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The Journal of Economic History

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Volume 24, issue 4, 1964

American Economic Growth Before 1840: An Exploratory Essay pp. 427-444 Downloads
George Rogers Taylor
Market Expansion: The Case of Genoa pp. 445-464 Downloads
Robert Sabatino Lopez
Discussion of Lopez paper pp. 465-469 Downloads
Frederic C. Lane
Monetary Movements and Market Structure—Forces for Contraction in Fourteenth-and Fifteenth-Century England pp. 470-490 Downloads
Harry A. Miskimin
Discussion of Miskimin paper pp. 491-495 Downloads
Ronald D. Ware
The Economic Growth of the Chesapeake and the European Market, 1697–1775 pp. 496-511 Downloads
Jacob M. Price
Discussion of Price paper pp. 512-516 Downloads
Mancur Olson
Growth Deterrents of a Medieval Heritage: The Aachen-area Woolen Trades before 1790* pp. 517-537 Downloads
Herbert Kisch
Discussion of Kisch paper pp. 538-540 Downloads
Klaus H. Wolff
The Weaning of the American Economy: Independence, Market Changes, and Economic Development* pp. 541-560 Downloads
Gordon C. Bjork
Discussion of Bjork paper pp. 561-566 Downloads
Albert Fishlow
Wars, Blockade, and Economic Change in Europe, 1792–1815* pp. 567-588 Downloads
François Crouzet
Discussion of Crouzet paper pp. 589-590 Downloads
Richard Tilly
Some Dimensions of the American Commercial Invasion of Europe, 1871–1914: An Introductory Essay* pp. 591-605 Downloads
Matthew Simon and David E. Novack
Discussion of Simon and Novack paper pp. 606-608 Downloads
Morton Rothstein
Growth and Trade: Some Hypotheses About Long-Term Trends pp. 609-628 Downloads
Richard N. Cooper
Discussion of Cooper paper pp. 629-633 Downloads
Jeffrey G. Williamson

Volume 24, issue 3, 1964

Fixed Capital in the Industrial Revolution in Britain* pp. 299-314 Downloads
Sidney Pollard
The Coming of the Railway and United Kingdom Economic Growth* pp. 315-336 Downloads
B. R. Mitchell
Royal Textile Factories in Spain, 1700–1800* pp. 337-363 Downloads
J. Clayburn la Force
Monetary History and Positive Economics* pp. 364-380 Downloads
Robert W. Clower
The International Scientific Committee on Price History pp. 381-388 Downloads
Arthur H. Cole and Ruth Crandall
From Cloth to Iron: The Anglo-Baltic Trade in the Late Seventeenth Century. Part I. By Sven-Erik Aström. Helsinki: Centraltryckeriet, 1963. Pp. 260. FM 13.00 pp. 389-390 Downloads
Walther Kirchner
Mélanges historiques. By Marc Bloch. (2 vols.; École Pratique des Hautes Études, VIe Section.) Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1963. Pp. xiii, 1108 pp. 390-391 Downloads
Virginia Rau
Australian Domestic Product, Investment and Foreign Borrowing, 1861–1938/39. By N. G. Butlin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962. Pp. xvii, 475. $12.50 pp. 391-392 Downloads
Penelope Hartland
Real Wages in Soviet Russia since 1928. By Janet G. Chapman. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xvi, 395. $12.00 pp. 392-393 Downloads
Jack Minkoff
Navires et marchandises dans les ports de Rouen et du Havre au xviiie siècle. By Pierre Dardel. (École Pratique des Hautes Études, VIe Section.) Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1963. Pp. 787 pp. 394-395 Downloads
P. W. Bamford
The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank, 1397–1494. By Raymond de Roover. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xxii, 500. $10.00 pp. 395-397 Downloads
Lauro Martines
The History of Foreign Exchange. By Paul Einzig. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1962. Pp. x, 319. $7.50 pp. 397-398 Downloads
Thomas M. Klein
The Automobile Under the Blue Eagle. By Sidney Fine. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1963. Pp. viii, 566. $15.00 pp. 398-399 Downloads
Grant N. Farr
The London Capital Market and Australia, 1870–1914. By A. R. Hall. Canberra: Australian National University Press, 1963. Pp. xiii, 221. 30s pp. 399-401 Downloads
Allen C. Kelley
The Historian and the City. Edited by Oscar Handlin and John Burchard. Cambridge: The M. I. T. Press and Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xii, 299. $7.50 pp. 401-401 Downloads
Thomas C. Cochran
A History of Interest Rates, 2000 B. C. to the Present. By Sidney Homer, New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963. Pp. xvi, 617. $10.00 pp. 401-403 Downloads
