Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 25, issue 4, 1977
- Buyer Concentration Ratios pp. 241-58

- Louis A Guth, Robert A Schwartz and David K Whitcomb
- Control Type and the Market for Corporate Control in Large U.S. Corporations pp. 259-73

- Peter Holl
- Interdependent Demands, Regulatory Constraint and Peak Load Pricing pp. 275-93

- D T Nguyen and G J Macgregor-Reid
- Industrial Location Behavior and Spatial Evolution pp. 295-312

- Robert Ellinger
- European Mass-Producing Car Makers and Minimum Efficient Scale: A Note pp. 313-20

- D G Rhys
Volume 25, issue 3, 1977
- The Economics of Academic Publishing in the U.K pp. 161-75
- Peter J Curwen
- Market Structure and Economic Performance in the United Kingdom pp. 177-93
- P E Hart and Eleanor J Morgan
- Profitability and Market Structure: A Cross-section Comparison of Canadian and American Manufacturing Industry pp. 195-211

- J C H Jones, L Laudadio and M Percy
- Vertical Integration and Demand Variability pp. 213-29

- I Bernhardt
- Advertising and the Labour-managed Firm pp. 231-37

- N J Ireland and P J Law
Volume 25, issue 2, 1976
- Investment in Private Industrial Research and Development in Britain pp. 81-99

- Kerry Schott
- Research and Market Share: A Reappraisal of the Schumpeter Hypothesis pp. 101-12

- Joel B Rosenberg
- The Impact of Mergers on Concentration: A Study of Eleven West German Industries pp. 113-32

- Jurgen Muller
- The Concentration-Profitability Relationship: Is There a Critical Concentration Ratio? pp. 133-42

- James A Dalton and David W Penn
- Regulation, Risk and Performance of U.K. Clearing Banks 1965-75 pp. 143-59

- Anthony Saunders and Charles Ward
Volume 25, issue 1, 1976
- Tracing Gaps between Expectations and Results of Technological Innovations: The Case of Iron and Steel pp. 1-28

- Bela Gold
- Entry Barriers and Non-Price Aspects of Firms' Behavior pp. 29-43

- Douglas Needham
- Advertising and Profitability: Further Implications of the Null Hypothesis pp. 45-54

- Richard Schmalensee
- The Influence of Market Structure on Industry Advertising Intensity pp. 55-67

- Brian C Brush
- Competition and Dispersion in Rates of Return: A Note pp. 69-75

- Richard W McEnally
Volume 24, issue 4, 1976
- A Critique of Empirical Studies of Relations between Market Structure and Profitability pp. 241-49

- Almarin Phillips
- The Relationships between Stability and Change in Market Structure: An Analysis of Bank Prices pp. 251-66

- Peter S Rose and Donald R Fraser
- On the Predictions of Managerial Theories of the Firm pp. 267-79

- G K Yarrow
- The Economics of Honest Trade Practices pp. 281-93

- Robert Nelson
- Advertising to Manage Profit Risk pp. 295-311

- Richard Schramm and Roger Sherman
- A Note on the Effect of Sequential Entry on Choice of Location pp. 313-20

- Robert Rothschild
Volume 24, issue 3, 1976
- On Being Taken Over by Slater Walker pp. 163-79

- Michael Hope
- The Failing Firm/Industry Doctrines in Conglomerate Mergers pp. 181-87

- Robert L Conn
- Price Fixing Conspiracies: Their Long-Term Impact pp. 189-202

- W Bruce Erickson
- Competition in the U.K. Retail Petrol Market 1960-73 pp. 203-20

- Julian Lowe
- Profitability of Advertising in Australia: A Case Study pp. 221-31

- M M Metwally
- The Regulation of Non-Scheduled Air Services in the United Kingdom 1960 to 1972: A Note pp. 233-36

- B K Humphreys
- The Regulation of Non-Scheduled Air Services in the United Kingdom 1960 to 1972: A Reply pp. 237-38

- A J Burkart
Volume 24, issue 2, 1975
- Pricing Behavior in the American Automobile Industry, 1957-71 pp. 81-95

