Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 37, issue 4, 1989
- Intra-industry Profitability Differences in U.S. Manufacturing, 1953-1983 pp. 337-57

- Richard Schmalensee
- Standardization across Markets and Entry pp. 359-71

- Carmen Matutes and Pierre Regibeau
- The Meaning of "Upstream" and "Downstream" and the Implications for Modeling Vertical Mergers pp. 373-87

- Michael Salinger
- A Comparative Analysis of Intertemporal Behavior of Profits: Japan and the United States pp. 389-409

- Hideki Yamawaki
- The Impact of Antitrust Litigation on Shareholder Return pp. 411-26

- William L Huth and Don N MacDonald
- Restrictive Trade Practices Policy in India pp. 427-35

- P V Krishna Rao and K P Sastry
- A Note on Switching Costs and Technology Choice pp. 437-40

- Alan Beggs
Volume 37, issue 3, 1989
- Estimating Market Structure and Tax Incidence: The Japanese Television Market pp. 225-39

- Larry Karp and Jeffrey Perloff
- Indirect Competition with Spatial Product Differentiation pp. 241-57

- Thomas E Cooper
- Circulation versus Advertiser Appeal in the Newspaper Industry: An Empirical Investigation pp. 259-71

- R Stephen Thompson
- On the Measurement of Capacity Utilization pp. 273-86

- Randy Nelson
- On the Limitation of Warranty Duration pp. 287-301

- Winand Emons
- Patenting by Manufacturing Firms in India: Its Production and Impact pp. 303-14

- Anil Deolalikar and Lars-Hendrik Roller
- The Structure of Canadian Inter-industry R&D Spillovers, and the Rates of Return to R&D pp. 315-28

- Jeffrey Bernstein
- Market Structure, Firm Characteristics and Innovative Activity pp. 329-36

- Kornelius Kraft
Volume 37, issue 2, 1988
- Excess Capacity as a Commitment to Promote Entry pp. 113-22

- Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg
- Advertising and Post-entry Oligopoly Behaviour pp. 123-40

- John S Cubbin and Simon Domberger
- Strategy, Structure and Performance of Korean Business Groups: A Transactions Cost Approach pp. 141-58

- Sea Jin Chang and Unghwan Choi
- Welfare Effects of Entry into Markets with Switching Costs pp. 159-65

- Paul Klemperer
- Measuring Product Prices under Conditions of Quality Change: The Case of Passenger Cars in Greece pp. 167-86

- George Bitros and Epaminondas E Panas
- The Analysis of Causality in Escape Clause Cases pp. 187-207

- Kenneth Kelly
- Evidence on Agglomeration in Quality Space pp. 209-23

- Christian Hjorth-Andersen
Volume 37, issue 1, 1988
- Inter-industry Variations in the Effect of Trade on Industry Performance pp. 1-19

- Elisabeth de Ghellinck, Paul Geroski and Alexis Jacquemin
- The Determinants of Horizontal Acquisitions: Evidence from the U.S. Brewing Industry pp. 21-45

- Victor J Tremblay and Carol Horton Tremblay
- Loan Guarantees, Wealth Transfers and Incentives to Invest pp. 47-65

- M J P Selby, J R Franks and J Karki
- Internal Capital Market Controls and Financial Performance in Multidivisional Firms pp. 67-83

- Charles W L Hill
- Minimum Bill Contracts: Theory and Policy pp. 85-97

- Scott Masten
- The Economic Regulation of Private Industries by Price Constraints pp. 99-106

- Ian Bradley and Catherine Price
- Diversification and Predation pp. 107-11

- John C Hilke and Philip B Nelson
Volume 36, issue 4, 1988
- A Theory of Retail Pricing pp. 375-91

- Christopher Bliss
- Estimation of Price Elasticities for an International Telephone Demand Model pp. 393-409

- Ronald Bewley and Denzil Fiebig
- The Multiproduct Firm, Quality Choice, and Regulation pp. 411-29

