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Volume 42, issue 4, 1982

Women, Children, and Industrialization in the Early Republic: Evidence from the Manufacturing Censuses pp. 741-774 Downloads
Claudia Goldin and Kenneth Sokoloff
The Spanish Wool Trade, 1500–1780 pp. 775-795 Downloads
Carla Rahn Phillips
Oligopoly Agreement and the Timing of American Railroad Construction pp. 797-823 Downloads
C. Knick Harley
City Size and Ethnic Discrimination: Michigan Agricultural Implements and Iron Working Industries, 1890 pp. 825-845 Downloads
Joan Underhill Hannon
Determinants of Mortality Among New England Cotton Mill Workers During the Progressive Era pp. 847-863 Downloads
Mark Aldrich
The American Challenge of the Twenties: Multinationals and the European Motor Industry pp. 865-881 Downloads
James Foreman-Peck
The Role of Business Liquidity During the Great Depression and Afterwards: Differences Between Large and Small Firms pp. 883-902 Downloads
Helen Manning Hunter
Sweden as an “Impoverished Sophisticate”: A Reply pp. 921-922 Downloads
Lars G. Sandberg
Modern Europe - The European Demographic System, 1500–1820. By Michael W. Flinn. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. 175. $15.00 cloth pp. 929-930 Downloads
Michael Drake
European Textile Printers in the Eighteenth Century: A Study of Peel and Oberkampf. By S. D. Chapman and S. Chassagne. London: Heinemann Educational Books, The Pasold Fund, 1981. Pp. xii, 257. £15 pp. 930-931 Downloads
Herman Freudenberger
South Africa's Impact on Britain's Return to Gold, 1925. By Bruce Ronald Dalgaard. Dissertations in European Economic History 1981. New York: Arno Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 197. $18.00 pp. 931-932 Downloads
D. E. Moggridge
Enterprise and Trade in Victorian Britain. By Donald N. McCloskey. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. xix, 211. $37.50 cloth, $14.50 paper pp. 932-933 Downloads
Charles Feinstein
Footballers and Businessmen: The Origins of Professional Soccer in England. By Steven Tischler. New York: Holmes & Meiers, 1981. Pp. x, 154. $24.00 pp. 933-934 Downloads
Wray Vamplew
Institutional Determinants of Technical Change and Agricultural Productivity Growth. Denmark, France and Great Britain, 1870–1965. By William Windsor Wade. Dissertations in Economic History. New York: Arno Press, 1981. Pp. x, 353. $32.00 pp. 935-935 Downloads
George Grantham
Artists and Artisans in Delft: A Socio-Economic Study of the Seventeenth Century. By John Michael Montias. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982. pp. xvi, 424. $36.50 cloth, $16.50 paper pp. 936-937 Downloads
David Galenson
Social Democracy and Society: Working-Class Radicalism in Düsseldorf, 1890–1920. By Mary Nolan. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 376. $37.50 cloth pp. 938-940 Downloads
Robert G. Moeller
Demographic Developments and Economic Growth in Norway, 1740–1940. By Thorvald Moe. New York: Arno Press, 1977. Pp. xi, 250. $20.00 pp. 938-938 Downloads
Michael Drake
Merchants and Entrepreneurs in Imperial Russia. By Alfred J. Rieber. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982. Pp. xxvi, 464. $35.00 pp. 940-941 Downloads
John P. McKay
Latin America - A Legacy of Promises: Agriculture, Politics, and Ritual in the Morelos Highlands of Mexico. By Guillermo de la Peña. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 289. $25.00 pp. 941-942 Downloads
Manning Nash
United States and Canada - Indians, Animals and the Fur Trade: A Critique of Keepers of the Game. Edited by Shepard KreechIII. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1981. Pp. 207. $12.00 pp. 942-943 Downloads
Leonard Carlson
The Notorious Triangle: Rhode Island and the African Slave Trade, 1700–1807. By Jay Coughtry. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1981. $22.95 pp. 943-945 Downloads
Jan Hogendorn
Regulation, Federalism, and Interstate Commerce. Edited by A. Dan Tarlock. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Oelgeschlager, Gunn & Hain, 1981. Pp. vi, 167 pp. 945-946 Downloads
Charles W. McCurdy
Olive Branch and Sword—The Compromise of 1833. By Merrill D. Peterson. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1982. Pp. xii, 132. $15.00 pp. 946-947 Downloads
Sidney Ratner
Transportation and the Early Nation. Papers presented at an Indiana American Revolution Bicentennial Symposium. Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Society, 1982. Pp. vii, 156. $3.50 pp. 947-948 Downloads
George Rogers Taylor
Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in the United States. By Alice Kessler-Harris. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 400. $19.95. - Women's America: Refocusing the past. Edited by Linda K. Kerber and Jane DeHart Mathews. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. xi, 478. $21.95 pp. 948-950 Downloads
Mary J. Oates
Farm to Factory: Women's Letters, 1830–1860. Edited by Thomas Dublin. New York: Columbia University Press, 1981. Pp. x, 191, $17.50 pp. 950-951 Downloads
Claudia Goldin
The Tejano Community, 1836–1900. By Arnold De León. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1982. Pp. xix, 277. $19.95 pp. 951-953 Downloads
James E. Crisp
Class, Conflict, and Consensus: Antebellum Southern Community Studies. Edited by Orville Vernon Burton and Robert C. McMathJr. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. xxvi, 308. $29.95 pp. 953-955 Downloads
Douglas Deal
Toward A New South? Studies in Post-Civil War Southern Communities. Edited by Orville Vernon Burton and Robert C. McMathJr. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1982. Pp. 319. $29.95 pp. 955-957 Downloads
Cathy McHugh
Market Institutions and Economic Progress in the New South, 1865–1900: Essays Stimulated by One Kind of Freedom: The Economic Consequences of Emancipation. Edited by Gary M. Walton and James F. Shepherd. New York: Academic Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 162. $17.50 pp. 957-958 Downloads
Robert Higgs
Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformation of Labor in the United States. By David M. Gordon, Richard Edwards, and Michael Reich. Cambridge, London, and New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982. Pp. xii, 288. $34.50 cloth, $9.95 paper pp. 958-959 Downloads
M. Bronfenbrenner
Working-Class Life: The “American Standard” in Comparative Perspective, 1899–1913. By Peter R. Shergold. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1982. Pp. 306. $21.95 pp. 959-961 Downloads
Stanley Lebergott
Americans and Their Servants: Domestic Service in the United States from 1800–1920. By Daniel E. Sutherland. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. Pp. 229. $20.00 pp. 961-962 Downloads
Pamela J. Nickless
George Washington Carver: Scientist and Symbol. By Linda O. McMurry. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. 367. $25.00 pp. 962-963 Downloads
Harold D. Woodman
Southern Workers and their Unions, 1880–1975. Selected papers, the Second Labor History Conference, 1978. Edited by Merl E. Reed, Leslie S. Hough, and Gary M. Fink. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981 pp. 963-964 Downloads
Tom E. Terrill
Custom Combining on the Great Plains. By Thomas Isern. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1981. Pp. 248. $14.95 pp. 964-965 Downloads
J. Larry Deaton
From New Deal to New Economics: The American Liberal Response to the Recession of 1937. By Dean L. May. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1981. Pp. xiv, 204. $25.00 pp. 965-966 Downloads
Michael M. Weinstein
The Reshaping of the National Labor Relations Board. By James A. Gross. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981. Pp. 381. $44.00 cloth, $14.95 paper pp. 966-968 Downloads
Morgan Reynolds
Aramco, the United States, and Saudi Arabia: A Study of the Dynamics of Foreign Oil Policy, 1933–1950. By Irvine H. Anderson. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 259. $18.50 pp. 968-969 Downloads
Michael B. Stoff
The Selling of the South: The Southern Crusade for Industrial Development, 1936–1980. By James C. Cobb. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1982. Pp. xii, 293. $16.95 pp. 969-970 Downloads
Gavin Wright
Economics and the Truman Administration. Edited by Francis H. Heller. Lawrence: The Regents Press of Kansas, 1981. Pp. xviii, 193. $17.50 pp. 970-971 Downloads
Robert M. Collins
Trade & Aid, Eisenhower's Foreign Economic Policy, 1953–1961. By Burton I. Kaufman. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982. Pp. 279. $25.00 pp. 972-973 Downloads
John L. Harper
No Way to Run A Railroad: The Untold Story of the Penn Central Crisis. By Stephen Salsbury. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1982. Pp. xvii, 363. $19.95 pp. 973-975 Downloads
Thomas K. McCraw
Merchant Shipping and Economic Development in Atlantic Canada, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of the Atlantic Canada Shipping Project, 06 25–06 27, 1981. Edited by Lewis R. Fischer and Eric W. Sager. St. John's: Maritime History Group, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1982. Pp. 242 pp. 975-976 Downloads
