The Journal of Economic History
1941 - 2025
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Volume 17, issue 4, 1957
- The Interrelation of Theory and Economic History pp. 509-523

- W. W. Rostow
- Economic Theory, Statistical Inference, and Economic History* pp. 524-544

- John R. Meyer and Alfred H. Conrad
- The Role of Comparison in the Development of Economic Theory pp. 554-570

- Sylvia L. Thrupp
- Long-Period Comparative Study: Some Historical Cases pp. 571-595

- W. T. Easterbrook
- Summary of Discussion pp. 596-602

- Herbert Heaton
Volume 17, issue 3, 1957
- Conspectus for a History of Economic and Business Literature pp. 333-388

- Arthur H. Cole
- Labor's Role in Government Agencies During World War II pp. 389-408

- Bruno Stein
- Earnings of Capital in the English Shipping Industry, 1670–1730 pp. 409-425

- Ralph Davis
- British and World Shipbuilding, 1890–1914: A Study in Comparative Costs* pp. 426-444

- Sidney Pollard
- Three Cases Concerning the Restitution of Usury in Florence pp. 445-450

- Marvin B. Becker
- Alexander Hamilton: Youth to Maturity, 1755–1788. By Broadus Mitchell. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1957. Pp. xvi, 675. $8.75 pp. 453-453

- Charles Gilbert
- Alexander Hamilton and the Founding of the Nation. Edited by Richard B. Morris. New York: The Dial Press, 1957. Pp. xxi, 617. $7.50 pp. 454-455

- Brooke Hindle
- Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition. By Louis M. Hacker. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1957. Pp. xi, 273. $4.75 pp. 455-456

- Forest G. Hill
- Dream and Thought in the Business Community, 1860–1900. By Edward C. Kirkland. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1956. Pp. ix, 175. $3.00 pp. 456-458

- Alfred Chandler
- Engineering in History. By Richard Shelton Kirby, Sidney Withington, Arthur Burr Darling, and Frederick Gridley Kilgour. New York, Toronto, London: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1956. Pp. vii, 530. $8.50 pp. 458-459

- Louis C. Hunter
- Approaches to Economic Development. By Norman S. Buchanan and Howard S. Ellis. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1955. Pp. xiv, 494. $5.00 pp. 459-461

- Richard Easterlin
- Westernized Yankee: The Story of Cyrus Woodman. By Larry Gara. (Publication of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.) Madison, 1956. Pp. x, 254. $4.50 pp. 461-462

- William G. Rector
- The Agricultural Commodity Programs: Two Decades of Experience. By Murray R. Benedict and Oscar C. Stine. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1956. Pp. xliii, 510. $5.00 pp. 462-463

- Rodney C. Loehr
- Colonists from Scotland: Emigration to North America, 1707–1783. By Ian Charles Cargill Graham. (Published for the American Historical Association.) Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1956. Pp. 213. $4.50 pp. 464-465

- Kenneth O. Bjork
- The New Revolution in the Cotton Economy. By James H. Street. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1957. Pp. x, 294. $5.00 pp. 466-466

- Lloyd Saville
- Studies in the Quantity Theory of Money. Edited by Milton Friedman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Pp. v, 265. $5.00 pp. 467-468

- Lester V. Chandler
- From Merchants to “Colour Men”; Five Generations of Samuel Wetherill's White Lead Business. By Miriam Hussey. (Research Studies XXXIX, Industrial Research Department, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1956. Pp. xvi, 149. $5.00 pp. 467-467

- Joe B. Frantz
- The Beekmans of New York in Politics and Commerce, 1647–1877. By Philip L. White. New York: New-York Historical Society, 1956. Pp. xxxi, 705. Illustrations. $10.00. - The Beekman Mercantile Papers, 1746–1799. Edited by Philip L. White. Three Volumes. New York: New-York Historical Society, 1956. Pp. ix, 1485. $25.00 the set pp. 468-470

- Brooke Hindle
- United States Imports and World Trade. By Henry G. Aubrey. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1957. Pp. x, 169. 21s pp. 470-471

- Leo Silverman
- Tokugawa Religion: The Values of Pre-Industrial Japan. By Robert N. Bellah. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1957. Pp. ix, 249. $5.00 pp. 471-472

- Roger F. Hackett
- Life and Labour in Newfoundland. By C. R. Fay. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956. Pp. vii, 285. $5.00 pp. 472-473

- H. B. Mayo
- De Nederlandse Emissiemarkt van 1904–1939. By Dirk C. Renooij. Amsterdam: J. H. de Busey, 1951. Pp. 219. Guilders 12.50 pp. 473-475

