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Journal of World Business

1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): David Collings and Jonathan Doh

From Elsevier
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Volume 39, issue 4, 2004

Letter from the Editors pp. 307-307 Downloads
J.W. Slocum
Human resource development in the Asia Pacific: coverage, themes and contents pp. 308-310 Downloads
Chris Rowley and Malcolm Warner
HRD in the People's Republic: The MBA 'with Chinese characteristics'? pp. 311-323 Downloads
Keith Goodall, M. Warner and V. Lang
Required human resources competencies in the future: a framework for developing HR executives in Hong Kong pp. 324-336 Downloads
Jan Selmer and Randy Chiu
Responding to the challenges of globalization: human resource development in Japan pp. 337-348 Downloads
Ying Zhu
Macro and micro approaches in human resource development: context and content in South Korea pp. 349-361 Downloads
Johngseok Bae and Chris Rowley
Employee training and human capital in Taiwan pp. 362-376 Downloads
Joseph S. Lee and Ping-Lung Hsin
The characteristics and performance of Japanese FDI in less developed and developed countries pp. 377-392 Downloads
Shige Makino, Paul W. Beamish and Natalie Bin Zhao
An empirical investigation into the alternative strategies to implement the elimination of financial services pp. 393-413 Downloads
Paraskevas C. Argouslidis
Developing language strategies for international companies: the contribution of translation studies pp. 414-430 Downloads
Maddy Janssens, José Lambert and Chris Steyaert
Formal volunteering: a cross-national test pp. 431-441 Downloads
K. Praveen Parboteeah, John B. Cullen and Lrong Lim

Volume 39, issue 3, 2004

Job satisfaction and technology in Mexico pp. 217-232 Downloads
Steve Lovett, Tom Coyle and Russell Adams
Strategic factors affecting foreign direct investment decisions by multi-national enterprises in Latin America pp. 233-243 Downloads
Len J. Treviño and Franklin Mixon
The influence of individual and firm level social capital of marketing managers in a firm's global network pp. 244-254 Downloads
David A. Griffith and Michael G. Harvey
Examining the effectiveness of sales management control practices in developing countries pp. 255-267 Downloads
Nigel F. Piercy, George S. Low and David W. Cravens
Successful localization programs in China: an important element in strategy implementation pp. 268-282 Downloads
Gerald E. Fryxell, John Butler and Amanda Choi
Is globalization what it's cracked up to be? Economic freedom, corruption, and human development pp. 283-295 Downloads
Syed H. Akhter
Stimulating innovation through corporate venture bases pp. 296-306 Downloads
Kenneth Husted and Christian Vintergaard

Volume 39, issue 2, 2004

Number of partners and JV performance pp. 107-120 Downloads
Paul W. Beamish and Ariff Kachra
The home country in the age of globalization: how much does it matter for firm performance? pp. 121-135 Downloads
Gabriel Hawawini, Venkat Subramanian and Paul Verdin
Foreign-owned companies' entry and location strategies in a U.S. market: a study of manufacturing firms in North Carolina pp. 136-150 Downloads
William J. Burpitt and Dennis A. Rondinelli
Rethinking foreign infrastructure investment in developing countries pp. 151-167 Downloads
Ravi Ramamurti and Jonathan P. Doh
An integrated model of knowledge transfer from MNC parent to China subsidiary pp. 168-182 Downloads
Pien Wang, Tony W. Tong and Chun Peng Koh
Purchasing processes and characteristics of industrial service buyers in the U.S. and Japan pp. 183-198 Downloads
Martin S. Roth, R. Bruce Money and Thomas J. Madden
Does age matter? An empirical examination of the effect of age on managerial values and practices in India pp. 199-215 Downloads
Kamel Mellahi and Cherif Guermat

Volume 39, issue 1, 2004

The influence of environmental, organizational, and HRM factors on employee behaviors in subsidiaries: a Mexican case study of organizational learning pp. 1-11 Downloads
Carolina Gómez
The export marketing information system: an integration of the extant knowledge pp. 12-36 Downloads
Leonidas C. Leonidou and Marios Theodosiou
The use of international R&D teams: an empirical investigation of selected contingency factors pp. 37-48 Downloads
Björn Ambos and Bodo B. Schlegelmilch
Ethics in international business: multinational approaches to child labor pp. 49-60 Downloads
Ans Kolk and Rob Van Tulder
Expatriate managers and MNC's ability to control international subsidiaries: the case of Japanese MNCs pp. 61-71 Downloads
Yongsun Paik and Junghoon Derick Sohn
Understanding venture capital in East Asia: the impact of institutions on the industry today and tomorrow pp. 72-88 Downloads
Garry Bruton, David Ahlstrom and Kuang S. Yeh
Multinational enterprise strategy, foreign direct investment and economic development: the case of the Hungarian banking industry pp. 89-105 Downloads
Yusaf H. Akbar and J. Brad McBride