Peter George
Canadian Papers in Rural History, Vol. III. Edited by Donald H. Akenson. Gananoque, Ontario: Langdale Press, 1982. Pp. 256. $14.95 pp. 976-977 Downloads
Trevor J. O. Dick
Economic Thought and Doctrine - Mercantilism as a Rent-Seeking Society: Economic Regulations in Historical Perspective. By Robert B. EkelundJr., and Robert D. Tollison. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 169. $17.50 cloth pp. 978-979 Downloads
Terry L. Anderson
Classical and Marxian Political Economy: Essays in Honor of Ronald L. Meek. Edited by Ian Bradley and Michael Howard. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 300. $27.50 pp. 979-980 Downloads
Geoffrey Gilbert
Tawney, Galbraith and Adam Smith: State and Welfare. By David Reisman. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. vii, 254. $25.00 pp. 980-981 Downloads
Michael Bernstein
Tomorrow, Capitalism: The Economics of Economic Freedom. By Henri Lepage. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1982. Pp. xiii, 256. $14.95 pp. 982-983 Downloads
M. Bronfenbrenner
General and Miscellaneous - Literacy in History: An Interdisciplinary Research Bibliography. By Harvey J. Graff. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 254. New York: Garland Publishing, 1981. Pp. x, 422. $50.00 cloth pp. 983-984 Downloads
David Mitch
Essays in Socioeconomic Evolution. By Morris A. Copeland. New York: Vantage Press, 1981. Pp. xv, 184. $10.00 cloth pp. 984-985 Downloads
Gerhard Lenski
Gold. By Brian Kettell. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1982, Pp. xv, 283. $22.50 pp. 985-986 Downloads
John Dutton
Structure and Change in Economic History. By Douglass C. North. New York: W. W. Norton, 1981. Pp. xi, 228. $19.95 pp. 986-989 Downloads
Frederic L. Pryor
Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. By Amartya Sen. New York: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 257. $17.95 pp. 989-991 Downloads
Morris David Morris
Economists in Government: An International Comparative Study. Edited by A. W. Coats. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 365. $19.75 pp. 991-992 Downloads
D. E. Moggridge
Technological Diffusion and Industrialisation Before 1914. By A. G. Kenwood and A. L. Lougheed. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Pp. 216. $32.00 pp. 992-993 Downloads
Rondo Cameron

Volume 42, issue 3, 1982

The Atlantic Slave Trade and the Barbados Market, 1673–1723 pp. 491-511 Downloads
David Galenson
An Economic Analysis of the Organization of Serfdom in Eastern Europe pp. 513-548 Downloads
Robert Millward
Influences on the Distribution of Landholdings in Early Colonial North Carolina pp. 549-575 Downloads
Robert E. Gallman
Land Availability and Fertility in the United States, 1760–1870 pp. 577-600 Downloads
Morton Owen Schapiro
The Growth of the Utilities Industries in Italy, 1861–1913 pp. 601-627 Downloads
Stefano Fenoaltea
Mergers, External Growth, and Finance in the Development of Large-Scale Enterprise in Germany, 1880–1913 pp. 629-658 Downloads
Richard Tilly
Canadian Newsprint, 1913–1930: National Policies and the North American Economy pp. 659-687 Downloads
Trevor J. O. Dick
Economic Causes of Late Nineteenth-Century Agrarian Unrest: Reply pp. 697-699 Downloads
Robert A. McGuire
Modern Europe - Men of Property: The Very Wealthy in Britain since the Industrial Revolution. By W. D. Rubinstein (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1981). Pp. 261. $22.00 pp. 705-706 Downloads
Peter Lindert
Irish Population, Economy, and Society: Essays in Honour of the Late K. H. Connell. Edited by J. M. Goldstrom and L. A. Clarkson. New York: The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. x, 322. $45.00 pp. 706-707 Downloads
Joel Mokyr
Economy and Society in Baroque Portugal, 1668–1703. By Carl A. Hanson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1981. Pp. 384 pp. 707-708 Downloads
C. R. Boxer
A Magyar Gazdaság Hosszútávu Vizsgálata Ökonometriai Módszerrel (Long-Run Analysis of the Hungarian Economy, Using Econometric Methods, 1875–1913). Vol. 6 of Töténeti Statisztikai Füzetek (Historical-Statistical Studies). By Zsigmond Nyári. Budapest: Központi Statisztikai Hivatal, 1981. Pp. 109 pp. 708-709 Downloads
John Komlos
Asia and Latin America - Essays on Technology, Employment and Institutions in Economic Development: Comparative Asian Experience. By Shigeru Ishikawa. Economic Research Series No. 19. Tokyo: Kinokuniya Company, 1981. Pp. xxii, 466. 6000 Yen pp. 709-710 Downloads
