Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 33, issue 4, 1985
- Oligopoly, Competition and Welfare: Some Recent Developments pp. 369-86

- Paul Geroski, L Phlips and A Ulph
- Cheating in a Duopoly Supergame pp. 387-400

- Ray Rees
- Cartel Behaviour and Adverse Selection pp. 401-13

- Kevin Roberts
- On the Incidence and Duration of Price Wars pp. 415-26

- Robert Porter
- The Gains from Merger or Collusion in Product-differentiated Industries pp. 427-44

- Jonathan B Baker and Timothy F Baresnahan
- Preying for Time pp. 445-60

- David Easley, Robert T Masson and Robert J Reynolds
- Patent Races and the Persistence of Monopoly pp. 461-81

- Christopher Harris and John Vickers
- Strategic Investment in an Industry with a Competitive Product Market pp. 483-99

- Huw Dixon
- Product Diversity and Monopolistic Competition under Uncertainty pp. 501-13

- Norman J Ireland
- Welfare Losses in Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition pp. 515-29

- G K Yarrow
- The Supply of Quality on a Market for "Experience Goods." pp. 531-51

- Thomas von Ungern-Sternberg and Carl Christian von Weizsacker
Volume 33, issue 3, 1985
- Effects of Regulation on Utility Financing: Theory and Evidence pp. 257-76

- Taggart, Robert A,
- Tacit Collusion, Free Entry, and Welfare pp. 277-94

- James Brander and Barbara Spencer
- Productive Performance in the West German Manufacturing Industry, 1970-80: A Farrell Frontier Characterisation pp. 295-316

- Douglas Todd
- Two Stage (Perfect) Equilibrium in Hotelling's Model pp. 317-25

- Damien Neven
- Growth, Acquisition Activity and Firm Size: Evidence from the United Kingdom pp. 327-38

- M S Kumar
- Structure and Strategy in Grocery Retailing: A Sociometric Approach pp. 339-47

- Geir Gripsrud and Kjell Gronhaug
- On the Measurement of Changes in Aggregate Concentration, Market Concentration and Diversification pp. 349-52

- Mick Silver
- Dynamics of Canadian Deposit-taking Institutions: Comment pp. 353-58

- Alan J Daskin
- Returns to Scale in R&D and the Schumpeterian Hypothesis: A Comment pp. 359-61

- Arun K Mukhopadhyay
- Scale Economies in Research and Development: A Reply pp. 363
- Meir Kohn and John Scott
Volume 33, issue 2, 1984
- Capacity Expansion in the Titanium Dioxide Industry pp. 145-63

- Pankaj Ghemawat
- The Price and Profit Effects of Horizontal Merger: A Case Study pp. 165-77

- David M Barton and Roger Sherman
- Diversification Strategy and Performance pp. 179-98

- Donald J Lecraw
- A "Brand Name Firm" Theory of Medical Group Practice pp. 199-215

- Thomas E Getzen
- Small Firms' Seedbed Role and the Concept of Turbulence pp. 217-31

- M E Beesley and R T Hamilton
- Excess Capacity and Entry: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 233-40

- John C Hilke
- Structure and Conduct in Local Advertising Markets: The Case of Irish Provincial Newspapers pp. 241-49

- R S Thompson
- On the Ability of Spatial Competitors to Price Discriminate pp. 251-55

- Bruce Benson
Volume 33, issue 1, 1984
- A Firm Specific Analysis of Economies of Density in the U.S. Railroad Industry pp. 3-20

- Ronald R Braeutigam, Andrew Daughety and Mark A Turnquist
- The Engineering Approach to Economic Production Functions Revisited: An Application to Solar Processes pp. 21-35

- G Thomas Sav
- Cost and Productivity in Regional Bus Transportation: The Belgian Case pp. 37-54

- Bruno De Borger
- Demand Fluctuations and Endogenous Firm Flexibility pp. 55-71

- David Mills
- The Evolution of Market Risk in the U.S. Steel Industry and Implications for Required Rates of Return pp. 73-98

- Carliss Y Baldwin, Joseph J Tribendis and Joel P Clark
- Paralegals and Substitution among Labor Inputs in the Law Firm pp. 99-104

- Robert Feinberg
- Pareto-Optimal Effluent Taxation and Market Structure in the Presence of Uncertain Demand and Detection pp. 105-11

- Stephen Farber
- The Development of Wages of German Industrial Corporations pp. 113-21

- Bernhard Wanik
- A Note on Measuring Surplus Attributable to Differentiated Products pp. 123-32

- Steven S Wildman
- Measuring Surplus Attributable to Differentiated Products: Reply pp. 133
- F M Scherer
- Profitability Measures as Indicators of Post-Merger Efficiency Revisited pp. 135-38

- Arvind Mahajan
- Profitability Measures as Indicators of Post-Merger Efficiency: Reply pp. 139-42

