The Journal of Economic History
1941 - 2025
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Volume 21, issue 4, 1961
- Greek Colonization pp. 443-454

- Mary E. White
- Dutch Colonial Policy in the Seventeenth Century pp. 455-468

- George Masselman
- Russian Expansion to the East Through the Eighteenth Century pp. 469-482

- C. M. Foust
- Colonization and the Making of Mankind pp. 483-495

- Herbert Lüthy
- Some Thoughts on the Nature of Economic Imperialism pp. 496-512

- David S. Landes
- The Philosophic Radicals and Colonialism* pp. 513-525

- Bernard Semmel
- The United States Congress and Imperialism, 1861–1897* pp. 526-538

- Jeannette P. Nichols
- The West India Sugar Crisis and British Slave Emancipation, 1830–1833 pp. 539-551

- Richard B. Sheridan
- Colony and Metropolis: Some Aspects of British Rule in Gold Coast and Their Implications for an Understanding of Ghana Today pp. 552-565

- John H. Dalton
- British Foreign Capital Issues, 1865–1894* pp. 566-581

- Harvey H. Segal and Matthew Simon
- Economic Imperialism: Sidelights on a Stereotype* pp. 582-598

- Richard J. Hammond
- The Opportunity to Multiply: Demographic Aspects of Modern Colonialism pp. 599-612

- Folke Dovring
- From Indian Status to British Contract* pp. 613-628

- Bernard S. Cohn
- “Colonial Psychology” and Race pp. 629-640

- H Hoetink
- On Satelliteship pp. 641-651

- George G. S. Murphy
Volume 21, issue 3, 1961
- The North-South Differential In Italian Economic Development* pp. 285-317

- Richard S. Eckaus
- The Specie Standard and Central Banking in the United States Before 1860* pp. 318-341

- Richard H. Timberlake
- The Development of a Credit System in Seventeenth-Century Japan pp. 342-360

- Sydney Crawcour
- Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1957. U. S. Buearu of the Census. Washington, D. C., 1960. Pp. xi, 789. $6.00 pp. 361-363

- M. C. Urquhart
- The Work of the Hamburg Research Center in Entrepreneurial History pp. 364-371

- P. J. Meier
- International Trade and United States Economic Development: 1827–1843* pp. 372-383

- J. G. Williamson
- International Trade and United States Economic Development Revisited* pp. 384-385

- George Macesich
- Istorikē Episkopisēs tou Propolemikou Exōterikou Dēmosiou Chreous tēs Ellados. (Historical survey of the prewar foreign public debt of Greece.) By Claude B. Bandaloukas. Piraeus: Graduate School of Industrial Studies, 1961. Pp. 90 pp. 386-387

- Adam A. Pepelasis
- State and Currency in the Roman Empire to 300 A.D. By Sture Bolin. Stockholm and Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksells Boktryckeri AB, 1958. Pp. 357 pp. 387-388

- Howard L. Adelson
- The Growth of British Industrial Relations, a Study from the Standpoint of 1906–14. By E. H. Phelps Brown. London: Macmillan and Co. Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1959. Pp. xxxvii, 414. $9.50 pp. 389-390

- Morrison Handsaker
- Zur Geshchichte der Produktivkräfte und Produktionsverhältnisse in Preussen, 1810–1933. Edited by Herbert Buck. (Publication of the Deutsches Zentralarchiv, Potsdam.) Berlin: Rūtten und Loening, 1960. Pp. 958. - Hardenbergs Umfrage ūber die Lage der Kinder in den Fabriken und andere Dokumente aus der Frühgeschichte der Lage der Arbeiter. By Jūrgen Kuczynski. (Vol. 8 of Die Geschichte der Lage der Arbeiter unter dem Kapitalismus.) Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1960. Pp. viii, 206. DM. 11. - Bürgerliche und halbfeudale Literatur aus den Jahren 1840 bis 1847 zur Lage der Arbeiter. By Jūrgen Kuczynski. (Vol. 9 of Die Geschichte der Lage der Arbeiter unter dem Kapitalismus.) Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1960. Pp. viii, 305. DM. 16 pp. 390-392

