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The Journal of Economic History

1941 - 2025

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Volume 26, issue 4, 1966

Business History and Economic History pp. 407-417 Downloads
Harold F. Williamson
Levels of Nineteenth-Century American Investment in Education* pp. 418-436 Downloads
Albert Fishlow
United States Transport Advance and Externalities pp. 437-461 Downloads
Stanley Lebergott
Discussion of papers by Albert Fishlow and Stanley Lebergott pp. 462-465 Downloads
Harry N. Scheiber
French Views on Wealth and Taxes from the Middle Ages to the Old Regime pp. 466-483 Downloads
Martin Wolfe
The Political Economy of Public Finance and the Industrialization of Prussia, 1815–1866 pp. 484-497 Downloads
Richard Tilly
Public Services and Regional Development in Canada pp. 498-513 Downloads
T. K. Shoyama
The Government in the American Economy, 1815–1902: A Quantitative Study pp. 514-552 Downloads
Lance E. Davis and John Legler
Discussion of papers by T. K. Shoyama and Lance E. Davis with John Legler pp. 553-555 Downloads
Duncan McDougall
Welfare Policy and Economic Development: A Comparative Historical Perspective* pp. 556-571 Downloads
Gaston V. Rimlinger
Discussion of paper by Gaston V. Rimlinger pp. 572-576 Downloads
Gordon C. Bjork
Finance and Industrialization in Italy, 1894–1914 pp. 577-578 Downloads
Jon. S. Cohen
Banking and Finance in Antebellum Louisiana: Their Influence on the Course of Economic Development pp. 579-581 Downloads
George D. Green
Foreign Entrepreneurship in Russian Industrialization, 1880–1914* pp. 582-585 Downloads
John P. McKay
Regional Income Differentials in Canada, 1911–1961 pp. 586-588 Downloads
R. Marvin McInnis
The Content and Context of the Work of H. A. Innis pp. 589-590 Downloads
Robert F. Neill
The Diffusion of Technological Change in the Pennsylvania Pig Iron Industry, 1850–1870: A Summary pp. 591-594 Downloads
William D. Walsh
A Quantitative Study of American Colonial Shipping: A Summary* pp. 595-598 Downloads
Gary M. Walton
Discussion of doctoral dissertation summaries pp. 599-605 Downloads
William N. Parker

