The Journal of Economic History
1941 - 2025
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Volume 15, issue 4, 1955
- Industrial Investment Decisions: A Comparative Analysis* pp. 335-351

- Henry G. Aubrey
- Discussion pp. 352-359

- James Baster and Sanford A. Mosk
- Notes on the Rate of Industrial Growth in Italy, 1881–1913* pp. 360-375

- Alexander Gerschenkron
- Growth of the Rubber Industry of Great Britain and the United States* pp. 376-391

- William Woodruff
- The Development of Nazi Monetary Policy pp. 392-402

- Martin Wolfe
- French and Canadian Exchange Rate Policy pp. 403-410

- Harry C. Eastman
- Discussion pp. 411-414

- Ross M. Robertson and Edward C. Simmons
- A New Framework for Social History pp. 415-426

- J. H. Hexter
- Discussion pp. 427-431

- Mildred Campbell
Volume 15, issue 3, 1955
- Developments in the Scottish Pig Iron Trade, 1844–1848 pp. 209-226

- R. H. Campbell
- Federal-State Financial Relations, 1790–1860 pp. 227-245

- Paul B. Trescott
- Labor Unrest in England, 1910–1914 pp. 246-266

- Ronald V. Sires
- Criteria of Periodization in Economic History* pp. 267-272

- Herbert Heaton
- Economic Stagnation in Europe in the Interwar Period pp. 273-280

- Douglas F. Dowd
- Soviet Industrial Growth—The Early Plan Period* pp. 281-287

- Holland Hunter
- Stamp Duties pp. 288-290

- Jan M. Novotny
- Business History - The Dollar Decade: Business Ideas in the 1920's. By James W. Prothro. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1954. Pp. xxi, 256. $4.75 pp. 291-293

- Herman E. Krooss
- The Reputation of the American Businessman. By Sigmund Diamond. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1955. Pp. 209. $4.00 pp. 293-294

- Irvin G. Wyllie
- The Beginnings and Development of German Business History. By Fritz Redlich. Supplement to the Bulletin of the Business Historical Society, September 1952. Pp. 82 pp. 294-295

- William N. Parker
- Business Without Boundary: The Story of General Mills. By James Gray. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1954. Pp. xiii, 343. $4.75 pp. 295-296

- Myron H. Luke
- Main Street on the Middle Border. By Lewis Atherton. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1954. Pp. xix, 423. $6.00 pp. 297-297

- Thomas C. Cochran
- Rich's of Atlanta: The Story of a Store Since 1867. By Henry G. Baker. (Division of Research, School of Business Administration, Atlanta Division, University of Georgia.) Atlanta: Foote and Davis, Inc., 1953. Pp. xviii, 411. $7.50. - History of Marshall Field & Co., 1852–1906. By Robert W. Twyman. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1954. Pp. 249. $5.00 pp. 298-299

- Vincent P. Carosso
- Technology - A History of Mechanical Invention. By Abbott Payson Usher. Rev. ed.; Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 450. $9.00 pp. 300-301

- John B. Rae
- Money and Prices - Wholesale Prices in Philadelphia, 1852–1896. Series of Relative Monthly Prices. By Anne Bezanson, assisted by Marjorie C. Denison, Miriam Hussey, and Elsa Klemp. (Publication of the Industrial Research Department, Wharton School of Finance and Commerce, University of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1954. Pp. xxxv, 506. $10.00 pp. 301-303

- Thomas S. Berry
- History of the Philadelphia National Bank, 1803–1953. By Nicholas B. Wainwright. Philadelphia: The Philadelphia National Bank, 1953. Pp. lx, 263. $3.00 pp. 303-304

- Walter B. Smith
- The Great Inflation, 1939–1951. By A. J. Brown. (Issued under auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.) London: Oxford University Press, 1955. Pp. xiii, 321. 30s pp. 304-306

- M. Bronfenbrenner
- National Economic Histories - The Economic Development of Japan, Growth and Structural Change, 1868–1938. By William W. Lockwood. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954. Pp. xv, 603. $10.00. - Japanese Food Management in World War II. By B. F. Johnston with Mosaburo Hosoda and Yoshio Kusumi. (Publication of the Food Research Institute, Stanford University.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1953. Pp. xii, 283. $7.50 pp. 306-308

- Edwin O. Reischauer
- Statistiche sul mezzogiorno d'Italia, 1861–1953. Compiled and published by SVIMEZ, Rome, 1954. Pp. xii, 1096 pp. 309-310