- Arthur Leon Horniker
- Vienne sur le Rhône. La ville et les habitants: situations et attitudes. Sociologie d'une cité française. By Pierre Clément and Nelly Xydias. (Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, No. 71.) Paris: A. Colin, 1955. Pp. 280. Fr. 1,100. - La Région du Nord. Essai d'analyse économique. By René Gendarme. (Centre d'Etudes Economiques, Etudes et mémoires.) Paris: A. Colin, 1954. Pp. 305. Fr. 1,000 pp. 475-476

- Gordon Wright
- Réaumur's Memoirs on Steel and Iron. A translation from the original printed in 1722 by Anneliese Grünhaldt Sisco. Edited with an introduction and notes by Cyril Stanley Smith. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Pp. xxxiv, 396, plus 17 plates with explanations. $6.00 pp. 476-477

- Arthur H. Cole
- Les Algériens en France: étude démographique et sociale. (Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques, Cahier No. 24.) Paris: Presses Universitaires, 1955. Pp. 166. Fr. 600 pp. 477-478

- P. M. Williams
- Historical Atlas. Edited by William R. Shepherd. 8th ed.; Pikesville, Md.: The Colonial Offset Co.; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1956. Pp. xii, 115. $12.50. - Westermanns Atlas zur Weltgeschichte. Brunswick: Georg Westermanns Verlag, 1956. Pp. 160. DM 22.50 pp. 479-480

- Herman Freudenberger
- Canada's Immigration Policy, A Critique. By David C. Corbett. (Published under the Auspices of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1957. Pp. xiii, 215. $4.00 pp. 480-481

- John Hall Stewart
- The Hawaiian Labor Movement: A Brief History. By Edward Johannessen. Boston: Bruce Humphries, Inc., 1956. Pp. 181. $3.75 pp. 481-482

- Lois MacDonald
- Food and Inflation in the Middle East, 1940–45. By E. M. H. Lloyd. (A publication of the Food Research Institute of Stanford University.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1956. Pp. 375. $6.00 pp. 482-483

- Martin W. Wilmington
- Development for Free Asia. By Maurice Zinkin. (Issued under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations.) Fair Lawn, New Jersey: Essential Books, Inc., 1956. Pp. viii, 263. $4.50 pp. 483-485

- George Rosen
- A Multiple Exchange Rate System: An Appraisal of Thailand's Experience. 1946–1955. By Shu-Chin Yang. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1957. Pp. xviii, 200. $3.00 pp. 485-486

- Edna E. Ehrlich
- Must Men Starve? The Malthusian Controversy. By Jacob Oser. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1957. Pp. 331. $4.50 pp. 486-487

- Dennis H. Wrong
- Architects and Craftsmen in History: Festschrift für Abbott Payson Usher. Edited by Joseph T. Lambie. (Veröffentlichen der List-Gesellschaft, Band 2.) Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1956. Pp. xiv, 176. $4.00 pp. 487-489

- Herbert Heaton
- An Encyclopaedia of the Iron and Steel Industry. By A. K. Osborne. (Published by arrangement with The Technical Press Ltd., London.) New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1956. Pp. xi, 558. $25.00 pp. 489-490

- Arthur C. Bining
- Essays in Canadian Economic History. By Harold A. Innis. Edited by Mary Quayle Innis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956. Pp. viii, 418. $8.50 pp. 490-491

- Hugh G. J. Aitken
- Sterling-Dollar Diplomacy: Anglo-American Collaboration in the Reconstruction of Multilateral Trade. By Richard N. Gardner. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956. Pp. xxiv, 423. $6.75 pp. 491-493

- Jeannette P. Nichols
- The Sterling Area in the Postwar World: Internal Mechanism and Cohesion, 1946–1952. By Philip W. Bell. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1956. Pp. xxvi, 478. 63s pp. 493-494

- C. P. Kindleberger
- Studies in the Agrarian History of England in the Thirteenth Century. By E. A. Kosminsky. Translated by Ruth Kisch. Edited by R. H. Hilton. (Studies in Mediaeval History, ed. Geoffrey Barraclough, Volume VIII.) Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1956. Pp. xxvii, 370. 37s. 6d pp. 494-496

- Joseph R. Strayer
- Merchant Shipping and the Demands of War. By C. B. A. Behrens. (History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Civil Series.) London: H.M.S.O. and Longmans, Green and Co., 1955. Pp. xix, 494. 35s pp. 496-497

- Robin D. S. Higham
- A Small Household of the XVth Century, Being the Account Book of Munden's Chantry, Bridport. Edited with an introduction by K. L. Wood-Legh. Manchester: University Press, 1956. Pp. xxxvii, 90. 18s pp. 497-497

- Ralph Davis
Volume 17, issue 2, 1957
- The Economic Significance of “Constructive Imperialism” pp. 173-192