- G Meeks and J G Meeks
Volume 32, issue 4, 1984
- A New View of the Market Structure-Performance Debate pp. 397-417

- James L Bothwell, Thomas Cooley and Thomas Hall
- Concentration Indices and Market Power: Two Views pp. 419-34

- Marie-Paule Donsimoni, Paul Geroski and Alexis Jacquemin
- The Profitability-Concentration Relation: Market Power or Efficiency? pp. 435-50

- Roger Clarke, Stephen Davies and Michael Waterson
- Concentration and Advertising in Consumer and Producer Markets pp. 451-64

- A J Buxton, S W Davies and B R Lyons
- Cyclical Price Flexibility: A Test of Administered Pricing pp. 465-76

- Stephen C Farber
- Entry and the Extent of Multiplant Operations pp. 477-87

- Larry L Duetsch
- Indentification of Interactive Behavior in Air Service Markets: 1973-76 pp. 489-507

- James Anderson
- Market Power and Market Change in the U.S. Automobile Industry pp. 509-22

- Kwoka, John E,
- The Estimated Effects on Industry of Time-of-Day Demand and Energy Electricity Prices pp. 523-39

- Peter Schwarz
Volume 32, issue 3, 1984
- International Technology Transactions and the Theory of the Firm pp. 253-64

- W H Davidson and Donald McFetridge
- An Empirical Test of a Managerial, Life-Cycle, and Cost of Capital Model of Merger Activity pp. 265-76

- Steven Schwartz
- Some Tests of the Influence of Control Type on the Market for Corporate Control in Australia pp. 277-91

- Michael L Lawriwsky
- The Role of Market Structure in Merger Behavior pp. 293-312

- John F Stewart, Robert S Harris and Willard T Carleton
- Scale Economies, Imperfect Competition, and Public Policy pp. 313-33

- Martin K Perry
- Market Power and Regulation: A Simultaneous Approach pp. 335-47

- Eli Noam
- Regulation and Risk Preferences pp. 349-57

- Sherrill Shaffer
- "Polluters' Profits": An Empirical Note pp. 359-66

- Bruce Yandle
- A Note on the Use of Incorporation as an Escape from Usury Ceilings pp. 367-72

- W J Boyes and Dale Beck Furnish
- Sub-Contracting between Small-Scale Enterprises in Developing Countries: A Note pp. 373-76

- Jan J P van Heemst
- Testing Stigler's Interpretation of "The Division of Labor Is Limited by the Extent of the Market." pp. 377-89

- David Levy
- Trends in Vertical Integration: Reply pp. 391-92

- Ronald P Wilder and Irvin B Tucker
Volume 32, issue 2, 1983
- Aggregate Welfare Loss Due to Monopoly Power in the French Economy: Some Tentative Estimates pp. 113-30

- Frédéric Jenny and Andre-Paul Weber
- Information, Search, and Price Variability of Individual Life Insurance Contracts pp. 131-48

- G Frank Mathewson
- Excess Capacity and Rationalisation in the West European Synthetic Fibres Industry pp. 149-66

- R W Shaw and S A Shaw
- The UK Wastepaper Industry and Its Long Term Prospects pp. 167-85

- R K Turner and D Deadman
- Business Cycle and Industrial Market Power: An Empirical Investigation for West German Industries, 1965-1977 pp. 187-96

- Manfred Neumann, Ingo Böbel and Alfred Haid
- Conglomerate Performance over the Economic Cycle pp. 197-211

- C W L Hill
- Investor Preference for Large Firms: New Evidence on Economies of Size pp. 213-27

- Marc R Reinganum and Janet Smith
- Advertising and Economies of Scale: Critical Comments on the Evidence pp. 229-42

- Johan Arndt and Julian L Simon
- Optimal Adjustments to Restrictions on Advertising: A Comment pp. 243-48

- Roger Clarke and P K Else
- Optimal Adjustments to Restrictions on Advertising: Some Further Comments pp. 249-51

- Michael Baye
Volume 32, issue 1, 1983
- Industrial Subsidies in Sweden: Macro-Economic Effects and an International Comparison pp. 1-23

- Bo A W Carlsson
- Industry Structure and the Speed of Price Adjustment pp. 25-37

- Robert Dixon
- Firm Size and Technical Change in a Dynamic Context pp. 39-59

- Raphael Kaplinsky
- R & D Expenditures, Royalty Payments, and Sales Growth in Japanese Manufacturing Corporations pp. 61-71

- Hiroyuki Odagiri
- The UK Truck Market: An Investigation into Truck Purchasing Behavior and Changing Market Shares pp. 73-95

- Neil Dorward, Mike Pokorny and Ray Bayldon
- Consistent versus Non-Consistent Conjectures in Doupoly Theory: Some Examples pp. 97-110

- Marcel Boyer and Michel Moreaux
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