- Shepard B. Clough
- Western Enterprise in Far Eastern Economic Development: China and Japan. By G. C. Allen and Audrey G. Donnithorne. (Published in co-operation with the International Secretariat, Institute of Pacific Relations.) New York: The Macmillan Company; London: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 1954. Pp. 292. $4.50 pp. 310-310

- Owen Lattimore
- Die handelspolitischen Beziehungen Hamburgs und Griechenlands von 1832 bis 1867. By Bernard Vonderlage. Hamburg: Cram, De Gruyter and Company, 1954. Pp. 207. - Greece: A Political and Economic Survey, 1939–1953. By Bickham Sweet-Escott. London and New York: Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1954. Pp. vii, 207. $4.00 pp. 311-312

- Traian Stoianovich
- The United States and Argentina. By Arthur P. Whitaker. (Publication of the American Foreign Policy Library.) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954. Pp. xv, 272. $4.75 pp. 312-313

- C. Harvey Gardiner
- South African Food and Agriculture in World War II. By J. M. Tinley. (Food Research Institute Series on Food, Agriculture and World War II.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1954. Pp. xii, 138. $5.00 pp. 313-314

- Clarence H. Danhof
- Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast: The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842–1854. By John King Fairbank. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953. Pp. xiii, 489. $7.50 pp. 314-316

- Grace Fox
- Population and Labor - British Post-War Migration. By Julius Isaac. (“Occasional Papers,” No. 17, National Institute of Economic and Social Research.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1954. Pp. xix, 310. 30s pp. 316-317

- Hope T. Eldridge
- Économie et population, Les doctrines françaises avant 1800. De Budé à Condorcet. By Joseph J. Spengler. En appendice, un étude d'Alfred Sauvy sur Quelques Démographes ignorés du XVIIIe Siècle. (“Publication of the Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques.”) Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1954. Pp. 389. Cloth bound, 1200 Fr. Paper bound, 900 Fr pp. 318-318

- J. C. Russell
- The French Labor Movement. By Val R. Lorwin. (“Wertheim Publications in Industrial Relations.”) Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954. Pp. xix, 346. $6.00 pp. 318-319

- Joel Colton
- Commerce - De Engelse Natie te Antwerpen in de 16e Eeuw (1496–1582). By Oskar de Smedt. Antwerp: De Sikkel, 1954. Vol. II, pp. vi, 743 pp. 319-320

- Violet Barbour
- Histoire du commerce de Marseille. Vol. IV: De 1599 à 1660. By Louis Bergasse. De 1660 à 1789. By Gaston Rambert. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1954. Pp. viii, 683 pp. 321-322

- Paul Walden Bamford
- American Economic Policy Toward the Philippines. By Shirley Jenkins. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1954. Pp. viii, 181. $4.00 pp. 322-323

- Henry Wells
- History of Economic Thought - History of Economic Analysis, by Joseph A. Schumpeter. Edited from manuscript by Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter. New York: Oxford University Press, 1954. Pp. xxv, 1260. $17.50 pp. 323-325

- Simon Kuznets
- On the Nature of History. By James C. Malin. Lawrence Kan.: The author, 1954. Pp. vii, 290. $3.00 pp. 326-327

- William B. Hesseltine
- John Maynard Keynes, Economist and Policy Maker. By Seymour E. Harris. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1955. Pp. xiv, 234. $3.00. - A Guide to Keynes. By Alvin H. Hansen. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1953. Pp. xiv, 237. $3.75 pp. 327-328

- Dudley Dillard
Volume 15, issue 2, 1955
- The Trade Crisis of the Early 1620's and English Economic Thought pp. 121-133

- J. D. Gould
- The History of Guaranteed Wages and Employment* pp. 134-150

- Don A. Seastone
- The Farmers' Attitude Toward British Investment in American Industry pp. 151-159

- Roger V. Clements
- The Date of England's Treasure by Forraign Trade pp. 160-161

- J. D. Gould
- Agriculture - Sviluppo economico e ruolo dell'agricoltura. By Innocenzo Gasparini. Sassari: Edicioni Banca e Credito Agrario, 1953. Pp. xv, 290. Lire 1,500 pp. 162-162

- Shepard B. Clough
- Management of Agriculture and Food in the German-Occupied and Other Areas of Fortress Europe: A Study in Military Government. By Karl Brandt in collaboration with Otto Schiller and Franz Ahlgrimm. (Food Research Institute, “Germany's Agricultural and Food Policies in World War II Series,” Vol. II.) Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1953. Pp. xxxiv, 707. $10.00 pp. 162-163