Harry T. Oshima
Hacienda and Market in Eighteenth-Century Mexico: The Rural Economy of the Guadalajara Region, 1675–1820. By Eric Van Young. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1981. Pp. xvi, 388. $30.00 pp. 710-711 Downloads
John H. Coatsworth
The Struggle for Land: A Political Economy of the Pioneer Frontier in Brazil from 1930 to the Present Day. By Joe Foweraker. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xxvi, 260. $39.50 pp. 711-712 Downloads
Pedro Carvalho De Mello
United States and Canada - For Want of Trade: Shipping and the New Jersey Ports, 1680–1783. By James H. Levitt. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society, 1981. Pp. xii, 224. $21.45 pp. 712-713 Downloads
Jacob M. Price
Measuring Charleston's Overseas Commerce, 1717–1767: Statistics from the Port's Naval List. By Converse D. Clowse. Washington, D.C.: University Press of America, 1981. Pp. x, 157. $20.50 cloth, $9.75 paper pp. 713-714 Downloads
David Galenson
Village and Seaport: Migration and Society in Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts. By Douglas Lamar Jones. Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1981. pp. xx, 167. $15.00 pp. 714-715 Downloads
Alice Hanson Jones
The American Law of Slavery, 1810–1860: Consideration of Humanity and Interest. By Mark V. Tushnet. Princeton: Priceton University Press, 1981. pp. 232. $20.00 pp. 715-716 Downloads
Quintard Taylor
Indian Traders on the Middle Border: The House of Ewing, 1827–54. By Robert A. TrennertJr. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, 1981. Pp. xiii, 271. $17.95 cloth pp. 716-718 Downloads
Ann Carlos
Urban Growth and City-Systems in the United States, 1840–1860. By Allan Pred. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1980. Pp. 282. $28.00 pp. 718-720 Downloads
John Sharpless
The Rise of Literacy and the Common School in the United States: A Socioeconomic Analysis to 1870. By Lee Soltow and Edward Stevens. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 247. $20.00 pp. 720-721 Downloads
Alexander Field
The Battle for Butte: Mining and Politics on the Northern Frontier, 1864–1906. By Michael P. Malone. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1981, Pp. xiv, 281. $17.95 pp. 722-723 Downloads
Paul A. Tiffany
The United States and the Problem of Recovery after 1893. By Gerald T. White. University, Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 1982. Pp. x, 160. $13.75 pp. 723-724 Downloads
Harold G. Vatter
The Dynamics of Business Government Relations: Industry and Exports, 1893–1921. By William H. Becker. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, 1982. Pp. xvi, 240. $20.00 pp. 724-725 Downloads
Donald T. Critchlow
Garbage in the Cities: Refuse, Reform, and the Environment, 1880–1980. By Martin V. Melosi. College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi, 268. $21.50 pp. 725-727 Downloads
Louis P. Cain
Plutokraten und Sozialisten: Berichte deutscher Diplomaten und Agenten über die amerikanische Arbeiterbewegung 1878–1917 (Plutocrats and Socialists: Reports by German Diplomats and Agents on the American Labor Movement 1878–1917). Edited by Dirk Hoerder. Munich: K. G. Saur Verlag, 1981. Pp. xxxv, 422 pp. 727-728 Downloads
Jürg K. Siegenthaler
Steelmasters and Labor Reform, 1886-1923. By Gerald G. Eggert. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1981. Pp. 212. $17.95 pp. 728-729 Downloads
John A. Garraty
Communism, Anticommunism, and the CIO. By Harvey A. Levenstein. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 364. $29.95 pp. 729-731 Downloads
Joshua B. Freeman
Strikes in the United States, 1881–1974. By P. K. Edwards. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. PP. xvi, 336. $27.50 pp. 731-733 Downloads
Joseph D. Reid
J. P. Morgan, Jr., 1867–1943. By John Douglas Forbes. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1981. Pp. xiv, 262. $20.00 pp. 733-734 Downloads
Homer Jones
The Role of the U.S. Treasury in Stabilizing the Economy, 1941–1946. By Esther R. Taus. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1981. Pp. xiv, 141. $17.75 cloth, $9.00 paper pp. 734-735 Downloads
Richard H. Timberlake
Locking Up the Range: Federal Land Controls and Grazing. By Gary D. Libecap. Pacific Institute for Public Policy Research Series. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1981, Pp. xviii, 109. $14.50 pp. 735-736 Downloads
James W. Eaton
The Regulation of Natural Gas: Policy and Politics, 1938–1978. By M. Elizabeth Sanders. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple, 1981. Pp. xvi, 254. $18.95 pp. 736-738 Downloads
