The Journal of Economic History
1941 - 2025
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Volume 8, issue S1, 1948
- Inflation and Controls, Pennsylvania, 1774–1779 pp. 1-20

- Anne Bezanson
- The Manipulation of Economic Unrest pp. 21-31

- Crane Brinton
- The Centenary of Marx and Mill pp. 32-41

- V. W. Bladen
- The England of Marx and Mill as Reflected in Fiction pp. 42-58

- William O. Aydelotte
- Laissez Faire and State Intervention in Nineteenth-Century Britain pp. 59-73

- J. Bartlett Brebner
- Unrest in France in 1848 pp. 74-84

- Arthur L. Dunham
- Economic Discontent in Medieval Western Europe pp. 85-100

- Ralph E. Turner
- The Economic Background of Plato's Communism pp. 101-114

- C. Bradford Welles
Volume 8, issue 2, 1948
- Real Values in British Foreign Trade, 1798–1853 pp. 133-152

- Albert H. Imlah
- Charity Endowments as Sources of Local Credit in Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century England pp. 153-170

- Francis Godwin James
- The Keynesian Revolution and Economic Development pp. 171-177

- Dudley Dillard
- Regional and Geographical Studies - Une Société provinciale en lutte contre le régime féodal: L'Alleu en Bordelais et Bazadais du XIe au XVIIIe siècle. By Robert Boutruche. [Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg, fascicule 100.] Rodez: Imprimerie P. Carrère, 1943–1947. Pp. 275. - La Crise d'une société: Seigneurs et paysans du Bordelais pendant la Guerre de Cent Ans. By Robert Boutruche. [Publications de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Strasbourg, fascicule 110.] Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1947. Pp. li, 596 pp. 178-179

- Joseph R. Strayer
- The Rise of the Spanish American Empire. By Salvador de Madariaga. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. Pp. xix, 408. $5.00 pp. 179-181

- Arthur P. Whitaker
- A Short Economic History of Modern Japan, 1867–1937. By George C. Allen. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1946. Pp. 200. $3.00 pp. 181-182

- Nobutaka Ike
- Liberia: A Century of Survival, 1847–1947 By Raymond Leslie Buell. [African Handbooks, 7.] Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1947. Pp. vi, 140. $1.50 pp. 182-183

- George W. Brown
- New Zealand. Edited by Horace Belshaw. [United Nations Series.] Berkeley: University of California Press, 1947. Pp. xvii, 329. $5.00 pp. 183-184

- Alexander Brady
- The New North-West. Edited by C. A. Dawson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1947. Pp. x, 341. $4.25 pp. 184-186

- V. C. Fowke
- Engineering and Society, with Special Reference to Canada. By C. R. Young, H. A. Innis, and J. H. Dales. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1946. Pp. 429. $2.75 pp. 186-187

- W. Rupert Maclaurin
- The Grassland of North America: Prolegomena to Its History. By James C. Malin. Printed by the author, 1541 University Drive, Lawrence, Kansas, 1947. Pp. viii, 398. $3.00 pp. 188-189

- Everett E. Edwards
- Historical Geography of the United States. By Ralph Hall Brown. Edited by J. Russell Whitaker. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1948. Pp. viii, 596. $7.50 pp. 189-190

- James C. Malin
- The South in the Union - Ordeal of the Union. By Allan Nevins. Vol. I: Fruits of Manifest Destiny, 1847–1852; Vol. II: A House Dividing, 1852–1857. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1947. Pp. xiv, 593; viii, 590. Set, $10.00 pp. 190-192

- Edward C. Kirkland
- The South During Reconstruction, 1865–1877. By Ellis Merton Coulter. [History of the South, Vol. VIII.] Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1947. Pp. xii, 426. $5.00. Library edition, $60.00 per set pp. 192-193

- Clarence H. Danhof
- The South Old and New, A History 1820–1947. By Francis Butler Simkins. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xvi, 527, xx. $6.00 pp. 193-195

- T. D. Clark
- From Slavery to Freedom: A History of American Negroes. By John Hope Franklin. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xv, 622, xlii. $5.00 pp. 195-196

- Elizabeth Donnan
- Americana - America's Sheep Trails: History, Personalities. By Edward Norris Wentworth. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1948. Pp. xxii, 667. $7.00 pp. 196-197