- David J. Brandenburg
- American Farm Life. By Lowry Nelson. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954. Pp. viii, 192. $3.75 pp. 163-164

- Earle D. Ross
- Mortgage Lending Experience in Agriculture. By Lawrence A. Jones and David Durand. (National Bureau of Economic Research, Studies in Agricultural Finance, No. I.) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954. Pp. xxii, 234. $5.00 pp. 164-165

- Philip Raup
- Business and Industrial History - Gulf to Rockies: The Heritage of the Fort Worth and Denver-Colorado and Southern Railways, 1861–1898. By Richard C. Overton. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1953. Pp. xiii, 410. $5.00 pp. 165-167

- Alfred Chandler
- The Welland Canal Company. A Study in Canadian Enterprise. By Hugh G. J. Aitken. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954. Pp. ix, 178. $3.50 pp. 167-169

- H. C. Pentland
- Basing Point Pricing and Regional Development: A Case Study of the Iron and Steel Industry. By George W. Stocking. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1954. Pp. x, 274. $6.50 pp. 169-170

- Arthur C. Bining
- Collis Potter Huntington. By Cerinda W. Evans. Newport News, Virginia: The Mariners' Museum, 1954. 2 vols. Pp. 775. $12.00 pp. 170-172

- Howard Jay Graham
- Jakob Fugger. By Götz Freiherr von Pölnitz. Two volumes: Kaiser, Kirche und Kapital in der oberdeutschen Renaissance (preface dated 1949) and Quellen und Erlauterungen (preface dated 1951.) Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr. Pp. xii, 662; xi, 669. DM 44.40. - Fugger und Hanse: ein hundert jahriges Ringen um Ostsee und Nordsee. By Götz Freiherr von Pölnitz. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1953. Pp. xiv, 236. DM 11.50 pp. 172-173

- F. L. Nussbaum
- Retail Trading in Britain, 1850–1950. By James B. Jefferys. (Publication of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954. Pp. xvii, 497. $9.50 pp. 173-175

- Harold Barger
- Petroleum in Venezuela: A History. By Edwin Lieuwen. (University of California Publications in History, Volume 47.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1954. Pp. vii, 160. Cloth, $3.00; paper, $2.00 pp. 175-177

- J. Richard Powell
- Der Binnenhandel in der Politik der livländischen Städte im Mittelalter. By Vilho Niitemaa. (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. B., Vol. 76.2.) Helsinki: Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, 1952. Pp. 379 pp. 177-178

- Walther Kirchner
- Finance - Evolution of Cost Accounting to 1925. By S. Paul Garner. University, Alabama: University of Alabama Press, 1954. Pp. xiv, 416. $6.50 pp. 178-180

- Perry Mason
- Confederate Finance. By Richard Cecil Todd. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1954. Pp. x, 258. $5.00 pp. 180-181

- Charles Gilbert
- Glyn's, 1753–1953: Six Generations in Lombard Street. By Roger Fulford. London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1953. Pp. xvi, 267. $4.50 pp. 181-182

- Penelope Hartland
- Hjalmar Schacht for and against Hitler: A Political-Economic Study of Germany, 1923–1945. By Edward Norman Peterson. Boston: Christopher Publishing House, 1954. Pp. 416. $5.00 pp. 182-183

- Amos E. Simpson
- Labor and Population - American Labor from Defense to Reconversion. By Joel Seidman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1953. Pp. xi, 307. $5.50 pp. 183-184

- Henry David
- National Insurance and Assistance in Great Britain. By David C. Marsh. London and New York: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1950. Pp. xii, 187. $5.00 pp. 185-185

- Ronald V. Sires
- Economic Growth - Prelude to Point Four: American Technical Missions Overseas, 1838–1938. By Merle Curti and Kendall Birr. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 284. $5.00 - The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1946–1953. By the Staff of the Bank. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 273. $4.00 pp. 186-188

- Jeannette P. Nichols
- Labor, Management, and Economic Growth. Proceedings of a Conference on Human Resources and Labor Relations in Underdeveloped Countries. Edited by Robert L. Aronson and John P. Windmuller. Ithaca: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1954. Pp. v, 251. $2.00. Mimeographed pp. 188-189

- Sigmund Diamond
- People of Plenty: Economic Abundance and the American Character. By David M. Potter. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. Pp. xxvii, 219. $3.50 pp. 189-190

