Journal of Industrial Economics
1969 - 2025
Current editor(s): Pierre Regibeau, Yeon-Koo Che, Kenneth Corts, Thomas Hubbard, Patrick Legros and Frank Verboven From Wiley Blackwell Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 41, issue 4, 1993
- Price Discrimination, Competition and Regulation pp. 335-59

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- Planned Obsolescence as an Engine of Technological Progress pp. 361-70

- Arthur Fishman, Neil Gandal and Oz Shy
- Merger Failure and Merger Profitability pp. 371-86

- Morten Hviid and Canice Prendergast
- Strategic Cost Allocation pp. 387-402

- Esther Gal-Or
- Retail Pharmacy in Melbourne: Actual and Optimal Densities pp. 403-19

- Michael Waterson
- Reservation Price Announcements in Sealed Bid Auctions pp. 421-29

- Kathleen Carey
- Endogeneity in the Concentration-Price Relationship: Causes, Consequences, and Cures pp. 431-38

- William Evans, Luke Froeb and Gregory Werden
Volume 41, issue 3, 1993
- Product Line Rivalry with Brand Differentiation pp. 223-40

- Richard Gilbert and Carmen Matutes
- Monopoly Pricing of Capacity Usage under Asymmetric Information pp. 241-57

- Daniel Spulber
- Windfall Profits and Vertical Relationships: Who Gained in the Japanese Auto Industry from VERs? pp. 259-76

- John Ries
- Market Power, Information and Efficiency: The Link between Solutions and Equilibrium Distortions pp. 277-93

- Julianne Nelson
- The Distribution of Price Changes in Oligopoly pp. 295-313

- Simon Domberger and Denzil Fiebig
- The AKZO Decision: A Case of Predatory Pricing? pp. 315-21

- Louis Phlips and Ireneo Miguel Moras
- A Note on Consumer Search, Firm Location Choice, and Welfare pp. 323-31

- Marc Dudey
Volume 41, issue 2, 1993
- Endogenous Quality Choice: Price vs. Quantity Competition pp. 113-31

- Massimo Motta
- Some Results of Experimental Duopoly Markets with Demand Intertia pp. 133-51

- Claudia Keser
- An Experimental Test of Discount-Rate Effects on Collusive Behaviour in Duopoly Markets pp. 153-60

- Robert Feinberg and Thomas Husted
- An Empirical Analysis of Canadian Merger Policy pp. 161-77

- R S Khemani and Daniel M Shapiro
- Target Profits and Managerial Discipline during the Conglomerate Merger Wave pp. 179-89

- John Matsusaka
- A Consumer as an Entrant in the Norwegian Cement Market pp. 191-204

- Lars Sørgard
- Evidence on Agglomeration in Quality Space--Revisisted pp. 205-14

- Orlen Grunewald, David J Faulds and Mark S McNulty
- On the Dampening-of-Competition Effect of Exclusive Dealing pp. 215-21

- Daniel P O'Brien and Greg Shaffer
Volume 41, issue 1, 1993
- Reputation as a Mechanism Alleviating Opportunistic Host Government Behavior against MNEs pp. 1-17

- Reinhilde Veugelers
- Differentiated Products with R&D pp. 19-28

- John F R Harter
- Profit Margins and the Business Cycle: Evidence from UK Manufacturing Firms pp. 29-50

- Stephen Machin and John van Reenen
- Demand Fluctuations and Firm Heterogeneity pp. 51-60

- Bhaskar J Das, William F Chappell and William Shughart
- The Provision of Information in a Bertrand Oligopoly pp. 61-76

- Norman J Ireland
- Flexible Manufacturing, Uncertain Consumer Tastes, and Strategic Entry Deterrence pp. 77-90

- Myong-Hun Chang
- The Managerial, Regulatory, and Financial Determinants of Bank Merger Premiums pp. 91-102

- Darius Palia
- Note on Risk Aversion and Sharing of Firm-Specific Information in Duopolies pp. 103-12

- Jennifer L Kao and John S Hughes
Volume 40, issue 4, 1992
- Horizontal Mergers in Spatially Differentiated Noncooperative Markets pp. 349-58