- Fred A. Shannon
- Niles' Weekly Register: News Magazine of the Nineteenth Century. By Norval Neil Luxon. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1947. Pp. viii, 337. $5.00 pp. 197-197

- Arthur H. Cole
- The Progressive Movement of 1924. By Kenneth Campbell MacKay. New York: Columbia University Press, 1947. Pp. 298. $3.75 pp. 198-198

- Eric F. Goldman
- Mining Camps: A Study in American Frontier Government. By Charles Howard Shinn. With an Introduction by Joseph Henry Jackson. [Western Americana Series.] New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xxvi, 291. $4.00. - Silver Kings: The Lives and Times of Mackay, Fair, Flood, and O'Brien, Lords of the Nevada Comstock Lode. By Oscar Lewis. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xii, 286. $4.00 pp. 199-200

- F. E. Richter
- International Economics - Economics of Migration. By Julius Isaac. Introduction by Sir Alexander Carr-Saunders. [International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction.] New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. Pp. xii, 285. $4.50 pp. 200-201

- Oscar Handlin
- Mahan on Sea Power. By William E. Livezey. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1947. Pp. 334. $3.50 pp. 201-202

- Robert G. Albion
- Japan's Influence on American Naval Power, 1897–1917. By Outten James Clinard. [University of California Publications in History, Vol. XXXVI.] Berkeley: University of California Press, 1947. Pp. iv, 235. $3.75 pp. 202-202

- Robert G. Albion
- American Oil Operations Abroad. By Leonard M. Fanning. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1947. Pp. 270. $5.00 pp. 202-203

- Joe S. Bain
- China Trade Days in California: Selected Letters from the Thompson Papers, 1832–1863. Edited by D. Mackenzie Brown. Foreword by Robert Glass Cleland. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1947. Pp. xvii, 94. $3.00 pp. 203-204

- Fred Harvey Harrington
- The United States and the Caribbean. By Dexter Perkins. [American Foreign Policy Library.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947. Pp. 265. $3.00 pp. 204-205

- Benjamin H. Williams
- American Interest in Cuba: 1848–1855. By Basil Rauch. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 537.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1948. Pp. 323. $3.75 pp. 205-206

- Clinton Harvey Gardiner
- Marxist Economic Thought - Studies in the Development of Capitalism. By Maurice H. Dobb. New York: International Publishers Company, 1947. Pp. ix, 396. $3.50 pp. 206-207

- Karl Polanyi
- A Centenary of Marxism. Edited by Samuel Bernstein and the Editors of Science and Society. New York: Science and Society, Inc., 1948. Pp. 194. $2.00 pp. 208-210

- Fritz Karl Mann
- The Role of Government - Economic Policy and Democratic Thought: Pennsylvania, 1776–1860. By Louis Hartz. [With a Foreword by Benjamin F. Wright.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948. Pp. xv, 366. $4.00 pp. 210-213

- Carter Goodrich
- Industrial Mobilization for War: History of the War Production Board and Predecessor Agencies, 1940–45. Vol. I, Program and Administration [Historical Reports on War Administration, War Production Board, General Study No. 1. Bureau of Demobilization, Civilian Production Administration.] Washington: Government Printing Office, 1947. Pp. xviii, 1010. $3.75 pp. 213-215

- Frederic C. Lane
- Monopolies and Patents, A Study of the History and Future of the Patent Monopoly. By Harold G. Fox. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1947. Pp. xxv, 388. $10.00 pp. 215-217

- Fritz Machlup
- Money and Credit - El Precio de la vida en el reino asturleonés hace mil años. By Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz. Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1945. Pp. 46. Also published in Logos, Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, III pp. 218-218

- Robert S. Lopez
- The Role of Money in French Comedy during the Reign of Louis XIV. By Leo Orville Forkey. [The Johns Hopkins Studies in Romance Literature and Languages, extra Vol. XXIV.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1947. Pp. 142. $2.50 pp. 218-219

- Frank E. Dykema
- Credit Union Development in Wisconsin. By Eli Shapiro. [Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, No. 525.] New York: Columbia University Press, 1947. Pp. 174. $2.50. - They Did It in Indiana: The Story of the Indiana Farm Bureau Co-operatives. By Paul Turner. New York: The Dryden Press, 1947. Pp. xxix, 159. $2.25 pp. 219-220

