Journal of Public Economic Theory
1999 - 2025
Current editor(s): Rabah Amir, Gareth Myles and Myrna Wooders From Association for Public Economic Theory Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Wiley Content Delivery (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 6, issue 5, 2004
- What We Owe Our Children, They Their Children, … pp. 637-654

- John Roemer and Roberto Veneziani
- Public Debt, Migration, and Shortsighted Politicians pp. 655-674

- Christian Schultz and Tomas Sjostrom
- Economic Diplomacy pp. 675-691

- Clara Ponsati
- Regulating a Monopolist with Unknown Demand: Costly Public Funds and the Value of Private Information pp. 693-706

- Iñaki Aguirre and Arantza Beitia
- Politically Determined Income Inequality and the Provision of Public Goods pp. 707-735

- Wojciech Olszewski and Howard Rosenthal
- Optimal Policy with Tradable and Bankable Pollution Permits: Taking the Market Microstructure into Account pp. 737-757

- Marc Germain, Vincent van Steenberghe and Alphonse Magnus
Volume 6, issue 4, 2004
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Telecommunications pp. 537-539

- Simon Wilkie
- Pricing Access to a Monopoly Input pp. 541-555

- David S. Sibley, Michael J. Doane, Michael Williams and Shu‐Yi Tsai
- A Theory of Broadcast Media Concentration and Commercial Advertising pp. 557-575

- Brendan Cunningham and Peter J. Alexander
- Entry in a Dynamic Model with Equilibrium Price Dispersion with an Application to the Market for Long‐Distance Telephone Services pp. 577-592

- Ashish Nayyar
- Severance Payments and Unemployment Insurance: A Commitment Issue pp. 593-606

- Richard Martin, Steeve Mongrain and Sean Parkinson
- How Should the Allocation of Resources Adjust to the Baby Bust? pp. 607-636

- David de la Croix, Géraldine Mahieu and Alexandra Rillaers
Volume 6, issue 3, 2004
- Fiscal Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model with Bequest‐as‐Consumption pp. 397-407

- Philippe Michel and Pierre Pestieau
- The Organization of Public Service Provision pp. 409-425

- William Jack
- Characterizing Pareto Improvements in an Interdependent Demand System pp. 427-443

- Peter Kooreman and Lambert Schoonbeek
- International Commodity Taxation under Monopolistic Competition pp. 445-470

- Andreas Haufler and Michael Pflüger
- Progressive Taxation, Moral Hazard, and Entrepreneurship pp. 471-490

- Christian Keuschnigg and Søren Nielsen
- What Should Optimal Income Taxes Smooth? pp. 491-507

- Torben M. Andersen and Robert R. Dogonowski
- Optimal Income Maintenance and the “Unemployable” pp. 509-537

- Greg Leblanc
Volume 6, issue 2, 2004
- Computational Public Economics pp. 195-202

- Kenneth Judd and Scott E. Page
- Scaling Up Learning Models in Public Good Games pp. 203-238

- Jasmina Arifovic and John Ledyard
- Ability, Education, and Income Inequality pp. 239-276

- Buly Cardak
- Capital Income Taxes and Growth in a Stochastic Economy: A Numerical Analysis of the Role of Risk Aversion and Intertemporal Substitution pp. 277-310

- Santanu Chatterjee, Paola Giuliano and Stephen J Turnovsky
- Equilibrium Selection and Stability for the Groves Ledyard Mechanism pp. 311-335

- Scott E. Page and Troy Tassier
- Jointly Optimal Taxes and Enforcement Policies in Response to Tax Evasion pp. 337-374

- Pierre Pestieau, Uri M. Possen and Steven M. Slutsky
- The Interplay between Analytics and Computation in the Study of Congestion Externalities: The Case of the El Farol Problem pp. 375-395

- Eduardo Zambrano
Volume 6, issue 1, 2004
- On the Intergenerational Incidence of Wage and Consumption Taxes pp. 1-23

- Berthold Wigger
- Time Consistent Optimal Redistribution Policy in an Overlapping Generations Model pp. 25-41

- Oliver Lorz
- Efficient Allocations in Club Economies pp. 43-63

- Marcus Berliant and John Edwards
- Social Norms and Private Provision of Public Goods pp. 65-77