Volume 38, issue 4, 2003

Letter from the Editors pp. 279-280 Downloads
Fred Luthans and John W. Slocum
Corporate governance in transitioning economies pp. 281-283 Downloads
Sheila M. Puffer and Daniel J. McCarthy
The emergence of corporate governance in Russia pp. 284-298 Downloads
Sheila M. Puffer and Daniel J. McCarthy
Modern Russian corporate governance: convergent forces or product of Russia's history? pp. 299-313 Downloads
Trevor Buck
Organizational coping with institutional upheaval in transition economies pp. 314-330 Downloads
Kendall Roth and Tatiana Kostova
Governance, organizational capabilities, and restructuring in transition economies pp. 331-347 Downloads
Igor Filatotchev, Mike Wright, Klaus Uhlenbruck, Laszlo Tihanyi and Robert E. Hoskisson
Do outside directors and new managers help improve firm performance? An exploratory study in Russian privatization pp. 348-360 Downloads
Mike W. Peng, Trevor Buck and Igor Filatotchev
Institutional investors in Bulgarian corporate governance reform: obstacles or facilitators? pp. 361-374 Downloads
Boyan Belev
The relationship between ethics and firm practices in Russia and the United States pp. 375-384 Downloads
Christopher J. Robertson, K. Matthew Gilley and Marc D. Street
Corporate governance and firm performance in Russia: an empirical study pp. 385-396 Downloads
William Q. Judge, Irina Naoumova and Nadejda Koutzevol
Corporate governance in Russia: a framework for analysis pp. 397-415 Downloads
Daniel J. McCarthy and Sheila M. Puffer

Volume 38, issue 3, 2003

Constructing management in Eastern Europe pp. 165-167 Downloads
Snejina Michailova
Career paths of the elite of former GDR combinates during the postsocialist transformation process pp. 168-181 Downloads
Thomas Steger and Rainhart Lang
Strategies for political risk mediation by international firms in transition economies: the case of Bulgaria pp. 182-203 Downloads
Elena Iankova and Jan Katz
Managing organizational politics for radical change: the case of Beiersdorf-Lechia S.A., Poznan pp. 204-223 Downloads
Susanne Blazejewski and Wolfgang Dorow
Differences in values, practices, and systems among Hungarian managers and Western expatriates: an organizing framework and typology pp. 224-244 Downloads
Wade M. Danis
Assessing the potential for effective cross-cultural working between "new" Russian managers and western expatriates pp. 245-261 Downloads
Natasza Camiah and Graham Hollinshead
Organizational learning in subsidiaries of multinational companies in Russia pp. 262-277 Downloads
Johann Engelhard and Joakim Nägele

Volume 38, issue 2, 2003

Transnational horizontal project teams pp. 81-83 Downloads
Tugrul Atamer and David M. Schweiger
Creating and sharing knowledge within a transnational team--the development of a global business system pp. 84-95 Downloads
Katarina Lagerström and Maria Andersson
The coordination of globalized R&D activities through project teams organization: an exploratory empirical study pp. 96-109 Downloads
Ariel Mendez
Managing the exploration vs. exploitation dilemma in transnational "bridging teams" pp. 110-126 Downloads
Randi Lunnan and Theodor Barth
Transnational project teams and networks: making the multinational organization more effective pp. 127-140 Downloads
David M. Schweiger, Tugrul Atamer and Roland Calori
Cross-cultural management in multinational project groups pp. 141-149 Downloads
Sylvie Chevrier
Only connect: teamwork in the multinational pp. 150-164 Downloads
Keith Goodall and John Roberts

Volume 38, issue 1, 2003

Governance structures in strategic alliances: transaction cost versus resource-based perspective pp. 1-14 Downloads
Homin Chen and Tain-Jy Chen
International joint ventures: creating value through successful knowledge management pp. 15-30 Downloads
Iris Berdrow and Henry W. Lane
Managing local knowledge assets globally: the role of regional innovation relays pp. 31-42 Downloads
Kazuhiro Asakawa and Mark Lehrer
An exploration of the factors that influence employee participation in Europe pp. 43-54 Downloads
Elizabeth F. Cabrera, Jaime Ortega and Ángel Cabrera
The use of expatriates and inpatriates in Central and Eastern Europe since the Wall came down pp. 55-69 Downloads
Richard B. Peterson
Composite effects of extrinsic motivation on work effort: case of Korean employees pp. 70-79 Downloads
Eunmi Chang
Page updated 2025-03-31