Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 27, issue 4, 1979
- The Price of Oil: A Case of Negative Marginal Revenue pp. 301-15

- T Wilson
- Economies of Scale in the Cement Industry pp. 317-37

- George Norman
- The Impact of Selective Employment Policy: The Case of a Wage-Cost Subsidy Scheme in Germany, 1974-75 pp. 339-58

- Gunther Schmid
- Entropy Measure of Diversification and Corporate Growth pp. 359-69

- Alexis P Jacquemin and Charles H Berry
- Profit Rates and Market Shares of Leading Industrial Firms in Japan pp. 371-83

- Takeo Nakao
- Patenting Activity: A Re-evaluation of the Influence of Demand Pressures pp. 385-401

- Paul Stoneman
- Testing the Law of Proportionate Effect pp. 403-11

- Andrew Chesher
Volume 27, issue 3, 1979
- Vertical Integration in Competitive Markets under Uncertainty pp. 189-209
- Dennis Carlton
- On Bias and Concentration pp. 211-26

- P E Hart
- Profitability, Risk and Market Structure in West German Industries pp. 227-42

- Manfred Neumann, Ingo Böbel and Alfred Haid
- Fuel Adjustment Mechanisms and Economic Efficiency pp. 243-61

- David P Baron and Raymond R De Bondt
- Hedonic Prices and the Structure of the Digital Computer Industry pp. 263-75

- Robert Michaels
- Redefining the Boundaries of the Firm pp. 277-85

- Keith MacMillan and David Farmer
- The Price Commission and the Brewing Industry: A Critical Note pp. 287-94

- Kevin Hawkins
- The Price Commission Report on Books-A Short Critique pp. 295-99

- P J Curwen
Volume 27, issue 2, 1978
- Some Problems of the British Post Office pp. 97-107

- Carter, Charles [Sir]
- Growth of Firms, Capital Market Uncertainty and Managerial Tenure pp. 109-21

- G C Fethke and K A Currie
- The Abandonment of Major Mergers in the U.K., 1965-75 pp. 123-31

- J F Pickering
- The Provision of Municipal Sanitation Services by Private Firms: An Empirical Analysis of the Efficiency of Alternative Market Structures and Regulatory Arrangements pp. 133-47

- Franklin R Edwards and Barbara J Stevens
- Market Structure and Externalities: The Case of Water Pollution in England and Wales pp. 149-62

- D J Storey
- Economies of Scale in Sewage Purification and Disposal pp. 163-83

- Martin R J Knapp
- Monopoly-Power as a Means for Pollution-Control? pp. 185-87

- A Endres
Volume 27, issue 1, 1978
- Research and Product Innovation in Australian Manufacturing Industries pp. 1-12

- Ian McLean and David K Round
- Internal Organization and Profit: An Empirical Analysis of Large U.K. Companies pp. 13-30

- Peter S Steer and John R Cable
- On the Definition of 'Industry' and 'Market' pp. 31-40

- John Nightingale
- The Pattern of Industrial Concentration in Latin America pp. 41-47

- Patricio Meller
- Industry Inefficiency under Regulatory Surveillance pp. 49-68

- Michael W Pustay
- Profit Maximization in Chain Retail Stores pp. 69-83

- Ralph W Pfouts
- Territorial Exclusivity in the Soft Drink Industry pp. 85-96

- Barbara Katz
Volume 26, issue 4, 1978
- Market Structure, Oligopoly, and Stability of Market Shares pp. 289-313

- Richard E Caves and Michael E Porter
- Wage Rates, Concentration and Unionization in French Manufacturing Industries pp. 315-27

- Frédéric Jenny
- Market Structure and Innovation: A New Perspective pp. 329-47

- Ronald Shrieves
- Stockholder Control, Uncertainty and the Allocation of Resources to Research and Development pp. 349-61

- William McEachern and Anthony A Romeo
- Estimates of Demand Elasticities for International Telecommunications Services pp. 363-81

- John D Rea and Gerald M Lage
Volume 26, issue 3, 1978
- The Determinants of Concentration Trends in the French Manufacturing Sector pp. 193-207

- Frédéric Jenny and Andre-Paul Weber
- The Time-Cost Trade-Off for Airliners pp. 209-22

- Keith Hartley and W Corcoran
- Price and Quality Competition in the United States Drug Industry pp. 223-37

- W Duncan Reekie
- Incentive versus Cost-Plus Contracts in Defense Procurement pp. 239-48

- John R Hiller and Robert Tollison
- The Effects of Forward Vertical Integration of Service Performance of a Distributive Industry pp. 249-55

- Michael Etgar
- Corporate Control and Growth: An Alternative Approach pp. 257-66

- William McEachern
- Short-Run Industry Performance and Potential Competition pp. 267-72

- Raymond R De Bondt
- The Rate of Obsolescence of Technical Knowledge-A Note pp. 273-79

- D L Bosworth
- The Rate of Obsolescence of Technical Knowledge-A Comment pp. 281-83

- Kerry Schott
Volume 26, issue 2, 1977
- Heterogeneity within an Industry: Firm Conduct in the U.S. Brewing Industry, 1952-71 pp. 97-113

- Kenneth J Hatten and Dan E Schendel
- Market Structure and Buyer Loyalty: A Case Study of the West German Truck Market pp. 115-35

- Neil Dorward
- Regulation and Efficiency in Drug Wholesaling pp. 137-49

- Ph A Naert and R Swinnen
- Advertising and Concentration pp. 151-60

- Thomas S Friedland
- Technology Transfer through Commercial Transactions pp. 161-75
- Howard Davies
- Industrial Diversification and Internationalization: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 177-91
- Bernard M Wolf
Volume 26, issue 1, 1977
- Industrial Concentration in Belgium: Empirical Comparison of Alternative Seller Concentration Measures pp. 1-20

- Emil Vanlommel, Bert de Brabander and Dirk Liebaers
- Market Structure and Price Collusion: An Empirical Analysis pp. 21-44

- Arthur G Fraas and Douglas F Greer
- Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry-A Specification Error Approach pp. 45-51

- Peter Loeb and Vincent Lin
- Maritime Subsidies: Problems, Alternatives and Tradeoffs pp. 53-68

- R Charles Moyer
- Optimal Use of Existing Technology versus New Technology pp. 69-80

- Jacques de Bandt
- Trends in Vertical Integration in the U.S. Manufacturing Sector pp. 81-94

- Irvin B Tucker and Ronald P Wilder
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