads
Serban Cristian Marin
Legislative developments pp. 99-103 Downloads
Nelu Mocanu
Mediation by negotiation pp. 104-106 Downloads
Gabriela Carmen Neagu
Negotiation as an alternative method of conflict resolution pp. 107-112 Downloads
Nicoleta Paraschiv
The importance of statistical data as arguments in favor of promoting and legislating mediation pp. 113-114 Downloads
Natasa Peteu
Interdisciplinary approaches to offenses against public health pp. 115-125 Downloads
Bianca Sauciuc
Alternative methods of conflict resolution pp. 126-128 Downloads
Florian Sirmon
The essence and necessity of mediation in socio-economic context of the current pp. 129-132 Downloads
Alexandru Topor
Considerations for conflict. Diplomatic mediation pp. 133-137 Downloads
Roxana Topor
The mediation agreement by the parties, after a judgment became final pp. 138-142 Downloads
Marian Lazar
Methods of conflict resolution in schools pp. 143-145 Downloads
Claudia-Mihaela Paun
Mediation of labor disputes pp. 146-148 Downloads
Iulian Postolache
Differences between mediation and conciliation pp. 149-152 Downloads
Cristian Talpau
Mediation in Moldova pp. 153-158 Downloads
Ion Tesa
Page updated 2024-12-09