- S. B. Saul
- Patterns of Business Growth and Survival in a Medium-Sized Community pp. 193-206

- Sidney Goldstein and Kurt Mayer
- The Output of the British Woolen Industry in the Eighteenth Century pp. 207-223

- Phyllis Deane
- The Noble as Landlord in the Region of Toulouse at the End of the Old Regime pp. 224-244

- Robert Forster
- The Industrial Revolution in France: Some Reflections Inspired by a recent study by arthur Louis Dunham* pp. 245-254

- Paul Leuilliot
- Agriculture - Forest and Range Policy. Its Development in the United States. By Samuel Trask Dana. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1956. Pp. xi, 455. $6.50 pp. 255-256

- Ralph W. Hidy
- Business and Industrial History - The Resurgent Years: History of Standard Oil Company (New Jersey) 1911–1927. By George Sweet Gibb and Evelyn Knowlton. New York: Harper & Brothers. Pp. xxix, 754. $7.50 pp. 256-259

- Abbott Payson Usher
- Small Enterprise and Oligopoly: A Study of Butter, Flour, Automobile, and Glass Container Industries. By Harold G. Vatter. (Oregon State Monographs, Studies in Economics, No. 4.) Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State College Press, 1955. Pp. iv, 116. $1.00 pp. 259-260

- Theodore F. Marburg
- Henry Varnum Poor: Business Editor, Analyst, and Reformer. By Alfred D. Chandler Jr Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. vi, 362. $6.50 pp. 260-262

- Richard C. Overton
- L'industrie textile au temps du Second Empire. By Claude Fohlen. Paris: Plon, 1956. Pp. 534. Fr. 1,500. - Une affaire de famille au XlXe siècle: Méquillet-Noblot. By Claude Fohlen. (Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, No. 75.) Paris: Armand Colin, 1955. Pp. 141. Fr. 500. - Origines et évolution d'une bourgeoisie: quelques families du patronat textile de Lille-Armentières (1789–1914). By Jean Lambert-Dansette. Preface by Jacques Chastenet. Lille: Emile Raoust, 1954. Pp. xxii, 811. Fr. 1,200 pp. 262-265

- David S. Landes
- Le origini della grande industria contemporanea. By Corrado Barbagallo. (Storici Antichi e Moderni, Nuova Serie, No. 1.) Florence: Nuova Italia, 1951. Pp. x, 549. L. 2,500 pp. 265-265

- Douglas F. Dowd
- The Industrial Structure of American Cities: A Geographic Study of Urban Economy in the United States. By Gunnar Alexandersson. Lincoln, Neb.: University of Nebraska Press, 1956. Pp. 134. $6.50 pp. 265-266

- Eric E. Lampard
- The Fur Trade in Canada. An Introduction to Canadian Economic History. By Harold A. Innis. Revised edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1956. Pp. xi, 463. $8.50 pp. 267-267

- Margaret A. Ormsby
- Capital Formation in Residential Real Estate. By Leo Grebler, David M. Blank, and Louis Winnick. (A Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York.) Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1956. Pp. xxx, 519. $10.00 pp. 268-269

- Otto H. Ehrlich
- Commerce and Trade - Organization for European Economic Cooperation. Liberalization of Europe's Dollar Trade. Paris: O.E.E.C, 1956. Pp. 135. $1.25 pp. 269-270

- C. P. Kindleberger
- The Development of the Russian Iron and Steel Industry. By Robert J. Holloway. (Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Business Research Studies, No. 6.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1952. Pp. 59. $1.00 pp. 269-269

- William N. Parker
- Manchester Merchants and Foreign Trade, Vol. II: 1850–1939. By Arthur Redford, assisted by Brian Clapp. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1956. Pp. xxiii, 307. 30s pp. 270-271

- T. C. Barker
- Commerce et prix du blé à Marseille au XVIIIe siècle. By Ruggiero Romano. (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section, Centre de Recherches Historiques; Monnaie, Prix, Conjoncture, No. 3.) Paris: A. Colin, 1956. Pp. 188. Fr. 1,100 pp. 271-272

- F. C. Spooner
- Economic Growth - Capital Formation and Economic Growth. A Conference of the Universities-National Bureau Committee for Economic Research. (National Bureau of Economic Research, Special Conference Series, No. 6.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955. Pp. xiii, 677. $12 pp. 272-274

- Arthur Robert Burns
- Institutional Changes in the Postwar Economy of Poland. By W. J. Stankiewicz and J. M. Montias. New York: Mid-European Studies Center, Free Europe Committee, 1955. Pp. i, 125 pp. 274-275

- Leon Smolinski
- Planification et croissance économique des démocraties populaires. By Jan Marczewski. Vol. I, Analyse historique; Vol. II, Analyse économique. Paris: Presses Universitaires, 1956. Pp. 572. Fr. 1,200 and 900 pp. 275-276