- D. G. Rohr
- The Story of Investment Companies. By Hugh Bullock. New York: Columbia University Press, 1959. Pp. xii, 305. $5.95 pp. 392-393

- Donald L. Kemmerer
- Slavery in Ancient India. By Dev Raj Chanana. Pp. xviii, 203. New Delhi: People's Publishing House, 1960. Rs. 10 pp. 394-395

- B. G. Gokhale
- The Ports of the Exe Estuary: 1660–1860. By E. A. G. Clark. Exeter: The University of Exeter, 1960. Pp. 247. 25s pp. 395-396

- Norman J. G. Pounds
- The Brokage Book of Southampton, 1443–1444. Vol. I. Edited by Olive Coleman. (Southampton Record Series, IV.) Southampton, England: The University Press, 1960. Pp. xxxviii, 148. 42s pp. 396-397

- Edward Miller
- Lettres Marchandes D'Anvers. Volume I, Introduction. By Vazquez de Prada. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1960. Pp. 358 pp. 397-398

- Violet Barbour
- The Sun Insurance Office, 1710–1960. By P. G. M. Dickson. London: Oxford University Press, 1960. Pp. xiv, 324. 45s pp. 398-399

- Morton Keller
- Annali (Journal of the Istituto di Storia Economica e Sociale, Università degli Studi di Napoli). Vol. I. Naples, 1960. Pp. 470. Lire 5000. - Il Banco dello Spirito Santo dalle origini al 1664. By Carlo di Somma. (Publication of the Istituto di Storia Economica e Sociale, Università degli Studi di Napoli, Biblioteca degli “Annali”.) Naples, 1960. Pp. 96. Lire 1000 pp. 399-400

- Douglas F. Dowd
- Die Grundlagen des Historismus in der deutschen Nationalökonomie. By Gottfried Eisermann. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1956. Pp. xv, 249. DM 25 or 28 (bd) pp. 401-402

- Adolf Sturmthal
- The Jews of Perpignan in the Thirteenth Century. An Economic Study Based on Notarial Records. By Richard W. Emery, New York: Columbia University Press, 1959. Pp. viii, 202 pp. 402-403

- Arthur J. Zukerman
- Poemi omerici ed economia antica. By Amintore Fanfani. (Biblioteca della rivista Economia e storia: 4.) Milan: Dott. A. Giuffrè, 1960, Pp. viii, 142. L. 1200 pp. 403-404

- Frederick M. Combellack
- The Union Pacific Railroad: A Case in Premature Enterprise. By Robert W. Fogel. (Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1960. Pp. 129. $3.50 pp. 404-406

- Paul H. Cootner
- Turkey; An Economy in Transition, By Z. Y. Hershlag. The Hague: Uitgeverij van Keulen n.v., 1958. Pp. xv, 340 pp. 406-407

- Alec P. Alexander
- Britain's Imperial Air Routes, 1918 to 1939. By Robin Higham. London: G. T. Foulis & Co. Ltd., 1960. Pp. 407. 42s. (Published in U. S. by Shoe String Press, Inc., Hamden, Conn.) pp. 407-407

- John H. Frederick
- British Monetary Experiments, 1650–1710. By J. K. Horsefield. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. xix, 344. $7.50 pp. 408-409

- J. R. T. Hughes
- The Social Evolution of Industrial Britain. By L. G. Johnson. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1959. Pp. 178. 25s pp. 409-410

- Sidney Pollard
- A Social Geography of Belfast. By Emrys Jones. London, New York and Toronto: London University Press, 1960. Pp. xii, 299. 35s pp. 410-412

- Morgan D. Thomas
- Fünf Pioniere der Textilindustrie. (Vol. 10 of the series Schweizer Pioniere der Wirtschajt und Technik, published by Verein für Wirtschaftshistorische Studien, Zurich, Switzerland.) Zurich, 1959. Pp. 149. Sfrs. 6 pp. 412-413

- Klaus H. Wolff
- A History of Labour in Sheffield. By Sidney Pollard. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1959. Pp. xix, 372. 35s pp. 413-415