- Irvin G. Wyllie
- A Theory of Economic-Demographic Development. By Harvey Leibenstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 204. $4.00. - Economic Development and Population Growth in Rhode Island. By Kurt B. Mayer. (Brown University Papers, XXVIII.) Providence: Brown University, 1953. Pp. 70 pp. 190-191

- Everett Lee
- History of Economic Thought - Lecture Notes on Types of Economic Theory. 2 volumes. By Wesley C. Mitchell. New York: Augustus M. Kelley, 1949. Pp. ii, 261, 300. Mimeographed. - Wesley Clair Mitchell: The Economic Scientist. Edited by Arthur F. Burns. New York: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1952. Pp. viii, 379. $4.00. - Ten Great Economists: From Marx to Keynes. By Joseph A. Schumpeter. New York: Oxford University Press, 1951. Pp. xiv, 305. $4.75 pp. 191-192

- Joseph J. Spengler
- General Economic History - Economic Dialogues in Ancient China. Selections from The Kuan-tzu, a book written probably three centuries before Christ. Translators: T'an Po-fu and Wen Kung-wen (Adam K. W. Wen). The enterprise directed, the book edited and published by Lewis Maverick, 1954. (Orders to be sent to Far Eastern Publications, 26 Hall of Graduate Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Conn.) Pp. x, 470 pp. 193-195

- W. Eberhard
- Economic History of Great Britain. By W. Stanford Reid. New York: The Ronald Press Company, 1954. Pp. x, 557. $6.00 pp. 195-196

- Judith Blow Williams
- Vijf jaar praktijk in dienst van het economisch- en sociaal-historisch hoger onderwijs: met illustratieve beschouwingen over stedelijke rentebrieven en een keukenboek van 1596. By J. H. Kernkamp. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1954. Pp. 33. Guilders 1.75 pp. 195-195

- Herbert H. Rowen
- The Harvard Guide pp. 197-198

- Otto H. Ehrlich
- Economic Abstracts pp. 198-198

- Otto H. Ehrlich
Volume 15, issue 1, 1955
- Family Structure and Economic Change in Nineteenth-Century Europe* pp. 1-12

- H. J. Habakkuk
- Factors in Economic Growth in Canada* pp. 13-22

- Penelope Hartland
- Foreign Observers of the British Iron Industry During the Eighteenth Century pp. 23-33

- Alan Birch
- Sir William Ashley: Some Unpublished Letters* pp. 34-43

- H. W. McCready and W. J. Ashley
- History of Economic Thought - Economic Doctrine and Method. A Historical Sketch. By Joseph A. Schumpeter. (Translated from the German by R. Aris.) New York: Oxford University Press, 1954. Pp. 207. $3.50 pp. 44-45

- Dudley Dillard
- German Marxism and Russian Communism. By John Plamenatz. New York: Longmans, Green & Co., 1954. Pp. xxiii, 356. $4.25 pp. 45-46

- Philip E. Moseley
- Socialist Thought: Marxism and Anarchism, 1850–1890. By G. D. H. Cole. (A History of Socialist Thought: Volume II.) London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 482. $6.00 pp. 46-48

- Rondo E. Cameron
- The “ISMS”; a History and Evaluation. By Eugene O. Golob. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. Pp. xii, 681. $6.00 pp. 48-50

- George W. F. Hallgarten
- The Frontiers of Economic Knowledge. Essays by Arthur F. Burns. (Publication of the National Bureau of Economic Research, New York) Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1954. Pp. ix, 367. $5.00 pp. 50-51

- Allan M. Cartter
- The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism. Eduard Bernstein's Challenge to Marx. By Peter Gay. New York: Columbia University Press, 1952. Pp. xvii, 334. $4.50 pp. 51-53

- Carl E. Schorske
- Why Dictators? The Causes and Forms of Tyrannical Rule Since 600 B.C. By George W. F. Hallgarten. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1954. Pp. xiii, 379. $5.50 pp. 53-54

- Eugene O. Golob
- National Economics - A Concise Economic History of Britain from 1750 to Recent Times. By W. H. B. Court. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954. Pp. viii, 368. $4.00 pp. 54-55

- Ronald V. Sires
- Britain and Industrial Europe, 1750–1870. By W. O. Henderson. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1954. Pp. vii, 255. 25s pp. 55-57

- W. Woodruff
- Introduction to the Economic History of China. By E. Stuart Kirby. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1954. Pp. 202. New York: The Macmillan Company. $4.25 pp. 57-58