- Michael T. Florinsky
- History of Economic Thought - On the History and Method of Economics. By Frank H. Knight. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1956. Pp. vii, 309. $6.00 pp. 276-279

- Emile Grunberg
- Adam Smith and the Scotland of his Day. By C. R. Fay. (Department of Social and Economic Research, University of Glasgow, Social and Economic Studies, No. 3.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 1956. Pp. vii, 174. $4.75 pp. 279-280

- Sidney A. Burrell
- The New World of Henri Saint-Simon. By Frank E. Manuel. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. 433. $7.50 pp. 280-281

- Russell M. Jones
- Money and Prices - The Present Position of Central Banks. By Sir Theodore Gregory. (The 1955 Stamp Memorial Lecture.) London: University of London, 1955; New York: John de Graff, Inc., 1956. Pp. 25. 2s 6d pp. 281-282

- J. R. T. Hughes
- Money, Prices, and Civilization in the Mediterranean World: Fifth to Seventeenth Century. By Carlo M Cipolla. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1956. Pp. x, 75. $2.50 pp. 282-283

- William P. Snavely
- Population and Labor - Trend of Employment in the Service Industries. By George J. Stigler (A Study of the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1956. Pp. xviii, 167. $3.75 pp. 283-284

- Edwin Kuh
- Rassegna della stampa—problemi fiscali. Associazione fra le Societa Italiene per Azione, Director, Dott. Francesco Coppola D'Anna; Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Cesare Cosciani. (Piazza Venezia No. 11.) Rome: 1956. Annual subscription, L. 5,000; separate issues, L. 500 pp. 283-283

- Carl S. Shoup
- The Enforcement of English Apprenticeship, 1563-1642. By Margaret Gay Davies. (Harvard Economic Studies, Vol. XCVII.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. 301. $6.00 pp. 285-287

- Mildred Campbell
- Continental and Colonial Servants in Eighteenth Century England. By J. Jean Hecht. (Smith College Studies in History, Vol. XL.) Northampton, Mass.: Department of History of Smith College, 1954. Pp. iv, 61. $1.25 pp. 285-285

- Elinor G. Barber
- A Report on World Population Migrations as related to the United States of America; an exploratory survey of past studies and researches on world population migrations, with the view of evaluating areas already covered and outlining areas which warrant development. By Stanley J. Tracy, director. Washington, D.C.: George Washington University, 1956. Pp. vii, 449 pp. 287-288

- Paul S. Taylor
- National Economics - France against Herself. By Herbert Lüthy. Translated by Eric Mosbacher. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1955. Pp. xl, 469. $6.50. - Liberated France. By Catherine Gavin. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1955. Pp. 292. $5.00 pp. 288-289

- Joseph Kraft
- Die deutsche Industrie im Kriege, 1939-1945. (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung.) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1954. Pp. 216. DM 22.60 pp. 289-290

- Arthur Leon Horniker
- Mainsprings of the German Revival. By Henry C. Wallich. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1955. Pp. xi, 401. $4.50. - Germany's Comeback in the World Market. By Ludwig Erhard. (With the assistance of Dr. von Maltzan. Edited by Dr. Herbert Gross. Translated by W. H. Johnston.) New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. Pp. 276. $4.50 pp. 290-292

- Fritz Stern
- British Malaya: An Economic Analysis. By Dun J. Li. New York: The American Press, 1955. Pp. xi, 123. $3.00 pp. 292-293

- S. B. Saul
- Le commerce de Salonique au XVIIIe siècle. By N[icolas] G. Svoronos. Paris: Presses Universitaires, 1956. Pp. xvi, 430. Fr. 1,600 pp. 293-295

- Traian Stoianovich
- A Modern Economic History of England and India. By T. Srinivasaraghavan. (2 vols. Vol. I: Rs. 3-8; Vol. II: Rs. 5-8.) Madras, India: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1954–1955. Pp. 706 (pag. continuous) pp. 295-296

- Morris David Morris
- Forces et faiblesses de l'économie française, 1945–1956. By Jean-Marcel Jeanneney. Paris: A. Colin, 1956. Pp. 339. Fr. 1,500 pp. 296-297

- Warren C. Baum
- Aspects de la crise et de la dépression de l'économie française au milieu du XIXe siècle. Etudes sous la direction de E. Labrousse. (Société d'histoire de la révolution de 1848, Bibliothèque de la révolution de 1848, Vol. XIX.) La Roche-sur-Yon: Imprimerie centrale de l'Ouest, 1956. Pp. xxiv, 356. Fr. 700 pp. 298-299