J. K. Horsefield
The Rise of the Dairy Industry in Wisconsin: A Study in Agricultural Change, 1820–1920. By Eric E. Lampard. Madison: The State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1963. Pp. xii, 466. $6.00 pp. 403-404 Downloads
Emerson M. Brooks
Land and Life. A Selection from the Writings of Carl Ortwin Sauer. Edited, with an introduction, by John Leighly. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963. Pp. vi, 435. $8.95 pp. 404-405 Downloads
M. M. Knight
The Cradle of Colonialism. By George Masselman. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1963. Pp. x, 534. $10.00. - Agricultural Involution: The Process of Ecological Change in Indonesia. By Clifford Geertz. Foreword by Benjamin Higgins. (Association of Asian Studies Monographs, IX.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1963. Pp. xx, 176. $4.00 pp. 405-408 Downloads
Paul Wheatley
Money, Prices, and Foreign Exchange in Fourteenth Century France. By Harry A. Miskimin. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1963. Pp. 215. $6.75 pp. 408-409 Downloads
Joseph R. Strayer
The Automotive Career of Ransom E. Olds. By Glenn A. Niemeyer. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1963. Pp. xiii, 233. $6.50 pp. 409-410 Downloads
Robert P. Thomas
The Matador Land and Cattle Company. By W. M. Pearce. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. Pp. xiv, 244. $5.95 pp. 410-412 Downloads
Forest G. Hill
Die Rolle des Staates in den Frühstadien der Industrialisierung: Die preussische Industrieförderung in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. By Ulrich Peter Ritter. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1961. Pp. 176. DM 19.60 pp. 412-413 Downloads
Herbert Kisch
The Origins of Social Liberalism in Germany. By Donald G. Rohr. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1963. Pp. 179. $5.50 pp. 414-415 Downloads
Arthur Schweitzer
La population de la France de 1700 à 1959. By J.-C. Toutain. (Vol. III of Histoire quantitative de l'économie française.) Paris: I. S. E. A., 1963. Pp. x, 247 pp. 415-417 Downloads
Gordon A. Marker
Les émigrés français: 1789–1825. By Jean Vidalenc. (Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique.) Caen: University of Caen, 1963. Pp. 471 pp. 417-418 Downloads
John Bowditch
Sergei Witte and the Industrialization of Russia. By Theodore H. Von Laue. New York and London: Columbia University Press, 1963. Pp. x, 360. $7.50 pp. 418-419 Downloads
Gaston V. Rimlinger
Der Rheinisch-Westfälische Unternehmer, 1834–1879. By Friedrich Zunkel. Cologne and Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1962. Pp. 284. DM 38.50 pp. 420-421 Downloads
Richard Tilly

Volume 24, issue 2, 1964

The Place of Learning, Science, Vocational Training, and “Art” in Pre-Smithian Economic Thought pp. 129-144 Downloads
E. A. J. Johnson
Relative Prices in the Nineteenth Century* pp. 145-203 Downloads
Dorothy S. Brady
Problems of the Development of Hungarian Industry, 1900–1944* pp. 204-228 Downloads
György Ránki
The Poor Law Report Reexamined pp. 229-245 Downloads
Mark Blaug
Britain and the Congo in the Nineteenth Century. By Roger T. Anstey. Oxford: The Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. Pp. xiv, 260. $6.10 pp. 247-249 Downloads
Richard J. Hammond
Century of Service; The First Hundred Years of the United States Department of Agriculture. By Gladys L. Baker, Wayne D. Rasmussen, Vivian Wiser, and Jane M. Porter. (Centennial Committee, United States Department of Agriculture.) Foreword by Orville L. Freeman. Washington, D. C.: Government Printing Office, 1963. Pp. xv, 560. $2.75 pp. 249-250 Downloads
Gilbert C. Fite
India's Balance of Payments: Estimates of Current and Capital Accounts from 1921–22 to 1938–39. By Arun K. Banerji. New York: Asia Publishing House, 1963. Pp. xiv, 255. $11.75 pp. 250-251 Downloads
Richard C. Porter
A History of London Transport. Vol. I: The Nineteenth Century. By T. C. Barker and Michael Robbins. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1963. Pp. xxxii, 412. 40s pp. 251-252 Downloads
Kent T. Healy
Economic Trends in the Soviet Union. Edited by Abram Bergson and Simon Kuznets. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. xiv, 382. $9.75 pp. 252-255 Downloads
