The Review of Economic Studies
1933 - 2025
Current editor(s): Thomas Chaney, Xavier d’Haultfoeuille, Andrea Galeotti, Bård Harstad, Nir Jaimovich, Katrine Loken, Elias Papaioannou, Vincent Sterk and Noam Yuchtman From Review of Economic Studies Ltd Bibliographic data for series maintained by Oxford University Press ( Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 68, issue 4, 2001
- Repeated Bargaining with Persistent Private Information pp. 719-755

- John Kennan
- Risk Pooling, Precautionary Saving and Consumption Growth pp. 757-779

- James Banks, Richard Blundell and Agar Brugiavini
- Occupational Choice and Dynamic Incentives pp. 781-810

- Maitreesh Ghatak, Massimo Morelli and Tomas Sjostrom
- The Evolution of Price Dispersion in the European Car Market pp. 811-848

- Pinelopi Goldberg and Frank Verboven
- Screening in a Matching Market pp. 849-868

- Roman Inderst
- Beyond Balanced Growth pp. 869-882

- Piyabha Kongsamut, Sergio Rebelo and Danyang Xie
- Ambiguity Aversion and Incompleteness of Financial Markets pp. 883-904

- Sujoy Mukerji and Jean-Marc Tallon
Volume 68, issue 3, 2001
- Competition, Imitation and Growth with Step-by-Step Innovation pp. 467-492

- Philippe Aghion, Christopher Harris, Peter Howitt and John Vickers
- An Evolutionary Approach to Financial Innovation pp. 493-522

- Marc Oliver Bettzüge and Thorsten Hens
- Efficient Allocations with Hidden Income and Hidden Storage pp. 523-542

- Harold Cole and Narayana Kocherlakota
- Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Sample Selection Models pp. 543-572

- Aikaterini Kyriazidou
- Optimal Taxation and Strategic Budget Deficit Under Political Regime Switching pp. 573-592

- David Martimort
- Excess Worker Reallocation pp. 593-612

- Giuseppe Moscarini
- Surplus Extraction and Competition pp. 613-631

- Michael Peters
- Structural Change Tests in Tail Behaviour and the Asian Crisis pp. 633-663

- Carmela Quintos, Zhenhong Fan and Peter Phillips
- The Rising College Premium in the Eighties: Return to College or Return to Unobserved Ability? pp. 665-691

- Christopher R. Taber
- Corporate Tournaments, Human Capital Acquisition, and the Firm Size—Wage Relation pp. 693-716

- Jan Zabojnik and Dan Bernhardt
Volume 68, issue 2, 2001
- Discrete Choice with Social Interactions pp. 235-260

- William Brock and Steven Durlauf
- Social Interactions, Local Spillovers and Unemployment pp. 261-295

- Giorgio Topa
- Queues and Hierarchies pp. 297-322

- Alan Beggs
- A Decentralized Market with Common Values Uncertainty: Non-Steady States pp. 323-346

- Max R. Blouin and Roberto Serrano
- Collective Decisions and Competitive Markets pp. 347-368

- Hans Gersbach and Hans Haller
- Limited Foresight May Force Cooperation pp. 369-391

- Philippe Jehiel
- Constitutional Rules of Exclusion in Jurisdiction Formation pp. 393-413

- Philippe Jehiel and Suzanne Scotchmer
- Who Wants a Good Reputation? pp. 415-441

- George Mailath and Larry Samuelson
- International Trade and Currency Exchange pp. 443-464

- Helene Rey
Volume 68, issue 1, 2001
- Moral Hazard and Renegotiation with Multiple Agents pp. 1-20

- Shingo Ishiguro and Hideshi Itoh
- Optimal Contracting with Private Knowledge of Wealth and Ability pp. 21-44

- Tracy Lewis and David Sappington
- Performance, Promotion, and the Peter Principle pp. 45-66

- James A. Fairburn and James Malcomson
- Lobbying and Welfare in a Representative Democracy pp. 67-82

- Timothy Besley and Stephen Coate
- The Role of Market Size in the Formation of Jurisdictions pp. 83-108

- Alessandra Casella
- A Theory of Constitutional Standards and Civil Liberty pp. 109-132

- Roger Lagunoff
- Tiebout with Politics: Capital Tax Competition and Constitutional Choices pp. 133-154

- Carlo Perroni and Kimberley Scharf
- Multiple-Object Auctions with Budget Constrained Bidders pp. 155-179

- Jean-Pierre Benoît and Vijay Krishna
- Wealth Inequality and Asset Pricing pp. 181-203

- Christian Gollier
- Using Elasticities to Derive Optimal Income Tax Rates pp. 205-229