Edward W. Erickson
The Population of the South: Structure and Change in Social Demographic Context. Edited by Dudley L. PostonJr and Robert H. Weller. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 307. $25.00 pp. 738-739 Downloads
Bruce Gardner

Volume 42, issue 2, 1982

British Industrialization Before 1841: Evidence of Slower Growth During the Industrial Revolution pp. 267-289 Downloads
C. Knick Harley
The 1807–1809 Embargo Against Great Britain pp. 291-308 Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel
Agricultural Protection in Wilhelminian Germany: Forging an Empire with Pork and Rye pp. 309-326 Downloads
Steven B. Webb
Contractual Mix in Southern Agriculture since the Civil War: Facts, Hypotheses, and Tests pp. 327-353 Downloads
Lee Alston and Robert Higgs
Agriculture and Development in Prussian Upper Silesia, 1846–1913 pp. 355-384 Downloads
Michael R. Haines
The Rise of the Cotton Industry in California: A Comparative Perspective pp. 385-412 Downloads
Moses S. Musoke and Alan Olmstead
Medieval - The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages, 1100–1600. By Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xiv, 250. $49.50 pp. 445-445 Downloads
Louise Buenger Robbert
Modern Europe - The Integration of the European Economy Since 1815. By Sidney Pollard. Winchester, Massachusetts: Allen and Unwin, 1981. Pp. 109. $15.95 cloth, $6.95 paper. - Peaceful Conquest. The Industrialization of Europe, 1760–1970. By Sidney Pollard. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 451. $49.95 cloth, $19.95 paper pp. 446-447 Downloads
Richard Roehl
The Scottish Provincial Banking Companies, 1747–1864. By Charles W. Munn. Edinburgh: John Donald Publishers Ltd., 1981. Distribution in the United States by Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey. Pp. xi, 306. $37.50 pp. 447-448 Downloads
Rondo Cameron
Easter Ross, 1750–1850: The Double Frontier. By Ian R. M. Mowat. Edinburgh: John Donald; Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press, 1981. Pp. x, 270. $39 pp. 448-449 Downloads
Rosalind Mitchison
Histoire quantitative et developpement de la Belgique, Tome II, La révolution industrielle. Vol. 1, Essai sur la révolution industrielie en Beigique, 1770–1847. By Pierre Lebrun, Marinette Bruwier, Jan Dhondt, and Georges Hansotte. Brussels: Palais des Academies, 1979. Pp. 753 pp. 449-451 Downloads
Hubert Watelet
Historische Konjunkturforschung. Edited by Wilhelm H. Schröder and Reinhard Spree. Historisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen, Zentrum für Historisch-Sozialforschung, vol. 2. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1981. Pp. 419. DM 70–00 pp. 451-452 Downloads
Brinley Thomas
Social Change and Political Development in Weimar Germany. Edited by Richard Bessel and F. J. Feuchtwanger. Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes & Noble, 1981. Pp. 297. $27.00. - The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis. By David Abraham. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xvi, 366. $30.00 cloth, $12.50 paper pp. 452-454 Downloads
Joel Rogers
L'economia dell' Italia fascista. By Gianni Toniolo. Rome: Laterza, 1980 Pp. xx, 354. Lire 11000 pp. 454-456 Downloads
Ira A. Glazier
Asia, Africa, Latin America - Trade in Transition: Exports from the Third World, 1840–1900. By John R. HansonII. Studies in Social Discontinuity. New York: Academic Press, 1980. Pp. xii, 197. $18.00 pp. 456-457 Downloads
A. J. H. Latham
The Depression and the Developing World, 1914–1939. By A. J. H. Latham. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981. Pp. 230. $25.00 pp. 458-458 Downloads
John R. Hanson
The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernization of China, 1893–1911. By Michael R. Godley. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. x, 222. $39.50 pp. 458-459 Downloads
Albert Feuerwerker
The Postwar Japanese Economy: Its Development and Structure. By Takafusa Nakamura. Translated by Jacqueline Kaminski. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press, 1981. Distributed by Columbia University Press, New York. Pp. xiv, 277. $17.50 pp. 459-460 Downloads
Carl Mosk
Class, State, and Industrial Structure: The Historical Process of South American Industrial Growth. By Frederick Stirton Weaver. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1980. Pp. xiv, 247. $28.50 pp. 460-461 Downloads
John H. Coatsworth