- W. H. Glover
- Production Trends - National Product Since 1869. By Simon Kuznets. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. Pp. xvi, 239. $3.00. - Value of Commodity Output Since 1869. By William Howard Shaw. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1947. Pp. x, 302. $4.00. - Output and Productivity in the Electric and Gas Utilities, 1899–1942. By Jacob M. Gould. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1946. Pp. xi, 195. $3.00. - Trends in Output and Employment. By George J. Stigler. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1947. Pp. ix, 67. $1.00 pp. 220-224

- Charles A. Bliss
- Production in the United States, 1860–1914. By Edwin Frickey. [Harvard Economic Studies, Vol. LXXXII.] Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947. Pp. xii, 265. $4.00 pp. 224-226

- Geoffrey H. Moore
- Industrial History - Revolution in Glassmaking: Entrepreneurship and Technological Change in the American Industry, 1880–1920. By Warren C. Scoville. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948. Pp. xvii, 398. $5.00 pp. 226-228

- Samuel Rezneck
- The Story of Wool. By William Ferguson Leggett. [Foreword by Sylvan I. Stroock.] Brooklyn: Chemical Publishing Company, 1947. Pp. vi, 304. $5.00 pp. 228-229

- W. C. Coffey
- Buna Rubber: The Birth of an Industry. By Frank Atherton Howard. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1947. Pp. xii, 307. $3.75 pp. 228-228

- Theodore F. Marburg
- Les Assurances en Suisse et dans le monde. Leur rôle dans l'évolution économique et sociale. By Jean Halpérin. Neuchâtel: Editions de la Baconnière, 1946. Pp. 275 pp. 229-229

- Shepard B. Clough
- Commercial Broadcasting Pioneer: The WEAF Experiment, 1922–1926. By William Peck Banning. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1946. Pp. xxxiii, 308. $3.50 pp. 229-230

- Henry David
- And the Mountains Will Move. By Captain Miles P. Du Val Jr. Stanford University: Stanford University Press, 1947. Pp. 374. $5.00 pp. 230-231

- Abel Wolman
- History of Transportation in the United States Before 1860. Prepared under the direction of Balthasar Henry Meyer by Caroline E. MacGill and a staff of collaborators. [Reprinted with the permission of the Carnegie Institute of Washington.] New York: Peter Smith, 1948. Pp. xi, 678. $10.00 pp. 231-233

- Paul W. Gates
- Ruler of the Reading: The Life of Franklin B. Gowen, 1836–1889. By Marvin W. Schlegel. Harrisburg: Archives Publishing Company of Pennsylvania, 1947. Pp. viii, 308. $4.00 pp. 233-234

- Joseph T. Lambie
- Labor - Forced Labor in Soviet Russia. By David J. Dallin and Boris I. Nicolaevsky. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947. Pp. xv, 331. $3.75 pp. 234-237

- Abram Bergson
- The London Compositor: Documents Relating to Wages, Working Conditions and Customs of the London Printing Trade, 1785–1900. Edited by Ellic Howe. London: Oxford University Press, 1947. Pp. 528. $10.50 pp. 237-238

- William M. Leiserson
- Joseph Weydemeyer, Pioneer of American Socialism. By Karl Obermann. New York: International Publishers Company, 1947. Pp. 160. $2.25 pp. 238-239

- Jonathan Grossman
- History of the Labor Movement in the United States, from Colonial Times to the Founding of the American Federation of Labor. By Philip S. Foner. New York: International Publishers Company, 1947. Pp. 576. $4.50 pp. 239-240

- Lloyd G. Reynolds
- Rejoinders pp. 241-242

- Earl J. Hamilton and F. L. Nussbaum
Volume 8, issue 1, 1948
- Banking in the Early West: Monopoly, Prohibition, and Laissez Faire pp. 1-25

- Bray Hammond
- In Praise of Medieval Tinkers* pp. 26-42

- Carl Stephenson
- Incorporation in New England: A Statistical Study, 1800–1875 pp. 43-62

- William C. Kessler
- Italian Leadership in the Medieval Business World pp. 63-68

- Robert S. Lopez
- Social and Economic Thought - From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. Translated, edited, and with an Introduction by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills. New York: Oxford University Press, 1946. Pp. xi, 490. $6.00. - Max Weber: The Theory of Social and Economic Organization. Translated by A. M. Henderson and Talcott Parsons. Edited with an Introduction by Talcott Parsons. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. Pp. x, 436. $6.00 pp. 69-71

