Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven
From Wiley Blackwell
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Volume 31, issue 4, 1983
- An Empirical Analysis of Stockholder Injury under Section 2 of the Sherman Act pp. 333-62

- Malcolm R Burns
- Regulation of "Administered" Prices: An Empirical Analysis of the Microeconomics of Price Movement in Finland, 1972-77 pp. 363-81

- Bjorn Wahlroos
- Joint Costs and Intra-Tariff Cross-Subsidies: The Case of Liner Shipping pp. 383-96

- J A Zerby and R M Conlon
- An International Comparison of the Fiscal Treatment of Shipping pp. 397-415

- Bernard Gardner and Peter Marlow
- An Analysis of Cost and Supply Conditions in the Liner Shipping Industry pp. 417-35

- J E Davies
- Co-Operative Agreements and the Organization of Industry pp. 437-51

- P Mariti and R H Smiley
- The Impact of Joint Ventures on the Market for OCS Oil and Gas Leases pp. 453-68

- Alan Rockwood
- Economic Effects of Non-Binding Price Constraints pp. 469-74

- Rex L Cottle and Myles S Wallace
Volume 31, issue 3, 1983
- Industrial Concentration: A Survey pp. 203-55

- B Curry and K D George
- The Performances of Merging Firms in Japanese Manufacturing Industry: 1964-75 pp. 257-66

- Katsuhiko Ikeda and Noriyuki Doi
- The Causes and Consequences of Abandoned Mergers pp. 267-81

- J F Pickering
- A Note on Conglomerate Merger and Behavioural Response to Risk pp. 283-89

- Norman J Ireland
- Anatomy of a Price Leadership Challenge: An Evaluation of Pricing Strategies in the Australian Newspaper Industry pp. 291-311

- William J Merrilees
- Innovation in a Labor-Managed Firm: A Membership Perspective pp. 313-29

- John P Bonin
Volume 31, issue 1-2, 1982
- Spatial Competition and the Theory of Differentiated Markets: An Introduction pp. 1-9

- Louis Philips and Jacques Thisse
- Spatial Competition a la Hotelling: A Selective Survey pp. 13-25
- Dominique Graitson
- Product Differentiation and the Consistency of Monopolistic Competition: A Spatial Perspective pp. 27-39

- Dennis Capozza and Robert Van Order
- Innovative Entry: Profit Hidden beneath the Zero pp. 41-56

- Kelvin Lancaster
- Competitive Behaviour in Chain-Linked Markets pp. 57-67

- Robert Rothschild
- Product Proliferation in Characteristics Space: The U.K. Fertiliser Industry pp. 69-91

- R W Shaw
- Existence and Computation of Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium for 3-Firms Location Problem pp. 93-96

- A Shaked
- Differentiated Products, Consumer Search, and Locational Oligopoly pp. 97-113

- Konrad Stahl
- Product Differentiation with Income Disparities: An Illustrative Model pp. 115-29

- Jean Gabszewicz and Jacques Thisse
- Recent Developments in the Analysis of Spatial Competition and Their Implications for Industrial Economics pp. 133-51
- Neil Dorward
- Dynamic Market Strategy under Threat of Competitive Entry: An Analysis of the Pricing and Production Policies Open to the Multinational Company pp. 153-74

- George Norman and Nancy K Nichols
- Spatial Price Duopoly under Uniform Delivered Pricing pp. 175-87

- Richard E Schuler and Benjamin Hobbs
- Pricing Policies under Conditions of Spatial Competition pp. 189-94

- Menahem Spiegel
Volume 30, issue 4, 1982
- The Development of First-Class Cricket in England: An Economic Analysis pp. 337-60

- J A Schofield
- Excessive Advertising: An Empirical Analysis pp. 361-73

- Jeffry M Netter
- Intangible Capital Aspects of Advertising and R&D Expenditures pp. 375-90

- Mark Hirschey
- Capacity-Neutral Investments and Capacity Measurement in Manufacturing pp. 391-403

- Ronald F Rost
- Monopoly Power and the Recycling of Raw Materials pp. 405-19

- Robert E Martin
- Diffusion of the Basic Oxygen Furnace in the U.S. Steel Industry pp. 421-37

- Sumrall, James B,
- The Demand for Alcohol in the UK: A Comment pp. 439-46

- Brendan M Walsh
- The Demand for Alcohol in the UK: Reply pp. 447-48

- Tony McGuinness
Volume 30, issue 3, 1982
- Demand-Pull and Technological Invention: Schmookler Revisited pp. 225-37

- F M Scherer
- Scale Economies in Research and Development: The Schumpeterian Hypothesis pp. 239-49

- Meir Kohn and John Scott
- Risk Aversion and Bidding Behavior for Offshore Petroleum Leases pp. 251-69

- James Smith
- Pricing Behaviour in the UK Wholesale Market for Petrol, 1970-80: A "Structure-Conduct" Analysis pp. 271-92

- R M Grant
- Advertising and Intraindustry Brand Shift in the U.S. Brewing Industry pp. 293-303

- Christina M L Kelton and W David Kelton
- Consumer Information and the Pricing of Legal Services pp. 305-18

- Steven R Cox, Allan C DeSerpa and Canby, William C,
- Interpreting a Correlation between Market Structure and Performance pp. 319-26

- Paul Geroski
- A Model of the Effect of Conglomeration and Risk-Aversion on Pricing: A Comment pp. 327-33

- Harsharanjeet S Jagpal and Ivan E Brick
Volume 30, issue 2, 1981
- The Relation between Energy and Non-Energy Inputs in India's Manufacturing Industries pp. 113-22

- Martin Williams and Prem S Laumas
- New Data on the Diffusion of the Basic Oxygen Furnace in the U.S. and Japan pp. 123-35

- Leonard Lynn
- Price Change and Oligopoly pp. 137-47

- S Aaronovitch and Malcolm Sawyer
- The Financial Characteristics of Firms and Theories of Merger Activity pp. 149-72

- Paul Levine and Sam Aaronovitch
- Internal Organization and Economic Performance: An Empirical Analysis of the Profitability of Principal Firms pp. 173-99

- David Teece
- Internal Organization and Profit: A Note [Internal Organization and Profit: An Empirical Analysis of Large UK Companies] pp. 201-11

- R S Thompson
- The Case of Monopoly and Pollution [Monopoly Power as a Means to Pollution Control] pp. 213-16

- Antony Dnes
- On the Measurement of Aggregate Concentration [What Has Been Happening to Aggregate Concentration in the United States?] pp. 217-22

- Robert Feinberg
- On Measuring Aggregate Concentration: A Reply [What Has Been Happening to Aggregate Concentration in the United States?] pp. 223-24
- Lawrence White
Volume 30, issue 1, 1981
- Efficiency Gains from Strategic Investment pp. 1-23

- Richard Smith
- Pricing Policy in the Texturising Industry, 1958-71 pp. 25-38

- Andres Likierman
- Market Power and Manufacturer Leasing pp. 39-47

- Mark Hirschey and James L Pappas
- Pollution Abatement Costs in the Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales pp. 49-65

- Nicolas H Highton and Michael G Webb
- Prices and Concentration in the Food Retailing Industry pp. 67-78

- R McFall Lamm
- Property Rights and the Pricing of Real Estate Brokerage pp. 79-94

- Randall Bartlett
- Optimal Adjustments to Changes in the Price of Advertising pp. 95-103

- Michael Baye
- The Simple Economics of Basic Scientific Research: A Test of Nelson's Diversification Hypothesis pp. 105-09

- Albert Link and James E Long