Working Papers
From Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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- 1986-002: A note on the temporal stability of the interest rate-weekly money relationship

- Michael Belongia, Rik Hafer and Richard Sheehan
- 1986-001: Stock prices, inflation and real activity: a test of the Fama hypothesis, 1920-84

- Rik Hafer and Clemens Kool
- 1985-015: Further evidence on stock price response to changes in weekly money and the discount rate

- Rik Hafer
- 1985-014: Risk aversion, risk sharing, and joint bidding: a study of outer continental shelf petroleum auctions

- Steven W. Millsaps and Mack Ott
- 1985-013: Is there a stable relationship between debt growth and the money stock?

- Richard Sheehan
- 1985-012: Forecasting economic activity: comparing the accuracy of survey and time series predictions

- Rik Hafer
- 1985-011: A vector autoregressive model of Saudi Arabian inflation

- J. Barkley Rosser and Richard Sheehan
- 1985-010: Weighted monetary aggregates as intermediate targets

- Dallas S. Batten and Daniel Thornton
- 1985-009: Investigating weekly survey forecasts of the federal funds rate

- Rik Hafer
- 1985-008: Interest-bearing checkable deposits: are they \"money\"?

- Michael Belongia and James Chalfant
- 1985-007: On the importance of being expected: insights to the weekly money puzzle

- Michael Belongia and Richard Sheehan
- 1985-006: Inflation uncertainty and a test of the Friedman hypothesis

- Rik Hafer
- 1985-005: Monetary shocks and the farm/nonfarm price ratio: empirical tests of competing hypotheses

- Michael Belongia
- 1985-004: The efficient markets hypothesis and weekly money: some contrary evidence

- Michael Belongia and Richard Sheehan
- 1985-003: A look at the ASA-NBER inflation forecasts: tests of rationality and formation

- Rik Hafer
- 1985-002: Selecting an intermediate target for monetary policy

- Dallas S. Batten and Michael T. Bolongia
- 1985-001: Comparing Multi-State Kalman Filter and ARIMA forecasts: an application to the money multiplier

- Rik Hafer, Scott Hein and Clemens Kool
- 1984-029: Wage indexation and the effect of inflation uncertainty on employment: an empirical analysis

- A. Steven Holland
- 1984-028: Monetary indicators of economic activity: a comment

- Dallas S. Batten and Michael Belongia
- 1984-027: The effectiveness of combining forecasts: evidence using macroeconomic variables

- Gail H. Hafer and Rik Hafer
- 1984-026: Derivation of the set of exact hedges for the financial portfolio

- Michael Belongia and G. J. Santoni
- 1984-025: The impact of international factors on U. S. inflation: an empirical test of the currency substitution hypothesis

- Dallas S. Batten and Rik Hafer
- 1984-024: Currency substitution and the link between money and GNP in the U.S.: 1972-83

- Dallas S. Batten and Rik Hafer
- 1984-023: The independence of farm output and macro variables: some evidence from the business cycle

- Michael Belongia and Rik Hafer
- 1984-022: On the accuracy of time series, interest rate and survey forecasts of inflation

- Rik Hafer and Scott Hein
- 1984-021: Relative price variability: evidence from supply and demand events

- Lawrence Davidson and Rik Hafer
- 1984-020: Money and sectoral output dynamics in the United States, quarterly 1950/III to 1982/IV

- K. Alec Chrystal
- 1984-019: Tests of price sluggishness in the U.K

- K. Alec Chrystal and Daniel Thornton
- 1984-018: Money and disaggregate supply in the United States, 1950-1982

- K. Alec Chrystal
- 1984-017: What do Almon's endpoint constraints constrain?

- Dallas S. Batten and Daniel Thornton
- 1984-016: Interest rate variability and output: further evidence

- John Tatom
- 1984-015: A review of the performance of a reduced-form macroeconomic model

- John Tatom
- 1984-014: Are energy prices cyclical?

- Mack Ott and John Tatom
- 1984-013: The role of energy in the productivity slowdown: a comment

- John Tatom
- 1984-012: Agricultural and financial market interdependence: another view

- Michael Belongia
- 1984-011: Money and activity in the U.K. 1961-1983: surprise? surprise!

- K. Alec Chrystal and David Peel
- 1984-010: How natural is the natural rate?

- Monojit Chatterji and K. Alec Chrystal
- 1984-009: Risk aversion and weekly money: does the market expect the Fed to offset large increases in M1?

- Michael Belongia and Fredric Kolb
- 1984-008: Estimates of the link between variable money growth and GNP: a supplement to Mascaro and Meltzer

- Michael Belongia
- 1984-007: Price expectations and the demand for money: a comment

- Rik Hafer and Daniel Thornton
- 1984-006: The money supply announcements puzzle: a comment

- Michael Belongia and Fredric Kolb
- 1984-005: Choosing between M1 and debt as an intermediate target for monetary policy

- Rik Hafer
- 1984-004: Some international evidence of output stability under floating exchange rates

- Dallas S. Batten and Mack Ott
- 1984-003: On the treatment of the weighted initial observation in the AR(1) regression model

- Daniel Thornton
- 1984-002: A note on the relative efficiency of the Cochrane-Orcutt and OLS estimators when the autocorrelation process has a finite past

- Daniel Thornton
- 1984-001: Lag length selection and Granger causality

- Dallas S. Batten and Daniel Thornton
- 1983-019: Alternative explanations of the 1982-1983 decline in velocity

- John Tatom
- 1983-018: Beaches, beaver, buffalo and banks

- G. J. Santoni
- 1983-017: Government direct loan and loan guarantee programs

- Joel Fried
- 1983-016: Discount rate changes and the foreign exchange market

- Dallas S. Batten and Daniel Thornton