- Derk Bodde
- Consumers' Expenditure in the United Kingdom, 1900–1919. By A. R. Prest assisted by A. A. Adams. (Studies in the National Income and Expenditure of the United Kingdom, No. 3.) New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954. Pp. xiii, 195. $7.50 pp. 58-59

- Anna Jacobson Schwartz
- The Dynamics of Soviet Society. By W. W. Rostow, in collaboration with Alfred Levin, and with the assistance of others at the Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1953. Pp. xvi, 282. $3.95 pp. 59-61

- Fred S. Rodkey
- La Politico Commerciale Estera degli Stati Uniti dal 1789 al 1812: Orientamenti Federalisti e Orientamenti Repubblicani. By Aldo De Maddalena. (Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” Istituto di Storia Economica.) Milano: Istituto Editoriale Cisalpino, 1953. Pp. 355 pp. 61-62

- Vincent P. Carosso
- Management of the Industrial Firm in the USSR, A Study in Soviet Economic Planning. By David Granick. (Publication of the Russian Institute, Columbia University.) New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. Pp. 346. $5.00 pp. 62-64

- M. Gardner Clark
- Historiography - Saggi bibliografici e storici intorno alle dottrine economiche. By Luigi Einaudi. (Storia ed Economia under the editorship of Bruno Rossi Ragazzi, Number 1.) Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1953. Pp. xiii, 367. Lire 3,000 pp. 64-65

- Raymond de Roover
- The Social Sciences in Historical Study: A Report of the Committee on Historiography. New York: Social Science Research Council (Bulletin 64), 1954. Pp. x, 181. Paper $1.75; cloth $2.25 pp. 65-67

- Frederic C. Lane
- Business and Industrial History - From Mine to Market: The History of Coal Transportation on the Norfolk and Western Railway. By Joseph T. Lambie. (Business History Series.) New York: New York University Press, 1954. Pp. xviii, 380. $6.00 pp. 67-69

- Thomas LeDuc
- Swedish Timber Exports, 1850–1950. By E. F. Söderlund, Annagreta Hallberg, and Jan Sandin. Edited for the Swedish Wood Exporters' Association. Stockholm, 1952. Pp. xi, 383 pp. 69-70

- Goran Ohlin
- Works and Buildings. By C. M. Kohan. (History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Civil Series.) London: H. M. Stationery Office and Longmans, Green & Co., 1952. Pp. xvi, 540. 32s. 6d pp. 70-71

- Sidney Ratner
- “Those Having Torches …” Economic Essays in Honor of Alzada Comstock. Edited by Lucile Tomlinson Wessmann. South Hadley, Mass.: Mount Holyoke College, 1954. Pp. iv, 134. $3.00 pp. 71-72

- Judith Blow Williams
- The Oil Business as I Saw It: Half a Century with Sinclair. By W. L. Connelly. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. Pp. xiv, 177. $3.75 pp. 72-73

- Arnold R. Daum
- The American Life Convention (1906–1950): A Study in the History of Life Insurance. By R. Carlyle Buley. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., 1953. 2 Vols. Pp. 1,397. $15.00 pp. 73-74

- Harris Proschansky
- Ideas and Weapons: Exploitation of the Aerial Weapon by the United States during World War I; A Study in the Relationship of Technological Advance, Military Doctrine, and the Development of Weapons. By I. B. HolleyJr, (Yale Historical Publications, Miscellany, Volume LVII.) New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. Pp. xii, 222. $3.75 pp. 74-75

- Sidney Ratner
- New Light on the History of Great American Fortunes. Edited with an Introduction by Sidney Ratner. New York: Augustus M. Kelley, Inc., 1953. Pp. xxvii, 106. $3.00 pp. 75-76

- William Miller
- A Merchant Prince of the Nineteenth Century: William E. Dodge. By Richard Lowitt. New York: Columbia University Press, 1954. Pp. xii, 384. $5.00 pp. 76-77

- William B. Gates
- The Cod Fisheries: The History of an International Economy. By Harold A. Innis. Revised Edition. Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, 1954. Pp. xviii, 522. $8.50 pp. 77-78

- Thomas LeDuc
- Agriculture - The Lost Villages of England. By Maurice Beresford. London: Lutterworth Press; New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1954. Pp. 445. 45s pp. 78-79

- Sylvia L. Thrupp
- Steam Power on the American Farm. By Reynold M. Wik. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press for The American Historical Association, 1953. Pp. xii, 288. $5.00 pp. 79-81

