Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 22, issue 4, 1974
- Prices and Profits in Petrochemicals: An Appraisal of Investment by Less Developed Countries pp. 245-54

- M A Adelman and Martin B Zimmerman
- Business Pricing Policies in Japanese Manufacturing Industry pp. 255-64

- Yoichi Shinkai
- The Industrial Economics of Britain's Entry into the E.E.C.-A Framework for Analysing the Dynamic Effects pp. 265-80

- Y S Hu
- The U.K. Potato Crisp Industry, 1960-72: A Study of New Entry Competition pp. 281-97

- Alan Bevan
- Some Observations on Exit from the Motor Insurance Industry, 1966-1972 pp. 299-313

- Peter J Franklin
- Barriers to Entry and the Stability of Market Structures: A Note pp. 315-20

- Thomas D Duchesneau
Volume 22, issue 3, 1974
- Employment and Output Functions for New Zealand Manufacturing Industries pp. 161-98

- Tim Hazledine
- An Industrial Performance Evaluation Experiment pp. 199-214

- Steven R Cox
- Advertising and Inter-Industry Competition: Testing a Galbraithian Hypothesis pp. 215-26

- Ronald P Wilder
- Oligopolistic Interdependence and the Revenue Maximization Hypothesis-Note pp. 227-33

- T A Murphy and Yew-Kwang Ng
- Growth and Product Differentiability as Factors Influencing Changes in Concentration pp. 235-40

- James A Dalton and Stephen A Rhoades
Volume 22, issue 2, 1973
- Returns to Scale in Research in the Ethical Pharmaceutical Industry: Some Further Empirical Evidence pp. 81-93

- Alan S Angilley
- The Fiscal Treatment of Shipping pp. 95-117
- Bernard Gardner and Peter Richardson
- Market Structure and Economic Performance in U.K. Manufacturing Industry pp. 119-39

- Sally E Holtermann
- The Determinants of Pricing Behaviour: A Study of the Canadian Cotton Textile Industry pp. 141-52

- Donald McFetridge
- Research and Development and Productivity Change in the U.S., 1948-1968 pp. 153-55

- John A Shaw and Don R Leet
- Investment Variability, Seller Concentration, and Plant Scale Economies pp. 157-60

- Frederic M Scherer
Volume 22, issue 1, 1973
- Profit Rates and Market Structure of Advertising Intensive Firms pp. 1-20

- John M Vernon and Robert E M Nourse
- The Critical Level of Concentration: An Empirical Analysis pp. 21-36

- Meehan, James W, and Thomas D Duchesneau
- The Influence of Price and Trading Stamps on Retail Petrol Sales pp. 37-50

- R V F Robinson and J Hebden
- Stock-Market Based Measures of Corporate Diversification pp. 51-60

- Amir Barnea and Dennis E Logue
- The International Diffusion of an Innovation pp. 61-69

- Philip L Swan
- On the Rationality of Limit Pricing pp. 71-80

- D K Osborne
Volume 21, issue 3, 1973
- Rivalry in Industrial Research and Development pp. 209-35

- Henry G Grabowski and Nevins D Baxter
- A Study of Trade Association Price Fixing pp. 236-56

- M Howe
- The Structure of Liner Conference Rates pp. 257-65

- Trevor D Heaver
- United States Oil Import Quotas and the Price of Foreign Oil pp. 266-71

- G Heitmann
- On Revenue Maximizing Duopoly pp. 272-92

- John P Formby
- An Analysis of Efficiency of Scale and Organizational Form in Commercial Banking pp. 293-307

- Kalish, Lionel, and R. Gilbert
- Investment and Competition from Boom to Recession: A Case Study in the Processes of Competition-The Dry Cleaning Industry pp. 308-24

- R W Shaw
Volume 21, issue 2, 1973
- Industrial Electricity Consumption-An Example of an Intermediate Good pp. 95-109
- A R Bell
- U.S. and French Productivity in 19 Manufacturing Industries pp. 110-25

- Krishnamurti Chandrasekar
- In Defence of the Industrial Training Act pp. 126-44

- James J Hughes
- Capacity-Utilization, Concentration, and Price-Cost Margins: Results on Indian Industries pp. 145-53