Volume 26, issue 3, 1966

Labor Scarcity and the Problem of American Industrial Efficiency in the 1850's* pp. 277-298 Downloads
Peter Temin
Cocoa in the Gold Coast: A Study in the Relations between African Farmers and Agricultural Experts* pp. 299-319 Downloads
R. H. Green and S. H. Hymer
The Draper Loom in New England Textiles, 1894–1914: A Study of Diffusion of an Innovation* pp. 320-347 Downloads
Irwin Feller
Farm Capital Formation as a Use of Farm Labor in the United States, 1850–1910 pp. 348-362 Downloads
Martin L. Primack
Economic Management in a Free-Trade Empire: The Work of the Crown Agents for the Colonies in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries pp. 363-377 Downloads
Vincent Ponko
From Cloth to Iron: The Anglo-Baltic Trade in the Late Seventeenth Century. Part II: The Customs Accounts as Sources for the Study of the Trade. By Sven-Erik Aström. Helsingfors: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 1965. Pp. 86. FM. 4.30 pp. 378-379 Downloads
Walther Kirchner
The Mexican Mining Industry, 1890–1950. By Marvin D. Bernstein. Yellow Springs, O.: The Antioch Press for the State University of New York, 1964. Pp. xvi, 412. $10.00 pp. 379-380 Downloads
Orris C. Herfindahl
The Conditions of Agricultural Growth: The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure. By Ester Boserup. With a Foreword by Nicholas Kaldor. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Company, 1965. Pp. 124. $5.00 pp. 380-381 Downloads
Folke Dovring
The Dutch Seaborne Empire, 1600–1800. By C. R. Boxer. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965. Pp. xxvi, 326. $6.95 pp. 381-382 Downloads
George Masselman
Labor in Crisis: The Steel Strike of 1919. By David Brody. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1965. Pp. vi, 208. $3.95 pp. 382-383 Downloads
Richard L. Rowan
Scotland since 1707: The Rise of an Industrial Society. By R. H. Campbell. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1965. Pp. xii, 354. $6.50 pp. 383-384 Downloads
Roy Church
Les grandes voies maritimes dans le monde: xv-xixe siècles. Reports presented at the seventh colloquium of the Twelfth International Congress of Historical Sciences (Vienna, 1965). Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1965. Pp. 330 pp. 384-386 Downloads
John G. B. Hutchins
The First Industrial Revolution. By Phyllis Deane. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. vii, 295. $8.00 (clothbound); $2.95 (paperback) pp. 386-388 Downloads
Douglass North
Market Towns and Spatial Development in India. By E. A. J. Johnson. New Delhi: National Council of Applied Economic Research, 1965. Pp. xi, 155. $5.00 pp. 388-389 Downloads
Kenneth M. Kauffman
The Economic Effects of Regulation. By Paul W. MacAvoy. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1965. Pp. ix, 275. $10.00 pp. 390-392 Downloads
Albert Fishlow
Lettres marchandes échangées entre Florence et Medina del Campo. Edited by F. Ruiz Martín. Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1965. Pp. clii, 484 pp. 392-393 Downloads
Raymond de Roover
The Ryotwari System in Madras, 1792–1827. By Nilmani Mukherjee. Calcutta: Mukhopadhyay, 1962. Pp. xviii, 397. Rs. 20 pp. 393-395 Downloads
Robert Eric Frykenberg
Growth and Welfare in the American Past: A New Economic History. By Douglass C. North. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Pp. xiv, 198. $5.95 (clothbound); $2.95 (paperback) pp. 395-396 Downloads
William G. Whitney
The Genesis of Modern Management: A Study of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain. By Sidney Pollard. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965. Pp. 328. $7.95 pp. 397-398 Downloads
Hugh G. J. Aitken
Twenty-Six Centuries of Agrarian Reform. By Elias H. Tuma. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965. Pp. xi, 309. $6.95 pp. 398-399 Downloads
Harold F. Breimyer
The Urbanization of Japanese Labor, 1868–1955. By Thomas O. Wilkinson. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1965. Pp. xi, 243. $6.00 pp. 399-401 Downloads
Arlon R. Tussing
The Early History of the Don Navigation. By T. S. Willan. Manchester, Engl.: The University Press, 1965. Pp. ix, 165. 35s pp. 401-401 Downloads
Louis C. Hunter
China's Wartime Finance and Inflation, 1937–1945. By Arthur N. Young. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965. Pp. xviii, 421. $10.00 pp. 401-402 Downloads
Peter Schran