- Mari Rege
- Decentralization via Federal and Unitary Referenda pp. 79-108

- Ben Lockwood
- Regular Distributive Social Systems pp. 109-143

- Jean Mercier Y Thier
- Restricted and Unrestricted Dominance for Welfare, Inequality, and Poverty Orderings pp. 145-164

- Jean-Yves Duclos and Paul Makdissi
- Production Efficiency and the Direct‐Indirect Tax Mix pp. 165-180

- Charles Blackorby and Craig Brett
Volume 5, issue 4, 2003
- On the Market Failure in a Dixit‐Stiglitz Setup with Two Trading Cities pp. 549-570

- Yossi Hadar and David Pines
- The Political Power of the Retirees in a Two‐Dimensional Voting Model pp. 571-591

- Georges Casamatta
- On the Popular Support for Progressive Taxation pp. 593-604

- Esteban Klor
- Hazardous Facility Siting When Cost Information Is Private: An Application of Multidimensional Mechanism Design pp. 605-622

- Keith Waehrer
- A Note on the Poll Tax pp. 623-627

- Thorsten Clausing
Volume 5, issue 3, 2003
- Efficient Equilibria in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism with Private Information pp. 449-478

- Didier Laussel and Thomas Palfrey
- Doing Wonders with an Egg: Optimal Re‐distribution When Households Differ in Market and Non‐Market Abilities pp. 479-498

- Alessandro Balestrino, Alessandro Cigno and Anna Pettini
- Regulated Firms with Transboundary Pollution: Does International Competition Improve Efficiency? pp. 499-525

- Isabelle Péchoux and Jerome Pouyet
- Investment in Human Capital in Team Members Who Are Involved in Collective Decision Making pp. 527-539

- Ruth Ben‐Yashar and Jacob Paroush
- Public Good Contributions Between Communities pp. 541-548

- Chin Lim
Volume 5, issue 2, 2003
- Fiscal Competition: An Introduction pp. 169-176

- David Wildasin
- Leviathan and Capital Tax Competition in Federations pp. 177-199

- Michael Keen and Christos Kotsogiannis
- Equalization and the Decentralization of Revenue–Raising in a Federation pp. 201-228

- Robin Boadway, Katherine Cuff and Maurice Marchand
- Strategic Inter–Regional Transfers pp. 229-248

- Jean Hindriks and Gareth Myles
- Efficient Migration and Income Tax Competition pp. 249-278

- Sam Bucovetsky
- Tax Competition and Economic Geography pp. 279-303

- Fredrik Andersson and Rikard Forslid
- Fiscal Coordination and Political Competition pp. 305-325

- Lisa Grazzini and Tanguy van Ypersele
- Employment Subsidy with Capital Mobility pp. 327-344

- Manuel Leite–Monteiro, Maurice Marchand and Pierre Pestieau
- Factor Ownership and Governmental Strategic Interaction pp. 345-361

- Kangoh Lee
- External Equilibrium in Mobility and Redistribution Economies pp. 363-379

- M. Socorro Puy
- Public Good Mix in a Federation with Incomplete Information pp. 381-397

- Richard Cornes and Emilson Silva
- Expenditure Competition pp. 399-417

- John Wilson and Roger Gordon
- Formula Apportionment and Transfer Pricing under Oligopolistic Competition pp. 419-437

- Søren Nielsen, Pascalis Raimondos and Guttorm Schjelderup
- Symmetric Tax Competition under Formula Apportionment pp. 439-446

- Wolfgang Eggert and Guttorm Schjelderup
Volume 5, issue 1, 2003
- Conspicuous Consumption and Social Segmentation pp. 1-24

- Fernando Jaramillo and Fabien Moizeau
- Voluntary Contributions to Multiple Public Projects pp. 25-50

- Maurice Koster, Hans Reijnierse and Mark Voorneveld
- Conjectural Variations and Voluntary Public Good Provision in a Repeated Game Setting pp. 51-66

- Jun-ichi Itaya and Makoto Okamura
- Endogenous Firm Objectives pp. 67-94

- Erkan Yalçin and Thomas I. Renström
- Tactical Redistribution Between Regions When Parties and Voters Care About Ideology pp. 95-120

- Eva Johansson
- On the Likelihood and Welfare Effects of “Stop–and–go” Policies pp. 121-133

- Rui Baleiras and Vasco Santos
- Income Tax and Endogenous Business Cycles pp. 135-145

- Atsuo Utaka
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