The Review of Economic Studies
1933 - 2025
Current editor(s): Thomas Chaney, Xavier d’Haultfoeuille, Andrea Galeotti, Bård Harstad, Nir Jaimovich, Katrine Loken, Elias Papaioannou, Vincent Sterk and Noam Yuchtman
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Volume 64, issue 4, 1997
- Editorial Announcement pp. 485

- Manuel Arellano, Patrick Bolton and Hyun Song Shin
- Making The Most Out Of Programme Evaluations and Social Experiments: Accounting For Heterogeneity in Programme Impacts pp. 487-535

- James Heckman, Jeffrey Smith and Nancy Clements
- The Mixing Problem in Programme Evaluation pp. 537-553

- Charles Manski
- Estimating Outcome Distributions for Compliers in Instrumental Variables Models pp. 555-574

- Guido Imbens and Donald B. Rubin
- Bounding Causal Effects Using Data from a Contaminated Natural Experiment: Analysing the Effects of Teenage Childbearing pp. 575-603

- V. Joseph Hotz, Charles H. Mullin and Seth G. Sanders
- Matching As An Econometric Evaluation Estimator: Evidence from Evaluating a Job Training Programme pp. 605-654

- James Heckman, Hidehiko Ichimura and Petra Todd
- The Impact of Being Offered and Receiving Classroom Training on the Employment Histories of Disadvantaged Women: Evidence from Experimental Data pp. 655-682

- Curtis Eberwein, John Ham and Robert LaLonde
- Evaluating the Impact of French Employment Policies on Individual Labour Market Histories pp. 683-713

- Liliane Bonnal, Denis Fougere and Anne Sérandon
Volume 64, issue 3, 1997
- Risk, Financial Markets, and Human Capital in a Developing Country pp. 311-335

- Hanan Jacoby and Emmanuel Skoufias
- Delegation of Monitoring in a Principal-Agent Relationship pp. 337-357

- Roland Strausz
- One-Step Estimators for Over-Identified Generalized Method of Moments Models pp. 359-383

- Guido Imbens
- Statistical Properties of the Two-Stage Least Squares Estimator Under Cointegration pp. 385-398

- Cheng Hsiao
- A Single-Stage Approach to Anscombe and Aumann's Expected Utility pp. 399-409

- Rakesh Sarin and Peter Wakker
- Adaptive Play in Multiplayer Bargaining Situations pp. 411-426

- Murali Agastya
- Individual and Collective Time-Consistency pp. 427-443

- Geir Asheim
- Training and Innovation in an Imperfect Labour Market pp. 445-464

- Daron Acemoglu
- The Welfare Cost of Nominal Wage Contracting pp. 465-484

- Jang-Ok Cho, Thomas Cooley and Louis Phaneuf
Volume 64, issue 2, 1997
- A Theory of Trickle-Down Growth and Development pp. 151-172

- Philippe Aghion and Patrick Bolton
- The Dynamics of the Wealth Distribution and the Interest Rate with Credit Rationing pp. 173-189

- Thomas Piketty
- Managerial Incentives and Product Market Competition pp. 191-213

- Klaus Schmidt
- Banking Competition and Market Efficiency pp. 215-239

- Marie-Odile Yanelle
- On the Equivalence of Walrasian and Non-Walrasian Equilibria in Contract Markets: The Case of Complete Contracts pp. 241-264

- Michael Peters
- Waves of Creative Destruction: Firm-Specific Learning-by-Doing and the Dynamics of Innovation pp. 265-288

- Jeremy C. Stein
- Currency Exchange in a Random Search Model pp. 289-310

- Ruilin Zhou
Volume 64, issue 1, 1997
- A Competitive Theory of Employment Dynamics pp. 1-122

- Randall Gouge and Ian King
- Rationality, Nash Equilibrium and Backwards Induction in Perfect-Information Games pp. 23-46

- Elchanan Ben-Porath
- Data Markets and the Production of Surveys pp. 47-72

- Tomas Philipson
- Increasing Returns in Infinite-Horizon Economies pp. 73-96

- Chris Shannon
- A Competitive Distribution of Auctions pp. 97-123

- Michael Peters
- Countably Additive Subjective Probabilities pp. 125-146

- Maxwell B. Stinchcombe
- A Note on Portfolio Dominance pp. 147-150

- Christian Gollier
Volume 63, issue 4, 1996
- Excess Volatility and Predictability of Stock Prices in Autoregressive Dividend Models with Learning pp. 523-557

- Allan Timmermann
- Market Making by Price-Setting Firms pp. 559-580

- Daniel Spulber
- Optimal Investment with Costly Reversibility pp. 581-593

- Andrew B. Abel and Janice Eberly
- Implications of Efficient Risk Sharing without Commitment pp. 595-609

- Narayana Kocherlakota
- Policy Variability and Economic Growth pp. 611-625

- Hugo A. Hopenhayn and María E. Muniagurria
- Credit and Money in a Search Model with Divisible Commodities pp. 627-652

- Shouyong Shi
- Learning and Convergence to a Full-Information Equilibrium are not Equivalent pp. 653-674

- Byoung Jun and Xavier Vives
Volume 63, issue 3, 1996
- Comparative Advantage, Information and the Allocation of Workers to Tasks: Evidence from an Agricultural Labour Market pp. 347-374

- Andrew D. Foster and Mark Rosenzweig
- Intra-firm Bargaining under Non-binding Contracts pp. 375-410

- Lars Stole and Jeffrey Zwiebel
- Redistribution and Non-Consumption Smoothing in an Open Economy pp. 411-433

- Roberto Perotti
- Useful Modifications to some Unit Root Tests with Dependent Errors and their Local Asymptotic Properties pp. 435-463

- Pierre Perron and Serena Ng
- Life-Cycle Economies and Aggregate Fluctuations pp. 465-489

- José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
- Cooperation in Community Interaction Without Information Flows pp. 491-519

- Parikshit Ghosh and Debraj Ray
Volume 63, issue 2, 1996
- Delay and Cycles pp. 169-198

- Douglas Gale
- Female Labour Supply and Marital Status Decisions: A Life-Cycle Model pp. 199-235

- Wilbert van der Klaauw
- Equity and Efficiency in Human Capital Investment: The Local Connection pp. 237-264

- Roland Benabou
- Electoral Competition and Special Interest Politics pp. 265-286

- Gene M. Grossman and Elhanan Helpman
- Adverse Selection and Security Design pp. 287-300

- Rohit Rahi
- Vested Interests in a Positive Theory of Stagnation and Growth pp. 301-329

- Per Krusell and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
- Polarization and Inefficient Policies pp. 331-344

- Christian Schultz
Volume 63, issue 1, 1996
- A Theory of Collective Reputations (with applications to the persistence of corruption and to firm quality) pp. 1-22

- Jean Tirole
- A Characterization of Game-Theoretic Solutions Which Lead to Impossibility Theorems pp. 23-38

- Matthew Jackson and Sanjay Srivastava
- Comparing the Robustness of Trading Systems to Higher-Order Uncertainty pp. 39-59

- Hyun Song Shin
- Multilateral Bargaining pp. 61-80

- Vijay Krishna and Roberto Serrano
- Strategic Trade Policy Design with Asymmetric Information and Public Contracts pp. 81-105

- S. Lael Brainard and David Martimort
- A New Approach to Evaluating Trade Policy pp. 107-125

- James Anderson and J. Peter Neary
- Interaction Between Endogenous Human Capital and Technological Change pp. 127-144

- Theo Eicher
- Semiparametric Estimation of Regression Models for Panel Data pp. 145-168

- Joel L. Horowitz and Marianthi Markatou