Working Papers
From Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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- 1995-015: Dynamic commitment and imperfect policy rules

- Joseph Haubrich and Joseph Ritter
- 1995-014: Inflation targeting in a small open economy: empirical results for Switzerland

- Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer
- 1995-013: Why do banks disappear? The determinants of U.S. bank failures and acquisitions

- David Wheelock and Paul Wilson
- 1995-012: Trade, growth and capital: a case study of Jamaica

- Donald S. Allen and Michelle T. Gyles
- 1995-011: Exchange rate constraints and money control in Korea

- Gyuhan Kim
- 1995-010: Endogenous money supply and the business cycle

- William Gavin and Finn Kydland
- 1995-009: Tariffs and asset market structure: some basic comparative dynamics

- Michael Dueker
- 1995-008: The effects of annuities, bequests, and aging in an overlapping generations model of endogenous growth

- Rowena Pecchenino and Patricia Pollard
- 1995-007: Lessons from the United States and European Community for the integration of high and low income economies

- Cletus Coughlin and David Wheelock
- 1995-006: On learning and the stability of cycles

- James Bullard and John Duffy
- 1995-005: Identifying Austria's implicit monetary target: an alternative test of the \"hard currency\" policy

- Michael Dueker and Andreas Fischer
- 1995-004: Commitment as investment under uncertainty

- Joseph Haubrich and Joseph Ritter
- 1995-003: Non-monotonic long memory dynamics in black-market premia

- Patrick K. Asea and Michael Dueker
- 1995-002: Risk aversion vs. intertemporal substitution: identification failure in the intertemporal consumption CAPM

- Christopher Neely, Amlan Roy and Charles Whiteman
- 1995-001: Dependent children and aged parents: funding education and social security in an aging economy

- Rowena Pecchenino and Patricia Pollard
- 1994-032: The information content of discount rate announcements: what's behind the announcement effect?

- Daniel Thornton
- 1994-031: The baby boom and international capital flows

- Peter S. Yoo
- 1994-030: U.S. official forecasts of Group of Seven economic performance, 1976-90

- James Bullard, William G. Dewald and Michael Ulan
- 1994-029: Why does inventory investment fluctuate so much during contractions?

- Donald S. Allen
- 1994-028: Using genetic algorithms to model the evolution of heterogeneous beliefs

- James Bullard and John Duffy
- 1994-027: Maximum-likelihood estimation of fractional cointegration with application to the short end of the yield curve

- Michael Dueker and Richard Startz
- 1994-026: Characterizing cross-country consumption correlations

- Michael Pakko
- 1994-025: Banking and deposit insurance as a risk-transfer mechanism

- Sangkyun Park
- 1994-024: Monetary policy and the determination of the interest rate and exchange rate in a small open economy with increasing capital mobility

- Byung Chan Ahn
- 1994-023: Market discipline by depositors: evidence from reduced form equations

- Sangkyun Park
- 1994-022: Product cycles, innovation and relative wages in European countries

- Alison Butler and Michael Dueker
- 1994-021: Technical progress, inefficiency and productivity change in U.S. banking, 1984-1993

- David Wheelock and Paul Wilson
- 1994-020: Realignments of target zone exchange systems: what do we know?

- Christopher Neely
- 1994-019: International risk sharing and low cross-country consumption correlations: are they really inconsistent?

- Michael Pakko
- 1994-018: Are there adverse real effects from monetary policy coordination? Some evidence from Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands

- Dieter Proske and John Tatom
- 1994-017: Asymmetry in the prime rate and firms' preference for internal finance

- Michael Dueker and Daniel Thornton
- 1994-016: Compound volatility processes in EMS exchange rates

- Michael Dueker
- 1994-015: Markov switching in GARCH processes and mean reverting stock market volatility

- Michael Dueker
- 1994-014: A model of learning and emulation with artificial adaptive agents

- James Bullard and John Duffy
- 1994-013: Learning in a large square economy

- James Bullard and John Duffy
- 1994-012: Monetary steady states in a low real interest rate economy

- James Bullard and Steven Russell
- 1994-011: Superneutrality in postwar economies

- James Bullard and John Keating
- 1994-010: A reconsideration of the properties of the generalized method moments in asset pricing models

- Christopher Neely
- 1994-009: Endogenous realignments and the sustainability of a target

- P. Dean Corbae, Christopher Neely and Paul A. Weller
- 1994-008: Target zones and conditional volatility: the role of realignments

- Christopher Neely
- 1994-007: Replication and scientific standards in economics a decade later: the impact of JMCB project

- Richard Anderson and William G. Dewald
- 1994-006: A historical perspective on the Federal Reserve's monetary aggregates

- Richard Anderson and Kenneth A. Kavajecz
- 1994-005: The bank capital requirement and information asymmetry

- Sangkyun Park
- 1994-004: The transition from barter to fiat money

- Joseph Ritter
- 1994-003: Age dependent portfolio selection

- Peter S. Yoo
- 1994-002: Age distributions and returns of financial assets

- Peter S. Yoo
- 1994-001: The baby boom and economic growth

- Peter S. Yoo
- 1993-002: Explaining bank failures: deposit insurance, regulation, and efficiency

- David Wheelock and Paul Wilson
- 1993-001: Macroeconomic policy effects in a monetary union

- Patricia Pollard
- 1992-008: Selecting an intermediate target variable for monetary policy when the goal is price stability

- Michael Belongia