- E. M. Sigsworth
- Anfänge und Entwicklung der Firmengeschichte und Unternehmerbiographie. By Fritz Redlich. (Erstes Beiheft der Tradition-Zeitschrift für Firmengeschichte und Unternehmerbiographie.) Baden-Baden: August Lutzeyer, 1959. Pp. 81 pp. 415-416

- Herbert Kisch
- Marshalls of Leeds: Flax-spinners, 1788–1886. By W. G. Rimmer. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1960. Pp. xiv, 342. $7.50 pp. 417-418

- C. P. Wright
- Energy in the American Economy, 1850–1975. An Economic Study of its History and Prospects. By Sam H. Schurr and Bruce C. Netschert. (Resources for the Future, Inc.) Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1960. Pp. xxii, 774. $12.50 pp. 418-421

- Abbot Payson Usher
- The Economic Societies of The Spanish World (1763–1821). By Robert J. Shafer. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1958. Pp. xiii, 416. $5.00 pp. 421-422

- L. F. Reitzer
- D. H. An Outline of de Havilland History. By C. Martin Sharp. London: Faber and Faber, 1960. Pp. 419. 42s pp. 422-423

- Robin Higham
- The Origins of Farming in Russia. By R. E. F. Smith. (Études sur l'Économie et la Sociologie des Pays Slaves, Vol. II.) Paris and The Hague: Mouton & Company, 1959. Pp. 198 pp. 423-425

- Alexander Gerschenkron
- The Rise of American Economic Thought. Edited by Henry William Spiegel. Philadelphia and New York: Chilton Company—Book Division, 1960. Pp. ix, 202. $5.00 pp. 425-426

- Theodore F. Marburg
- Gold and the Dollar Crisis. By Robert Triffin. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1960. Pp. xiv, 195. $4.75 pp. 426-427

- Charles P. Kindleberger
- The Winegrowers of France and the Government Since 1875. By Charles K. Warner. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. Pp. xvi, 303. $6.00 pp. 428-429

- Henry W. Ehrmann
Volume 21, issue 2, 1961
- The Economic Expansion of Lombardy, 1300–1500: A Study in Political Stimuli to Economic Change* pp. 143-160

- Douglas F. Dowd
- French Entrepreneurship During the Restoration: The Record of a Single Firm, the Anzin Mining Company* pp. 161-178

- Richard J. Barker
- The Economic History of India: A Bibliographic Essay pp. 179-207

- Morris David Morris and Burton Stein
- The Expansion of the Labor Market in Capitalist Russia: 1861–1917* pp. 208-215

- Gaston V. Rimlinger
- Industrial Borrowing by the New England Textile Mills, 1840–1860, A Comment* pp. 216-221

- Barbara Vatter
- Mrs. Vatter on Industrial Borrowing, A Reply pp. 222-226

- Lance E. Davis
- Massachusetts Shipping, 1697–1714: A Statistical Study. By Bernard Bailyn and Lotte Bailyn. Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1959. Pp. vii, 148. $5.00 pp. 228-229

- Lawrence A. Harper
- Pilkington Brothers and the Glass Industry. By T. C. Barker. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1961. Pp. 296. 40s pp. 229-231

- A. E. Musson
- The Lean Years. A History of the American Worker, 1920–1933. By Irving Bernstein. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961. Pp. xi, 577. $7.00 pp. 231-233

- Gerald G. Somers
- Economic Thought and the Irish Question, 1817–1870. By R. D. Collison Black. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960. Pp. 299. 37s. 6d pp. 233-234

- George W. Hilton
- Samuel Slater: Father of American Manufactures. By E. H. Cameron. Freeport, Maine: Bond Wheelwright Company, 1961. Pp. xvi, 206. $4.00 pp. 234-235

- W. Paul Strassmann
- The Development of the Soviet Budgetary System. By R. W. Davies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958. Pp. xxi, 373. 45s pp. 235-239

- Gregory Grossman
- Cargaisons Indiennes: Solier et Cie, 1781–1793. By Louis Dermigny. 2 vols. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1961. Pp. 310, 456 pp. 240-241

- Holden Furber
- Early American Policy: Six Columbia Contributors. By Joseph Dorfman and R. G. Tugwell. New York: Columbia University Press, 1961. Pp. 356. $6.00 pp. 241-244

