Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 29, issue 4, 1981
- Profitability Measures as Indicators of Post-merger Efficiency pp. 335-44

- G Meeks and J G Meeks
- Cyclical Wage Flexibility, Inflation, and Industrial Structure: An Alternative View and Some Empirical Evidence pp. 345-56

- P David Qualls
- Product Durability and Market Structure: Some Evidence pp. 357-74

- Avinger, Robert L,
- Entry, Multiple-Brand Firms and Market Share Instability pp. 375-84

- John B Meisel
- Determinants of the Variance in Market Shares in Canadian Manufacturing pp. 385-93

- Harry Bloch
- Product Regulations: A Measure of the Benefits pp. 395-411

- Sharon Oster
- Profits, Regulation and the UK Aerospace Industry pp. 413-28

- Keith Hartley and Peter Watt
- Pricing Objectives in British Manufacturing Industry pp. 429-43

- David D Shipley
- Does the Choice of Concentration Measure Really Matter? pp. 445-53

- Kwoka, John E,
Volume 29, issue 3, 1981
- What Has Been Happening to Aggregate Concentration in the United States? pp. 223-30
- Lawrence White
- On the Economics of Multiplant Operation: Some Concepts and an Example pp. 231-45

- Bjorn Wahlroos
- Technological Diffusion in Industry: Research Needs and Shortcomings pp. 247-69

- Bela Gold
- Statistical Evidence on the Diversification of Japanese Large Firms pp. 271-78

- Akira Goto
- Monopoly Price-Advertising Decision-Making under Uncertainty pp. 279-85

- Ivan E Brick and Harsharanjeet S Jagpal
- A Translog Cost Function for Urban Bus Transit pp. 287-304

- Philip A Viton
- The Contribution of Mergers to Concentration Growth: A Reply to Professor Hart [On Bias and Concentration] pp. 305-13

- L Hannah and John Kay
- The Effects of Mergers on Industrial Concentration [On Bias and Concentration] pp. 315-20

- P E Hart
- The Contribution of Mergers to Industrial Concentration: What Do We Know? [The Contribution of Mergers to Concentration Growth] pp. 321-29
- S J Prais
- The Contribution of Mergers to Industrial Concentration: A Reply to Professor Prais [The Contribution of Mergers to Concentration Growth] pp. 331-32

- L Hannah and John Kay
Volume 29, issue 2, 1980
- International Trade and Industrial Organization: Introduction pp. 113-17

- Richard E Caves
- Foreign Trade and US Market Performance pp. 119-29

- Thomas A Pugel
- Concentration and Profitability in a Small Open Economy pp. 131-44

- Alexis Jacquemin, Elisabeth de Ghellinck and Christian Huveneers
- Testing Two Models of Pricing and Protection with Canada/United States Data pp. 145-54

- Tim Hazledine
- Import Competition and the Profitability of United Kingdom Manufacturing Industry pp. 155-66

- Philip Turner
- The Determinants of Productivity in Canadian Manufacturing Industries pp. 167-84

- Ronald Saunders
- Producer-Concentration as a Proxy for Seller-Concentration: Some Evidence from the World Automotive Industry pp. 185-202

- William Adams
- Sizes of Firms, Exporting Behavior, and the Structure of French Industry pp. 203-18

- Antoine A Auquier
Volume 29, issue 1, 1980
- The Dynamics of Changing Seller Concentration pp. 1-15

- Richard E Caves and Michael E Porter
- Competition and Productivity: A Study of the Metal Can Industry in Britain, Germany and the United States pp. 17-35

- Karin Wagner
- Forward Integration by Alcoa: 1888-1930 pp. 37-53

- Martin K Perry
- Average and Best-Practice Production Functions in German Industry pp. 55-70

- Horst Albach
- Some Thoughts on the Dry Bulk Shipping Sector pp. 71-84

- Peter B Marlow and Bernard Gardner
- An Econometric Analysis of Total Demand for Alcoholic Beverages in the U.K., 1956-75 pp. 85-109

- Tony McGuinness
Volume 28, issue 4, 1980
- The Profitability and Size of United Kingdom Companies, 1960-74 pp. 335-52