Robert W. Campbell
Une ville devant la Peste: Orvieto et la Peste Noire de 1348. By Élisabeth Carpentier. (École Pratique des Hautes Études—VIe section; Centre de Recherches Historiques.) Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1962. Pp. 286 pp. 255-256 Downloads
Gene A. Brucker
England's Export Trade, 1275–1547. By E. M. Carus-Wilson and Olive Coleman. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1963. Pp. viii, 207. $10.10 pp. 256-257 Downloads
Violet Barbour
Old Ukraine, Its Socio-Economic History Prior to 1781. By Nicholas L. Chirovsky. Madison, N. J.: Florham Park Press, Inc., 1963. Pp. xvi, 432 pp. 258-258 Downloads
C. M. Foust
The Economic History of World Population. By Carlo Cipolla. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1962. Pp. 126 pp. 258-259 Downloads
Shepard B. Clough
Immigrant City: Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1845–1921. By Donald B. Cole. (Publication sponsored by the American Association for State and Local History.) Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1963. Pp. ix, 248. $6.00 pp. 259-261 Downloads
Stephan Thernstrom
Sir John Banks: Baronet and Businessman. By D. C. Coleman. Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1963. Pp. xv, 215. $6.40 pp. 261-262 Downloads
F. J. Levy
The Transformation of Rhode Island, 1790–1860. By Peter J. Coleman. Providence: Published for the American History Research Association by Brown University Press, 1963. Pp. xi, 314. $9.00 pp. 262-263 Downloads
Beatrice G. Reubens
L'Alun de Rome—xve-xixe siècle. By Jean Delumeau (Publication of the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, VIe Section.) Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1962. Pp. 352 pp. 263-265 Downloads
Ruth Pike
The Salmon King of Oregon: R. D. Hume and the Pacific Fisheries. By Gordon B. Dodds. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1963. Pp. ix, 257. $6.00 pp. 265-266 Downloads
James N. Tattersall
Federal Banking Laws and Reports: A Compilation of Major Federal Banking Documents, 1780–1912. By Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate. Washington: Government Printing Office, 1963. Pp. vi, 529, $1.75 pp. 267-267 Downloads
Paul B. Thescott
The Waldstein Woolen Mill: Noble Entrepreneurship in Eighteenth-Century Bohemia. By Herman Freudenberger. (Publication No. 18 of the Kress Library of Business and Economics.) Montpelier, Vt: Capital City Press, 1963. Pp. xi, 68 pp. 268-269 Downloads
Andrew G. Whiteside
Bryggeriets Historie i Danmark indtil slutningen af det 19. århundrede (“History of the Danish Brewing Trade to the End of the Nineteenth Century”). By Kristof Glamann. Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1962. Pp. 291. Kr. 42.50 pp. 269-270 Downloads
Lars L. Björkbom
An Economic History of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century. By Henry Hamilton. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. Pp. xviii, 452. $8.00 pp. 270-272 Downloads
Richard B. Sheridan
Die Arbeiterfrage zu Beginn des modernen Kapitalismus in Brandenburg-Preussen, 1685–1806. By Kurt Hinze. Foreword by Otto Büsch. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1963. Pp. xvi, 296 pp. 272-273 Downloads
Arthur Schweitzer
Capital in the American Economy: Its Formation and Financing. By Simon Kuznets. Princeton, N. J.: Published for the National Bureau of Economic Research by Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. 664. $12.00 pp. 273-277 Downloads
Robert E. Gallman
Die Beziehungen der deutschen Seeschiffswerften zur Eisenindustrie an der Ruhr in der Zeit von 1850 bis 1930. By Günther Leckebusch. (“Schriften zur Rheinisch-Westfälischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte,” No. 8) Cologne: Rheinisch-Westfälisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, 1963. Pp. 149 pp. 277-278 Downloads
Thomas J. Orsagh
Ghana Agriculture: Its Economic Development from Early Times to the Middle of the Twentieth Century. By S. La Anyane. London and Accra: Oxford University Press, 1963. Pp. xiv, 228. $4.00 pp. 277-277 Downloads
Thomas T. Poleman