- Theodore F. Marburg
- Monetary Decisions of The Supreme Court. By Gerald T. Dunne. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1961. Pp. 112. $4.50 pp. 244-245

- George Macesich
- Federal Receipts and Expenditures During Business Cycles, 1879–1958. By John M. Firestone. (National Bureau of Economic Research, Studies in Business Cycles, No. 9.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1961. Pp. xvi, 176. $4.00 pp. 245-246

- Seymour Sacks
- The Nobility of Toulouse in the Eighteenth Century: A Social and Economic Study. By Robert Forster. (The Johns Hopkins Studies in Historical and Political Science, Series LXXVIII (1960) No. 1.) Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1960. Pp. 212. $5.00 pp. 246-249

- Scott H. Lytle
- The Jewish Immigrant in England, 1870–1914. By Lloyd P. Gartner. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1960. Pp. 320. $5.00 pp. 249-249

- Charlotte Erickson
- Les Forges Françaises en 1772. By Bertrand Gille. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1960. Pp. 206 pp. 250-250

- Norman J. G. Pounds
- The Zollverein. By W. O. Henderson. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1960. Pp. 375. $7.50 pp. 250-252

- Leopold Kohr
- Studies on the Population of China, 1368–1953. By P. T. Ho. (Harvard East Asian Studies.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. Pp. xviii, 341. $6.00 pp. 252-254

- Alexander Eckstein
- Fluctuations in Trade, Industry, and Finance, A Study of British Economic Development, 1850–1860. By J. R. T. Hughes. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1960. Pp. xvi, 344. $7.20 pp. 254-256

- P. K. Chaudhuri
- Industrialism and Industrial Man: The Problems of Labor and Management in Economic Growth. By Clark Kerr, John T. Dunlop, Frederick H. Harbison, and Charles A. Myers. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. 331. $6.00 pp. 256-258

- Karl de Schweinitz
- Industrial Relations In The San Francisco Bay Area, 1900–1918. By Robert E. L. Knight. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1960. Pp. x, 463. $6.50 pp. 258-259

- Scott D. Walton
- Population Redistribution and Economic Growth, United States, 1870–1950. II. Analyses of Economic Change. By Simon Kuznets, Ann Ratner Miller, and Richard A. Easterlin. (Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 51.) Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1960. Pp. xiv, 289. $5.00 pp. 259-262

- Thomas S. Berry
- Wages and Earnings in the United States, 1860–1890. By Clarence D. Long. (National Bureau of Economic Research, General Series, No. 67.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1960. Pp. xviii, 169. $4.00 pp. 262-264

- Stanley Lebergott
- Studies in the Industrial Revolution, Presented to T. S. Ashton. Edited by L. S. Pressnell. London: The Athlone Press; published in the U.S.A. by Essential Books, Fair Lawn, New Jersey, 1960. Pp. 350. $6.75 pp. 264-266

- Barry E. Supple
- Economic Consequences of the Size of Nations. Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association. Edited by E. A. G. Robinson. New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1960. Pp. xxii, 447. $10.00 pp. 266-267

- James R. Nelson
- Farmer Movements in the South, 1865–1933. By Theodore Saloutos. (University of California Publications in History, LXIV.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. Pp. ix, 354. $6.50 pp. 267-269

- George B. Tindall
- The Persecution of the Huguenots and French Economic Development, 1680–1720. By Warren C. Scoville. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1960. Pp. x, 497. $6.50 pp. 269-270

- Robert Forster
- The Preindustrial City, Past and Present. By Gideon Sjoberg. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1960. Pp. xii, 353. $6.75 pp. 270-271

- Rhoads Murphey
- God Speed the Plow, The Coming of Steam Cultivation to Great Britain. By Clark C. Spence. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1960. Pp. ii, 183. $4.75 pp. 271-273

- Clarence H. Danhof
- Die grosse Zeit des Feuers. Der Weg der deutschen Industrie. By Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk. Three Vols. Tübingen: Rainer Wunderlich Verlag Hermann Leins (1957, 1958, 1959). Pp. 701, 711, 717 pp. 273-275