- David S. Landes
- The Industrial Revolution in France, 1815-1848. By Arthur Louis Dunham. New York: Exposition Press, 1955. Pp. xii, 516. $7.50 pp. 298-298

- David S. Landes
- A History of the Croatian People, Vol. I: Prehistory and Early Period until 1397 A. D. By Francis R. Preveden. New York: Philosophical Library, 1955. Pp. xvi, 134. Pl. 64. $7.50 pp. 299-300

- Traian Stoianovich
- An Introduction to British Economic Statistics. By Ely Devons. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1956. Pp. vii, 255. $4.00 pp. 300-300

- Albert H. Imlah
- Regional Studies - The Cokers of Carolina: A Social Biography of a Family. By George Lee SimpsonJr. Chapel Hill, N. C.: The University of North Carolina Press, 1956. Pp. xvi, 327. $5.00 pp. 300-301

- Frederick W. Kohlmeyer
- The Far Western Frontier, 1830–1860. By Ray Allen Billington. (New American Nation Series.) New York: Harper & Brothers, 1956. Pp. xix, 324. $3.75, text edition pp. 301-302

- Carlton C. Qualey
- Rochester, The Quest for Quality, 1890–1925. By Blake McKelvey. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. xiv, 432. $6.00 pp. 302-303

- Constance McL. Green
- Mirror for Gotham: New York as Seen by Contemporaries from Dutch Days to the Present. By Bayrd Still. New York: New York University Press, 1956. Pp. xix, 417. $7.50 pp. 303-304

- Blake Mckelvey
- Les tableaux économiques: analyse de la région lorraine. By Pierre Bauchet. Preface by R. Goetz-Girey. Paris: Editions Genin, Librairie de Médicis, 1955. Pp. 182. Fr. 1,200. - Les salaires dans l'industrie française (la métallurgie). By A. Chabert. (Centre d'Etudes Economiques, Etudes et Memoires.) Paris: A. Colin, 1955. Pp. 255. Fr. 1,000 pp. 304-305

- William N. Parker
- Miscellaneous - Das Zehntwesen in der Erzdiözese Hamburg-Bremen bis zu seiner Privatisierung. By E. O. Kuujo. (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. B, Tome 62, I.) Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1949. Pp. 312 pp. 305-307

- Matthew M. Fryde
- L'art mosan: mémoires et exposés. Edited by Pierre Francastel. (Bibliothèque générale de l'Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: Armand Colin, 1953. Pp. 219, 23 plates. Fr. 1,150 pp. 307-308

- William J. Bouwsma
- De Praeda Militari. Looting and Booty, 1500–1815. By Fritz Redlich. Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Beiheft No. 39. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1956. Pp. ix, 79. DM 6 pp. 308-309

- Herman Freudenberger
- The Founding of the French Socialist Party (1893–1905). By Aaron Noland. (Harvard Historical Monographs, XXIX.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. viii, 233. $4.50 pp. 309-310

- John Bowditch
- Les Français et la République. By Charles Morazé. (Cahiers de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, No. 79.) Paris: A. Colin, 1956. Pp. 256. Fr. 900 pp. 310-311

- Stanley Hoffmann
- The Cost of the National Health Service in England and Wales. By Brian Abel-Smith and Richard M. Titmuss. (National Institute of Economic and Social Research, Occasional Papers, XVIII.) Cambridge: University Press, 1956. Pp. 176. $5.50 pp. 311-312

- William C. Mallalieu
- Frühgeschichte der europäischen Stadt. By Edith Ennen. Bonn: Röhrscheid Verlag, 1953. Pp. 324 pp. 312-314

- Karl Polanyi
- Victorian People: A Reassessment of Persons and Themes 1851–67. By Asa Briggs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955. Pp. 313. $5.00 pp. 314-316

- Joseph Finkelstein
- Toynbee and History: Critical Essays and Reviews. Edited by M. F. Ashley Montagu. Boston: Porter Sargent, 1956. Pp. xiv, 385. $5.00 pp. 316-318

- Sigmund Diamond
Volume 17, issue 1, 1957
- “Profits” and the Frontier Land Speculator pp. 1-24

- Allan G. Bogue and Margaret Beattie Bogue
- Reflections on the History of the French and American Labor Movements* pp. 25-44

- Val R. Lorwin
- Money and Politics in the Rebuilding of Paris, 1860–1870* pp. 45-61

- David H. Pinkney
- The Molasses Act and the Market Strategy of the British Sugar Planters pp. 62-83

- Richard B. Sheridan
- Agriculture - The Rebecca Riots: A Study in Agrarian Discontent. By David Williams. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1955. Pp. xii, 377.25s pp. 84-85

