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Journal of Agribusiness

Volume 01 - 39

From Agricultural Economics Association of Georgia
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Volume 39, issue 1, 2021

Gauging the Economic Importance of Mississippi Agricultural and Natural Resources Downloads
T. Eric McConnell
Demand Interrelationships of Peanuts and Tree Nuts in the United States Downloads
Cheng, Guo "Chris", Oral Capps and Senarath Dharmasena
Demand for Agriculture Mechanization in the Hauts-Bassins Region in Burkina Faso Downloads
Manzamasso Hodjo, Benjamin Schwab, Michael Kere, Vinsoun Millogo and Ajit Srivastava
The Role of Research and Development in Shaping Agricultural Labor and Land Productivity in Colombia: 1981-2016 Downloads
Juan P. Taramuel, Moon Wanki, Scott D. Gilbert and C. Matthew Rendleman
Land Ownership and Technical Efficiency of Sorghum Production in Burkina Faso: A Stochastic Meta-frontier Approach Downloads
Windinkonte Seogo and Pam Zahonogo
Book Review Financial Management for Small businesses, Financial Statements & Present Value Models Downloads
Lindon Robinson, Steven Hanson, J. Roy Black and Allen Featherstone
Book Review Agribusiness as the Future of Ariculture-The Sugarcane Industry under Climate Change in the Southeast Mediterranean Downloads
Youssef Hamada and Wojciech J. Florkowski

Volume 38, issue 2, 2020

Economic Comparison of Traditional Small Box and Semi-Automatic Bin Handling HarvestingTechnologies for Wild Blueberries from a Field Trial: A Stochastic Approach Downloads
Ahmad H. Khan, Emmanuel Yiridoe, Travis J. Esau, Prosper S. Koto, Qamar U. Zaman and Aitazaz A. Farooque
Sample Selection Bias in Hedonic Pricing Models of Thoroughbred Broodmares Downloads
Matthew Muntifering and John Ng'ombe
An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing Households’Demand for Omega-3 Enriched Eggs in the United States Downloads
Rafael Bakhtavortyan and Jose A Lopez
System Design and Co-Product Streams: Does Technological Choice Matter for Aquaponic Profitability? Downloads
Grace Gibbons and Tanner McCarty
A Supply Perspective on the Feasibility of a Georgia-Branded Beef Program Downloads
Davis Heric, Zachaary Turner, Cesar Escalante and Kent Wolfe
My State’s Better: Development of a State Pride Scale for Use in Market Research Downloads
Meagan Osburn, Rodney Holcomb and Clinton L. Neill

Volume 38, issue 1

Bearers of Bad New: Heterogeneous Effects of Alternative Front-of-Package Labeling Schemes for Nutritional Information Downloads
W.A. Sundstrom, S. McIntyre, G.A. Baker and B. Avants
Management Succession Lessons Learned from Large Farm Businesses in Former East Germany Downloads
A.E. Staehr
An Online Survey of Chinese Familiarity With and Attitudes Towards Pecans Downloads
C. Du and Bailey Norwood
Targeted Advertising and Promotion Campaigns_A Case Study of the National Pork Board Downloads
Oral Capps
The Potential for Restaurants in Expanding Markets for Locally Grown Food Downloads
A. McLeod and J.M. Halstead
Estimating the Economic Impacts of the COVID19 Pandemic on the State of Georgia Economy_A Quick-Response Method Downloads
J. Salazar, J.C. Bergstrom and D. Poudel

Volume 37, issue 2, 2019

An Empirical Analysis of Household Demand for Organic and Conventional Flour in the United States: Evidence from the 2014 Nielsen Homescan Data Downloads
Rafael Bakhtavoryan, Armine Poghosyan, Jose A. Lopez and Asli Ogunc
An Empirical Investigation of U.S. Demand for Fresh-Fruit Imports Downloads
Hovhannes Mnatsakanyan and Jose A. Lopez
Optimal Farm Household Labor Allocation of New and Beginning Vegetable Operations Downloads
Allyssa Renee Mark, Kimberly Morgan, Clinton L. Neill and Kim Niewolny
Toward a Scale to Measure How Food Businesses Attain and Maintain Legitimacy Downloads
Ruth Inman, Aaron J. Johnson, Clay Dibrell, Rodney Holcomb, D. Dwayne Cartmell, Shelly R. Sitton and Robert Terry
Leaving for Education Downloads
Jeffrey L. Jordan and Genti Kostandini

