Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 45, issue 4, 1997
- X‐Inefficiency, Competition and Market Information pp. 359-375

- Paolo Bertoletti and Clara Poletti
- Measuring Market Power and Cost‐efficiency Effects of Industrial Concentration pp. 377-386

- Azzeddine M. Azzam
- Economic Reforms and Productive Capacity Realisation in Bangladesh: an Empirical Analysis pp. 387-403

- Kaliappa Kalirajan and Ruhul Salim
- Competition Among Middlemen When Buyers and Sellers Can Trade Directly pp. 405-427

- John Fingleton
- Government‐Assisted Oligopoly Coordination? A Concrete Case pp. 429-443

- Svend Albæk, Peter Møllgaard and Per B. Overgaard
- Downstream Vertical Foreclosure and Upstream Innovation pp. 445-456

- Christodoulos Stefanadis
Volume 45, issue 3, 1997
- Sequential Auctions of Interdependent Objects: Israeli Cable Television Licenses pp. 227-244

- Neil Gandal
- Looking at the Cost Side of “Monopoly” pp. 245-267

- Karl Aiginger and Michael Pfaffermayr
- The Restructuring and Privatisation of Britain's CEGB—Was It Worth It? pp. 269-303

- David M Newbery and Michael Pollitt
- The Differentiation Triangle pp. 305-328

- Marcel Canoy and Martin Peitz
- The Competitive Effects of Price‐Floors pp. 329-340

- V. Bhaskar
- Utilization of R&D Results in the Home and Foreign Plants of Multinationals pp. 341-358

- Gunnar Fors
Volume 45, issue 2, 1997
- Price Wars and the Stability of Collusion: A Study of the Pre‐World War I Bromine Industry pp. 117-137

- Margaret Levenstein
- The Provision of (Two‐way) Converters in the Transition Process to a New Incompatible Technology pp. 139-153

- Jay Pil Choi
- The Learning Curve, Predation, Antitrust, and Welfare pp. 155-169

- Luis Cabral and Michael H. Riordan
- Corporate Growth and Profitability pp. 171-189

- Paul Geroski, Stephen Machin and Chris Walters
- Partial Ownership Arrangements and Collusion in the Automobile Industry pp. 191-205

- Wilson A. Alley
- On Strategic Quantity Bidding in Multiple Unit Auctions pp. 207-217

- Rafael Tenorio
- Market‐structure Determinants of National Brand–Private Label Price Differences of Manufactured Food Products: Comment pp. 219-223

- Jeroen Hinloopen and Stephen Martin
- Market‐structure Determinants of National Brand–Private Label Price Differences of Manufactured Food Products: Reply pp. 225-226

- John Connor and Everett Peterson
Volume 45, issue 1, 1997
- Retail Contracting: Theory and Practice pp. 1-25

- Francine Lafontaine and Margaret Slade
- Do Other Firms Matter in Oligopolies? pp. 27-45

- Jonathan Haskel and Pasquale Scaramozzino
- Cheap Talk and Investment Rivalry in the Pulp and Paper Industry pp. 47-73

- Laurits Rolf Christensen and Richard E. Caves
- Tight Average Revenue Regulation Can Be Worse Than No Regulation pp. 75-88

- Simon Cowan
- On the Consistency of Merger Policy pp. 89-100

- Tore Nilssen
- Minimum Quality Standards and Collusion pp. 101-113

- Giulio Ecchia and Luca Lambertini
- Vertical vs Horizontal Integration: Pre‐emptive Merging: A Correction pp. 115-115

- Guiseppe Colangelo
Volume 44, issue 4, 1996
- Principals, Agents, and the Learning Curve: The Case of Steam-Electric Power Plant Design and Construction pp. 357-75

- Mark J McCabe
- Price Premia to Name Brands: An Empirical Analysis pp. 377-88

- Steven N Wiggins and David Raboy
- Are Sutton's Predictions Robust?: Empirical Insights into Advertising, R&D, and Concentration pp. 389-408

- William T Robinson and Jeongwen Chiang
- A Robust Test for Consumer Welfare Enhancing Mergers among Sellers of Differentiated Products pp. 409-13

- Gregory Werden
- Search Intensity in Oligopoly pp. 415-26

- Paulo Guimaraes
- Capital Precommitment and Competition in Supply Schedules pp. 427-41

- Simon Grant and John Quiggin
- Fixed-Fee Licensing of Innovations and Collusion pp. 443-49

- Ping Lin
Volume 44, issue 3, 1996
- A Robust Methodology for Ramsey Pricing with an Application to UK Postal Services pp. 229-47

- Keith Cuthbertson and Ian Dobbs
- Patent Races and Optimal Patent Breadth and Length pp. 249-65

- Vincenzo Denicolo'
- Competition Effects of Price Liberalization in Insurance pp. 267-87

- Pedro Barros
- Trade Unions and Firms' Product Market Power pp. 289-307

- Jacques Bughin
- Competition under Financial Distress pp. 309-24

- Igal Hendel
- Negotiation and Renegotiation of Optimal Financial Contracts under the Threat of Predation pp. 325-43

- Christopher Snyder
- Quality Choice in Models of Vertical Differentiation pp. 345-53

- Xavier Wauthy
Volume 44, issue 2, 1996
- Excluding Capacity-Constrained Entrants through Exclusive Dealing: Theory and an Application to Ocean Shipping pp. 115-29

- Jongsay Yong
- The Access Pricing Problem: A Synthesis pp. 131-50

- Mark Armstrong, Chris Doyle and John Vickers
- Patent Height and Competition in Product Improvements pp. 151-67

- Theon van Dijk
- On the Interaction between Vertical and Horizontal Product Differentiation: An Application to Banking pp. 169-86

- Hans Degryse
- Capacity Constraints and Export Performance: Theory and Evidence from Belgian Manufacturing pp. 187-204

- Jacques Bughin
- Increasing Competition in the British Electricity Spot Market pp. 205-16

- Richard Green
- Product Market Competition and the Impact of Price Uncertainty on Investment: Some Evidence from US Manufacturing Industries pp. 217-28

- Vivek Ghosal and Prakash Loungani
Volume 44, issue 1, 1996
- Making Hay While the Sun Shines pp. 1-16

- Stefan Szymanski
- Customer Return Policies for Experience Goods pp. 17-24

- Yeon-Koo Che
- Quality Uncertainty and Price in Monopoly Markets pp. 25-32

- Michael R Kehoe
- Price Advertising and Coupons in a Monopoly Model pp. 33-52

- Ramon Caminal
- Corporate Restructuring and the Consolidation of US Industry pp. 53-68

- Julia Porter Liebeskind, Tim C Opler and Donald E Hatfield
- Estimating the Size Distribution of Firms Using Government Summary Statistics pp. 69-80

- Amos Golan, George Judge and Jeffrey Perloff
- Multi-period Competition with Switching Costs: An Overlapping Generations Formulation pp. 81-87

- Ted To
- Entrepreneur or Manager: Who Runs the Firm? pp. 89-98

- Gianni De Fraja
- Increasing Returns and Externalities in UK Manufacturing: Myth or Reality? pp. 99-113

- Nicholas Oulton
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