Volume 26, issue 2, 1966

Mortgage Borrowing as a Frontier Developed: A Study of Mortgages in Champaign County, Illinois, 1836–1895 pp. 147-168 Downloads
Robert F. Severson, James F. Niss and Richard D. Winkelman
Entrepreneurship in the Establishment of the American Clock Industry* pp. 169-186 Downloads
John Joseph Murphy
Steam and Waterpower in the Early Nineteenth Century* pp. 187-205 Downloads
Peter Temin
Federal Government Receipts and Expenditures, 1861–1875 pp. 206-222 Downloads
Paul B. Trescott
A Reconsideration of Federal Reserve Policy during the 1920–1921 Depression* pp. 223-238 Downloads
Elmus R. Wicker
Perspective on Recent Japanese Economic Growth pp. 239-243 Downloads
Colin Forster
The Financial Sector in Economic Development: The Mexican Case. By Robert L. Bennett. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1965. Pp. xiii, 210. $6.95 pp. 244-246 Downloads
Clark W. Reynolds
The American Property Tax: Its History, Administration, and Economic Impact. By George C. S. Benson, and others. Claremont, Cal.: Claremont Men's College, 1965. Pp. viii, 198. $2.50 pp. 246-247 Downloads
Lewis H. Kimmel
Il mondo rurale italiano nel cinque e nel seicento: Rassegna di studi recenti. By Aldo De Maddalena. Reprinted from Rivista Storica Italiana, LXXVI, No. 2 (1964), pp. 349–426 pp. 247-248 Downloads
Domenico Sella
Russo-Persian Commercial Relations, 1828–1914. By Marvin L. Entner. Gainesville: University of Florida Press, 1965. Pp. 80. $2.00 pp. 248-249 Downloads
Walther Kirchner
Economic Change in the Civil War Era. Edited by David T. Gilchrist and W. David Lewis. Greenville, Dela.: Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, 1965. Pp. ix, 180 pp. 249-251 Downloads
Richard H. Timberlake
Minnesota and the Manifest Destiny of the Canadian Northwest: A Study in Canadian-American Relations. By Alvin C. Gluek Jr. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1965. Pp. xi, 311. $7.50 pp. 251-252 Downloads
John A. Williams
Empires in the Wilderness: Foreign Colonization and Development in Guatemala, 1834–1844. By William J. Griffith. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1965. Pp. x, 332. $7.50 pp. 252-253 Downloads
Matthew Edel
Settlement and Society: A Study of the Early Agrarian History of South Lincolnshire. By H. E. Hallam. Cambridge, Engl: The University Press, 1965. Pp. xx, 277. - Tenure and Mobility: Studies in the Social History of the Mediaeval English Village. By J. Ambrose Raftis. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1964. Pp. 309 pp. 253-255 Downloads
Sylvia L. Thrupp
La Grange de Vaulerent: Structure et exploitation d'un terroir cistercien de la plaine de France, xiie-xve siècle. By Charles Higounet. Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1965. Pp. 69 pp. 255-255 Downloads
Harry A. Miskimin
Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Compiled by Edward E. Hill. (Preliminary Inventory No. 163.) Washington: National Archives and Records Service, 1965. Two volumes paged continuously; pp. 459 pp. 255-256 Downloads
Thomas LeDuc
Das Wachstum der Deutschen Wirtschaft seit der Mitte des 19ten Jahrhunderts. By Walther G. Hoffmann. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 1965. Pp. xxviii, 842. DM 138 pp. 256-257 Downloads
Shepard B. Clough
Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1845–1895. By Frank H. H. King. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965. Pp. ix, 330. $8.95 pp. 257-259 Downloads
Chi-Ming Hou
The State and Economic Enterprise in Japan. Edited by William W. Lockwood. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press for the Conference on Modem Japan of the Association for Asian Studies, 1965. Pp. x, 753. $12.50 pp. 259-262 Downloads
Arlon R. Tussing
Barbados: A Study of North-American West-Indian Relations, 1739–1789. By David Makinson. The Hague: Mouton, 1964. Pp. 142 pp. 262-263 Downloads
Robert Paul Thomas
The Wire that Fenced the West. By Henry D. and Frances T. McCallum. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. Pp. xv, 285. $5.95 pp. 263-264 Downloads
Paul W. Gates
The Third Book of Remembrance of Southampton, 1514–1602. Vol. III, 1573–1589. Edited by A. L. Merson. Southampton: The University Press, 1965. Pp. xxi, 142. £2 12s. 6d pp. 264-265 Downloads
Edward Miller
The Emergence of an Industrial Labor Force in India: A Study of the Bombay Cotton Mills, 1854–1947. By Morris David Morris. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1965. Pp. 263. $7.50 pp. 265-267 Downloads
Richard D. Lambert
The American Automobile: A Brief History. By John B. Rae. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. Pp. xvi, 265. $5.95 pp. 268-268 Downloads
Robert F. Croll
Le domaine du roi et les finances extraordinaires sous Charles VI, 1388–1413, and Les finances royales sous Charles VI: Les causes du déficit, 1388–1413. By Maurice Rey. Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1965. Pp. 447, 685 pp. 269-270 Downloads
Martin Wolfe
Historical Statistics of Canada. Edited by M. C. Urquhart and K. A. H. Buckley. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1965. Pp. xv, 672. $15.00 pp. 270-271 Downloads
Edward J. Chambers