United States - “Poor Carolina”: Politics and Society in Colonial North Carolina, 1729–1776. By A. Roger Ekirch. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1981. Pp. xix, 305. $22.50 pp. 461-462 Downloads
Jack Roper
A History of Metals in Colonial America. By James A. Mulholland. University, Alabama: The University of Alabama Press, 1981. Pp. xiv, 215. $17.95 cloth, $8.95 paper pp. 462-463 Downloads
Irene D. Neu
Technology in America: A History of Individuals and Ideas. Edited by Carroll W. PursellJr. Cambridge, Massachusetts: M. I. T. Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 264. $9.95 paper pp. 463-465 Downloads
Martha M. Trescott
Emulation and Invention. By Brooke Hindle. New York: New York University Press, 1981. Pp. xix, 1622. $22.50 pp. 465-466 Downloads
James A. Mulholland
Mechanics and Manufactures in the Early Industrial Revolution: Lynn, Massachusetts, 1780–1860. By Paul G. Faler. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981. Pp. xvii, 267. $34.00 cloth, $9.95 paper pp. 466-467 Downloads
William H. Mulligan
The Investment Frontier: New York Businessmen and the Economic Development of the Old Northwest. By John Denis Haeger. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1981. Pp. xviii, 311. $39.00 cloth, $12.95 paper pp. 467-468 Downloads
Richard H. Keehn
Boosters and Businessmen: Popular Economic Thought and Urban Growth in the Antebellum Middle West. By Carl Abbott. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 266. $27.50 pp. 468-469 Downloads
John Haeger
Louisiana Commercial Law: The Antebellum Period. By Richard Holcombe KilbourneJr. Baton Rouge: The Paul M. Hebert Law Center Publications Institute of Louisiana State University, 1980. Pp. xix, 233 pp. 469-470 Downloads
Harold R. Weinberg
A Theory of Property Rights with Application to the California Gold Rush. By John R. Umbeck. Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1981. Pp. 158. $13.95 pp. 470-472 Downloads
Gary D. Libecap
Environmental Factors of Early Railroads: A Comparative Study of Massachusetts and the German States of Baden and Pfalz (Palatinale) Before 1870. By Klaus Peter Harder. New York: Arno Press, 1981. Pp. viii, 395. $35.00 pp. 472-473 Downloads
Paul B. Huber
Competition and Regulation: The Development of Oligopoly in the Meat Packing Industry. By Mary Yeager. Industrial Development and the Social Fabric, Vol. 2. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, 1981. Pp. xxvi, 296. $30.00 pp. 474-475 Downloads
Louis P. Cain
The Harder We Run: Black Workers since the Civil War. By William H. Harris. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982. Pp. xi, 259. $17.95 pp. 475-476 Downloads
Robert Higgs
Life, Work, and Rebellion in the Coal Fields. By David Alan Corbin. Chicago: The University of Illinois Press, 1981. Pp. xix, 294 pp. 476-477 Downloads
Alexander Mackenzie Thompson
Jewish Agricultural Utopias in America, 1880–1910. By Uri D. Herscher. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1981. Pp. vi, 197. $15.95 pp. 477-479 Downloads
Joseph Brandes
At the Point of Production: The Local History of the I.W.W. Edited by Joseph R. Conlin. Contributions in Labor History, No. 10. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. Pp. viii, 329. $29.95 pp. 479-480 Downloads
Jack Blicksilver
Race and Class in the Southwest. By Mario Barrera. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979. Pp. x, 261. $13.95 pp. 480-481 Downloads
Michael F. Sheehan
American Farmers: The New Minority. By Gilbert C. Fite. Minorities in Modern America Series. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 265. $19.50 pp. 481-482 Downloads
J. Larry Deaton
New Deal Planning: The National Resources Planning Board. By Marion Clawson. Published for Resources for the Future. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1981. Pp. xxii, 356. $32.50 pp. 483-483 Downloads
Robert M. Collins
America's Struggle Against Poverty 1900–1980. By James T. Patterson. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 268. $17.50 pp. 483-484 Downloads
Gaston V. Rimlinger
General and Miscellaneous - The Power of Money. By Henry Bretton. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1980. Pp. xxxiii, 418 pp. 485-486 Downloads
Richard H. Timberlake
General and Miscellaneous - The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. By Eric Jones. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 276. $29.50 cloth, $9.95 paper pp. 486-487 Downloads
Douglass North
People's History and Socialist Theory. Edited by Raphael Samuel. History Workshop Series. Boston: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. lvi, 417. $32.50 cloth, $19.95 paper pp. 487-487 Downloads