Price and Quantity Trends in the Foreign Trade of the United States. By Robert Lipsey. (National Bureau of Economic Research “Studies in International Economic Relations,” No. 2) Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press, 1963. Pp. xviii, 487. $10.00 pp. 278-279 Downloads
Matthew Simon
Industrial Growth and World Trade. By Alfred Maizels (Publication of the National Institute of Economics and Social Research, London. “Social Studies,” No. 21.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 1963. Pp. xxiii, 563. $14.00 pp. 280-281 Downloads
C. P. Kindleberger
Land Use Policy and Problems in the United States. Edited by Howard W. Ottoson. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1963. Pp. x, 470. $6.00 pp. 281-282 Downloads
Richard S. Kirkendall
Histoire des faits économiques jusqu'à la fin du xviiie siécle. By Hubert Richardot, with the collaboration of Bernard Schnapper. Paris: Librairie Dalloz, 1963. Pp. 448 pp. 282-283 Downloads
George V. Taylor
America's Great Depression. By Murray N. Rothbard. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., 1963. Pp. x, 361. $8.95 pp. 283-284 Downloads
Eugene Smolensky
The Experience of Economic Growth: Case Studies in Economic History. Edited by Barry E. Supple. New York: Random House, 1963. Pp. 458. $6.95 pp. 285-285 Downloads
William N. Parker
The Factory Movement, 1830–1855. By J. T. Ward. London: Macmillan and Co.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1962. Pp. xii, 515 pp. 286-288 Downloads
George W. Hilton
A History of the Salters' Company. By J. Steven Watson. London: Oxford University Press, 1963. Pp. 161. $4.80 pp. 288-289 Downloads
William F. Kahl
The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century: A Study in Statistics. By Adna Ferrin Weber. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1962. Pp. xxvi, 495. $5.75 (reprint) pp. 289-290 Downloads
Eric E. Lampard
A Tudor Book of Rates. Edited by T. S. Willan. (“Publications of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Manchester,” No. 13) Manchester: The University Press, 1962. Pp. lv, 97. 18s pp. 290-291 Downloads
H. S. Reinmuth

Volume 24, issue 1, 1964

A Quantitative Approach to Medieval Population Change pp. 1-21 Downloads
J. C. Russell
Charts of Public Land Sales and Entries pp. 22-28 Downloads
Paul W. Gates
Ideological Factors in Specie Resumption and Treasury Policy* pp. 29-52 Downloads
Richard H. Timberlake
Lord and Peasant in Russia from the Ninth to the Nineteenth Century pp. 53-59 Downloads
Alexander Gerschenkron
Measuring British Economic Growth* pp. 60-82 Downloads
J. R. T. Hughes
The Simple Fleece. Edited by Alan Barnard. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1962. Pp. 640. $12.50 pp. 84-85 Downloads
Gene M. Gressley
The Wool Trade in Tudor and Stuart England. By Peter J. Bowden. London: Macmillan, 1962, Pp. xviii, 242. 45s pp. 85-87 Downloads
Daniel R. Fusfeld
Prix des céréales extraits de la Mercuriale de Paris (1520–1698). Vol. II, 1621–1698. By Micheline Baulant and Jean Meuvret. (École Pratique des Hautes Études;—VIe Section, Centre de Recherches Historiques.) Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1962. Pp. 165 pp. 85-85 Downloads
Martin Wolfe
Essays in Economic History. Edited by Eleanora Mary Carus-Wilson. Vols. II and III. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1963. Pp. viii, 373, and pp. viii, 393. $12.00 each pp. 87-88 Downloads
Shepard B. Clough
People and Industries. By W. H. Chaloner. London: Frank Cass, 1963. Pp. 151. 25s pp. 88-89 Downloads
Roy A. Church
Mexico. Revolution to Evolution, 1940–1960. By Howard F. Cline (Auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1962. Pp. xiv, 375. $6.75 pp. 89-91 Downloads
Stanley J. Stein
Entrepreneurship in Argentine Culture: Torquato Di Tella and S. I. A. M. By Thomas C. Cochran and Ruben E. Reina; Research Assistant, Sue Nuttall. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1962. Pp. xi, 338. $7.50 pp. 91-93 Downloads
Carter Goodrich
The Decline of the Venetian Nobility as a Ruling Class. By James Cushman Davis. (The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series LXXX, No. 2.) Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1962. Pp. 155. $4.00 pp. 93-94 Downloads
Domenico Sella
The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By Ralph Davis. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd., 1962. Pp. ix, 427. $12.00 pp. 95-96 Downloads