- Stanley E Boyle and Thomas F Hogarty
- Profit-Maximizing vs. Labor-Managed Firms: A Comparison of Market Structure and Firm Behavior pp. 97-104

- Alfred Steinherr
- Empirical Uses of the Price-Cost Margin pp. 105-17

- Stanley I Ornstein
- Some Economic Aspects of Large-Scale Advertising pp. 119-30

- David Morris
- An Inter-Industry Analysis of Diversification in the U.K. Manufacturing Sector pp. 131-46

- Paul Gorecki
- Concentration in the U.K. Ordinary Life Assurance Market pp. 147-59

- K Richards and D Colenutt
Volume 24, issue 1, 1975
- Directors' Pay, Growth and Profitability pp. 1-14

- Geoffrey Meeks and Geoffrey Whittington
- Energy and the U.K. Economy pp. 15-20

- A G Hines, P J Momferratos and David R F Simpson
- The Product Cycle and International Production: U.K. Pharmaceutials pp. 21-28

- Thomas G Parry
- Supply Contracts in the Galbraithian Planning System pp. 29-39

- K J Blois
- Market Size, VHF Allocations, and the Viability of Television Stations pp. 41-54

- Stanley Besen and Paul J Hanley
- Engineering Production Functions and Technological Progress pp. 55-72

- D J Pearl and J L Enos
- A Note on Advertising Policy under Uncertainty and Dynamic Conditions pp. 73-78

- Pierre Dehez and Alex Jacquemin
Volume 23, issue 4, 1975
- Market Structure and Firms' R & D Behavior pp. 241-55

- Douglas Needham
- Effect of Control Type on the Performance of the Firm in the U.K pp. 257-71

- Peter Holl
- The Effect of Uncertainty on the Diffusion of Third Generation Computers pp. 273-80

- C J Sutton
- Price Elasticity of the Demand for Parcel Post Mail pp. 281-99

- David H Nissen and Armando M Lago
- Competitive Bidding and Alberta Petroleum Rents pp. 301-12

- G C Watkins
- An Empirical Note on Firm Performance in Government Contract Markets pp. 313-20

- Emil D Attanasi and S R Johnson
Volume 23, issue 3, 1975
- Real Price and the Consumption of Mineral Energy in the United States, 1901-1968 pp. 161-74

- Nathan Edmonson
- The Size of the Work Unit and Strike Incidence pp. 175-88

- John Shorey
- Restrictive Practices in the Marketing of Electrofax Copying Machines and Supplies: The SC M Corporation Case pp. 189-202

- Erwin Blackstone
- Concentration and Growth of Indian Industries, 1948-68 pp. 203-22

- Arabinda Ghosh
- Characteristics of Collusive Firms pp. 223-37

- Peter Asch and Joseph J Seneca
Volume 23, issue 2, 1974
- Sales Maximization and Oligopoly: A Case Study pp. 81-95

- Conway L Lackman and Jos L Craycraft
- Utility and Profit Maximization by an Owner-Manager: Towards a General Analysis pp. 97-108

- Yew-Kwang Ng
- Demand and Entry into an Oligopolistic Market: A Case Study pp. 109-24

- M A Alemson and H T Burley
- Technology and the Size of the Multinational-Corporation Subsidiary: Evidence from the Australian Manufacturing Sector pp. 125-34

- Thomas G Parry
- Technical Change and Scale Economies in an Engineering Production Function: The Case of Steam Electric Power pp. 135-52

- Thomas G Cowing
- The Electric Lamp Monopoly and the Life of Electric Lamps pp. 153-58

- Sigmund J Prais
Volume 23, issue 1, 1974
- Evaluating Scale Economies: The Case of Japanese Blast Furnaces pp. 1-18

- Bela Gold
- Optimization of Input Supply Patterns in the Case of Fuels for Electric Power Generation pp. 19-37

- Richard L Gordon
- An Index of Entry Barriers and Its Application to the Market Structure Performance Relationship pp. 39-49

- Dale Orr
- The Regulation of Non-scheduled Air Services in the United Kingdom 1960 to 1972 pp. 51-64

- A J Burkart
- Price Leadership and the Effect of New Entry on the U.K. Retail Petrol Supply Market pp. 65-79

- R W Shaw
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