Volume 37, issue 1, 2019

Categorizing Agritourism Operations and Identifying Barriers to Success Downloads
Nathan DeLay, Hayley Chouinard and Philip R. Wandschneider
Impact of Alfalfa Exports Surge on Dairy and Feed Markets in California Downloads
Hernan A Tejeda, Man-Keun Kim and Dillon M. Feuz
E.coli Recalls and Meat Demand: An Updated Assessment Downloads
M.A. Buddhika Patalee and Glynn Tonsor
The Economic Importance of Replacement H2A Foreign Farm Labor Inputs Downloads
Odeidra D. Williams and Cesar Escalante
Economic Consequences of Different Institutional Structures for the Cotton Sector in West and Central Africa: Evidence from Burkina Faso Downloads
Vasco Langa, Jeffrey Vitale and Pilja Park Vitale

Volume 36, issue 2, 2018

Expenditures on Wine in General and Local Wine in Particular: Marketing and Econometric Analysis Downloads
Xueting Deng and J.S. Butler
Coupons and Manufacturer Market Shares: A Brand-Level Analysis of the Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereal Market Downloads
Rafael Bakhtavoryan, Artak Meloyan and Vardges Hovhannisyan
Estimation and Decomposition of Economic Inefficiency of Maize Producers in Benin: A Directional Distance Function Framework Downloads
Raoul Adeguelou, Patrice Y. Adegbola, Alphonse Singbo and Kimseyinga Savadogo
The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in the Elasticity of Substitution between Exports and Imports Downloads
Luis Peña-Lévano
The “Liability of Newness” in the Food/Agribusiness Sector Downloads
Aaron J. Johnson, Clay Dibrell, Ruth Inman and Rodney Holcomb
Estimating Agricultural Losses from a Hurricane Downloads
Jeffrey Dorfman, Yangxuan Liu and Adam Rabinowitz

Volume 36, issue 1, 2018

Dynamics of Price Adjustment in Qualitatively Differentiated U.S. Markets: The Case of Organic and Non-organic Apples Downloads
Mehdi Nemati and Sayed Saghaian
Information Transmission between Hog Futures and Expert Price Forecasts Downloads
Jason Franken, Philip Garcia, Scott Irwin and Xiaoli Etienne
Educator Survey: Do Institutions Provide the Precision Agriculture Education Needed by Agribusiness? Downloads
Scott Fausti, Bruce Erickson, Sharon Clay, Leon Schumacher, David Clay and Danielle Skouby
The Impact of a Sorghum-Based Ethanol Plant on Local Sorghum Basis and Cotton Acreage: A Spatial Approach Downloads
Bing Liu, Darren Hudson, Jamie Bologna Pavlik and Michael Farmer
How Determinants of Thoroughbred Stud Fees Change Over Time: A Hedonic Price Approach Downloads
Charlotte R. Hansen, C. Stowe and Sayed Saghaian

Volume 35, issue 2, 2017

The Evolving Dynamics of Commodity Markets: Introduction to a Journal of Agribusiness Special Issue Downloads
Anton Bekkerman and Berna Karali
Forecasting Quality Grade and Certified Angus Beef Premiums Downloads
Jason Franken and Joe Parcell
Is “Good Enough” Good Enough When Hedging Agricultural Commodities? Downloads
Roger A. Dahlgran
Risk Management: Potential for U.S. Microbreweries Downloads
Alejandro Prera, T. Randall Fortenbery and Thomas Marsh
A New and Dynamic Approach for Forecasting the Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers Downloads
Hernan A. Tejeda and Dillon M. Feuz

Volume 35, issue 1, 2017

U.S. Non-alcoholic Beverage Demand: Evidence from AIDS Model with Dynamic Effect Downloads
GwanSeon Kim and Yuqing Zheng
The Impact of Weather on Agricultural Labor Supply Downloads
Jaehyuk Lee, Denis Nadolnyak and Valentina Hartarska
Cointegration Analysis of Stocks-to-Use Ratios with Price and Acreage Response for Corn, Soybeans, and Wheat Downloads
Archie Flanders
Human Capital, Workplace Violence, and Human Resource Management in Agribusiness: Review and Recommendations Downloads
David Van Fleet
Attitude Change by Students in Professional Sales Courses: Implications for Recruiters and Potential Employers Downloads
Aaron J. Johnson, W. Scott Downey, Kerry K. Litzenberg, Allen F. Wysocki and Elizabeth Yeager
A Tennessee Milk Plant as a Possible Way of Growing the Tennessee Dairy Industry Downloads
David Hughes, Andrew Griffith, David Mendez, Robert Holland and Kevin Ferguson
Page updated 2024-10-10