- R. K. Webb
- Les caractères originaux de l'histoire rurale française. By Marc Bloch. Vol. II: Supplément établi par Robert Dauvergne d'après les travaux de l'auteur. (Collection Economies-Sociétés-Civilisations.) Paris: A. Colin, 1956. Pp. xliv, 230. Frs. 585 pp. 85-86

- Bryce D. Lyon
- Historia Agriculturae, Volume II. (Jaarboek uitgegeven door het Nederlands Agronomisch-Historisch Instituut, Groningen.) Groningen, Djakarta: J. B. Wolters, 1954. Pp. x, 233 pp. 86-89

- Richard M. Westebbe
- Land Tenure. Proceedings of the International Conference on Land Tenure and Related Problems in World Agriculture held at Madison, Wisconsin, 1951. Edited by Kenneth H. Parsons, Raymond J. Penn, and Philip M. Raup. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1955. Pp. xxiv, 739. $10 pp. 89-91

- Paul Gates
- Business and Industrial History - Designed for Digging. The First 75 Years of Bucyrus-Erie Company. By Harold F. Williamson and Kenneth H. MyersII. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press, 1955. Pp. 384. $7.50 pp. 91-92

- George S. Gibb
- The Development of American Petroleum Pipelines, A Study in Private Enterprise and Public Policy, 1862–1906. By Arthur Menzies Johnson. (Published for the American Historical Association from the income of the Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund.) Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1956. Pp. xiii, 307. $4.50 pp. 92-94

- John G. B. Hutchins
- Consumption and Business Fluctuations: A Case Study of the Shoe, Leather, Hide Sequence. By Ruth P. Mack. (Publication of the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York.) Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1956. Pp. xvii, 293. $7.50 pp. 94-96

- Henrietta C. Jennings
- Krupps: The Story of an Industrial Empire. By Gert von Klass. Translated from the German by James Cleugh. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1954. Pp. 437. 25s pp. 96-97

- William N. Parker
- Le siècle des Fugger. By Richard Ehrenberg. (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section, Centre de Recherches Historiques, Oeuvres étrangères, No. 2.) Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1955. Pp. iii, 433. Frs. 2,000 pp. 97-99

- Hans Rosenberg
- L'industrie cotonnière française. By Georges Rabeil. Paris: Médicis, 1955. Pp. 201. Frs. 616 pp. 99-100

- Jesse R. Pitts
- United States v. United Shoe Machinery Corporation. An Economic Analysis of an Anti-Trust Case. By Carl Kaysen. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. xi, 404. $6.50 pp. 100-101

- Abbott Payson Usher
- Commerce and Trade - Yankees and Creoles: The Trade between North America and the West Indies before the American Revolution. By Richard Pares. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Pp. vii, 168. $4.75 pp. 101-103

- Bernard Bailyn
- Séville et l'Atlantique (1504–1650). By Huguette and Pierre Chaunu. Première Partie: Partie Statistique. Vols. I–III. Preface by Lucien Febvre. (Ports, Routes et Trafics, VI. Centre de Recherches Historiques. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1955. Pp. xv, 322, 603, 572. Frs. 1,600; 3,200; 3,200 pp. 103-104

- Robert S. Smith
- The American Railroad Network, 1861–1890. By George Rogers Taylor and Irene D. Neu. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. viii, 113. $3.75 pp. 104-104

- George Rogers Taylor
- Economic Theory - The American Railroad Network, 1861–1890. By George Rogers Taylor and Irene D. Neu. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. viii, 113. $3.75 pp. 104-105

- Charles Gilbert
- Income of the American People. By Herman P. Miller. (A volume in the Census Monograph Series, published for the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.) New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1955. Pp. xvi, 206. $5.50 pp. 106-108

- Solomon Fabricant
- Income and Wealth: Series V. Edited by Simon Kuznets. (Publication of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth.) Fair Lawn, New Jersey: Essential Books, Inc. Pp. xiv, 242. $6.75. (First published by Bowes & Bowes, London.) pp. 108-109

- Edwin Kuh
- Industrialisation et technocratie. Edited by Georges Gurvitch. Introduction by Lucien Febvre. (Bibliothèque générate de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1949. Pp. xiii, 214. Frs. 400 pp. 109-110

- Wilbert E. Moore
- Eli Whitney and the Birth of American Technology. By Constance McL. Green. (In the Library of American Biography. Edited by Oscar Handlin.) Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown and Company, 1956. Pp. vii, 215. $3.50 pp. 110-111

- John W. Oliver
- Economic Progress. Papers and Proceedings of a Round Table Held by the International Economic Association. Edited by Leon H. Dupriez with the assistance of Douglas C. Hague. Louvain: Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales, 1955. Pp. 574 pp. 112-112

- David S. Landes
- Labor and Population - The Rise of the National Trade Union: The Development and Significance of Its Structure, Governing Institutions, and Economic Policies. By Lloyd Ulman. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1955. Pp. xiii, 639. $9.50 pp. 112-114