- Herman Freudenberger
- Moses Hess, Utopian Socialist. By John Weiss. (Wayne State University Studies, No. 8.) Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1960. Pp. 77. $1.95 pp. 275-276

- Carl Landauer
Volume 21, issue 1, 1961
- Errata pp. i-i

- Anonymous
- Egypt Since 1800: A Study in Lop-sided Development* pp. 1-25

- Charles Issawi
- The Trustee Savings Banks, 1817–1861* pp. 26-40

- Albert Fishlow
- Materials for the Study of the Economic History of Modern China* pp. 41-60

- Albert Feuerwerker
- Russian Peasants in the Factory 1892–1904 pp. 61-80

- Theodore H. Von Laue
- Rejoinder to Professor Bolino's Note pp. 81-84

- George G. S. Murphy and Arnold Zellner
- The Australian Wool Market, 1840–1900. By A. Barnard. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1958. Pp. xvii, 238 pp. 85-86

- E. M. Sigsworth
- Social Life in Early England. Edited by Geoffrey Barraclough. (Historical Association Essays.) New York: Barnes and Noble, 1960. Pp. xi, 264. $4.50 pp. 86-87

- Robert Brentano
- Charles H. Dow and the Dow Theory. By George W. BishopJr., New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1960. Pp. x, 359. $6.00 pp. 88-89

- Thomas S. Berry
- Monetary Policy under the International Gold Standard: 1880–1915. By Arthur I. Bloomfield. New York: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1959. Pp. 62. $.50 pp. 89-89

- Robert Baldwin
- Der Reichsmerkantilismus. Studien zur Wirtschaftspolitik des Heiligen Römischen Reiches im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. By Ingemar Bog. Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1959. Pp. xii, 194. DM 29.50 pp. 90-91

- Paul J. Meier
- Steelworkers in America: The Nonunion Era. By David Brody. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. viii, 303. $5.00 pp. 91-92

- Richard Lowitt
- The American Civil Engineer: Origins and Conflict. By Daniel H. Calhoun. Cambridge: The Technology Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; distributed by Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. xiv, 295. $5.50 pp. 92-94

- Forest G. Hill
- The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. II, The Reformation: 1520–1559. Edited by G. R. Elton. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958. Pp. xvi, 686. $7.50. - The New Cambridge Modern History, Vol. VII, The Old Regime: 1713–63. Edited by J. O. Lindsay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1957. Pp. xx, 625. $7.50 pp. 94-96

- Herbert H. Rowen
- Storia dell'economia italiana. Saggi di storia economica. Edited by Carlo M. Cipolla. Vol. I: Secoli settimo—diciassettesimo. Turin: Edizioni Scientifiche Einaudi, 1959. Pp. 628 pp. 96-97

- David Herlihy
- Lo stato pontificio e il movimento riformatore del sette-cento. By Luigi Dal Pane. Milan: Giuffrè, 1959. Pp. vii, 798. 4500 lire pp. 97-98

- James C. Davis
- Iron in the Making. Dowlais Iron Company Letters, 1782–1860. Edited by Madeleine Elsas. Cardiff: Glamorgan County Records Committee, 1960. Pp. xix, 247 pp. 98-99

- W. E. Minchinton
- Politics and Grass; The Administration of Grazing on the Public Domain. By Phillip O. Foss. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1960. Pp. ix, 236. $4.50 pp. 99-100

- James H. Shideler
- The CIO Challenge to the AFL: A History of the American Labor Movement, 1935–1941. By Walter Galenson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. xix, 732. $9.75 pp. 100-101

- Emanuel Stein
- Government Promotion of American Canals and Railroads, 1800–1890. By Carter Goodrich. New York: Columbia University Press, 1960. Pp. x. 382. $7.50 pp. 101-103

- Louis C. Hunter
- Industrialization in the Middle East. By K. Grunwald and J. Ronall. New York: Council for Middle Eastern Affairs Press, 1960. Pp. 394. $7.00 pp. 103-104

- Daniel Garnick
- The Electric Interurban Railways in America. By George W. Hilton and John F. Due. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960. Pp. xi, 463. $9.50 pp. 104-105