Geoffrey Crossick

Volume 42, issue 1, 1982

The Great Strike at Nushagak Station, 1951: Institutional Gridlock pp. 1-20 Downloads
Jonathan Hughes
Monetary Innovation in America pp. 21-30 Downloads
Richard Sylla
Discussion pp. 31-32 Downloads
Michael Bordo
The Political Economy of Banking Regulation, 1864–1933 pp. 33-40 Downloads
Eugene White
Discussion pp. 41-42 Downloads
Richard H. Keehn
The Economics of Normalcy pp. 43-52 Downloads
Robert B. Zevin
A Reformulation of Marxian Theory and Historical Analysis pp. 53-59 Downloads
Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff
Factors, Bankers, and Masters: Class Relations in the Antebellum South pp. 61-67 Downloads
Susan Feiner
The Transition from Primitive Communism: The Wolof Social Formation of West Africa pp. 69-76 Downloads
Rolf Jensen
Primitive Accumulation in the United States: The Interaction between Capitalist and Noncoapitalist Class Relations in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts pp. 77-82 Downloads
Rona S. Weiss
Discussion pp. 83-85 Downloads
William Lazonick
The Proximate Determinants of Domestic Investment in Victorian Britain pp. 87-95 Downloads
Barry Eichengreen
Induced Innovation and Economic Performance in Late Victorian British Industry pp. 97-103 Downloads
William H. Phillips
Economic Growth and Structural Change in the United Kingdom, 1870–1914 pp. 105-114 Downloads
William P. Kennedy
Discussion pp. 115-118 Downloads
Ben Baack and Donald N. McCloskey
The Political Economy of British Imperialism: Measures of Benefits and Support pp. 119-130 Downloads
Lance E. Davis and Robert A. Huttenback
Discussion pp. 131-132 Downloads
Michael Edelstein
The Political Economy of the Raj: The Decline of Colonialism pp. 133-137 Downloads
B. R. Tomlinson
Fiscal Crisis and the Decline of Spain (Castile) pp. 139-147 Downloads
Dennis O. Flynn
The Agrarian Depression in Seventeenth-Century Spain pp. 149-154 Downloads
Michael R. Weisser
Sharecropping and Investment in Agriculture in Early Modern France pp. 155-159 Downloads
Philip T. Hoffman
Discussion pp. 160-162 Downloads
Carla Rahn Phillips and Domenico Sella
The Labor Market and the American High School Girl 1890–1928 pp. 163-171 Downloads
Susan B. Carter and Mark Prus
Families at Work: An Analysis by Sex of Child Workers in the Cotton Textile Industry pp. 173-180 Downloads
Susan A. Matthies
Gender-Based Wage Differentials in Pennsylvania and New Jersey Manufacturing, 1900–1950 pp. 181-186 Downloads
Peter Philips
Discussion pp. 187-189 Downloads
Robert Margo
The Changing Structure of Canadian Agriculture, 1867–1897 pp. 191-198 Downloads
Marvin McInnis
Mechanization and North American Prairie Farm Costs 1896–1930 pp. 199-206 Downloads
Trevor J. O. Dick
Ontario Agriculture in Transition: The Switch from Wheat to Cheese pp. 207-215 Downloads
Robert E. Ankli and Wendy Millar
Discussion pp. 216-217 Downloads
Wayne D. Rasmussen
The Wyoming Stock Growers Association: An Application of Davis's and North's Theory of Institutional Change pp. 218-220 Downloads
James Winton Eaton
The Family Labor System in the Southern Cotton Textile Industry, 1880–1915 pp. 220-222 Downloads
Cathy Louise McHugh
Growing in Silence: The Slave Economy of Nineteenth-Century Minas Gerais, Brazil pp. 222-223 Downloads
Roberto Borges Martins
Peasants, Politics, and Pressure Groups in War and Inflation: A Study of the Rhineland and Westphalia, 1914–1924 pp. 223-227 Downloads
Robert G. Moeller
Cooperative Competition in German Coal and Steel, 1893–1914 pp. 227-230 Downloads
Lon L. Peters
Energy and Technology in American Manufacturing: 1900–1929 pp. 230-232 Downloads
Arthur G. Woolf
Medieval - The Origins of Open-Field Agriculture. Edited by Trevor Rowley. London: Croom Helm; Totowa, New Jersey: Barnes & Noble, 1981. Pp. 258. $26.50 pp. 239-240 Downloads
Carl J. Dahlman
Modern Europe - Public Policy and the Supply of Coal to London, 1700–1770. By William J. Hausman. New York: Arno Press, Dissertations in European Economic History, 1981. Pp. x, 306. $28.00 cloth pp. 240-241 Downloads
Charles K. Hyde
The Early Scottish Limited Companies. 1856–1895. An Historical and Analytical Study. By Peter L. Payne. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1980. Distributed in the United States by Columbia University Press, New York. Pp. xii, 140. $22.00 cloth pp. 241-243 Downloads
Michael Edelstein