- Edwin E. Witte
- Empire in Wood: A History of the Carpenters' Union. By Robert A. Christie. (Published by the New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Studies in Industrial and Labor Relations: Volume VII.) Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1956. Pp. xvii, 356. $4.50 pp. 114-115

- William A. Sullivan
- Immigrants and Their Children, 1850–1950. By E. P. Hutchinson. (For the Social Science Research Council in cooperation with the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.) New York and London: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1956. Pp. xiv, 391. $6.50 pp. 115-117

- Theodore Saloutos
- The Great Burlington Strike of 1888: A Case History in Labor Relations. By Donald L. McMurry. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1956. Pp. xii, 377. $6.00 pp. 117-118

- Colston E. Warne
- The Evolution of Wage Structure. By Lloyd G. Reynolds and Cynthia H. Taft. (Yale Studies in Economics, 6.) New Haven: Yale University Press, 1956. Pp. xii, 398. $5.00 pp. 118-119

- Emanuel Stein
- Labor on the March. By Edward Levinson. Introduction by Walter P. Reuther. Foreword by James T. Farrell. New York: University Books, 1956. Pp. xxii, 325. $3.50 pp. 119-120

- Elinor Pancoast
- The Slave Systems of Greek and Roman Antiquity. By William L. Westermann. Philadelphia: The American Philosophical Society, 1955. Pp. 180. $3.00 pp. 120-123

- Karl Polanyi
- The Human Element in Industrialization: a Hypothetical Case Study of Ecuadorean Indians. By Beate R. Salz. Chicago: University of Chicago Research Center in Economic Development and Cultural Change, 1955. (Published as Volume IV, No. 1, Part 2, of Economic Development and Cultural Change.) Pp. ix, 265 pp. 123-125

- Wilbert E. Moore
- Money and Banking - English Bank Note Circulation, 1694–1954. By Emmanuel Coppieters. Foreword by R. G. Hawtrey. Louvain: Institute of Economic and Social Research. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1955. Pp. 171. Fr. belg. 125 or 8.50 guilders pp. 125-126

- J. R. T. Hughes
- Urban Mortgage Lending: Comparative Markets and Experience. By J. E. Morton. (Publication of the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1956. Pp. xxi, 187. $4.00 pp. 126-129

- Herbert B. Dorau
- Settecento anni fa: il ritorno all'oro nell'Occidente duecentesco. By Roberto Sabatino Lopez. (Quaderni della Rivista storica italiana, No. 4.) Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1955. Pp. 91. L. 700 pp. 129-130

- Frederic C. Lane
- National Economics - Der Bancho Publico zu Nürnberg. By Rudolf Fuchs. (Nürnberger Abhandlungen zu den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Heft 6.) Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1955. Pp. 86. DM 6.60 pp. 130-131

- Fritz Redlich
- History of American Technology. By John W. Oliver. New York: Ronald Press, 1956. Pp. x, 676. $6.50 pp. 131-132

- Brooke Hindle
- An Economic History of England: the 18th Century. By T. S. Ashton. London: Methuen; New York: Barnes and Noble, 1955. Pp. vi, 257. 18s pp. 132-133

- W. Woodruff
- Comparative Economic Development. By Ralph H. Blodgett and Donald L. Kemmerer. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1956. Pp. x, 557. $6.00 pp. 134-135

- Theodore F. Marburg
- The Soviet Economy during the Plan Era. The Soviet Price System. Soviet Proces of Producers Goods. Three volumes by Naum Jasny. (Stanford University Food Research-Institute, Misc. Publications IIA, IIB, IIC.) Stanford: University Press, 1951, 1951, 1952. Pp. ix, 116; ix, 179; vii, 180. Paper, $2.00 each pp. 135-137

- Joseph S. Berliner
- History of the American Economy. By Ross M. Robertson. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Company. Pp. xiv, 593. $8.00 pp. 137-138

- Milton S. Heath
- Villes et campagnes: civilisation urbaine et civilisation rurale en France. Edited by Georges Friedmann. (Bibliothèque Générale de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1953. Pp. xxiv, 480. Frs. 1,200 pp. 138-139

- Gordon Wright
- Studi di storia economica (secoli xiii-xiv-xv). By Armando Sapori; 3d ed.; 2 vols. Florence: G. C. Sansoni, 1955. Pp. xxxii, 652; 653–1368. L. 8,000. - Le marchand italien au moyen âge: conférences et bibliographie. By Armando Sapori. (Affaires et gens d'affaires, I. Centre de Recherches Historiques. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1952. Pp. lxx, 126.Frs. 750 pp. 139-140