- Leland H. Jenks
- Des Mouvements économiques généraux. By Léon H. Dupriez. Louvain: Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, 1947. Volume I, pp. xi, 552; Volume II, pp. 648. Fr. 475 pp. 71-72

- J. B. D. Derksen
- German Theories of the Corporative State with Special Reference to the Period 1870–1910. By Ralph H. Bowen. New York: Whittlesey House-McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1947. Pp. viii, 243. $2.75 pp. 72-73

- C. J. Friedrich
- The Development of Public Opinion in Manchester, 1780–1820. By Leon Soutierre Marshall. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1946. Pp. xi, 274. $2.50 pp. 74-75

- Judith Blow Williams
- Staatswirtschaftslehre des Kameralismus. By Anton Tautscher. Berne, Switzerland: A. Francke AG. Verlag, 1947. Pp. 127. Swiss fr. 14.50 pp. 75-76

- Jerome Blum
- Modern Economic Thought, The American Contribution. By Allan Garfield Gruchy. New York: Prentice-Hall, 1947. Pp. xiii, 670. $4.25 pp. 76-77

- Joseph Dorfman
- The Problem of War in Nineteenth Century Economic Thought. By Edmund Silberner. Translated by Alexander H. Krappe. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1946. Pp. xiv, 322. $3.00 pp. 77-79

- Felix Gilbert
- Period Studies - Aspects of British Economic History, 1918–1925. By A. C. Pigou. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. Pp. 259. $3.50 pp. 79-81

- Dudley Dillard
- Prosperity Decade: From War to Depression, 1917–1929. By George Soule. [Volume VIII, The Economic History of the United States.] New York and Toronto: Rinehart and Company, 1947. Pp. xiv, 365. $4.00. - Depression Decade: From New Era Through New Deal, 1929–1941. By Broadus Mitchell. [Volume IX, The Economic History of the United States.] New York: Rinehart and Company, 1947. Pp. xviii, 462. $4.00 pp. 81-83

- Chester W. Wright
- The Quest for Security, 1715–1740. By Penfield Roberts. [The Rise of Modern Europe Series.] New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947. Pp. 300. $4.00 pp. 83-84

- George H. Nelson
- The Australian Economy in War and Reconstruction. By E. Ronald Walker. New York: Oxford University Press, 1947. Pp. ix, 426. $6.00 pp. 84-85

- Robert B. Warren
- Price History - War and Prices in Spain, 1651–1800. By Earl J. Hamilton. [Harvard Economic Series, No. 81.] Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1947. Pp. xxvi, 295. $5.00 pp. 85-87

- F. L. Nussbaum
- Government Policy - Commonwedth: A Study of the Role of Government in the American Economy: Massachusetts, 1774–1861. By Oscar Handlin and Mary Flug Handlin. New York: New York University Press; London: Oxford University Press, 1947. Pp. xiii, 364. $3.50 pp. 87-89

- John A. Krout
- Private Investment in a Controlled Economy, Germany 1933–1939. By Samuel Lurie. New York: Columbia University Press, 1947. Pp. xi, 243. $3.00 pp. 89-91

- Robert A. Brady
- Die französische Währungspolitik von der Stabilisierung bis zum Ausbruch des zweiten Weltkriegs (1928–1939). By A. Stabinger. Berne: Verlag A. Francke, 1946. Pp. xii, 183. Swiss fr. 12.80 pp. 91-93

- Jeanette P. Nichols
- American Tariff Policy Towards the Philippines, 1898–1946. By Pedro E. Abelarde. New York: King's Crown Press, 1947. Pp. viii, 233. $2.75 pp. 93-94

- James H. Shoemaker
- The English Government at Work, 1327–1336. Edited by William A. Morris and Joseph R. Strayer. [Volume II, Fiscal Administration.] Cambridge, Mass.: The Mediaeval Academy of America, 1947. Publication No. 48. Pp. viii, 280. $5.00 pp. 93-93

- Sylvia L. Thrupp
- Regional and Agricultural Studies - Historia económica del Río de la Plata; desde la conquista hasta la consolidación national. By Rodolfo Puiggros. Buenos Aires: Editorial Futuro, Jose E. Uriburu, n.d. Pp. 233. $5.00 pp. 94-96