- Rudolf A. Clemen
- The Nebraska Question, 1852–1854. By James C. Malin. Lawrence, Kansas: The Author, 1953. Pp. ix, 455. $4.00 pp. 81-81

- Vernon Carstensen
- Food: Volume I: The Growth of Policy. By R. J. Hammond. (History of the Second World War, United Kingdom Civil Series.) London: H. M. Stationery Office and Longmans, Green & Co., 1951. Pp. xii, 436. 25s. (New York: British Information Service. $5.75.) pp. 82-83

- Sidney Ratner
- Farm Policies of the United States, 1790–1950: A Study of their Origins and Development. By Murray R. Benedict. New York: The Twentieth Century Fund, 1953. Pp. xv, 548. $5.00 pp. 83-85

- Clarence H. Danhof
- Labor and Population - Migration and Economic Growth: a Study of Great Britain and the Atlantic Economy. By Brinley Thomas. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1954. Pp. xxv, 362. $8.00 pp. 85-87

- J. B. Brebner
- The Typographical Association: Origins and History up to 1949. By A. E. Musson. London: Oxford University Press, 1954. Pp. ix, 550. 30s pp. 87-88

- C. L. Mowat
- British Immigrants in Industrial America, 1790–1950. By Rowland Tappan Berthoff. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953. Pp. ix, 296. $5.00 pp. 88-89

- Edward C. Kirkland
- The Pacific Coast Maritime Shipping Industry, 1930–1948; Volume II, An Analysis of Performance. By Wytze Gorter and George H. Hildebrand. (Joint publication of the Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Southern Section, and the Institute of Industrial Relations, Southern Division, University of California.) Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1954. Pp. xix, 371. $5.00 pp. 89-91

- John G. B. Hutchins
- Trade and Transportation - The Transportation Revolution, 1815–1860. By George Rogers Taylor. (The Economic History of the United States, Volume IV.) New York: Rinehart & Company, Inc., 1951. Pp. xvii, 490. $4.50 pp. 89-89

- Robert G. Albion
- Commerces et Marchands de Toulouse (vers 1350–vers 1450). By Philippe Wolff. Paris: Librairie Plon, 1954. Pp. xxxiii, 710. Frs. 2,400 pp. 91-92

- Robert L. Reynolds
- Le Commerce du Royaume de Naples avec la France et les pays de l'Adriatique au XVIIIe siècle. By R. Romano. (Ports, Routes et Trafics. École Pratique des Hautes Études—VIe Section, Centre de Rècherches Historiques.) Paris: Librairie Armand Colin, 1951. Pp. 95. Frs. 450 pp. 93-95

- A. William Salomone
- Arid Domain: The Santa Fe Railway and Its Western Land Grant. By William S. Greever. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1954. Pp. x, 184. $4.00 pp. 95-96

- Howard F. Bennett
- Money and Finance - Papers in English Monetary History. Edited by T. S. Ashton and R. S. Sayers. New York: Oxford University Press, 1953. Pp. 167. $3.50 pp. 96-99

- Karl H. Niebyl
- A Century of Banking in Wisconsin. By Theodore A. Anderson. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1954. Pp. vi, 226. $4.00 pp. 99-100

- Herman E. Krooss
- La “causa impositionis” nello svolgimento storico della dottrina finanziaria. By Renzo Pomini. (Studi dell'Istituto di Finanza dell'Università e della Camera di Commercio di Pavia, Nuova Serie.) Milan: Dott. A. Giuffrè, 1951. Pp. xii, 359. 1,500 Lire pp. 100-102

- Raymond de Roover
- Israel Thorndike, Federalist Financier. By John D. Forbes. (Publication of Exposition Press for the Beverly Historical Society.) New York: Exposition Press, 1953. Pp. 160. $3.50 pp. 102-103

- Frances W. Gregory
- Biography of a Bank: The Story of Bank of America N. T. & S. A. By Marquis and Bessie Rowland James. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1954. Pp. v, 566. $5.00 pp. 103-104

- Vincent P. Carosso
- Federal Debt-Management Policies, 1865–1879. By Robert T. Patterson. Durham: Duke University Press, 1954. Pp. xi, 244. $4.50 pp. 104-105

- Henrietta M. Larson
- Economic Aspects of the Second Bank of the United States. By Walter Buckingham Smith. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1953. Pp. xii, 314. $5.00 pp. 105-106

- Herman E. Krooss
- Articles in Festschriften: Addenda pp. 109-111

- Dorothy Rounds
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