- David Besanko, Shabtai Donnenfeld and Lawrence White
- Can Price Competition Dominate Market Segmentation? pp. 431-42

- Xavier Martinez-Giralt and Damien Neven
- Location and Survival in the National Hockey League pp. 443-57

- J C H Jones and D G Ferguson
- Industrial Structure, Concentration and the Speed of Price Adjustment pp. 459-76

- Arakel Bedrossian and Demetrios Moschos
- Adjustment Costs, Concentration and Price Behaviour pp. 477-81

- Victor Ginsburgh and Philippe Michel
Volume 36, issue 3, 1988
- Vertical Separation pp. 257-65

- Giacomo Bonanno and John Vickers
- Testable Competing Hypotheses from Structure-Performance Theory: Efficient Structure versus Market Power pp. 267-80

- Frederick H deB Harris
- Entry for Buyout pp. 281-99

- Eric Rasmusen
- Brand Information and Price pp. 301-13

- Thomas Ross
- Vertical Integration, Variable Proportions and Successive Oligopolies pp. 315-25

- Masahiro Abiru
- Market Share Instability in Commercial Airline Markets and the Impact of Deregulation pp. 327-35

- Ralph D Sandler
- The Effects of Property Rights on Labor Costs of Nonprofit Firms: An Application to the Day Care Industry pp. 337-50

- Anne E Preston
- Cartel Stability in Sealed Bid Second Price Auctions pp. 351-58

- Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg
- The Multinational Enterprise and Restrictive Conditions in International Technology Transfer: Some New Australian Evidence pp. 359-65

- Thomas G Parry
Volume 36, issue 2, 1987
- The Economic Efficiency of Sunday Trading Restrictions pp. 113-29

- John Kay and C N Morris
- Product Differentiation and Industrial Structure pp. 131-46

- Avner Shaked and John Sutton
- Costs of Maintaining a Cartel pp. 147-74

- Steven G Lanning
- Life after Takeover pp. 147-56

- David J Ravenscraft and F M Scherer
- Market Growth, Economies of Scale, and Plant Size in the Chemical Processing Industries pp. 175-91

- Marvin B Lieberman
- Purposive Diversification of R and D in Manufacturing pp. 193-205

- John Scott and George Pascoe
- Strategic Product Choice in Differentiated Markets pp. 207-16

- Swati Bhatt
- On Stackelberg Equilibria with Differentiated Products: The Critical Role of the Strategy Space pp. 217-30

- Marcel Boyer and Michel Moreaux
- Optimal Price-Quality Schedules and Sustainability pp. 231-44

- Jong Seok Kim
- On Existence of Location Equilibria in the 3-Firm Hotelling Problem pp. 245-52

- André de Palma, Victor Ginsburgh and Jacques Thisse
- Measuring R&D in Small Firms: How Much Are We Missing? pp. 253-56

- Alfred Kleinknecht
Volume 36, issue 1, 1987
- Resale Price Maintenance: Output Increasing or Restricting? The Case of Distilled Spirits in the United States pp. 1-18

- Stanley I Ornstein and Dominique M Hanssens
- Cost-Raising Strategies pp. 19-34

- Steven C Salop and David T Scheffman
- Are 'Rational Conjectures' Rational? pp. 35-47

- Louis Makowski
- Advertising and Competition in Routine Legal Service Markets: An Empirical Investigation pp. 49-60

- John Schroeter, Scott Smith and Steven R Cox
- Market Forces and Commercial Aircraft Safety pp. 61-81

- Andrew Chalk
- Research Expenditures and the Discovery of New Drugs pp. 83-95

- Elizabeth Jensen
- The Effect of Government Funding on Private Industrial Research and Development: A Re-assessment pp. 97-104

- Frank Lichtenberg
- A Note on Allowed and Realized Rates of Return of the U.S. Electric Utility Industry pp. 105-10

- Geoffrey Rothwell and Kelly A Eastman
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