English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirite. 1850–1980. By Martin J. Wiener. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 217. $15.95 - The Decline of British Economic Power since 1870. By M. W. Kirby. London: Allen & Unwin, 1981. Pp. x, 205 £10 pp. 243-244 Downloads
Derek H. Aldcroft
The Emergence of the Welfare State in Britain and Germany. Edited by W. J. Mommsen in collaboration with Wolfgang Mock. London: Croom Helm Ltd., 1981. Distributed by Biblio Center, Totowa, New Jersey. Pp. 443. $31.00. - From Pauperism to Poverty. By Karel Williams. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. 383. $60.00 cloth pp. 244-245 Downloads
Karl de Schweinitz
The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869–1920. By Michael B. Miller. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 266. $13.50 cloth pp. 245-246 Downloads
Reed Geiger
Capitalism and the State in Modern France: Renovation and Economic Management in the Twentieth Century. By Richard F. Kuisel. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981. Pp. xv, 344. $37.50 cloth pp. 247-248 Downloads
Charles P. Kindleberger
Kapitalismus im zaristischen Staat 1906–1917: Organisationsformen, Machtverhältnisse und Leistungsbilanz im Industrialisierungsprozess. By Heiko Haumann. Königstein, Germany, Ts.: Hain, 1980. Pp. 324. DM 84 pp. 248-249 Downloads
Martin C. Spechler
Asia - The Development of Capitalism in Colonial Indochina (1870–1940). By Martin J. Murray. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980. Pp. xii, 685. $34.50 pp. 249-250 Downloads
Tony Smith
United States - Legislative History of American Immigration Policy, 1798–1965. By E. P. Hutchinson. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press (for The Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies), 1981. Pp. xv, 685 pp. 251-251 Downloads
Stanley L. Engerman
Philadelphia. Work, Space, Family, and Group Experiences in the Nineteenth Century. Essays Toward An Inter-Disciplinary History of the City. Edited by Theodore Hershberg. New York: Oxford University Press, 1981, Pp. 525. $29.95 pp. 251-253 Downloads
Diane Lindstrom
Financiers and Railroads, 1869–1889: A Study of Morton, Bliss & Company. By Dolores Greenberg. East Brunswick, New Jersey: University of Delaware Press, 1980. Pp. 286. $22.50 pp. 253-254 Downloads
Geofrey T. Mills
The Kansas Beef Industry. By Charles L. Wood, Lawrence, Kansas: Regents Press of Kansas, 1980. Pp. xiii, 352 pp. 254-257 Downloads
Mary A. Yeager
Herbert Hoover as Secretatry of Commerce: Studies in New Era Thought and Practice. Edited by Ellis W. Hawley. Papers Presented At The Herbert Hoover Centennial Seminars. Herbet Hoover Presidential Library Assciation. West Branch, Iowa, 041974. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1981. Pp. xii, 263. $19.50 pp. 257-258 Downloads
Saul Engelbourg
Energy Transition and the Local Economy: A Theory of Society Applied to Hazleton, Pennsylvania. By Dan Rose. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1981. Pp. xvii, 189. $21.50 pp. 258-259 Downloads
Arthur G. Woolf
U.S. Maritime Policy: History and Prospects. By H. David Bess and Martin T. Farris. New York: Praeger, 1981. Pp. xvi, 219 pp. 259-259 Downloads
C. Knick Harley
Economic Thought and Doctrine - Finance Capital: A Study in the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development. By Rudolf Hilferding. Edited with an introduction by Tom Bottomore from translations by Morris Watnick and Sam Gordon. London, Boston, and Henley: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. ix, 446. $60.00 pp. 259-260 Downloads
Rondo Cameron
General and Miscellaneous - Silver: The Restless Metal. By Roy W. Jastram. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1981. Pp. xvii, 224, $26.95 pp. 260-261 Downloads
John McCusker
Accounting Evolution to 1900. By A. C. Littleton. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1981. Pp. ix, 373. $11.95 pp. 261-262 Downloads
H. Thomas Johnson
Regulatory Politics and Electric Utilities: A Case Study in Political Economy. By Douglas D. Anderson. Boston: Auburn House Publishing Company, 1981. Pp. 191. $19.95 pp. 262-263 Downloads
Allen R. Sanderson
The Past and the Present. By Lawrence Stone. Boston, London and Henley,: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981. Pp. xii, 274. $15.95 pp. 263-265 Downloads
Charles Tilly
Population and Technological Change: A Study of Long-Term Trends. By Ester Boserup. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981. Pp. xi, 255. $17.50 cloth pp. 265-266 Downloads
W. W. Rostow
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