John G. B. Hutchins
The Pound Sterling: A History of English Money. By SirAlbert Feaveryear. (Second edition, revised By E. Victor Morgan.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963. Pp. xi, 446. 42s. $6.75 pp. 96-97 Downloads
Margaret G. Myers
Der Staat und die Anfänge der Industrialisierung in Baden, 1800–1850 Vol. I, Die staatliche Gewerbepolitik. By Wolfram Fischer. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1962. Pp. 401. DM. 39.80 pp. 97-99 Downloads
Klaus H. Wolff
John R. Commons: His Assault on Laissez-Faire. By Lafayette G. HarterJr. Foreword by Wayne Morse. Corvallis: Oregon State University Press, 1962. Pp. xi, 283. $4.95 pp. 99-100 Downloads
Joseph Dorfman
Farms and Farmers in an Urban Age. By Edward Higbee. New York: Twentieth Century Fund, 1963. Pp. xii, 183. Cloth, $3.00; paper, $1.45 pp. 100-101 Downloads
Theodore Saloutos
Grain Yields and the American Food Supply: An Analysis of Yield Changes and Possibilities. By D. Gale Johnson and Robert L. Gustafson. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1962. Pp. 146. $3.50 pp. 102-103 Downloads
John E. Floyd
The Law Merchant and Negotiable Instruments in Colonial New York, 1664 to 1730. By Herbert Alan Johnson. Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1963. Pp. x, 85. $3.00 pp. 103-104 Downloads
Lawrence M. Friedman
The Life Insurance Enterprise, 1885–1910. By Morton Keller. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963. Pp. x, 338, $7.25 pp. 104-105 Downloads
Orange A. Smalley
Annali del Mezzogiorno, Vol. I. Edited by Antonio Pavone LaRosa. (Istituto di Storia Economica, Università di Catania.) Catania: Tip. dell'Università1961. Pp. 264 pp. 105-106 Downloads
Samuel J. Surace
The West African Shipping Trade, 1909–1959. By Charlotte Leubuscher. Leyden: A. W. Sythoff, 1963. Pp. 109. Fl. 13 pp. 107-108 Downloads
Richard J. Hammond
American Economic Development: Growth of the United States in the Western World. By Lester S. Levy and Roy J. Sampson. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1962. Pp. xiii, 623. $7.95 pp. 108-109 Downloads
Forest G. Hill
Lettres de Change aux foires de Lanciano au xvie siècle. By Corrado Marciani. (École Pratique des Hautes Études—VIe Section, Centre de Recherches Historiques.) Paris: S. E. V. P. E. N., 1962. Pp. 196 pp. 109-110 Downloads
Marvin B. Becker
The Urbanization of America, 1860–1915. By Blake McKelvey. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963. Pp. ix, 370. $10.00 pp. 110-111 Downloads
Edward C. Kirkland
The Tolerant Populists: Kansas Populism and Nativism. By Walter T. K. Nugent. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963. Pp. viii, 256. $6.00 pp. 111-112 Downloads
Roger Daniels
Manuel Lisa and the Opening of the Missouri Fur Trade. By Richard E. Oglesby. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. Pp. xiii, 246. $5.00 pp. 112-113 Downloads
Thomas LeDuc
The External Relations of Cities during “Industrial Revolution,” with a Case Study of Göteborg, Sweden: 1860–1890. By Allan Pred. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962. Pp. ix, 113 pp. 113-114 Downloads
Eric E. Lampard
John Isham: Mercer and Merchant Adventurer. Two Account Books of a London Merchant in the Reign of Elizabeth I. Edited by G. D. Ramsay. (The Publications of the Northamptonshire Record Society, Vol. XXI.) Gateshead, Durham: Northumberland Press Limited, 1962. Pp. cxii, 197 pp. 114-115 Downloads
Margaret Gay Davies
Oregon Argonauts: Merchant Adventurers on the Western Frontier. By Arthur L. Throckmorton. Portland: Oregon Historical Society, 1961. Pp. xvii, 372. $10.00 pp. 115-117 Downloads
James N. Tattersall
Trade Union Growth, Structure and Policy: A Comparative Study of the Cotton Unions in England. By H. A. Turner. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962. Pp. 413. $7.50 pp. 117-118 Downloads
Irving Bernstein
Contribution à l'histoire économique des Flandres. By B. Verhaegen. Two volumes; Louvain: Editions Nauwelaerts, 1961. Pp. 382, 326 pp. 119-120 Downloads
A. Lamfalussy
The Great Hunger. By Cecil Woodham-Smith. New York and Evanston: Harper and Row, 1962. Pp. 510 pp. 120-121 Downloads
E. A. J. Johnson
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