Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 43, issue 4, 1995
- Product and Process Innovation as a Response to Increasing Import and Foreign Direct Investment pp. 341-57

- Irene Bertschek
- Japan's Corporate Groups: Collusion or Competitive? An Empirical Investigation of Keiretsu Behavior pp. 359-76

- David Weinstein and Yishay Yafeh
- Regulation of a Multi-product Monopolist: Effects on Pricing and Bundling pp. 377-97

- Kenneth Corts
- Tighter Average Revenue Regulation Can Reduce Consumer Welfare pp. 399-404

- Peter J Law
- Simulation of Concentration Development from Modified Gibrat Growth-Entry-Exit Processes pp. 405-33

- Pat McCloughan
- Time-Based Competition and the Privatization of Services pp. 435-54

- Rune Steinbacka and Mihkel M Tombak
Volume 43, issue 3, 1995
- "Breach of Trust" in Takeovers and the Optimal Corporate Charter pp. 229-59

- Monika Schnitzer
- Profiting from Induced Changes in Competitors' Market Values: The Case of Entry and Entry Deterrence pp. 261-76

- Robert G Hansen and Lott, John R,
- The Limited Role of Market Power in Generating Great Fortunes in Great Britain, the United States, and Australia pp. 277-86

- John Siegfried, Rudolph C Blitz and David K Round
- Price-Matching Policy and the Principle of Minimum Differentiation pp. 287-99

- Zhong Zhang
- Privatisation and X-Inefficiency: A Bargaining Approach pp. 301-21

- Jonathan Haskel and Amparo Sanchis-Llopis
- Vertical vs. Horizontal Integration: Pre-emptive Merging pp. 323-37

- Giuseppe Colangelo
Volume 43, issue 2, 1995
- Sole-Sourcing versus Competitive Bidding: US Government Agencies' Procedural Choices for Mainframe Computer Procurement pp. 125-40

- Shane Greenstein
- Competition in European Aviation: Pricing Policy and Market Structure pp. 141-59

- Pedro L Marin
- Sunk Costs, Firm Size and Firm Growth pp. 161-72

- Luis Cabral
- Technological Diffusion with Social Learning pp. 173-95

- Sandeep Kapur
- Network Competition, Product Quality, and Market Coverage in the Presence of Network Externalities pp. 197-208

- Benjamin Bental and Menahem Spiegel
- Equilibrium and Optimal Size of a Research Joint Venture in an Oligopoly with Spillovers pp. 209-26

- Joanna Poyago-Theotoky
Volume 43, issue 1, 1995
- Bertrand Competition When Rivals' Costs Are Unknown pp. 1-11

- Daniel Spulber
- Complementarity and Cumulative Learning Effects in the Early Diffusion of Multiple Technologies pp. 13-48

- Massimo G Colombo and Rocco Mosconi
- Investment, Cash Flow, and Sunk Costs pp. 49-61

- Paula R Worthington
- Vertical Separation and Horizontal Mergers pp. 63-75

- Steffen Ziss
- Competition and Cooperation within a Multidivisional Firm pp. 77-99

- Ramon Fauli-Oller and Magdalena Giralt
- Asymmetric International Minimum Quality Standards and Vertical Differentiation pp. 101-19

- Anette Boom
- Hotelling Location Problems with Directional Constraints: An Application to Television News Scheduling pp. 121-24

- Maria Cancian, Angela Bills and Ted Bergstrom
Volume 42, issue 4, 1994
- The Effects of Expectations on Technology Adoption: Some Empirical Evidence pp. 341-60

- Allen M Weiss
- No Lease is Short Enough to Solve the Time Inconsistency Problem pp. 361-74

- Patrick DeGraba
- Strategic R&D with Spillovers, Collusion and Welfare pp. 375-93

- Steffen Ziss
- Vertical Mergers and Firm-Specific Physical Capital: Three Case Studies and Some Evidence on Timing pp. 395-417

- Avi Weiss
- Mergers and Malls pp. 419-28

- Alan Beggs
- Further Evidence on Competition in the US Grain Export Trade pp. 429-37

- Paul M Patterson and Philip Abbott
Volume 42, issue 3, 1994
- Life Duration of New Firms pp. 227-45

- José Mata and Pedro Portugal
- Preemptive Adoptions of an Emerging Technology pp. 247-61

- Michael Riordan and David Salant
- The Durability of Advertising Revisited pp. 263-76

- Elisabeth M Landes and Andrew M Rosenfield
- The Effect of Rising Import Competition on Market Power: A Panel Data Study of U.S. Manufacturing pp. 277-86

- Michelle M Katics and Bruce Petersen
- A Generalized Model of Horizontal Product Differentiation pp. 287-98

- Sabine Bockem
- Antidumping Cases in the U.S. Chemical Industry: A Panel Data Approach pp. 299-311

- Corinne Krupp
- Partial Ownership Arrangements and the Potential for Collusion pp. 313-22

- David Reitman
- Information Sharing through Sales Report pp. 323-33

- Jim Jin
- Market Opening under Third-Degree Price Discrimination pp. 335-40

- Stephen Layson
Volume 42, issue 2, 1994
- Age, Size, Growth and Survival: UK Companies in the 1980s pp. 115-40

- John Dunne and Alan Hughes
- The Post-entry Performance of New Small Firms in German Manufacturing Industries pp. 141-54

- Joachim Wagner
- The Welfare Implications of Unauthorized Reproduction of Intellectual Property in the Presence of Demand Network Externalities pp. 155-66

- Lisa N Takeyama
- Network Externality, Compatibility Choice, and Planned Obsolescence pp. 167-82

- Jay Choi
- Random Pricing by Monopolists pp. 183-92

- Thomas Beard and George H Sweeney
- The Effects of Market Concentration and Excess Demand on the Price of Nursing Home Care pp. 193-204

- John Nyman
- The Effects of Resale Price Maintenance on Shareholder Wealth: The Consequences of Schwegmann pp. 205-16

- Philip L Hersch
- Beta, Market Power and Wage Rate Uncertainty pp. 217-26

- Paul S Peyser
Volume 42, issue 1, 1994
- Market-Specific Effects of Rail Deregulation pp. 1-22

- Wesley Wilson
- Capacity and Competition: Empirical Evidence on UK Panel Data pp. 23-44

- Jonathan Haskel and Christopher Martin
- What Does an Oligopoly Maximize? pp. 45-61

- Margaret Slade
- Risk-Sharing in International Trade: An Analysis of Countertrade pp. 63-77

- Erwin Amann and Dalia Marin
- Cournot Equilibrium with Imperfectly Appropriable R&D pp. 79-92

- R David Simpson and Nicholas S Vonortas
- Concentration and Mobility Statistics in Canada's Manufacturing Sector pp. 93-103

- John Baldwin and Paul Gorecki
- Optimal Nonuniform Pricing with Generalized Consumer Choice pp. 105-13

- Michael A Einhorn
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