- Kendall Birr
- Jacksonian Democracy and the Working Class. A Study of the New York Workingmen's Movement, 1829–1837. By Walter Hugins. (Stanford Studies in History, Economics, and Political Science, XIX.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1960. Pp. vi, 286. $6.00 pp. 105-106

- Carl N. Degler
- Foreign Capital and Economic Development: Japan, India, and Canada. By Nurul Islam. Rutland (Vt.) and Tokyo: Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1960. Pp. 251. $5.0.0 pp. 107-108

- Walter C. Neale
- Antitrust Policy: An Economic and Legal Analysis. By Carl Kaysen and Donald F. Turner. (Harvard University Series on Competition in American Industry.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. Pp xxiii, 345. $7.50 pp. 108-110

- Theodore F. Marburg
- Intelligence and Democratic Action. By Frank H. Knight. (Lectures delivered at the Thomas Jefferson Center for Studies in Political Economy, University of Virginia.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1960. Pp. 177. $3.75 pp. 110-111

- George Soule
- European Socialism. By Carl Landauer. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1959. 2 vols. Pp. xi, 1893. $20.00 pp. 111-113

- Philip Taft
- History of Humble Oil & Refining Company: A Study in Industrial Growth. By Henrietta M. Larson and Kenneth W. Porter. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1959. Pp. xxiv, 769. $7.50 pp. 114-115

- Gerald T. White
- The Politics of Railroad Coordination, 1933–1936. By Earl Latham. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. Pp. x, 338. $6.50 pp. 115-116

- Ralph Budd
- Imperfect Collusion in the Cement Industry. By Samuel M. Loescher. (Harvard University Series in American Competition, 4.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. Pp. vi, 329. $7.00 pp. 116-117

- Charles Gilbert
- The Economy of Scotland in its European Setting, 1550–1625. By S. G. E. Lythe. Edinburgh and London: Oliver & Boyd, 1960. 21s pp. 117-118

- Jacob M. Price
- Mergers and the Clayton Act. By David D. Martin. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1959. Pp. xii, 351. $6.00 pp. 118-120

- Robert C. Toole
- The Central Administration of the East India Company, 1773–1834. By B. B. Misra. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1959. Pp. xii, 476. 45s pp. 120-121

- Mark Naidis
- The Natural Gas Industry, Monopoly and Competition in Field Markets. By Edward J. Neuner. (An Oil and Gas Journal Book.) Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1960. Pp. xx, 302. $5.75 pp. 121-122

- Arthur M. Johnson
- Southern Tradition and Regional Progress. By William H. Nicholls. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1960. Pp. xviii, 202. $5.00 pp. 122-123

- Hugh Hawkins
- American Labor. By Henry Pelling. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1960. Pp. vii, 247. $5.00 pp. 123-124

- Scott D. Walton
- Salt and Salt Shakers: Hobbies for Young and Old. By Arthur G. Peterson. Washington, D.C.: Washington College Press, 1960. Pp. 148. $5.00. (Order from Dr. H. E. Peterson, 416 Pershing Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland.) pp. 125-125

- Solomon Fabricant
- To the Golden Door: The Story of the Irish in Ireland and America. By George Potter. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1960. Pp. viii, 631. $6.50 pp. 125-126

- Richard Lowitt
- Studies in British Overseas Trade, 1870–1914. By S. B. Saul. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1960. Pp. vi, 246. 35s pp. 127-128

- Max E. Fletcher
- Bremen's Bevölkerung in der ersten Hälfte des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. By Hans-Ludwig Schaefer. (Veröffentlichrungen aus dem Staatsarchiv der Freien Hansestadt Bremen—Friedrich Prüser, editor. Vol. 25.) Bremen: Walter Dorn Verlag, 1957. Pp. 277 pp. 128-131

- Herbert Kisch
- History of the House of Siemens. By Georg Siemens. Vol. I, 1847–1914, Vol. II, 1914–1945. Kreiburg/Munich: Karl Aber, 1957. 660 pp pp. 131-132

- William N. Parker
- Progress and Profits in British Economic Thought, 1650–1850. By G. S. L. Tucker. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1960. Pp. vii, 206. $5.00 pp. 132-133

- Barry E. Supple
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