Journal of World Business
1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): David Collings and Jonathan Doh From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 39, issue 4, 2004
- Letter from the Editors pp. 307-307

- J.W. Slocum
- Human resource development in the Asia Pacific: coverage, themes and contents pp. 308-310

- Chris Rowley and Malcolm Warner
- HRD in the People's Republic: The MBA 'with Chinese characteristics'? pp. 311-323

- Keith Goodall, M. Warner and V. Lang
- Required human resources competencies in the future: a framework for developing HR executives in Hong Kong pp. 324-336

- Jan Selmer and Randy Chiu
- Responding to the challenges of globalization: human resource development in Japan pp. 337-348

- Ying Zhu
- Macro and micro approaches in human resource development: context and content in South Korea pp. 349-361

- Johngseok Bae and Chris Rowley
- Employee training and human capital in Taiwan pp. 362-376

- Joseph S. Lee and Ping-Lung Hsin
- The characteristics and performance of Japanese FDI in less developed and developed countries pp. 377-392

- Shige Makino, Paul W. Beamish and Natalie Bin Zhao
- An empirical investigation into the alternative strategies to implement the elimination of financial services pp. 393-413

- Paraskevas C. Argouslidis
- Developing language strategies for international companies: the contribution of translation studies pp. 414-430

- Maddy Janssens, José Lambert and Chris Steyaert
- Formal volunteering: a cross-national test pp. 431-441

- K. Praveen Parboteeah, John B. Cullen and Lrong Lim
Volume 39, issue 3, 2004
- Job satisfaction and technology in Mexico pp. 217-232

- Steve Lovett, Tom Coyle and Russell Adams
- Strategic factors affecting foreign direct investment decisions by multi-national enterprises in Latin America pp. 233-243

- Len J. Treviño and Franklin Mixon
- The influence of individual and firm level social capital of marketing managers in a firm's global network pp. 244-254

- David A. Griffith and Michael G. Harvey
- Examining the effectiveness of sales management control practices in developing countries pp. 255-267

- Nigel F. Piercy, George S. Low and David W. Cravens
- Successful localization programs in China: an important element in strategy implementation pp. 268-282

- Gerald E. Fryxell, John Butler and Amanda Choi
- Is globalization what it's cracked up to be? Economic freedom, corruption, and human development pp. 283-295

- Syed H. Akhter
- Stimulating innovation through corporate venture bases pp. 296-306

- Kenneth Husted and Christian Vintergaard
Volume 39, issue 2, 2004
- Number of partners and JV performance pp. 107-120

- Paul W. Beamish and Ariff Kachra
- The home country in the age of globalization: how much does it matter for firm performance? pp. 121-135

- Gabriel Hawawini, Venkat Subramanian and Paul Verdin
- Foreign-owned companies' entry and location strategies in a U.S. market: a study of manufacturing firms in North Carolina pp. 136-150

- William J. Burpitt and Dennis A. Rondinelli
- Rethinking foreign infrastructure investment in developing countries pp. 151-167

- Ravi Ramamurti and Jonathan P. Doh
- An integrated model of knowledge transfer from MNC parent to China subsidiary pp. 168-182

- Pien Wang, Tony W. Tong and Chun Peng Koh
- Purchasing processes and characteristics of industrial service buyers in the U.S. and Japan pp. 183-198

- Martin S. Roth, R. Bruce Money and Thomas J. Madden
- Does age matter? An empirical examination of the effect of age on managerial values and practices in India pp. 199-215

- Kamel Mellahi and Cherif Guermat
Volume 39, issue 1, 2004
- The influence of environmental, organizational, and HRM factors on employee behaviors in subsidiaries: a Mexican case study of organizational learning pp. 1-11

- Carolina Gómez
- The export marketing information system: an integration of the extant knowledge pp. 12-36

- Leonidas C. Leonidou and Marios Theodosiou
- The use of international R&D teams: an empirical investigation of selected contingency factors pp. 37-48

- Björn Ambos and Bodo B. Schlegelmilch
- Ethics in international business: multinational approaches to child labor pp. 49-60

- Ans Kolk and Rob Van Tulder
- Expatriate managers and MNC's ability to control international subsidiaries: the case of Japanese MNCs pp. 61-71

- Yongsun Paik and Junghoon Derick Sohn
- Understanding venture capital in East Asia: the impact of institutions on the industry today and tomorrow pp. 72-88