- Geoffrey Whittington
- Structural Change in West Germany's Brewing Industry: Some Efficiency Considerations pp. 353-68

- Jurgen Muller and Joachim Schwalbach
- A Model of the Effect of Conglomeration and Risk Aversion on Pricing pp. 369-86

- Ralph Bradburd
- The 1958 Automobile Information Disclosure Act: A Study of the Impact of Regulation pp. 387-403

- Richard Smith
- The UK Financial Leasing Industry-A Structural Analysis pp. 405-25

- Eleanor Morgan, Julian Lowe and Cyril Tomkins
- Merging Pricing Policies by Owner-Controlled versus Manager-Controlled Firms pp. 427-38

- Robert L Conn
- Control Type and the Market for Corporate Control: A Note pp. 439-41

- Michael L Lawriwsky
- Control Type and the Market for Corporate Control: Reply pp. 443-45

- Peter Holl
Volume 28, issue 3, 1980
- Price Expectations and Their Role in the Analysis of the UK Department of Industry's Investment Intentions Inquiries pp. 225-39

- P J Lund, W E Martin and A G G Bennett
- Factors Affecting Capital Retirement: Evidence from Capacity Decommissioning Plans in a Publicly Owned Corporation pp. 241-54

- Spyros K Lioukas
- Measuring the Industrial Stagnation: The Case of the US Railroads pp. 255-68

- Roger L M Dunbar and Marshall Sarnat
- The Rate Structure of Unit Coal Trains in the 1970s pp. 269-86

- Ann F Friedlaender, William L Ferguson and James Sloss
- Minimum Efficient Size and Seller Concentration: An Empirical Problem pp. 287-301

- Stephen Davies
- Profitability, Risk, and the Separation of Ownership from Control pp. 303-11

- James L Bothwell
- Industrial Structure and the Economic Problems of Industry in a Centrally Planned Economy: The Polish Case pp. 313-26

- G Blazyca
- A Problem of Measurement, from Plants to Enterprises in the Analysis of Diversification: A Note pp. 327-34

- Paul Gorecki
Volume 28, issue 2, 1979
- The Welfare Economics of Product Variety: An Application to the Ready-to-Eat Cereals Industry pp. 113-34

- F M Scherer
- Optimal Price Policy Following Product-Specific Technical Change pp. 135-45

- Elizabeth Bailey
- Modelling of New Orders for Private Industrial Building pp. 147-60

- R J Nicholson and S G Tebbutt
- Explaining Differences in Cyclical Employment Behavior in Thirteen Canadian Food and Beverage Processing Industries pp. 161-75

- Tim Hazledine
- Dynamics of Canadian Deposit-Taking Instutitions: A Markovian Approach pp. 177-88

- Baldev Raj, Peter G Kirkham and Edward W Clarke
- Size Structure, Turnover, and Mobility of the Largest Manufacturing Firms in a Developing Country: The Case of the Philippines pp. 189-200
- Charles W Linsey
- Some Limitations of Long-Run Production Modeling with Pseudo-Data pp. 201-07

- V. Smith and William J Vaughan
- Firm Size and Operating Costs in Urban Bus Transportation pp. 209-18

- Martin Williams
- The Founders of New Manufacturing Firms: A Note on the Size of Their 'Incubator' Plants pp. 219-24

- P S Johnson and D G Cathcart
Volume 28, issue 1, 1979
- Price-Cost Margins and Market Structure: A Contingency Approach pp. 1-22

- E Vanlommel and B De Brabander
- Managerial Control and Economic Performance in Western Germany pp. 23-37

- P J Thonet and O H Poensgen
- Diffusion and Technological Specificity: The Case of Continuous Casting pp. 39-53

- Gerhard Rosegger
- Market Power in Health Insurance, Effects on Insurance and Medical Markets pp. 55-72

- Harry Frech
- The Use of Real Cost as an Efficiency Measure: An Application to Merging Firms pp. 73-88

- J Cubbin and G Hall
- A Simultaneous Equation Analysis of the Structure and Performance of the United States Petroleum Refining Industry pp. 89-104

- H Landis Gabel
- A Note on the Empirical Measurement of Vertical Integration pp. 105-07

- Edwin Eckard
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