- Pawan K Sawhney and Bansi Sawhney
- The Economic Significance of Small Firms pp. 154-66

- David Waite
- Regulation, Profits and Entry in the Television Broadcasting Industry pp. 167-76

- Douglas W Webbink
- A Note on Variable Patent Life pp. 177-83

- Fred D Arditti and Richard L Sandor
- Seasonal Fluctuations in the Motor Vehicle Industry: A Comment pp. 184-86

- P Smith
- Illusions in Testing for Administered Prices pp. 187-95

- Howard N Ross
- Illusions in Testing for Administered Prices: A Reply pp. 196-99

- Louis Phlips
- On the Sales Maximization Hypothesis: A Comment pp. 200-02

- J R Davies
- Concentration, Barriers to Entry, and Rates of Return Revisited: A Reply pp. 203-04

- H Michael Mann
Volume 21, issue 1, 1972
- Company Pricing Policy pp. 1-16

- A M Alfred
- Changes in the Top 100 Quoted Manufacturing Companies in the United Kingdom 1948 to 1968 pp. 17-34

- G Whittington
- Structure and Behavior in British Industries, with U.S. Comparisons pp. 35-54

- William G Shepherd
- Nonprice Competition in Jet Aircraft Capacity pp. 55-71

- Joseph V Yance
- Some Preliminary Evidence of Imperfections in Markets pp. 72-82

- Richard W Furst and Robert E Markland
- More on the Output Elasticity of Energy Consumption pp. 83-92

- L G Brookes
Volume 20, issue 3, 1972
- A Life Cycle Theory of the Firm pp. 199-219

- Dennis Mueller
- Iron Ore and Steel: A Case Study of the Economic Causes and Consequences of Vertical Integration pp. 220-29

- Richard B Mancke
- Heavy Commercial Vehicles: The Survival of the Small Firm pp. 230-52

- D G Rhys
- Vertical Quasi-Integration pp. 253-72

- K J Blois
- The Fixed Coefficients Production Process under Production Uncertainty pp. 273-86

- Gary M Roodman
- Raising the Capital Budgeting Hurdle pp. 287-90

- M J Mumford
- Economies of Scale in Retailing: A Note pp. 291-94

- K A Tucker
Volume 20, issue 2, 1972
- Concentration and Specialization in Industry pp. 107-21

- Kenneth D George
- Market Structure and the Firm's Market Power pp. 122-34

- Alex P Jacquemin
- Public Responsibility in the Private Corporation pp. 135-45

- Kenneth R Andrews
- Concentration, Barriers to Entry, and Long Run Economic Profit Margins pp. 146-58

- David Qualls
- Market Structure, Rivals' Response, and the Firm's Rate of Product Improvement pp. 159-72

- Morton I Kamien and Nancy L Schwartz
- On the Uses of Private Brands pp. 173-78

- Yoram Peles
- The American Automobile Industry and the Small Car, 1945-70 pp. 179-92

- Lawrence White
- Concentration, Barriers to Entry, and Rates of Return Revisited pp. 193-95

- Stephen A Rhoades
Volume 20, issue 1, 1971
- Excess Capacity as a Barrier to Entry pp. 14-19

- John T Wenders
- Competition in the Brewing Industry pp. 20-41

- Kevin Hawkins and Rosemary Radcliffe
- The Effect of Mergers on Concentration: U.K. Manufacturing Industry, 1954-65 pp. 42-58

- M A Utton
- Changes in the Size Structure of the Largest European Firms: An Entropy Measure pp. 59-70

- Alex P Jacquemin and Anne-Marie Kumps
- Snares in the Labour Productivity Measure of Efficiency: Some Examples from Indian Nitrogen Fertilizer Manufacture pp. 71-84

- Stephen Merrett
- Note on 'The Determination of Selling Prices' pp. 85-89

- John Sizer
- Cost Functions, Concentration and Barriers to Entry in Twenty-Nine Manufacturing Industries of India: A Comment and Reinterpretation pp. 90-95

- John A Walgreen
- Long-run Cost Curves: A Comment pp. 96-98

- Robert W Mitchell
- Cost Functions, Concentration and Barriers to Entry in Twenty-Nine Manufacturing Industries of India: A Reply pp. 99-102

- Vinod K Gupta
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