Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 19, issue 3, 1971
- Production Differentiation and Concentration in the Brewing Industry pp. 201-19

- Douglas F Greer
- On Suboptimization in Decomposition Approaches to Transfer Pricing pp. 220-30

- Philippe A Naert and Christian T L Janssen
- African Businessmen in a Dual Economy pp. 231-45

- Peter Marris
- Concentration, Promotion, and Market Share Stability in the Pharmaceutical Industry pp. 246-66

- John M Vernon
- Labor Demand, and Multi-Product Cost in Semi-Continuous and Multi-Process Facilities pp. 267-90

- L S Zudak
- The Interaction of Barriers and Concentration: A Reply pp. 291-93

- H Michael Mann
Volume 19, issue 2, 1971
- Merger Criteria and Policy in Great Britain and Canada pp. 97-117

- A Beacham and J C H Jones
- Concentration and Mobility: Alternative Measures of Industry Structure pp. 118-32

- Stanley E Boyle and Robert L Sorensen
- Competition and Strucutral Change in Unconcentrated Industries pp. 133-47

- Nicholas Owen
- Economies of Scale for Machine Tool Production pp. 148-65

- C F Pratten
- An International Comparison of the Intranational Effects of Concentration on Industry Wages, Investment, and Sales pp. 166-78

- Ira Horowitz
- Advertising and Market Structure Revisited pp. 179-198

- Louis A Guth
Volume 19, issue 1, 1970
- Economies of Scale in Supermarkets pp. 1-5

- R P R Tilley and R Hicks
- Demand Forecasting Models of International Telecommunications and their Policy Implications pp. 6-21

- Armando M Lago
- Differences among Cities, Differences among Firms, and Costs of Urban Bus Transport pp. 22-32

- David R Miller
- Some Problems Associated with the Marketing of Ethical Pharmaceutical Products pp. 33-49

- W Duncan Reekie
- Diffusion of Catalytic Techniques through a Population of Medium-Size Petroleum Refining Firms pp. 50-65

- Irwin Bernhardt
- Inter-Firm Production Function Analysis of Yugoslav Industrial Resource Allocation pp. 66-81

- James L Plummer
- Concentration, Barriers and Rates of Return: A Note pp. 82-88

- S A Rhoades
- A Note on Mergers and the Business Cycle: Comment pp. 89-92

- Carl Eis
Volume 18, issue 3, 1970
- Competition in the Sausage Market pp. 185-200

- Dennis Lees and John Morley
- The Determination of Selling Prices pp. 201-17

- R C Skinner
- Diffusion of Major Technological Innovations in U.S. Iron and Steel Manufacturing pp. 218-41

- Bela Gold, William S Peirce and Gerhard Rosegger
- Meaningful Bank Failure: A Proposal pp. 242-54

- A Dale Tussing
- Productivity, Labor Demand and Cost in a Continuous Production Facility pp. 255-74

- L S Zudak
- The Accuracy of Short-Term Business Forecasting: An Analysis of a Firm's Sales Budgeting pp. 275-89

- E A Lowe and R W Shaw
- The Board of Trade Capital-Investment-Forecasts: The Prediciton of Gross-Fixed-Capital-Formation in U.K. Manufacturing Industry and Business Expectations pp. 290-304

- C M Cannon
Volume 18, issue 2, 1970
- Project Evaluation of Multinational Plants in Africa pp. 105-11

- R Robson
- The Concentration of Patent Ownership in Corporations pp. 112-17

- Donald Stevenson Watson and Mary A Holman
- Short-Run Cost Functions of a Multi-Product Firm pp. 118-28

- Ronald S Koot and David A Walker
- On the Sales Revenue Maximization Hypothesis pp. 129-40

- C J Hawkins
- Effective Competition in the Television Rentals Industry: A Note pp. 141-50

- J F Pickering
- A Note on Advertising and Uncertainty pp. 151-60

- Ira Horowitz
- A Survey into the R & D Evaluation and Control Procedures Currently Used in Industry pp. 161-81

- J M Allen
Volume 18, issue 1, 1969
- Business Pricing Policies and Inflation-Some Evidence from E.E.C. Countries pp. 1-14

- Louis Phlips
- Operational Marketing Research pp. 15-32

- A Mercer
- Some Effects of Policy on Productivity in Soviet and American Crude Petroleum Extraction pp. 33-52

- Earl R Brubaker
- Cost Functions for the Water Industry pp. 53-63

- J L Ford and J J Warford
- The Water Supply System up to A.D. 2001 pp. 64-75

- Douglas Wood
- An Empirical Investigation of Advertising and Concentration: Comment pp. 76-80

- Robert Ekelund and Charles Maurice
- Testing Hypothesis in Industrial Economics: A Reply pp. 81-84
- H Michael Mann, John A Henning and Meehan, James W,
- Another Look at Advertising and Concentration pp. 85-94

- Lester G Telser
- Statistical Testing in Industrial Economics: A Reply on Measurement Error and Sampling Procedure pp. 95-100

- H Michael Mann, John A Henning and Meehan, James W,
Volume 17, issue 3, 1969
- Pricing Pioneering Products pp. 165-79

- Joel Dean
- Some Managerial Influences on a Firm's Pricing Policy pp. 180-87

- A J Burkart
- The U.S. Tanker Industry: A Structural and Behavioral Analysis pp. 188-204

- Ran Hettena and Hirsch S Ruchlin
- Liner Nationality and Steamship Conference Rate-Making pp. 205-09

- John A Walgreen
- Television Station Profitability and FCC Regulatory Policy pp. 210-38

- Edward Greenberg
- The Computer Utility: Market Entry in Search of Public Policy pp. 239-52

- Manley R Irwin
Volume 17, issue 2, 1969
- Optimal Plant under Conditions of Risk pp. 81-85
- T M Whitin
- Measuring the Profitability of Advertising: An Empirical Study pp. 86-103

- Jean-Jacques Lambin
- Market Structure and Industrial Performance: Relation of Profit Rates to Concentration, Advertising Intensity, and Diversity pp. 104-18

- Richard A Miller
- The Behavior of the Firm with a Financial Restriction pp. 119-32

- Guido di Tella
- Stock Market Valuation and Acquisitions: An Empirical Test of One Component of Managerial Utility pp. 132-44

- D A Kuehn
- Tests of Market Share Stability in the Cigarette Industry 1950-66 pp. 145-50

- Thomas Havrilesky and Richard Barth
- The Organization of the Ceramic Industry around the Nagoya Area of Japan pp. 151-62

- Tsutomu Nakamura
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