- Clinton Harvey Gardiner
- Australia, Its Resources and Development. Edited by G. L. Wood. With a Foreword by W. S. Robinson. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1947. Pp. xvii, 334. $4.00 pp. 96-97

- Herbert Heaton
- The Missouri Valley: Land of Drouth, Flood, and Promise. By Rufus Terral. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1947. Pp. ix, 274. $3.75 pp. 97-98

- Lewis E. Atherton
- Drought, Its Causes and Effects. By Ivan Ray Tannehill. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. Pp. xii, 264. $3.00 pp. 98-99

- James C. Malin
- Jesse Buel, Agricultural Reformer. Selections from his writings; edited with an Introduction by Harry J. Carman. New York: Columbia University Press, 1947. Pp. xxxvi, 609. $6.75 pp. 99-100

- Everett E. Edwards
- A Century of Farming in Iowa, 1846–1946. By members of the staff of the Iowa State College and the Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1946. Pp. xiv, 357. $5.00 pp. 100-101

- V. C. Fowke
- The Farmer in the Second World War. By Walter W. Wilcox. Ames: Iowa State College Press, 1947. Pp. xii, 410. $4.00 pp. 101-103

- Clarence H. Danhof
- Industry and Labor - Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraph Industry in the United States, 1832–1866. By Robert Luther Thompson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1947. Pp. xviii, 544. $7.50 pp. 103-104

- H. H. Goldin
- California Gold; The Beginning of Mining in the Far West. By Rodman Wilson Paul. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947. Pp. xvi, 380. $4.50 pp. 104-104

- F. E. Richter
- Bonanza Railroads. By Gilbert H. Kneiss. Stanford University: Stanford University Press, 1947. Pp. 205. $3.00 pp. 105-105

- Joseph T. Lambie
- The Great National Project: A History of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. By Walter S. Sanderlin. [The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series 64, No. 1.] Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1946. Pp. 331. $3.00 pp. 105-106

- Louis C. Hunter
- Reclaimed Rubber: The Story of an American Raw Material. By J. M. Ball. Foreword by William Welch and Epilogue by Fred E. Traflet. New York: Rubber Reclaimers Association, 1947. Pp. 248. $5.00 pp. 106-107

- Williams Haynes
- The Big Bonanza. By Dan De Quille. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xii, 439. $5.00 pp. 107-108

- W. Francis English
- The Aluminum Cartel. By Louis Marlio. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1947. Pp. xi, 130. $1.50 pp. 108-109

- Ralph H. Bowen
- The Origins of the Russian-Jewish Labor Movement. By A. L. Patkin. Melbourne, London, and New York: Bloch Publishing Co., 1947. Pp. 275. $3.50 pp. 109-110

- Mark Wischnitzer
- Union-Management Co-operation: Experience in the Clothing Industry. By Kurt Braun. Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1947. Pp. xi, 259. $3.00 pp. 110-111

- Jean McKelvey
- Cities - Les Origines du capitalisme, III: Deux fondations de villes dans l'Artois et la Flandre française (Xe-XVe siècles). By Georges Espinas. [Bibliothèque de la société d'histoire du droit des pays flamands, picards et wallons, XVI.] Lille: Librairie Emile Raoust (Paris: J. Picard et Cie), 1946. Pp. 310. Fr. 300 pp. 111-112

- Carl Stephenson
- Salem and the Indies: The Story of the Great Commercial Era of the City. By James Duncan Phillips. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1947. Pp. xx, 468. $6.00 pp. 112-113

- Robert A. East
- Money Town: The Story of Manhattan Toe, That Golden Mile Which Lies between the Battery and the Fields. By Frederick L. Collins. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1946. Pp. viii, 326. $5.00 pp. 113-114

- Bayrd Still
- Ducktown: Back in Raht's Time. By R. E. Barclay. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1946. Pp. xi, 286. $5.00 pp. 114-115

- William Miller
- America Interpreted - American Economic History. By Broadus and Louise Pearson Mitchell. Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1947. Pp. xi, 928. $5.00 pp. 115-117

- Robert E. Riegel
- The American Experience: An Interpretation of the History and Civilization of the American People. By Henry Bamford Parkes. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1947. Pp. xiv, 343. $3.50 pp. 117-118

- Roy F. Nichols
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