Volume 26, issue 1, 1966

Land Speculator “Profits” Reconsidered: Central Iowa as a Test Case* pp. 1-28 Downloads
Robert P. Swierenga
Markets, Technology, and the Structure of Enterprise in the Development of the Eleventh-Century Chinese Iron and Steel Industry* pp. 29-58 Downloads
Robert Hartwell
The Labor Force in Meiji Economic Growth: A Quantitative Study of Yamanashi Prefecture* pp. 59-92 Downloads
Arlon Tussing
Agricultural Productivity and Economic Growth in England, 1700–1760: A Comment pp. 93-98 Downloads
M. W. Flinn
Old Wine in New Bottles: A Review of the Cambridge Economic History, Volume VI pp. 99-106 Downloads
William N. Parker
Railroads and American Economic Growth* pp. 107-115 Downloads
Marc Nerlove
Der synthetische Treibstoff 1933–1945. By Wolfgang Birkenfeld. Göttingen: Messerschmidt-Verlag, 1964. Pp. 279 pp. 117-119 Downloads
Arthur Schweitzer
Evidences of Long Swings in Aggregate Construction since the Civil War. By Moses Abramovitz. New York and London: Columbia University Press for N. B. E. R., 1964. Pp. xii, 240. $4.00 pp. 117-117 Downloads
E. Philip Howrey
The Single Duty Project: A Study of the Movement for a French Customs Union in the Eighteenth Century. By J. F. Bosher. University of London: The Athlone Press, 1964. Pp. xiv, 215. $6.65 pp. 119-121 Downloads
Warren G. Scoville
The Roots of American Economic Growth, 1607–1861: An Essay in Social Causation. By Stuart Bruchey. New York and Evanston: Harper and Row, 1965. Pp. xiii, 234. $4.95 pp. 121-122 Downloads
Jeffrey G. Williamson
British Economic History, 1870–1914: Commentary and Documents. Edited by W. H. B. Court. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1965. Pp. xviii, 471. $12.00 (clothbound); $4.95 (paperbound) pp. 123-123 Downloads
Barry Supple
Development of British Monetary Orthodoxy, 1797–1875. By Frank Whitson Fetter. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1965. Pp. ix, 296. $6.00 pp. 123-124 Downloads
Mark Blaug
Age of Excess: American Life from the End of Reconstruction to World War I. By Ray Ginger. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1965. Pp. x, 386. $5.95 pp. 125-125 Downloads
Ralph E. Weber
Economic Growth and Structure, Selected Essays. By Simon Kuznets. New York: W. W. Norton, 1965. Pp. viii, 378. $7.50 pp. 125-127 Downloads
Robert Baldwin
A History of Russian Economic Thought: Ninth through Eighteenth Centuries. Edited and translated from the Russian by John M. Letiche, with the collaboration of Basil Dmytryshyn and Richard A. Pierce. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964. Pp. vii, 636. $12.50 pp. 127-128 Downloads
Herbert J. Ellison
Les banques européennes et l'industrialisation internationale dans la première moitié du xixe siècle. By Maurice Lévy-Leboyer. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1964. Pp. 813. Fr. 65 pp. 128-129 Downloads
Shepard B. Clough
Mélanges d'histoire économique et sociale en hommage au professeur Antony Babel. (Two volumes.) Geneva: Imprimerie de la Tribune de Genève, 1963. Pp. xxvii, 1115 pp. 129-130 Downloads
Robert Forster
Farm Real Estate Values in the United States by Counties, 1850–1959. Edited by Thomas J. Pressly and William H. Scofield. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1965. Pp. 69. $5.00 pp. 130-132 Downloads
John D. Bowman
The German Military Enterpriser and His Work Force: A Study in European Economic and Social History. Vol. I. By Fritz Redlich. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag GMBH, 1964. Pp. xv, 532 pp. 132-133 Downloads
Gaston V. Rimlinger
The Sinews of American Capitalism: An Economic History. By Clark C. Spence. New York: Hill and Wang, 1964. Pp. xii, 344. $6.00 pp. 133-134 Downloads
Stuart Bruchey
The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558–1641. By Lawrence Stone. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1965. Pp. xxiv, 841. $16.80 pp. 135-137 Downloads
Perez Zagorin
The Fur Trade on the Upper Missouri, 1840–1865. By John E. Sunder. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. Pp. xiv, 295. $5.95 pp. 137-137 Downloads
Thomas LeDuc
Iron and Steel in Nineteenth-Century America: An Economic Inquiry. By Peter Temin. Cambridge: The M.I.T. Press, 1964. Pp. ix, 340. $7.50 pp. 137-138 Downloads
Thomas J. Orsagh
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