- Emmanuel Saez
Volume 67, issue 4, 2000
- Editorial Announcement pp. i

- Mark Armstrong, Orazio Attanasio and James Dow
- Wage and Technology Dispersion pp. 585-607

- Daron Acemoglu and Robert Shimer
- Differences in Wage Distributions Between Canada and the United States: An Application of a Flexible Estimator of Distribution Functions in the Presence of Covariates pp. 609-633

- Stephen G. Donald, David Green and Harry Paarsch
- The Changing Distribution of Male Wages in the U.K pp. 635-666

- Amanda Gosling, Stephen Machin and Costas Meghir
- Consumer Durables and Inertial Behaviour: Estimation and Aggregation of (S, s) Rules for Automobile Purchases pp. 667-696

- Orazio Attanasio
- Sequential Screening pp. 697-717

- Pascal Courty and Hao Li
- Financial Intermediation with Risk Aversion pp. 719-742

- Martin Hellwig
- Endogenous Inequality pp. 743-759

- Kiminori Matsuyama
- Financing Public Goods by Means of Lotteries pp. 761-784

- John Morgan
- Funding Public Goods with Lotteries: Experimental Evidence pp. 785-810

- John Morgan and Martin Sefton
Volume 67, issue 3, 2000
- A Study of Collusion in First-Price Auctions pp. 381-411

- Martin Pesendorfer
- Asymmetric Auctions pp. 413-438

- Eric Maskin and John Riley
- Equilibrium in Sealed High Bid Auctions pp. 439-454

- Eric Maskin and John Riley
- Optimal Multi-Object Auctions pp. 455-481

- Mark Armstrong
- Bundling and Optimal Auctions of Multiple Products pp. 483-497

- Christopher Avery and Terrence Hendershott
- The Interpretation of Instrumental Variables Estimators in Simultaneous Equations Models with an Application to the Demand for Fish pp. 499-527

- Joshua Angrist, Kathryn Graddy and Guido Imbens
- Strategic Ignorance as a Self-Disciplining Device pp. 529-544

- Juan D. Carrillo and Thomas Mariotti
- Structural Change and Economic Growth pp. 545-561

- John Laitner
- Information Revelation and Market Incompleteness pp. 563-579

- Jose Marin and Rohit Rahi
- Symposium on Optimal Monetary Policy pp. 581

- Mark Armstrong, Orazio Attanasio, James Dow and Michael Woodford
Volume 67, issue 2, 2000
- Experimentation in Markets pp. 213-234

- Dirk Bergemann and Juuso Välimäki
- On the Effects of Entry in Cournot Markets pp. 235-254

- Rabah Amir and Val Lambson
- Bargaining and Sharing Innovative Knowledge pp. 255-271

- Claude d'Aspremont, Sudipto Bhattacharya and Louis-André Gérard-Varet
- Wage Bargaining, Inventories, and Union Legislation pp. 273-293

- Melvyn Coles and Andrew K. G. Hildreth
- Ruling Out Multiplicity and Indeterminacy: The Role of Heterogeneity pp. 295-307

- Berthold Herrendorf, Akos Valentinyi and Robert Waldmann
- The Scope of Anonymous Voluntary Bargaining Under Asymmetric Information pp. 309-326

- Ehud Lehrer and Zvika Neeman
- Dynamic Voluntary Contribution to a Public Project pp. 327-358

- Leslie Marx and Steven Matthews
- Incentives, Information, and Organizational Form pp. 359-378

- Eric Maskin, Yingyi Qian and Chenggang Xu
Volume 67, issue 1, 2000
- Communication and Coordination in Social Networks pp. 1-16

- Michael Suk-Young Chwe
- Basins of Attraction, Long-Run Stochastic Stability, and the Speed of Step-by-Step Evolution pp. 17-45

- Glenn Ellison
- Noisy Contagion Without Mutation pp. 47-56

- In Ho Lee and Akos Valentinyi
- Contagion pp. 57-78

- Stephen Morris
- Information Acquisition in Financial Markets pp. 79-90

- Gadi Barlevy and Pietro Veronesi
- Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises pp. 91-116

- Harold Cole and Timothy Kehoe
- (S, s) Inventory Policies in General Equilibrium pp. 117-145

- Jonas Fisher and Andreas Hornstein
- Enterprise, Inequality and Economic Development pp. 147-168

- Huw Lloyd-Ellis and Dan Bernhardt
- Voting as Communicating pp. 169-191

- Thomas Piketty
- Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Multilateral Target Zone pp. 193-211

- Angel Serrat
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