- Gene A. Brucker
- Le XIXe siècle: l'apogée de l'expansion européenne (1815–1914). By Robert Schnerb. (Histoire générale des civilisations, Maurice Crouzet, ed., Volume VI.) Paris: Presses universitaires, 1955. Pp. 627. Frs. 3,000 pp. 140-141

- David S. Landes
- Roman Civilization, Selected Readings. Volume II: The Empire. By Naphtali Lewis and Meyer Reinhold. (Records of Civilization, Sources and Studies, Austin P. Evans, editor, Number XLV.) New York: Columbia University Press, 1955. Pp. viii, 652. $7.50 pp. 141-142

- Vincent M. Scramuzza
- Economic Change in Thailand since 1850. By James C. Ingram. (Issued under the auspices of the Institute of Pacific Relations.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1955. Pp. vii, 254. $5.00 pp. 142-144

- Sidney Klein
- Journal d'un bourgeois du Caire. By Ibn Iyâs. Translated and annotated by Gaston Wiet. (Bibliothèque Générale de l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1955. Pp. iv, 454. Frs. 1,400 pp. 144-146

- Robert Sabatino Lopez
- The Bourgeoisie in 18th Century France. By Elinor G. Barber. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955. Pp. x, 165. $3.50 pp. 146-147

- Paul H. Beik
- Niveau de vie et progrès technique en France (1860–1939). Postface By Paul Combe. Preface by Jean Fourastié. Paris: Presses Universitaires, 1956. Pp. xli, 618. Frs. 1,995 pp. 148-150

- Val R. Lorwin
- Greatness and Decline of Planned Economy in the Hellenistic World. By Luigi Einaudi. Berne: A. Francke, 1950. Pp. 48. Frs. 480 pp. 148-148

- Karl Polanyi
- Regional Studies - Constructive Liberalism. The Role of the State in Economic Development in Georgia to 1860. By Milton Sydney Heath. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1954. Pp. xiv, 448. $7.50 pp. 150-152

- Carter Goodrich
- Aux origines des sociétés anonymes: les moulins de Toulouse au moyen âge. By Germain Sicard. (Affaires et gens d'affaires, V. Centre de Recherches Historiques, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1953. Pp. 408. Frs. 1,350 pp. 152-154

- John H. Mundy
- Comptabilité du port de Dieppe au XVe siècle. By Michel Mollat. (Ports, routes, et trafics, IV. Centre de Recherches Historiques. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1951. Pp. 138. Frs. 960. - Les affaires de Jacques Coeur (Journal du Procureur Dauvet). Edited by Michel Mollat. (Affaires et gens d'affaires, I and II. Centre de Recherches Historiques. Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: A. Colin, 1952–1953. 2 vols. Pp. xxiii, 696 (pagination continuous). Frs. 1,150, each volume pp. 154-155

- Frank Pegues
- Miscellaneous - The French Faust: Henri de Saint-Simon. By Mathurin Dondo. New York: Philosophical Library, 1955. Pp. 253. $3.75 pp. 155-156

- David H. Pinkney
- Essays in Medieval Life and Thought Presented in Honor of Austin Patterson Evans. Edited by John H. Mundy, Richard W. Emery, and Benjamin N. Nelson. New York: Columbia University Press, 1955. Pp. xviii, 258. $4.00 pp. 156-158

- Philip A. Knachel
- From the Depths: The Discovery of Poverty in the United States. By Robert H. Bremner. New York: New York University Press, 1956. Pp. xiii, 364. $5.50 pp. 158-158

- Blanche D. Coll
- Social Forces in the Middle East. Edited by Sydney N. Fisher. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1955. Pp. xvi, 282. $5.00 pp. 159-160

- Harold W. Glidden
- The Pursuit of Science in Revolutionary America, 1735–1789. By Brooke Hindle. (Published for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1956. Pp. xi, 410. $7.50 pp. 161-162

- Wesley Frank Craven
- Pomponne's “Relation de mon Ambassade en Hollande” 1669–1671. Edited by Herbert H. Rowen. (Werken uitgegeven door het Historisch Genootschap [gevestigd te Utrecht], vierde serie, No. 2.) Utrecht: Kemink en Zoon N.V., 1955. Pp. 178 pp. 162-164

- Violet Barbour
- A History of Europe from the Invasions to the XVI Century. By Henri Pirenne. Introduction by Jan-Albert Goris. New York: University Books [1956]. Pp. xxii, 12–625. $7.50 pp. 162-162

- David S. Landes
- Education for Business Leadership: The Role of the German "Hochschulen." By Heinz Hartmann. (European Productivity Agency Project, No. 346.) Paris: Organization for European Economic Cooperation, 1955. Pp. 120 pp. 164-164

- Fritz Redlich
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