- Garry Bruton, David Ahlstrom and Kuang S. Yeh
- Multinational enterprise strategy, foreign direct investment and economic development: the case of the Hungarian banking industry pp. 89-105

- Yusaf H. Akbar and J. Brad McBride
Volume 38, issue 4, 2003
- Letter from the Editors pp. 279-280

- Fred Luthans and John W. Slocum
- Corporate governance in transitioning economies pp. 281-283

- Sheila M. Puffer and Daniel J. McCarthy
- The emergence of corporate governance in Russia pp. 284-298

- Sheila M. Puffer and Daniel J. McCarthy
- Modern Russian corporate governance: convergent forces or product of Russia's history? pp. 299-313

- Trevor Buck
- Organizational coping with institutional upheaval in transition economies pp. 314-330

- Kendall Roth and Tatiana Kostova
- Governance, organizational capabilities, and restructuring in transition economies pp. 331-347

- Igor Filatotchev, Mike Wright, Klaus Uhlenbruck, Laszlo Tihanyi and Robert E. Hoskisson
- Do outside directors and new managers help improve firm performance? An exploratory study in Russian privatization pp. 348-360

- Mike W. Peng, Trevor Buck and Igor Filatotchev
- Institutional investors in Bulgarian corporate governance reform: obstacles or facilitators? pp. 361-374

- Boyan Belev
- The relationship between ethics and firm practices in Russia and the United States pp. 375-384

- Christopher J. Robertson, K. Matthew Gilley and Marc D. Street
- Corporate governance and firm performance in Russia: an empirical study pp. 385-396

- William Q. Judge, Irina Naoumova and Nadejda Koutzevol
- Corporate governance in Russia: a framework for analysis pp. 397-415

- Daniel J. McCarthy and Sheila M. Puffer
Volume 38, issue 3, 2003
- Constructing management in Eastern Europe pp. 165-167

- Snejina Michailova
- Career paths of the elite of former GDR combinates during the postsocialist transformation process pp. 168-181

- Thomas Steger and Rainhart Lang
- Strategies for political risk mediation by international firms in transition economies: the case of Bulgaria pp. 182-203

- Elena Iankova and Jan Katz
- Managing organizational politics for radical change: the case of Beiersdorf-Lechia S.A., Poznan pp. 204-223

- Susanne Blazejewski and Wolfgang Dorow
- Differences in values, practices, and systems among Hungarian managers and Western expatriates: an organizing framework and typology pp. 224-244

- Wade M. Danis
- Assessing the potential for effective cross-cultural working between "new" Russian managers and western expatriates pp. 245-261

- Natasza Camiah and Graham Hollinshead
- Organizational learning in subsidiaries of multinational companies in Russia pp. 262-277

- Johann Engelhard and Joakim Nägele
Volume 38, issue 2, 2003
- Transnational horizontal project teams pp. 81-83

- Tugrul Atamer and David M. Schweiger
- Creating and sharing knowledge within a transnational team--the development of a global business system pp. 84-95

- Katarina Lagerström and Maria Andersson
- The coordination of globalized R&D activities through project teams organization: an exploratory empirical study pp. 96-109

- Ariel Mendez
- Managing the exploration vs. exploitation dilemma in transnational "bridging teams" pp. 110-126

- Randi Lunnan and Theodor Barth
- Transnational project teams and networks: making the multinational organization more effective pp. 127-140

- David M. Schweiger, Tugrul Atamer and Roland Calori
- Cross-cultural management in multinational project groups pp. 141-149

- Sylvie Chevrier
- Only connect: teamwork in the multinational pp. 150-164

- Keith Goodall and John Roberts
Volume 38, issue 1, 2003
- Governance structures in strategic alliances: transaction cost versus resource-based perspective pp. 1-14

- Homin Chen and Tain-Jy Chen
- International joint ventures: creating value through successful knowledge management pp. 15-30

- Iris Berdrow and Henry W. Lane
- Managing local knowledge assets globally: the role of regional innovation relays pp. 31-42

- Kazuhiro Asakawa and Mark Lehrer
- An exploration of the factors that influence employee participation in Europe pp. 43-54

- Elizabeth F. Cabrera, Jaime Ortega and Ángel Cabrera
- The use of expatriates and inpatriates in Central and Eastern Europe since the Wall came down pp. 55-69

- Richard B. Peterson
- Composite effects of extrinsic motivation on work effort: case of Korean employees pp. 70-79

- Eunmi Chang
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