- Randolph McAfee, Joseph J Simons and Michael Williams
- Persistence of Leadership in Product Innovation pp. 359-75

- Harald Gruber
- A Dynamic Theory of Conjectural Variations pp. 377-95

- Engelbert Dockner
- Sequential Entry with Brand Loyalty Caused by Consumer Learning-by-Using pp. 397-416

- Jean Gabszewicz, Lynne Pepall and Jacques Thisse
- The Variation of Productivity within British and German Industries pp. 417-25

- P E Hart and A Shipman
- Barrier and Queue Effects: A Study of Leading U.S. Supermarket Chain Entry Patterns pp. 427-40

- Ronald Cotterill and Lawrence E Haller
- Effects of Cost Changes on Oligopolists' Profits pp. 441-49

- Sheldon Kimmel
Volume 40, issue 3, 1992
- On the Welfare Effects of Regulating Price Discrimination pp. 237-48

- Norman J Ireland
- Basing Point Pricing: Competition versus Collusion pp. 249-60

- Jacques Thisse and Xavier Vives
- Multiproduct Firms: A Nested Logit Approach pp. 261-76

- Simon Anderson and André de Palma
- Regulation with "20-20 Hindsight": Least-Cost Rules and Variable Costs pp. 277-89

- Thomas Lyon
- Profit Sharing in the British Retail Trade Sector: The Relative Performance of the John Lewis Partnership pp. 291-304

- Keith Bradley and Saul Estrin
- Telephone Demand over the Atlantic: Evidence from Country-Pair Data pp. 305-23

- Jan Paul Acton and Ingo Vogelsang
- The Output and Profit Effects of Horizontal Joint Ventures pp. 325-38

- Kwoka, John E,
- How Anti-merger Laws Can Reduce Investment, Help Producers, and Hurt Consumers pp. 339-48

- Konstantine Gatsios and Larry Karp
Volume 40, issue 2, 1992
- Sunk Costs and Market Structure: A Review Article pp. 125-34

- Richard Schmalensee
- Exclusionary Practices and Technological Competition pp. 135-46

- John Weinberg
- A Model of Price Leadership Based on Consumer Loyalty pp. 147-56

- Raymond J Deneckere, Dan Kovenock and Robert Lee
- Market-Structure Determinants of National Brand-Private Label Price Differences of Manufactured Food Products pp. 157-71

- John Connor and Everett Peterson
- Innovation Adoption and Welfare under Uncertainty pp. 173-80

- Richard Jensen
- Horizontal Mergers and Antitrust Policy pp. 181-87

- Randolph McAfee and Michael Williams
- Market and Industry Structure and Corporate Cost of Capital pp. 189-99

- Puliyur S Sudarsanam
- An Empirical Analysis of Retail Chains and Shopping Center Similarity pp. 201-21

- Douglas West
- Bidirectional Distortion in Self-Selection Problems pp. 223-28

- Padmanabhan Srinagesh, Ralph Bradburd and Hui-Wen Koo
- A Comment on a Model of Vertical Product Differentiation pp. 229-31

- Chong Ju Choi and Hyun Song Shin
- Strategic Choice of Flexible Production Technologies and Welfare Implications: Addendum et Corrigendum pp. 233-35

- Taekwon Kim, Lars-Hendrik Roller and Mihkel M Tombak
Volume 40, issue 1, 1992
- Symposium on Compatibility: Incentives and Market Structure pp. 1-8

- Richard Gilbert
- Converters, Compatibility, and the Control of Interfaces pp. 9-35

- Joseph Farrell and Garth Saloner
- Compatibility and Bundling of Complementary Goods in a Duopoly pp. 37-54

- Carmen Matutes and Pierre Regibeau
- Product Introduction with Network Externalities pp. 55-83

- Michael Katz and Carl Shapiro
- Network Effects, Software Provision, and Standardization pp. 85-103

- Jeffrey Church and Neil Gandal
- Competition and Integration among Complements, and Network Market Structure pp. 105-23

- Nicholas Economides and Steven C Salop
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